276 resultados para MYELOMA
In the present paper, we report on the use of the heteroduplex PCR technique to detect the presence of clonally rearranged VDJ segments of the heavy chain immunoglobulin gene (VDJH) in the apheresis products of patients with multiple myeloma (MM) undergoing autologous peripheral blood stem cell (APBSC) transplantation. Twenty-three out of 31 MM patients undergoing APBSC transplantation with VDJH segments clonally rearranged detected at diagnosis were included in the study. Samples of the apheresis products were PCR amplified using JH and VH (FRIII and FRII) consensus primers and subsequently analyzed with the heteroduplex technique, and compared with those obtained at diagnosis. 52% of cases yielded positive results (presence of clonally rearranged VDJH segments in at least one apheresis). The presence of positive results in the apheresis products was not related to any pretransplant characteristics with the exception of response status at transplant. Thus, while no one patient with positive apheresis products was in complete remission (CR), negative immunofixation, before the transplant, five cases (46%) with negative apheresis were already in CR at transplant (P = 0.01). The remaining six cases with heteroduplex PCR negative apheresis were in partial remission before transplant. Patients with clonally free products were more likely to obtain CR following transplant (64% vs 17%, P= 0.02) and a longer progression-free survival, (40 months in patients transplanted with polyclonal products vs 20 with monoclonal ones, P = 0.03). These results were consistent when the overall survival was considered, since it was better in those patients with negative apheresis than it was in those with positive (83% vs 36% at 5 years from diagnosis, P= 0.01). These findings indicate that the presence of clonality rearranged VDJH segments is related to the response and outcome in MM transplanted patients.
The p16 gene competes with cyclin D for binding to CDK4/CDK6 and therefore inhibits CDK4/6 complex kinase activity, resulting in dephosphorylation of pRb and related G1 growth arrest. Inactivation of this gene has been involved in a variety of tumors by different mechanisms: homozygous/hemyzygous deletions, point mutations and methylation of a 5' CpG island into exon E1alpha of the p16 gene. Homozygous deletions have been rarely found in multiple myeloma (MM) and no point mutations have been reported. Two recent studies have reported a high prevalence of methylation in the exon E1alpha of the p16 gene, but included only a small number of cases. We have analyzed the methylation pattern of exon E1alpha of the p16 gene in 101 untreated MM and five primary plasma cell leukemias (PCL). A PCR assay, relying on the inability of some restriction enzymes to digest methylated sequences, was used to analyze the methylation status. Southern blot analysis was used to confirm these results. Forty-one of 101 MM patients (40.5%) as well as four of the five (80%) primary PCL patients had shown methylation of the exon E1alpha. Our study confirms that hypermethylation of the p16 gene is a frequent event in MM. Leukemia (2000) 14, 183-187.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Molecular analysis by PCR of monoclonally rearranged immunoglobulin (Ig) genes can be used for diagnosis in B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders (LPD), as well as for monitoring minimal residual disease (MRD) after treatment. This technique has the risk of false-positive results due to the "background" amplification of similar rearrangements derived from polyclonal B-cells. This problem can be resolved in advance by additional analyses that discern between polyclonal and monoclonal PCR products, such as the heteroduplex analysis. A second problem is that PCR frequently fails to amplify the junction regions, mainly due to somatic mutations frequently present in mature (post-follicular) B-cell lymphoproliferations. The use of additional targets (e.g. Ig light chain genes) can avoid this problem. DESIGN AND METHODS: We studied the specificity of heteroduplex PCR analysis of several Ig junction regions to detect monoclonal products in samples from 84 MM patients and 24 patients with B cell polyclonal disorders. RESULTS: Using two distinct VH consensus primers (FR3 and FR2) in combination with one JH primer, 79% of the MM displayed monoclonal products. The percentage of positive cases was increased by amplification of the Vlamda-Jlamda junction regions or kappa(de) rearrangements, using two or five pairs of consensus primers, respectively. After including these targets in the heteroduplex PCR analysis, 93% of MM cases displayed monoclonal products. None of the polyclonal samples analyzed resulted in monoclonal products. Dilution experiments showed that monoclonal rearrangements could be detected with a sensitivity of at least 10(-2) in a background with >30% polyclonal B-cells, the sensitivity increasing up to 10(-3) when the polyclonal background was
Multiple myeloma (MM) is a plasmocytic malignant proliferation of a single clone resulting in an overabundance of monoclonal immunoglobulins. MM commonly presents with bone disorders, renal failure, anaemia and hypercalcaemia. Hyperviscosity syndrome is rare, as are vaso-occlusive symptoms. The authors report a dramatic case of an 80-year-old woman admitted to the emergency department with full-blown distal gangrene. The culprit turned out to be a MM, unusually presenting with symptomatic hyperviscosity and peripheral occlusive ischaemia. This catastrophic and particularly dramatic presentation is almost unprecedented, with only a few cases reported worldwide.
Thalidomide is an effective chemotherapeutic agent used to achieve remission in multiple myeloma. However, its administration is associated with several adverse effects including venous thromboembolism, while arterial thrombosis has also, although rarely, been described in the literature. We report a case of internal carotid artery occlusion within 1 week of starting thalidomide with prophylactic low molecular weight heparin in a patient who had no other prothrombotic risk factors. It is not known why this complication occurs despite the administration of anticoagulant prophylaxis. The role of factor VIII, von Willebrand factor antigen levels and fibrinogen in multiple myeloma patients should be studied in order to determine if these factors should be targeted in future prophylactic treatment.
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Multiple Myeloma (MM) is a hematologic cancer with heterogeneous and complex genomic landscape, where Copy Number Alterations (CNAs) play a key role in the disease's pathogenesis and prognosis. It is of biological and clinical interest to study the temporal occurrence of early alterations, as they play a disease "driver" function by deregulating key tumor pathways. This study presents an innovative bioinformatic tools suite created for harmonizing and tracing the origin of CNAs throughout the evolutionary history of MM. To this aim, large cohorts of newly-diagnosed MM (NDMM, N=1582) and Smoldering-MM (SMM, N=282) were aggregated. The tools developed in this study enable the harmonization of CNAs as obtained from different genomic platforms in such a way that a high statistical power can be obtained. By doing so, the high numerosity of those cohorts was harnessed for the identification of novel genes characterized as "driver" (NFKB2, NOTCH2, MAX, EVI5 and MYC-ME2-enhancer), and the generation of an innovative timing model, implemented with a statistical method to introduce confidence intervals in the CNAs-calls. By applying this model on both NDMM and SMM cohorts, it was possible to identify specific CNAs (1q(CKS1B)amp, 13q(RB1)del, 11q(CCND1)amp and 14q(MAX)del) and categorize them as "early"/ "driver" events. A high level of precision was guaranteed by the narrow confidence intervals in the timing estimates. These CNAs were proposed as critical MM alterations, which play a foundational role in the evolutionary history of both SMM and NDMM. Finally, a multivariate survival model was able to identify the independent genomic alterations with the greatest effect on patients’ survival, including RB1-del, CKS1B-amp, MYC-amp, NOTCH2-amp and TRAF3-del/mut. In conclusion, the alterations that were identified as both "early-drivers” and correlated with patients’ survival were proposed as biomarkers that, if included in wider survival models, could provide a better disease stratification and an improved prognosis definition.
Aim of the present study was to develop a statistical approach to define the best cut-off Copy number alterations (CNAs) calling from genomic data provided by high throughput experiments, able to predict a specific clinical end-point (early relapse, 18 months) in the context of Multiple Myeloma (MM). 743 newly diagnosed MM patients with SNPs array-derived genomic and clinical data were included in the study. CNAs were called both by a conventional (classic, CL) and an outcome-oriented (OO) method, and Progression Free Survival (PFS) hazard ratios of CNAs called by the two approaches were compared. The OO approach successfully identified patients at higher risk of relapse and the univariate survival analysis showed stronger prognostic effects for OO-defined high-risk alterations, as compared to that defined by CL approach, statistically significant for 12 CNAs. Overall, 155/743 patients relapsed within 18 months from the therapy start. A small number of OO-defined CNAs were significantly recurrent in early-relapsed patients (ER-CNAs) - amp1q, amp2p, del2p, del12p, del17p, del19p -. Two groups of patients were identified either carrying or not ≥1 ER-CNAs (249 vs. 494, respectively), the first one with significantly shorter PFS and overall survivals (OS) (PFS HR 2.15, p<0001; OS HR 2.37, p<0.0001). The risk of relapse defined by the presence of ≥1 ER-CNAs was independent from those conferred both by R-IIS 3 (HR=1.51; p=0.01) and by low quality (< stable disease) clinical response (HR=2.59 p=0.004). Notably, the type of induction therapy was not descriptive, suggesting that ER is strongly related to patients’ baseline genomic architecture. In conclusion, the OO- approach employed allowed to define CNAs-specific dynamic clonality cut-offs, improving the CNAs calls’ accuracy to identify MM patients with the highest probability to ER. As being outcome-dependent, the OO-approach is dynamic and might be adjusted according to the selected outcome variable of interest.
Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has proved efficient to treat hematological malignancies. However, some patients fail to mobilize HSCs. It is known that the microenvironment may undergo damage after allogeneic HSCT. However little is known about how chemotherapy and growth factors contribute to this damage. We studied the stromal layer formation(SLF) and velocity before and after HSC mobilization, through long-term bone marrow culture from 22 patients and 10 healthy donors. Patients` SLF was similar at pre- (12/22)and post-mobilization (9/20), however for controls this occurred more at pre- mobilization (9/10; p=0.03). SLF velocity was higher at pre than post-mobilization in both groups. Leukemias and multiple myeloma showed faster growth of SLF than lymphomas at post-mobilization, the latter being similar to controls. These findings could be explained by less uncommitted HSC in controls than patients at post-mobilization. Control HSCs may migrate more in response to mobilization, resulting in a reduced population by those cells.
It has been proposed that common aphidicolin-inducible fragile sites, in general, predispose to specific chromosomal breakage associated with deletion, amplification, and/or translocation in certain forms of cancer. Although this appears to be the case for the fragile site FRA3B and may be the case for FRA7G, it is not Set clear whether this association is a general property of this class of fragile site. The major aim of the present study was to determine whether the FRA16D chromosomal fragile site locus has a role to play in predisposing DNA sequences within and adjacent to the fragile site to DNA instability (such as deletion or translocation), which could lead to or be associated with neoplasia. We report the localization of FRA16D within a contig of cloned DNA and demonstrate that this fragile site coincides with a region of homozygous deletion in a gastric adenocarcinoma cell line and is bracketed by translocation breakpoints in multiple myeloma, as reported previously (Chesi, M., et al., Blood, 91: 4457-4463, 1998), Therefore, given similar findings at the FRA3B and FRA7G fragile sites, it is likely that common aphidicolin-inducible fragile sites exhibit the general property of localized DNA instability in cancer cells.
Fluorescence in situ hybridization of a tile path of DNA subclones has previously enabled the cytogenetic definition of the minimal DNA sequence which spans the FRA16D common chromosomal fragile site, located at 16q23.2. Homozygous deletion of the FRA16D locus has been reported in adenocarcinomas of stomach, colon, lung and ovary. We have sequenced the 270 kb containing the FRA16D fragile site and the minimal homozygously deleted region in tumour cells. This sequence enabled localization of some of the tumour cell breakpoints to regions which contain AT-rich secondary structures similar to those associated with the FRA10B and FRA16B rare fragile sites. The FRA16D DNA sequence also led to the identification of an alternatively spliced gene, named FOR (fragile site FRA16D oxidoreductase), exons of which span both the fragile site and the minimal region of homozygous deletion. In addition, the complete DNA sequence of the FRA16D-containing FOR intron reveals no evidence of additional authentic transcripts. Alternatively spliced FOR transcripts (FOR I, FOR II and FOR III) encode proteins which share N-terminal WW domains and differ at their C-terminus, with FOR III having a truncated oxidoreductase domain. FRA16D-associated deletions selectively affect the FOR gene transcripts. Three out of five previously mapped translocation breakpoints in multiple myeloma are also located within the FOR gene. FOR is therefore the principle genetic target for DNA instability at 16q23.2 and perturbation of FOR function is likely to contribute to the biological consequences of DNA instability at FRA16D in cancer cells.