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The sorption and desorption of Cu and Cd by two species of brown macroalgae and five species of microalgae were studied. The two brown macroalgae, Laminaria japonica and Sargassum kjellmanianum, were found to have high capacities at pHs between 4.0 and 5.0 while for microalgae, optimum pH lay at 6.7. The presence of other cations in solution was found to reduce the sorption of the target cation, suggesting a competition for sorption sites on organisms. Sorption isotherms obeyed the Freundlich equation, suggesting involvement of a multiplicity of mechanisms and sorption sites. For the microalgae tested, Spirulina platensis had the highest capacity for Cd, followed by Nannochloropsis oculata, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Platymonas cordifolia and Chaetoceros minutissimus. The reversibility of metal sorption by macroalgae was examined and the results show that both HCl and EDTA solutions were very effective in desorbing sorbed metal ions from macroalgae, with up to 99.5% of metals being recovered. The regenerated biomass showed undiminished sorption performance for the two metals studied, suggesting the potential of such material for use in water and wastewater treatment. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The experimental measurements of the speed of sound and density of aqueous solutions of imidazolium based ionic liquids (IL) in the concentration range of 0.05 mol · kg-1 to 0.5 mol · kg-1 at T = 298.15 K are reported. The data are used to obtain the isentropic compressibility (ßS) of solutions. The apparent molar volume (phiV) and compressibility (phiKS) of ILs are evaluated at different concentrations. The data of limiting partial molar volume and compressibility of IL and their concentration variation are examined to evaluate the effect due to IL–water and IL–IL interactions. The results have been discussed in terms of hydrophobic hydration, hydrophobic interactions, and water structural changes in aqueous medium.


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Endodontic lubricants, irrigants and medicaments help prepare and disinfect root canal systems (RCS) but primary and secondary cases involve different microbes and therefore it is unlikely that one protocol will be effective for both case types. Each individual 'solution' or sequence of 'solutions' could play a significant role in each case type, but there are no detailed published guidelines in existence. To help inform clinical practice it was decided to undertake a literature review followed by a UK and Republic of Ireland wide audit on current endodontic 'solution' usage within dental schools. The literature review was undertaken under the following headings: pre-op oral rinse; file lubricants; root canal irrigants and intracanal medicaments and provides an evidence base for protocol development for both primary and retreatment cases. The audit project and the protocols developed from the findings of both the literature review and audit will be presented in Part 2.


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Hydrous cerium oxide (HCO) was synthesized by intercalation of solutions of cerium(III) nitrate and sodium hydroxide and evaluated as an adsorbent for the removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions. Simple batch experiments and a 25 factorial experimental design were employed to screen the variables affecting Cr(VI) removal efficiency. The effects of the process variables; solution pH, initial Cr(VI) concentration, temperature, adsorbent dose and ionic strength were examined. Using the experimental results, a linear mathematical model representing the influence of the different variables and their interactions was obtained. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) demonstrated that Cr(VI) adsorption significantly increases with decreased solution pH, initial concentration and amount of adsorbent used (dose), but slightly decreased with an increase in temperature and ionic strength. The optimization study indicates 99% as the maximum removal at pH 2, 20 °C, 1.923 mM of metal concentration and a sorbent dose of 4 g/dm3. At these optimal conditions, Langmuir, Freundlich and Redlich–Peterson isotherm models were obtained. The maximum adsorption capacity of Cr(VI) adsorbed by HCO was 0.828 mmol/g, calculated by the Langmuir isotherm model. Desorption of chromium indicated that the HCO adsorbent can be regenerated using NaOH solution 0.1 M (up to 85%). The adsorption interactions between the surface sites of HCO and the Cr(VI) ions were found to be a combined effect of both anion exchange and surface complexation with the formation of an inner-sphere complex.


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La violence chronique qui caractérise la Somalie depuis plus de deux décennies a forcé près de deux millions de personnes à fuir. Cette ethnographie étudie l’expérience de l’asile prolongé de jeunes Somaliens qui ont grandi au camp de Kakuma, au Kenya. Leur expérience est hors du commun, bien qu’un nombre croissant de réfugiés passent de longues années dans des camps pourtant conçus comme temporaires, en vertu de la durée des conflits et de la normalisation de pratiques de mise à l’écart de populations « indésirables ». Nous explorons la perception qu’ont ces jeunes de leur environnement et de quelle façon leur exil structure leur perception du passé et de leur pays d’origine, et de leur futur. Ce faisant, nous considérons à la fois les spécificités du contexte et l’environnement global, afin de comprendre comment l’expérience des gens est façonnée par (et façonne) les dynamiques sociales, politiques, économiques et historiques. Nous observons que le camp est, et demeure, un espace de confinement, indépendamment de sa durée d’existence ; bien que conçu comme un lieu de gestion rationnelle des populations, le camp devient un monde social où se développent de nouvelles pratiques ; les jeunes Somaliens font preuve d’agentivité et interprètent leur expérience de manière à rendre leur quotidien acceptable ; ces derniers expriment une frustration croissante lorsque leurs études sont terminées et qu’ils peinent à s’établir en tant qu’adultes, ce qui exacerbe leur désir de quitter le camp. En effet, même s’il existe depuis plus de 20 ans, le camp demeure un lieu de transition. L’expérience de jeunes Somaliens qui ont grandi dans un camp de réfugiés n’a pas été étudiée auparavant. Nous soutenons que cette expérience est caractérisée par des tensions entre contraintes et opportunités, mobilité et immobilité, isolation et connexion ou victimisation et affirmation du sujet – et des temporalités contradictoires. Cette étude souligne que des notions comme la convivialité ou la pluralité des appartenances développées dans la littérature sur la cohabitation interethnique dans les villes ou sur l’identité des migrants aident à appréhender le réalité du camp. Cette ethnographie montre également que, loin d’être des victimes passives, les réfugiés contribuent à trouver des solutions à leur exil.


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In this paper, we study the approximation of solutions of the homogeneous Helmholtz equation Δu + ω 2 u = 0 by linear combinations of plane waves with different directions. We combine approximation estimates for homogeneous Helmholtz solutions by generalized harmonic polynomials, obtained from Vekua’s theory, with estimates for the approximation of generalized harmonic polynomials by plane waves. The latter is the focus of this paper. We establish best approximation error estimates in Sobolev norms, which are explicit in terms of the degree of the generalized polynomial to be approximated, the domain size, and the number of plane waves used in the approximations.


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In the present study, we examined whether and how brief viewing of positive and negative images influences subsequent understanding of solutions to insight problems. For each trial, participants were first presented with an insight problem and then briefly viewed a task-irrelevant positive, negative, or neutral image (660 ms), which was followed by the solution to the problem. In our behavioral study (Study 1), participants were faster to report that they understood the solutions following positive images, and were slower to report it following negative images. A subsequent fMRI study (Study 2) revealed enhanced activity in the angular gyrus and medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) while viewing solutions following positive, as compared with negative, images. In addition, greater activation of the angular gyrus was associated with more rapid understanding of the solutions. These results suggest that brief viewing of positive images enhances activity in the angular gyrus and MPFC, which results in facilitation of understanding solutions to insight problems.


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Clustering is a difficult task: there is no single cluster definition and the data can have more than one underlying structure. Pareto-based multi-objective genetic algorithms (e.g., MOCK Multi-Objective Clustering with automatic K-determination and MOCLE-Multi-Objective Clustering Ensemble) were proposed to tackle these problems. However, the output of such algorithms can often contains a high number of partitions, becoming difficult for an expert to manually analyze all of them. In order to deal with this problem, we present two selection strategies, which are based on the corrected Rand, to choose a subset of solutions. To test them, they are applied to the set of solutions produced by MOCK and MOCLE in the context of several datasets. The study was also extended to select a reduced set of partitions from the initial population of MOCLE. These analysis show that both versions of selection strategy proposed are very effective. They can significantly reduce the number of solutions and, at the same time, keep the quality and the diversity of the partitions in the original set of solutions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Microelectrode cyclic voltammetry (MV) has been employed to investigate the micellar properties of solutions of homologous alkyltrimethylammonium bromides, RMe(3)ABr, R = C(10), C(12), and C(14), in water and in the presence of added NaBr. The micellar self-diffusion coefficient was calculated from the limiting current for the reversible electron transfer of micelle-bound ferrocene. From the values of this property, other parameters were calculated, including the micellar hydrodynamic radius, RH, and aggregation number, N(agg); the latter was also theoretically calculated. We determined the values of the diffusion coefficient as a function of various experimental variables and observed the following trends: The diffusion coefficient decreases as a function of increasing surfactant concentration (no additional electrolyte added); it decreases as a function of increasing surfactant concentration at fixed NaBr concentration; and it shows a complex dependence (increase then decrease) on the NaBr concentration at a fixed RMe(3)ABr concentration. The value of the intermicellar interaction parameter decreases and then increases as a function of increasing NaBr concentration. These results are discussed in terms of intermicellar,interactions and the effect of NaBr on the micellar surface charge density and sphere-to-rod geometry change. The NaBr concentration required to induce the latter change increases rapidly as a function of decreasing the length of R: no geometry change was detected for C(10)Me(3)ABr. Values of N(agg) increase as I function of increasing the length of R and are in good agreement with both literature values and values that were calculated theoretically. Thus, MV is a convenient and simple technique for obtaining fundamental properties of surfactant solutions, including additive-induced changes of micellar parameters (N(agg)) and morphology changes.


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This research is based on consumer complaints with respect to recently purchased consumer electronics. This research document will investigate the instances of development and device management as a tool used to aid consumer and manage consumer’s mobile products in order to resolve issues in or before the consumers is aware one exists. The problem at the present time is that mobile devices are becoming very advanced pieces of technology, and not all manufacturers and network providers have kept up the support element of End users. As such, the subject of the research is to investigate how device management could possibly be used as a method to promote research and development of mobile devices, and provide a better experience for the consumer. The wireless world is becoming increasingly complex as revenue opportunities are driven by new and innovative data services. We can no longer expect the customer to have the knowledge or ability to configure their own device. Device Management platforms can address the challenges of device configuration and support through new enabling technologies. Leveraging these technologies will allow a network operator to reduce the cost of subscriber ownership, drive increased ARPU (Average Revenue per User) by removing barriers to adoption, reduce churn by improving the customer experience and increase customer loyalty. DM technologies provide a flexible and powerful management method but are managing the same device features that have historically been configured manually through call centers or by the end user making changes directly on the device. For this reason DM technologies must be treated as part of a wider support solution. The traditional requirement for discovery, fault finding, troubleshooting and diagnosis are still as relevant with DM as they are in the current human support environment yet the current generation of solutions do little to address this problem. In the deployment of an effective Device Management solution the network operator must consider the integration of the DM platform, interfacing with many areas of the business, supported by knowledge of the relationship between devices, applications, solutions and services maintained on an ongoing basis. Complementing the DM solution with published device information, setup guides, training material and web based tools will ensure the quality of the customer experience, ensuring that problems are completely resolved, driving data usage by focusing customer education on the use of the wireless service In this way device management becomes a tool used both internally within the network or device vendor and by the customer themselves, with each user empowered to effectively manage the device without any prior knowledge or experience, confident that changes they apply will be relevant, accurate, stable and compatible. The value offered by an effective DM solution with an expert knowledge service will become a significant differentiator for the network operator in an ever competitive wireless market. This research document is intended to highlight some of the issues the industry faces as device management technologies become more prevalent, and offers some potential solutions to simplify the increasingly complex task of managing devices on the network, where device management can be used as a tool to aid customer relations and manage customer’s mobile products in order to resolve issues before the user is aware one exists. The research is broken down into the following, Customer Relationship Management, Device management, the role of knowledge with the DM, Companies that have successfully implemented device management, and the future of device management and CRM. And it also consists of questionnaires aimed at technical support agents and mobile device users. Interview was carried out with CRM managers within support centre to further the evidence gathered. To conclude, the document is to consider the advantages and disadvantages of device management and attempt to determine the influence it will have over customer support centre, and what methods could be used to implement it.


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The vitrification solutions used in the cryopreservation of biological samples aim to minimize the deleterious formation of ice by dehydrating cells and promoting the formation of the glassy state of water. They contain a mixture of different cryoprotective agents (CPAs) in water, typically polyhydroxylated alcohols and/or dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), which can damage cell membranes. Molecular dynamics simulations have been used to investigate the behavior of pure DPPC, pure DOPC, and mixed DOPC-β-sitosterol bilayers solvated in a vitrification solution containing glycerol, ethylene glycol, and DMSO at concentrations that approximate the widely used plant vitrification solution 2. As in the case of solutions containing a single CPA, the vitrification solution causes the bilayer to thin and become disordered, and pores form in the case of some bilayers. Importantly, the degree of thinning is, however, substantially reduced compared to solutions of DMSO containing the same total CPA concentration. The reduction in the damage done to the bilayers is a result of the ability of the polyhydroxylated species (especially glycerol) to form hydrogen bonds to the lipid and sterol molecules of the bilayer. A decrease in the amount of DMSO in the vitrification solution with a corresponding increase in the amount of glycerol or ethylene glycol diminishes further its damaging effect due to increased hydrogen bonding of the polyol species to the bilayer headgroups. These findings rationalize, to our knowledge for the first time, the synergistic effects of combining different CPAs, and form the basis for the optimization of vitrification solutions. © 2014 Biophysical Society.


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In this paper, we investigate potential symmetries of a simplified model for reacting mixtures. We find new similarity reductions and wider class of solutions through this approach. Further, we explore an invertible mapping which linearizes the reacting mixture model.


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We construct exact solutions for a system of two coupled nonlinear partial differential equations describing the spatio-temporal dynamics of a predator-prey system where the prey per capita growth rate is subject to the Allee effect. Using the G'/G expansion method, we derive exact solutions to this model for two different wave speeds. For each wave velocity we report three different forms of solutions. We also discuss the biological relevance of the solutions obtained. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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[EN]Experimental solubility data are presented for a set of binary systems composed of ionic liquids (IL) derived from pyridium, with the tetrafluoroborate anion, and normal alcohols ranging from ethanol to decanol, in the temperature interval of 275 420 K, at atmospheric pressure. For each case, the miscibility curve and the upper critical solubility temperature (UCST) values are presented. The effects of the ILs on the behavior of solutions with alkanols are analyzed, paying special attention to the pyridine derivatives, and considering a series of structural characteristics of the compounds involved.


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The liquid–vapor interface is difficult to access experimentally but is of interest from a theoretical and applied point of view and has particular importance in atmospheric aerosol chemistry. Here we examine the liquid–vapor interface for mixtures of water, sodium chloride, and formic acid, an abundant chemical in the atmosphere. We compare the results of surface tension and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements over a wide range of formic acid concentrations. Surface tension measurements provide a macroscopic characterization of solutions ranging from 0 to 3 M sodium chloride and from 0 to over 0.5 mole fraction formic acid. Sodium chloride was found to be a weak salting out agent for formic acid with surface excess depending only slightly on salt concentration. In situ XPS provides a complementary molecular level description about the liquid–vapor interface. XPS measurements over an experimental probe depth of 51 Å gave the C 1s to O 1s ratio for both total oxygen and oxygen from water. XPS also provides detailed electronic structure information that is inaccessible by surface tension. Density functional theory calculations were performed to understand the observed shift in C 1s binding energies to lower values with increasing formic acid concentration. Part of the experimental −0.2 eV shift can be assigned to the solution composition changing from predominantly monomers of formic acid to a combination of monomers and dimers; however, the lack of an appropriate reference to calibrate the absolute BE scale at high formic acid mole fraction complicates the interpretation. Our data are consistent with surface tension measurements yielding a significantly more surface sensitive measurement than XPS due to the relatively weak propensity of formic acid for the interface. A simple model allowed us to replicate the XPS results under the assumption that the surface excess was contained in the top four angstroms of solution.