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In a classic study, Kacser & Burns (1981, Genetics 97, 639-666) demonstrated that given certain plausible assumptions, the flux in a metabolic pathway was more or less indifferent to the activity of any of the enzymes in the pathway taken singly. It was inferred from this that the observed dominance of most wild-type alleles with respect to loss-of-function mutations did not require an adaptive, meaning selectionist, explanation. Cornish-Bowden (1987, J. theor. Biol. 125, 333-338) showed that the Kacser-Burns inference was not valid when substrate concentrations were large relative to the relevant Michaelis constants. We find that in a randomly constructed functional pathway, even when substrate levels are small, one can expect high values of control coefficients for metabolic flux in the presence of significant nonlinearities as exemplified by enzymes with Hill coefficients ranging from two to six, or by the existence of oscillatory loops. Under these conditions the flux can be quite sensitive to changes in enzyme activity as might be caused by inactivating one of the two alleles in a diploid. Therefore, the phenomenon of dominance cannot be a trivial ''default'' consequence of physiology but must be intimately linked to the manner in which metabolic networks have been moulded by natural selection.


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The mouse and human malarial parasites, Plasmodium berghei and Plasmodium falciparum, respectively, synthesize heme de novo following the standard pathway observed in animals despite the availability of large amounts of heme, derived from red cell hemoglobin, which is stored as hemozoin pigment, The enzymes, delta-aminolevulinate dehydrase (ALAD), coproporphyrinogen oxidase, and ferrochelatase are present at strikingly high levels in the P, berghei infected mouse red cell in vivo, The isolated parasite has low levels of ALAD and the data clearly indicate it to be of red cell origin. The purified enzyme preparations from the uninfected red cell and the parasite are identical in kinetic properties, subunit molecular weight, cross-reaction with antibodies to the human enzyme, and N-terminal amino acid sequence. Immunogold electron microscopy of the infected culture indicates that the enzyme is present inside the parasite and, therefore, is not a contaminant, The parasite derives functional ALAD from the host and the enzyme binds specifically to isolated parasite membrane in vitro, suggestive of the involvement of a receptor in its translocation into the parasite, While, ALAD, coproporphyrinogen oxidase, and ferrochelatase from the parasite and the uninfected red cell supernatant have identical subunit molecular weights on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and show immunological cross-reaction with antibodies to the human enzymes, as revealed by Western analysis, the first enzyme of the pathway, namely, delta-aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS) in the parasite, unlike that of the red cell host, does not cross-react with antibodies to the human enzyme, However, ALAS enzyme activity in the parasite is higher than that of the infected red cell supernatant. We therefore conclude that the parasite, while making its own ALAS, imports ALAD and perhaps most of the other enzymes of the pathway from the host to synthesize heme de novo, and this would enable it to segregate this heme from the heme derived from red cell hemoglobin degradation, ALAS of the parasite and the receptor(s) involved in the translocation of the host enzymes into the parasite would be unique drug targets.


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This paper is a qualitative, practice based study describing the use of the Focus-Action-Reflection (FAR) Guide (Harrison and Treagust, 2000) to address the shortcomings of a pedagogical analogical model in Year 10 Science. The aim of this paper is to present my experience of the FAR Guide in relation to an analogical model that gave rise to perceived shortcomings by both teachers and students. This study found the FAR Guide to be a highly valuable tool, transforming the presentation of the analogical model, and enabling students to develop a deeper understanding of the nature of scientific knowledge.


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Haemagglutinin (HA) and fusion (F) proteins of peste-des-petits-ruminants virus (PPRV) and rinderpest virus (RPV) were purified by immunoaffinity chromatography. The purified proteins were characterized by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE). Rabbit hyperimmune sera were raised against the purified HA and F proteins and assayed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), haemagglutination-inhibition (HAI) and virus neutralization (VN) tests. The immunized animals were challenged with a virulent lapinized (rabbit-adapted) strain of RPV: Both HA and F proteins of PPRV protected rabbits against a lethal challenge with lapinized RPV. As expected, RPV HA and F proteins also conferred a similar protection against the homologous challenge. The postchallenge antibody responses were of a true anamnestic type.


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Cystic fibrosis (CF) patients require pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy to correct pancreatic insufficiency. These enzymes are derived from porcine pancreas and are known to be antigenic. To determine the possible clinical consequences, a specific ELISA was developed to detect IgG antibody directed against porcine trypsin (PTAb) in the sera of CF patients. The assay was used to evaluate the occurrence of PTAb in a cross sectional study of 103 CF patients in relation to the introduction of porcine enzyme therapy, clinical status and genotype. Antibodies against porcine trypsin were detected in the sera of 63% of patients unrelated to the age of commencement or the duration of enzyme therapy. No differences were observed in the clinical status of CF patients who had developed PTAb (n = 65) and those who had no detectable PTAb (n = 38) as determined from: the current prescribed dose of porcine pancreatic enzyme capsules; Z scores for height and weight; and respiratory function tests. It is suggested that the PTAb commonly found in the sera of CF patients are of doubtful clinical significance but the prospect of PTAb contributing to immune complex disease should be examined further.


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The crystal structures of complexes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis pantothenate kinase with the following ligands have been determined: (i) citrate; (ii) the nonhydrolysable ATP analogue AMPPCP and pantothenate (the initiation complex); (iii) ADP and phosphopantothenate resulting from phosphorylation of pantothenate by ATP in the crystal (the end complex); (iv) ATP and ADP, each with half occupancy, resulting from a quick soak of crystals in ATP (the intermediate complex); (v) CoA; (vi) ADP prepared by soaking and cocrystallization, which turned out to have identical structures, and (vii) ADP and pantothenate. Solution studies on CoA binding and catalytic activity have also been carried out. Unlike in the case of the homologous Escherichia coli enzyme, AMPPCP and ADP occupy different, though overlapping, locations in the respective complexes; the same is true of pantothenate in the initiation complex and phosphopantothenate in the end complex. The binding site of MtPanK is substantially preformed, while that of EcPanK exhibits considerabl plasticity. The difference in the behaviour of the E. coli and M. tuberculosis enzymes could be explained in terms of changes in local structure resulting from substitutions. It is unusual for two homologous enzymes to exhibit such striking differences in action. Therefore, the results have to be treated with caution. However, the changes in the locations of ligands exhibited by M. tuberculosis pantothenate kinase are remarkable and novel.


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Miniaturization of analytical instrumentation is attracting growing interest in response to the explosive demand for rapid, yet sensitive analytical methods and low-cost, highly automated instruments for pharmaceutical and bioanalyses and environmental monitoring. Microfabrication technology in particular, has enabled fabrication of low-cost microdevices with a high degree of integrated functions, such as sample preparation, chemical reaction, separation, and detection, on a single microchip. These miniaturized total chemical analysis systems (microTAS or lab-on-a-chip) can also be arrayed for parallel analyses in order to accelerate the sample throughput. Other motivations include reduced sample consumption and waste production as well as increased speed of analysis. One of the most promising hyphenated techniques in analytical chemistry is the combination of a microfluidic separation chip and mass spectrometer (MS). In this work, the emerging polymer microfabrication techniques, ultraviolet lithography in particular, were exploited to develop a capillary electrophoresis (CE) separation chip which incorporates a monolithically integrated electrospray ionization (ESI) emitter for efficient coupling with MS. An epoxy photoresist SU-8 was adopted as structural material and characterized with respect to its physicochemical properties relevant to chip-based CE and ESI/MS, namely surface charge, surface interactions, heat transfer, and solvent compatibility. As a result, SU-8 was found to be a favorable material to substitute for the more commonly used glass and silicon in microfluidic applications. In addition, an infrared (IR) thermography was introduced as direct, non-intrusive method to examine the heat transfer and thermal gradients during microchip-CE. The IR data was validated through numerical modeling. The analytical performance of SU-8-based microchips was established for qualitative and quantitative CE-ESI/MS analysis of small drug compounds, peptides, and proteins. The CE separation efficiency was found to be similar to that of commercial glass microchips and conventional CE systems. Typical analysis times were only 30-90 s per sample indicating feasibility for high-throughput analysis. Moreover, a mass detection limit at the low-attomole level, as low as 10E+5 molecules, was achieved utilizing MS detection. The SU-8 microchips developed in this work could also be mass produced at low cost and with nearly identical performance from chip to chip. Until this work, the attempts to combine CE separation with ESI in a chip-based system, amenable to batch fabrication and capable of high, reproducible analytical performance, have not been successful. Thus, the CE-ESI chip developed in this work is a substantial step toward lab-on-a-chip technology.


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Analyses of variance and co variance were carried out on the activities of three lysosomal enzymes in mononuclear blood cells from Brahman cattle. These were hexosaminidase (HEX), beta-D-galacto-sidase (GAL) and acid alpha-glucosidase (GLU) which had been measured in blood mononuclear cells from 1752 cattle from 6 herds in a Pompe's disease control programme. Herd of origin and date of bleeding significantly affected the level of activity of all enzymes. In addition, HEX and GAL were affected by age and HEX by the sex of the animal bled. Estimates of heritability from sire variances were 0.29:t 0.09 for HEX, 0.31 :t 0.09 for GAL and 0.44:t 0.09 for GLU. Genetic correlations between all enzymes were positive. The data indicate the existence of a major gene causing Pompe's disease and responsible for 16% of the genetic variation in GLU. One standard deviation of selection differential for high GLU should almost eliminate Pompe's disease from the population. The effi-ciency of selection would be aided by estimating the breeding value for GLU using measurements of HEX and GLU and taking account of an animal's sex, age, date of bleeding and herd of origin.


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The participation of a multifunctional enzy(am sein - gle polypeptide with multiple catalytic activities (14)) has been demonstrated in the conversion of agmatine to putrescine in Lathyrus sativus seedlings. This enzyme (putrescine synthase) with inherent activities of agmatine iminohydrolase, putrescine transcarbamylase, ornithine transcarbamylase, and carbamate has been purified to homogeneity anhda s M, = 55,000.


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Eleven cystic fibrosis children (mean age, 9.6 years) were chosen at random to participate in a study to observe the effects of concurrently stimulating gastric/duodenal bicarbonate secretion and inhibiting gastric acid secretion, using a methylated prostaglandin E1 analogue in patients with pancreatic insufficiency and taking pancreatic enzymes. Percentage fat absorption in 3-day stool collections were calculated before and after commencing therapy with misoprostol, 400 μg/day in divided doses. We found a significant reduction in fat output (14.7 ± 11.7 versus 7.5 ± 3.5 g/day, p < 0.05) in the study group as a whole and a significant reduction in steatorrhoeic level as a percentage of fat intake in all of the patients with abnormal base-line collections (23.1% versus 9.2% p < 0.002). We conclude that misoprostol should be considered in cystic fibrosis patients with steatorrhoea as a means of improving nutrient absorption. © 1988 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted.


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Eleven cystic fibrosis children (mean age, 9.6 years) were chosen at random to participate in a study to observe the effects of concurrently stimulating gastric/duodenal bicarbonate secretion and inhibiting gastric acid secretion, using a methylated prostaglandin E1 analogue in patients with pancreatic insufficiency and taking pancreatic enzymes. Percentage fat absorption in 3-day stool collections were calculated before and after commencing therapy with misoprostol, 400 μg/day in divided doses. We found a significant reduction in fat output (14.7 ± 11.7 versus 7.5 ± 3.5 g/day, p < 0.05) in the study group as a whole and a significant reduction in steatorrhoeic level as a percentage of fat intake in all of the patients with abnormal base-line collections (23.1% versus 9.2%, p < 0.002). We conclude that misoprostol should be considered in cystic fibrosis patients with steatorrhoea as a means of improving nutrient absorption.


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A recent study using multilocus sequence typing (MLST) of Burkholderia pseudomallei isolates found a sequence type (ST60) to be common to both Thailand and Australia, contradicting earlier studies showing complete distinction between isolates from these regions. The ST60 isolates reportedly from Australia had been obtained for MLST from United Kingdom and U.S. collections. We have located and characterized the original Australian isolates; they were collected in 1983, and they are neither ST60 nor B. pseudomallei isolates. The B. pseudomallei MLST database has been corrected, and there is no ST common to isolates verified as obtained from Australia or from Thailand.


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A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA) based on a broadly conserved, species-specific, B-cell epitope within the C terminus of Babesia bigemina rhoptry-associated protein 1a was validated for international use. Receiver operating characteristic analysis revealed 16% inhibition as the threshold for a negative result, with an associated specificity of 98.3% and sensitivity of 94.7%. Increasing the threshold to 21% increased the specificity to 100% but modestly decreased the sensitivity to 87.2%. By using 21% inhibition, the positive predictive values ranged from 90.7% (10% prevalence) to 100% (95% prevalence) and the negative predictive values ranged from 97.0% (10% prevalence) to 48.2% (95% prevalence). The assay was able to detect serum antibody as early as 7 days after intravenous inoculation. The cELISA was distributed to five different laboratories along with a reference set of 100 defined bovine serum samples, including known positive, known negative, and field samples. The pairwise concordance among the five laboratories ranged from 100% to 97%, and all kappa values were above 0.8, indicating a high degree of reliability. Overall, the cELISA appears to have the attributes necessary for international application.