127 resultados para MUFA


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Concerns about increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations and global warming have initiated studies on the consequences of multiple-stressor interactions on marine organisms and ecosystems. We present a fully-crossed factorial mesocosm study and assess how warming and acidification affect the abundance, body size, and fatty acid composition of copepods as a measure of nutritional quality. The experimental set-up allowed us to determine whether the effects of warming and acidification act additively, synergistically, or antagonistically on the abundance, body size, and fatty acid content of copepods, a major group of lower level consumers in marine food webs. Copepodite (developmental stages 1-5) and nauplii abundance were antagonistically affected by warming and acidification. Higher temperature decreased copepodite and nauplii abundance, while acidification partially compensated for the temperature effect. The abundance of adult copepods was negatively affected by warming. The prosome length of copepods was significantly reduced by warming, and the interaction of warming and CO2 antagonistically affected prosome length. Fatty acid composition was also significantly affected by warming. The content of saturated fatty acids increased, and the ratios of the polyunsaturated essential fatty acids docosahexaenoic- (DHA) and arachidonic acid (ARA) to total fatty acid content increased with higher temperatures. Additionally, here was a significant additive interaction effect of both parameters on arachidonic acid. Our results indicate that in a future ocean scenario, acidification might partially counteract some observed effects of increased temperature on zooplankton, while adding to others. These may be results of a fertilizing effect on phytoplankton as a copepod food source. In summary, copepod populations will be more strongly affected by warming rather than by acidifying oceans, but ocean acidification effects can modify some temperature impacts


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Enhancing the quality of beef meat is an important goal in terms of improving both the nutritional value for the consumer and the commercial value for producers. The aim of this work was to study the effects of different vegetable oil supplements on growth performance, carcass quality and meat quality in beef steers reared under intensive conditions. A total of 240 Blonde D? Aquitaine steers (average BW = 293.7 ± 38.88 kg) were grouped into 24 batches (10 steers/batch) and were randomly assigned to one of the three dietary treatments (eight batches per treatment), each supplemented with either 4% hydrogenated palm oil (PALM) or fatty acids (FAs) from olive oil (OLI) or soybean oil (SOY). No differences in growth performance or carcass quality were observed. For the meat quality analysis, a steer was randomly selected from each batch and the 6th rib on the left half of the carcass was dissected. PALM meat had the highest percentage of 16:0 ( P< 0.05) and the lowest n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) ratio ( P< 0.05), OLI had the highest content of t 11-18:1 ( P< 0.01) and c 9,t 11-18:2 ( P< 0.05) and SOY showed the lowest value of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) ( P< 0.001), the highest percentage of PUFA ( P< 0.01) and a lower index of atherogenicity ( P = 0.07) than PALM. No significant differences in the sensory characteristics of the meat were noted. However, the results of the principal component analysis of meat characteristics enabled meat from those steers that consumed fatty acids from olive oil to be differentiated from that of steers that consumed soybean oil.


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Objetivou-se avaliar a suplementação dietética de ácidos graxos saturados e insaturados sobre o metabolismo, e desempenhos produtivo e reprodutivo no período de transição e início de lactação de vacas leiteiras. Foram utilizadas 36 vacas da raça holandesa distribuídas aleatoriamente para receber uma das três dietas experimentais. No período pré-parto as dietas foram: Controle (CON), sem adição de gordura e 2,8% de extrato etéreo baseado na matéria seca; Gordura Saturada (SAT), com inclusão de 2,4% de MAGNAPAC® (Tectron Ltda.) com 4,7% de EE baseado na MS; Gordura Insaturada (INS), com inclusão de 11% de grão de Soja, com 4,7% de EE baseado na MS. No período pós-parto, Controle (CON), sem adição de gordura e com 2,8% de EE baseado na MS; Gordura Saturada (SAT), com inclusão de 2,6% de MAGNAPAC® (Tectron Ltda.) com 5,0% de EE baseado na MS; Gordura Insaturada (INS), com inclusão de 13% de Grão de Soja, com 5% de EE baseado na MS. As dietas foram fornecidas 35 dias da data prevista do parto até 90 dias de lactação. No período pré-parto foi utilizada silagem de milho como volumoso, em uma relação volumoso:concentrado de 70:30, enquanto que no período pós-parto foram utilizados 5% de feno de tifton e 45% de silagem de milho como fontes de volumoso, com uma relação entre volumoso:concentrado de 50:50. A produção de leite foi mensurada diariamente durante todo o período experimental. As amostras utilizadas para análise da composição e o perfil de ácidos graxos do leite foram coletadas semanalmente, sendo provenientes das duas ordenhas diárias. As amostras de sangue para análise dos metabólitos sanguíneos foram coletadas semanalmente. Do dia 14 ao dia 90 pós-parto foi realizado avaliação da dinâmica folicular por ultrassonografia. Nos dias 30, 60 e 90 foram realizadas aspirações foliculares, com posterior fertilização in vitro dos oócitos. Todas as variáveis mensuradas foram avaliadas pelo procedimento PROC MIXED do SAS (2004) utilizando-se os seguintes contrastes ortogonais: Controle vs Fontes de Lipídeo (C1); Fonte de ácidos graxos saturados x Fonte de ácidos graxos insaturados (C2). Foi utilizado nível de 5% de significância. No período pós-parto, a suplementação de lipídeos aumentou as concentrações de AGNE quando comparada a dieta CON. O tratamento INS reduziu as concentrações de proteínas totais e de BHB quando comparado ao SAT. Houve interação entre tempo e dieta paras as variáveis colesterol total, LDL e BHB. Houve redução da produção de leite corrigida para 3,5% de gordura, na produção total de gordura e de proteína, e no teor de gordura do leite quando comparado o tratamento INS com o SAT. A suplementação de lipídeo reduziu as concentrações do somatório dos ácidos graxos saturados (Σ A.G. Saturados), dos ácidos graxos com menos de 16 carbonos (>C16), e da relação entre ácidos graxos saturados com insaturados (Σ SFA/(MUFA+PUFA)); e aumentou as concentrações de ácidos graxos acima de 16 carbonos (>C16), de ácidos graxos insaturados com 18 carbonos, da somatória dos ácidos graxos insaturados e dos ácidos graxos poli-insaturados (Σ A.G. Poli-insaturados). O tratamento INS aumentou a concentração de ácidos graxos poli-insaturados totais (Σ A.G. poli-insaturados), e reduziu o total de ácidos graxos de 16 carbonos (C16) em relação ao tratamento SAT. Houve redução no número de folículos classe 1, e folículos totais (NC1 e NTFol) com suplementação de lipídeo. O tratamento SAT aumentou o número de folículos classe 5 (NC5), em relação ao INS. Não houve alteração na qualidade oocitária e embrionária com a suplementação de lipídeo e entre as duas fontes de lipídeo. A suplementação de lipídeos insaturados através da suplementação via grão de soja cru e integral, quando comparada à suplementação de lipídeos saturados, para vacas no período de transição e início de lactação, não interferiu na dinâmica folicular e qualidade oocitária e embrionária; e reduziu o desempenho produtivo, devido às reduções na produção de gordura do leite a na produção de leite corrigida para 3,5% dos animais suplementados


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li-ʻUmar ibn Ṣāliḥ al-Fayḍī al-Tūqādī.


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Missing one leaf or leaves at the beginning.


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Written in one column, 23 lines per page, in black and red.


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Introductory treatise on logic in form of commentary on Porphyry's "Isagoge" (d. 305).


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According to colophon (f. 28r), copy completed on 24 Muḥarram 1192 [February 22, 1778] in the hand of Muḥammad Amīn ibn ʻAlī Ṭāhir ibn Ḥusayn ibn Muḥammad Qāsim.


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According to the colophon (f. 60v.), copy completed on 25 Rabīʻ al-Awwal 1192 AH [June 21, 1778 AD] in the hand of Muḥammad Amīn ibn ʻAlī Ṭāhir ibn Ḥusayn ibn Muḥammad Qāsim.


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Commentary on the Īsāghūjī [Isagoge], "Introduction to logic", by al-Abharī.


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The copepod Calanus glacialis plays a key role in the lipid-based energy flux in Arctic shelf seas. By utilizing both ice algae and phytoplankton, this species is able to extend its growth season considerably in these seasonally ice-covered seas. This study investigated the impacts of the variability in timing and extent of the ice algal bloom on the reproduction and population success of C. glacialis. The vertical distribution, reproduction, amount of storage lipids, stable isotopes, fatty acid and fatty alcohol composition of C. glacialis were assessed during the Circumpolar Flaw Lead System Study. Data were collected in the Amundsen Gulf, south-eastern Beaufort Sea, from January to July 2008 with the core-sampling from March to April. The reduction in sea ice thickness and coverage observed in the Amundsen Gulf in 2007 and 2008 affected the life strategy and reproduction of C. glacialis. Developmental stages CIII and CIV dominated the overwintering population, which resulted in the presence of very few CV and females during spring 2008. Spawning began at the peak of the ice algal bloom that preceded the precocious May ice break-up. Although the main recruitment may have occurred later in the season, low abundance of females combined with a potential mismatch between egg production/development to the first feeding stage and phytoplankton bloom resulted in low recruitment of C. glacialis in the early summer of 2008.


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Epidemiological evidence suggests that diets rich in fruits, vegetables and pulses reduce the risk of CVD. The Physicians Health Study has demonstrated reduction of CHD death with regular nut consumption1. One major modifiable risk factor for CHD is an unhealthy diet. Thus, an almondenrichment study has been undertaken to examine the benefit of almonds (Prunus amygdalis) in healthy individuals either with or without significant risk of vascular disease. Almonds contain various macronutrients (low SFA content, absence of cholesterol and high MUFA content) and micronutrients, including vitamin E, polyphenols and arginine, which afford vascular benefit. The effects of almond consumption (25 g/d for 4 weeks followed by 50 g/d for 4 weeks) were evaluated in three non-smoking subject groups: healthy male volunteers between the ages of 18 and 35 years (n 15); men at risk of heart disease between the ages of 18 and 35 years (n 12); mature men and women >50 years of age (n 18). A fourth control group (n 14) were followed over 8 weeks without dietary almond enrichment as a treatment control. None of the subjects withdrew from the study and 90% completed the study. The interim results of the study showed that in the three active groups there was little evidence for a change in total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol or HDL-cholesterol. In the mature group there was a trend towards increasing HDL-cholesterol. The mature and ‘at-risk’ groups also showed a significant changes in systolic blood pressure (P<0.05) during almond consumption. The healthy group showed a decrease in diastolic blood pressure (P<0.05). The ‘at-risk’ group showed a significant increase (P<0.05) in flowmediated dilation after 8 weeks of almond consumption. Data analysis is ongoing, with completion of the study in November 2007. The beneficial effects of almond consumption on flow-mediated dilation and blood pressure may be attributed to the high content in almonds of arginine, which serves as a precursor to the vasodilatory molecule, NO.


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Elevated free fatty acids (FFA) are a feature of ageing and a risk factor for metabolic disorders such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type-2 diabetes (T2D). Elevated FFA contribute to insulin resistance, production of inflammatory cytokines and expression of adhesion molecules on immune cells and endothelial cells, risk factors for CVD and T2D. Molecular mechanisms of FFA effects on monocyte function and how FFA phenotype is affected by healthy ageing remain poorly understood. This thesis evaluated the effects of the two major FFA in plasma, oleate and palmitate on monocyte viability, cell surface antigen expression, and inflammatory activation in THP-1 monocytes. Palmitate but not oleate increased cell surface expression of CD11b and CD36 after 24h, independent of mitochondrial superoxide, but dependent on de novo synthesis of ceramides. LPS-mediated cytokine production in THP-1 monocytes was enhanced and decreased following incubation with palmitate and oleate respectively. In a model of monocyte-macrophage differentiation, palmitate induced a pro-inflammatory macrophage phenotype which required de novo ceramide synthesis, whilst oleate reduced cytokine secretion, producing a macrophage with enhanced clearance apoptotic cells. Plasma fatty acid analysis in young and mid-life populations revealed age-related increases in both the SFA and MUFA classes, especially the medium and very long chain C14 and C24 fatty acids, which were accompanied by increases in the estimated activities of desaturase enzymes. Changes were independently correlated with increased PBMC CD11b, plasma TNF-a and insulin resistance. In conclusion, the pro-atherogenic phenotype, enhanced LPS responses in monocytes, and pro-inflammatory macrophage in the presence of palmitate but not oleate is reliant upon de novo ceramide synthesis. Age-related increases in inflammation, cell surface integrin expression are related to increases in both the MUFA and SFA fatty acids, which in part may be explained by altered de novo fatty acid synthesis.


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Background Diabetes is a global epidemic. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the most prevalent consequences of diabetes. Nutrition is considered a modifiable risk factor for CVD, particularly for individuals with diabetes; albeit, there is little consensus on the role of carbohydrates, proteins and fats for arterial health for persons with or without diabetes. In this study, we examined the association of macronutrients with arterial pulse pressure (APP), a surrogate measure of arterial health by diabetes status and race. Methods Participants were 892 Mexican Americans (MA), 1059 Black, non-Hispanics (BNH) and 2473 White, non-Hispanics (WNH) with and without diabetes of a weighted sample from the National Nutrition and Health Examination Survey (NHANES) 2007-2008. The cross-sectional analysis was performed with IBM-SPSS version 18 with the complex sample analysis module. The two-year sample weight for the sub-sample with laboratory values was applied to reduce bias and approximate a nationally, representative sample. Arterial stiffness was assessed by arterial pulse pressure (APP). Results APP was higher for MA [B = 0.063 (95% CI 0.015 to 0.111), p = 0.013] and BNH [B = 0.044 (95% CI 0.006 to 0.082), p = 0.018] than WNH, controlling for diabetes, age, gender, body mass index (BMI), fiber intake, energy intake (Kcal) and smoking. A two-way interaction of diabetes by carbohydrate intake (grams) was inversely associated with APP [B = -1.18 (95% CI -0.178 to -0.058), p = 0.001], controlling for race, age, gender, BMI, Kcal and smoking. BNH with diabetes who consumed more mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) than WNH with diabetes had lower APP [B = -0.112 (95%CI-0.179 to -0.045), p = 0.003] adjusting for saturated fatty acids, Kcal, age, gender, BMI and smoking. Conclusion Higher MUFA and carbohydrate intake for persons with diabetes reflecting lower APP may be due to replacement of saturated fats with CHO and MUFA. The associations of APP with diabetes, race and dietary intake need to be confirmed with intervention and prospective studies. Confirmation of these results would suggest that dietary interventions for minorities with diabetes may improve arterial health.


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Blubber biopsies were collected from 18 adult male walruses from Svalbard, Norway. The biopsies were taken vertically through the skin and the entire blubber layer down to, but not including, the muscle layer. Fatty acid (FA) compositions of inner blubber, outer blubber and dermis of the walruses and of potential prey organisms were determined. The three layers differed significantly from one another in FA composition. Generally, the inner blubber contained more long-chained monounsaturated, saturated and polyunsaturated FAs, while the outer blubber and dermis contained more short-chained monounsaturated FAs. This stratification is similar to what has been observed in other marine mammal species. However, differences between layers were less pronounced than in most other species, possibly because the extremely thick overlying dermis of walruses provides an insulating shield, which affects the FA composition of the outer blubber. The FA composition of the potential prey organisms was different from that of the blubber of the walruses, although more similar to the inner blubber than to the outer blubber or dermis. FA composition in the inner blubber was not significantly correlated with age (assessed by tusk volume), while the FA composition of the outer blubber and dermis were significantly correlated with age.