909 resultados para Lymphocyte T CD8


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The relay hypothesis [R. Nayak, S. Mitra-Kaushik, M.S. Shaila, Perpetuation of immunological memory: a relay hypothesis, Immunology 102 (2001) 387-395] was earlier proposed to explain perpetuation of immunological memory without requiring long lived memory cells or persisting antigen. This hypothesis envisaged cycles of interaction and proliferation of complementary idiotypic B cells (Burnet cells) and anti-idiotypic B cells (Jerne cells) as the primary reason for perpetuation of immunological memory. The presence of pepti-domimics of antigen in anti-idiotypic antibody and their presentation to antigen specific T cells was postulated to be primary reason for perpetuation of T cell memory. Using a viral hemagglutinin as a model, in this work, we demonstrate the presence of peptidomimics in the variable region of ail anti-idiotypic antibody capable of functionally mimicking the antigen derived peptides. A CD8(+) CTL clone was generated against the hemagglutinin protein which specifically responds to either peptidomimic synthesizing cells or peptidomimic pulsed antigen presenting cells. Thus, it appears reasonable that a population of activated antigen specific T cells is maintained in the body by presentation of peptidomimic through Jerne cells and other antigen presenting cells long after immunization. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The impact of host immunity on outcome in nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is controversial. We examined the relationship between lymphoid infiltration patterns in NSCLC and prognosis. Tumour- and stroma-infiltrating CD3+, CD8+ and forkhead box P3 (Foxp3)+ T-lymphocytes were identified using immunohistochemistry and a novel image analysis algorithm to assess total, cytotoxic and regulatory T-lymphocyte counts, respectively, in 196 NSCLC cases. The median cell count was selected as a cut-point to define patient subgroups and the ratio of the corresponding tumour islet:stroma (TI/S) counts was determined. There was a positive association between overall survival and increased CD8+ TI/S ratio (hazard ratio (HR) for death 0.44, p<0.001) but an inverse relationship between Foxp3+ TI/S ratio and overall survival (HR 4.86, p<0.001). Patients with high CD8+ islet (HR 0.48, p<0.001) and Foxp3+ stromal (HR 0.23, p<0.001) counts had better survival, whereas high CD3+ and CD8+ stromal counts and high Foxp3+ islet infiltration conferred a worse survival (HR 1.55, 2.19 and 3.14, respectively). By multivariate analysis, a high CD8+ TI/S ratio conferred an improved survival (HR 0.48, p=0.002) but a high Foxp3+ TI/S ratio was associated with worse survival (HR 3.91, p<0.001). Microlocalisation of infiltrating T-lymphocytes is a powerful predictor of outcome in resected NSCLC.


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The experimental model using intracerebral (i.c.) challenge was employed in many studies evaluating the protection against disease induced by Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV). We investigated alterations in peripheral lymphocyte response caused by i.c. infection of mice with JEV. Splenocytes from the i.c.-infected mice showed suppressed proliferative response to concanavalin A (con A) and anti-CD3 antibody stimulation. At the same time, the expression of CD25 (IL-2R) and production of IL-2 was inhibited. Addition of anti-CD28 antibody restored the decreased anti-CD3 antibody-mediated proliferation in the splenocytes. Moreover, the number of con A-stimulated cells secreting IL-4 was significantly reduced in splenocytes from i.c.-infected mice. These studies suggested that the i.c. infection with JEV might involve additional immune modulation effects due to massive virus replication in the brain.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) as sentinels of the immune system are important for eliciting both primary and secondary immune responses to a plethora of microbial pathogens. Cooperative stimulation of a complex set of pattern-recognition receptors, including TLR2 and nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors on DCs, acts as a rate-limiting factor in determining the initiation and mounting of the robust immune response. It underscores the need for ``decoding'' these multiple receptor interactions. In this study, we demonstrate that TLR2 and NOD receptors cooperatively regulate functional maturation of human DCs. Intriguingly, synergistic stimulation of TLR2 and NOD receptors renders enhanced refractoriness to TGF-beta- or CTLA-4-mediated impairment of human DC maturation. Signaling perturbation data suggest that NOTCH1-PI3K signaling dynamics assume critical importance in TLR2- and NOD receptor-mediated surmounting of CTLA-4- and TGF-beta -suppressed maturation of human DCs. Interestingly, the NOTCH1-PI3K signaling axis holds the capacity to regulate DC functions by virtue of PKC delta-MAPK-dependent activation of NF-kappa B. This study provides mechanistic and functional insights into TLR2-and NOD receptor-mediated regulation of DC functions and unravels NOTCH1-PI3K as a signaling cohort for TLR2 and NOD receptors. These findings serve in building a conceptual foundation for the design of improved strategies for adjuvants and immunotherapies against infectious diseases.


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The progesterone-regulated glycoprotein glycodelin-A (GdA), secreted by the decidualized endometrium at high concentrations in primates, inhibits the maternal immune response against fetal antigens and thereby contributes to the tolerance of the semi-allogenic fetus during a normal pregnancy. Our earlier studies demonstrated the ability of GdA to induce an intrinsic apoptotic cascade in CD4 T-lymphocytes and suppress the cytolytic effector function of CD8 T-lymphocytes. In this report, we investigated further into the mechanism of action of GdA controlling perforin and granzyme B expression in CD8 T-lymphocytes and the mechanism of action of GdA leading to lymphocyte death. Flow cytometry analysis was performed to check for the surface expression of interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) and intracellular eomesodermin (Eomes) in activated T-lymphocytes, whereas quantitative RTPCR analysis was used to find out their mRNA profile upon GdA treatment. Western analysis was carried out to confirm the protein level of Bax and Bcl-2. GdA reduces the surface expression of the high-affinity IL-2R complex by down-regulating the synthesis of IL-2R (CD25). This disturbs the optimal IL-2 signalling and decreases the Eomes expression, which along with IL-2 directly regulates perforin and granzymes expression. Consequently, the CD8 T-lymphocytes undergo growth arrest and are unable to mature into competent cytotoxic T-lymphocytes. In the CD4 T-lymphocytes, growth factor IL-2 deprivation leads to proliferation inhibition, decreased Bcl-2/enhanced Bax expression, culminating in mitochondrial stress and cell death. GdA spurs cell cycle arrest, loss of effector functions and apoptosis in different T-cell subsets by making T-lymphocytes unable to respond to IL-2.


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Thymic atrophy is known to occur during infections; however, there is limited understanding of its causes and of the cross-talk between different pathways. This study investigates mechanisms involved in thymic atrophy during a model of oral infection by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S.typhimurium). Significant death of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes, but not of single-positive thymocytes or peripheral lymphocytes, is observed at later stages during infection with live, but not heat-killed, bacteria. The death of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes is Fas-independent as shown by infection studies with lpr mice. However, apoptosis occurs with lowering of mitochondrial potential and higher caspase-3 activity. The amounts of cortisol, a glucocorticoid, and interferon- (IFN-), an inflammatory cytokine, increase upon infection. To investigate the functional roles of these molecules, studies were performed using Ifn/ mice together with RU486, a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist. Treatment of C57BL/6 mice with RU486 does not affect colony-forming units (CFU), amounts of IFN- and mouse survival; however, there is partial rescue in thymocyte death. Upon infection, Ifn/ mice display higher CFU and lower survival but more surviving thymocytes are recovered. However, there is no difference in cortisol amounts in C57BL/6 and Ifn/ mice. Importantly, the number of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes is significantly higher in Ifn/ mice treated with RU486 along with lower caspase-3 activity and mitochondrial damage. Hence, endogenous glucocorticoid and IFN--mediated pathways are parallel but synergize in an additive manner to induce death of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes during S.typhimurium infection. The implications of this study for host responses during infection are discussed.


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We previously reported that Rv1860 protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis stimulated CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells secreting gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) in healthy purified protein derivative (PPD)-positive individuals and protected guinea pigs immunized with a DNA vaccine and a recombinant poxvirus expressing Rv1860 from a challenge with virulent M. tuberculosis. We now show Rv1860-specific polyfunctional T (PFT) cell responses in the blood of healthy latently M. tuberculosis-infected individuals dominated by CD8(+) T cells, using a panel of 32 overlapping peptides spanning the length of Rv1860. Multiple subsets of CD8(+) PFT cells were significantly more numerous in healthy latently infected volunteers (HV) than in tuberculosis (TB) patients (PAT). The responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from PAT to the peptides of Rv1860 were dominated by tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) secretions, the former coming predominantly from non-T cell sources. Notably, the pattern of the T cell response to Rv1860 was distinctly different from those of the widely studied M. tuberculosis antigens ESAT-6, CFP-10, Ag85A, and Ag85B, which elicited CD4(+) T cell-dominated responses as previously reported in other cohorts. We further identified a peptide spanning amino acids 21 to 39 of the Rv1860 protein with the potential to distinguish latent TB infection from disease due to its ability to stimulate differential cytokine signatures in HV and PAT. We suggest that a TB vaccine carrying these and other CD8(+) T-cell-stimulating antigens has the potential to prevent progression of latent M. tuberculosis infection to TB disease.


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A L-arginina reconhecida como um nutriente de fundamental importncia na resposta imune, apesar de seus efeitos serem, por vezes, considerados inconstantes. O autoimplante esplnico tem sido proposto como alternativa esplenectomia total isolada, mas existem preocupaes quanto eficcia do restabelecimento da resposta imune, haja vista que o paciente pode permanecer com risco aumentado de desenvolvimento de infeco fulminante ps esplenectomia, mesmo aps a regenerao morfolgica do rgo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a participao da suplementao diettica com L-arginina em subpopulaes linfocitrias no sangue, no bao e nos autoimplantes esplnicos de ratos submetidos a esplenectomia isolada ou combinada com autoimplante esplnico. Foram utilizados 42 ratos Sprague-Dawley machos, randomicamente distribudos em seis grupos: 1 Controle operao simulada; 2 esplenectomia total; 3 esplenectomia total combinada com autoimplante esplnico; 4 Controle operao simulada, com suplementao de L-arginina; 5 esplenectomia total, com suplementao de L-arginina; e 6 esplenectomia total combinada com autoimplante esplnico, com suplementao de L-arginina. Os animais dos grupos 4, 5 e 6 receberam suplementao de L-arginina, uma vez ao dia, durante 15 dias anteriores a coleta sangnea realizada imediatamente antes dos procedimentos operatrios (semanas 0 e 12). A dose utilizada foi de 1,0 g/kg/dia, administrada por via intragstrica em bolus. As avaliaes foram realizadas por meio de hemograma e citometria de fluxo. A anlise estatstica utilizou testes paramtricos e noparamtricos, sendo p<0,05 considerado para a rejeio da hiptese nula. A suplementao com L-arginina acarretou elevao da contagem relativa e absoluta de neutrfilos perifricos, 12 semanas aps a realizao de esplenectomia total combinada com autoimplante esplnico. A esplenectomia total ocasionou diminuio da contagem relativa de linfcitos T totais, T CD4+ e T CD8&#946; no sangue, mas a suplementao diettica com L-arginina evitou a diminuio do percentual de clulas T totais e T CD8&#946; no sangue dos animais submetidos a autoimplante esplnico. Tanto a realizao de autoimplante esplnico como a suplementao de L-arginina previnem a diminuio da subpopulao de linfcitos T CD4+ no sangue perifrico, fato que usualmente ocorre aps realizao de esplenectomia total. Houve maior proliferao de clulas brancas / g de tecido nos autoimplante esplnico dos animais suplementados, porm a suplementao no influenciou a contagem de linfcitos T, T CD4+ e B de zona marginal de bao. A suplementao do aminocido L-arginina aps a realizao de esplenectomia total combinada com autoimplante esplnico em ratos foi capaz de reverter alteraes observadas em algumas das subpopulaes linfocitrias, ocasionadas pela esplenectomia.


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Neisseria meningitidis sorogrupo C (MenC) tem sido causador de surtos no Brasil, desde 2005. Vacinas conjugadas contra MenC esto disponveis desde 1999 nos pases desenvolvidos e mais recentemente no Brasil. So vacinas eficazes em pacientes imunologicamente normais, mas pouco se conhece sobre o impacto em pacientes HIV+. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi investigar se h alguma correlao entre a resposta de LT CD4+ de memria e a resposta de anticorpos especficos para o MenC, assim como conhecer as populaes de memria dos LT CD8+, em crianas e adolescentes infectados pelo HIV respondedores ou no vacina MenC conjugada. Amostras de sangue de 36 pacientes HIV+ foram coletadas antes e aps imunizao, para anlises laboratoriais, soros e clulas coletadas foram congelados e enviados ao nosso laboratrio para a anlise da resposta imune humoral e celular. Utilizamos o ensaio bactericida para avaliar a resposta humoral e dividir a populao de estudo em soroconversor positivo e soroconversor negativo. A citometria de fluxo foi aplicada para identificao das seis subpopulaes de LT CD4+ e T CD8+ e avaliao do perfil de ativao. No encontramos mudanas no perfil de distribuio das subpopulaes antes e aps a vacinao. A subpopulao LT CD4+ Int correlacionou positivamente com os ttulos de anticorpos e a ativao, de um modo geral, estava elevada nos respondedores, conferindo certa importncia para essa clula. Semelhanas foram observadas entre as subpopulaes LT CD4+ e T CD8+. Em suma, este estudo revelou importantes associaes entre a resposta de anticorpos bactericidas aps a vacinao, o perfil de distribuio das subpopulaes de LT CD4+ LT CD8+ e seu status de ativao.


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Partial cDNA sequences of both CD8 beta and CD4-like (CD4L) genes of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) were isolated from thymus cDNA library by the method of suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH). Subsequently the full length cDNAs of carp CD8 and CD4L were obtained by means of 3' RACE and 5' RACE, respectively. The full length cDNA of carp CD8 is 1164 bp and encodes 207 amino acids including a signal peptide region of 24 amino acids, a transmembrane region of 23 amino acids from aa 167 to aa189 and an immunoglobulin V-set from aa 19 to aa 141. Similar to other species CD8 beta s,carp CD8 beta also lacks p56(lck) domain in the cytoplasmic region. The full length cDNA of carp CD4L is 2001 bp and encodes 458 amino acids including four immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domains in the extracellular region, a transmembrane region of 23 amino acids at the C-terminal region from aa 402 to aa 424 and a cytoplasmic tail. Similar to mammalian, avian CD4s and fugu CD4L, carp CD4L also has the conserved p56(lck) tyrosine kinase motif (C-X-C) in the cytoplasmic region. RT-PCR analysis demonstrated that carp CD8 beta and CD4L genes were both expressed predominantly in thymus. The results from this study can be used to understand the evolution of both the CD8 beta and CD4 molecules which can be used as markers for cytotoxic and helper T cells in carp. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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ObjectiveDeveloping a generalized psychological intervention program, and explore its influence on the emotion, subjective health, and immunity function of the perioperation patients with breast cancer. MethodSixty patients with breast cancer were randomly divided into intervention and control groups. The clinical psychological intervention was performed on patients in the intervention group for 20 days, in addition to the routine therapy and care. Levels of emotion (SAS & SDS), subjective health (SF-36), and immunity function (t lymphocyte subsets) of the patients were tested. Results: 1.There was no significant difference between the age, income, educational level, and type of prefession of the two groups. There was no significant difference between SAS, SDS, SF-36 and lymphocyte subsetsCD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD4+/CD8+, NK of the two groups. 2. Scores of SAS and SDS decreased significantly after intervention in experimental group, while the score of SF-36, the average value of CD4+, CD4+/CD8+, and NK increased significantly. For the control group, the score of depression decreased significantly after intervention, while the score of PF, GH, VT, SF, RE, and MH increased significantly. 3. In comparison of the intervention and control group, the intervention effect of SAS, SDS, SF-36 scores (except SF), CD3+, CD4+, CD4+/CD8+, and NK differed significantly, with the priority of experimental group. 4. SDS, SAS, and CD3+, CD4+, NK correlated in negative respectively, while SDS, SAS, and CD8+ correlated in positive. PF, RP, GH, SF, and MH of subjective health correlated in positive with every index of immunity function in positive, except negative correlation with CD4+/CD8+. BP, RE correlated with CD3+,CD4+,CD8+, and NK in positive. VT correlated in positive with CD3+, CD8+, and NK, in negative with CD4+/CD8+. Conclusions: 1. Anxiety, depression, and subjective health, correlated with immunity function in perioperation patients with breast cancer. 2. Psychological intervention can improve the emotional status, subjective health, and immune function of patients with breast cancer to the optimum in perioperative period.


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We report on a heart-lung transplant recipient who presented with pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) 2.5 months after transplantation and then developed a paradoxical reaction after 4 months of adequate anti-TB treatment. She eventually recovered with anti-TB and high-dose steroid treatments. METHODS: Using sequential bronchoalveolar lavages, we assessed the inflammatory response in the lung and investigated the alveolar immune response against a Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen. RESULTS: The paradoxical reaction was characterized by a massive infiltration of the alveolar space by M. tuberculosis antigen-specific CD4(+) T cells and by the presence of a CD4(-)CD8(-) T lymphocyte subpopulation bearing phenotypic markers (CD16(+)/56(+)) classically associated with NK cells. CONCLUSION: This case report illustrates that even solid organ transplant recipients receiving intense triple-drug immune suppression may be able to develop a paradoxical reaction during TB treatment. Transplant physicians should be aware of this phenomenon in order to differentiate it from treatment failure.


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To analyse the impact of lack of MHC class II expression on the composition of the peripheral T-cell compartment in man, the expression characteristics of several membrane antigens were examined on peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and cultured T cells derived from an MHC-class-II-deficient patient. No MHC class II expression could be detected on either PBL or activated T cells. Moreover, the expression of MHC class I was reduced both on PBL and in vitro activated T cells compared to the healthy control. However, the reduced expression of CD26 observed on the PBL of the patient was restored after in vitro expansion. Despite the presumably class-II-deficient thymic environment, a distinct but reduced single CD4+ T-cell population was observed in the PBL of the patient. After in vitro expansion, the percentage of CD4+ cells dropped even further, most likely due to a proliferative disadvantage, compared to the single CD8+ T-cell population. However, proliferation analysis showed that T-cell activation via the TcR/CD3 pathway is not affected by the MHC class II deficiency.