961 resultados para Luminar progenitor phenotype
De l’experiència professional de l’equip del SATAF al llarg dels anys, s’ha constatat que un dels conflictes més recurrents, existents en els procediments contenciosos, és el rebuig filial envers un dels progenitors, habitualment, el no-custodi. Un tipus de rebuig filial és la Síndrome d’Alienació Parental (SAP), descrita per Gardner, inicialment, l’any 1985. A partir dels estudis realitzats d’ençà l’any 2004, aquest grup d’investigació pretén centrar la present recerca en el perfil de competències parentals del progenitor alienat. Paral·lelament, s’ha elaborat una entrevista semiestructurada d’exploració de la SAP. Altrament, també s’ha creat una guia d’observadors per tal d’aconseguir certa operativitat diagnòstica. Els resultats obtinguts han partit d’una anàlisis estadística no-paramètrica, considerant el petit tamany de la mostra. Amb l’anàlisi, es constata que la gravetat de la SAP no manté relació quant a presència d’habilitats parentals en el progenitor alienat. D'altra banda, l’actitud d’aquests progenitors incideix en el manteniment de la Síndrome. Disposar d’eines específiques per a l’avaluació d’aquests casos optimitza i operatitvitza les intervencions amb aquestes famílies.
Human Chagas' disease, caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, is associated with pathological processes whose mechanisms are not known. To address this question, T cell lines were developed from chronic chagasic patients peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and cloned. These T cell clones (TCC) were analyzed phenotypically with monoclonal antibodies by the use of a fluorescence microscope. The surface phenotype of the TCC from the asymptomatic patient were predominantly CD4 positive (86%). On the contrary, the surface phenotype CD8 was predominant in the TCC from the patients suffering from cardiomegaly with right bundle branch block (83%), bradycardia with megacolon (75 %) and bradycardia (75%). Future studies will be developed in order to identify the antigens eliciting these T cell subpopulations.
OBJECTIVE: Familial cold urticaria (FCU) and Muckle-Wells syndrome (MWS) are dominantly inherited autoinflammatory disorders that cause rashes, fever, arthralgia, and in some subjects, AA amyloidosis, and have been mapped to chromosome 1q44. Sensorineural deafness in MWS, and provocation of symptoms by cold in FCU, are distinctive features. This study was undertaken to characterize the genetic basis of FCU, MWS, and an overlapping disorder in French Canadian, British, and Indian families, respectively. METHODS: Mutations in the candidate gene NALP3, which has also been named CIAS1 and PYPAF1, were sought in the study families, in a British/Spanish patient with apparent sporadic MWS, and in matched population controls. Identified variants were sought in 50 European subjects with uncharacterized, apparently sporadic periodic fever syndromes, 48 subjects with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and 19 subjects with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). RESULTS: Point mutations, encoding putative protein variants R262W and L307P, were present in all affected members of the Indian and French Canadian families, respectively, but not in controls. The R262W variant was also present in the subject with sporadic MWS. The V200M variant was present in all affected members of the British family with MWS, in 2 of the 50 subjects with uncharacterized periodic fevers, and in 1 of 130 Caucasian and 2 of 48 Indian healthy controls. No mutations were identified among the subjects with RA or JIA. CONCLUSION: These findings confirm that mutations in the NALP3/CIAS1/PYPAF1 gene are associated with FCU and MWS, and that disease severity and clinical features may differ substantially within and between families. Analysis of this gene will improve classification of patients with inherited or apparently sporadic periodic fever syndromes.
Allergen-induced bone marrow responses are observable in human allergic asthmatics, involving specific increases in eosinophil-basophil progenitors (Eo/B-CFU), measured either by hemopoietic assays or by flow cytometric analyses of CD34-positive, IL-3Ralpha-positive, and/or IL-5-responsive cell populations. The results are consistent with the upregulation of an IL-5-sensitive population of progenitors in allergen-induced late phase asthmatic responses. Studies in vitro on the phenotype of developing eosinophils and basophils suggest that the early acquisition of IL-5Ralpha, as well as the capacity to produce cytokines such as GM-CSF and IL-5, are features of the differentiation process. These observations are consistent with findings in animal models, indicating that allergen-induced increases in bone marrow progenitor formation depend on hemopoietic factor(s) released post-allergen. The possibility that there is constitutive marrow upregulation of eosinophilopoiesis in allergic airways disease is also an area for future investigation.
Purpose: To assess the phenotype of patients in a large 3 generation Swiss family with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) due to a novel nonsense mutation Glu20stop in RP2 gene and to correlate with the genotype. Methods: 6 affected patients (1 male, 5 females, age range: 23 - 73 years) were assessed with a complete ophthalmologic examination. All had fundus autofluorescence images, standardised electroretinography, Goldmann visual fields and Optical Coherence Tomography. In addition, medical records of 2 affected male patients were reviewed. Blood sample was taken for molecular analysis. Results: The male patients were severely affected at a young age with early macular involvement. The youngest 23 y old male had also high myopia and vision of less than 0.05 according to Snellen EDTRS chart bilaterally. All 5 female carriers had some degree of rod-cone dystrophy, but no macular involvement. The visual acuity was 1.0 in the younger carriers, while the 73 years old had VA of 0.5. Two females had mild myopia (range -0.75 to -2) and one had anisometropia of 3.5D, with the more severely affected eye being myopic. Three out of 5 female carriers had optic nerve drusen. Conclusions: We report a novel Glu20stop mutation in RP2 gene, which is a rare cause of XLRP. Our description of severe phenotype in male patients with high myopia and early macular atrophy confirms previous reports. Unlike previous reports, all our female carriers had RP, but not macular involvement or high myopia. The identifiable phenotype for RP2-XLRP aids in clinical diagnosis and targeted genetic screening.
Summary : Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF) and Transforming Growth Factor-ß (TGF-ß) are two crucial growth factors in tissue repair and regeneration. They control migration and proliferation of macrophages and fibroblasts, as well as myofibroblast differentiation and synthesis of the new connective tissue. The transcription factor Nuclear Factor I-C (NFI-C) has been implicated in the TGF-ß pathway and regulation of extracellular matrix proteins in vitro. This suggests a possible implication of NFI-C in tissue repair. In this study, our purpose was to identify the NFI-C target genes in TGF-ß1 pathway activation and define the relationship between these two factors in cutaneous wound healing process. High-throughput genomic analysis in wild-type and NFI-C knock-out embryonic fibroblasts indicated that NFI-C acts as a repressor of the expression of genes which transcriptional activity is enhanced by TGF-ß. Interestingly, we found an over representation of genes involved in connective tissue inflammation and repair. In accordance with the genomic analysis, NFI-C-/- mice showed an improvement of skin healing during the inflammatory stage. Analysis of this new phenotype indicated that the expression of PDGFA and PDGF-Ra genes were increased in the wounds of NFI-C-/- mice resulting in early recruitment of macrophages and fibroblasts in the granulation tissue. In correlation with the stimulation effect of TGF-ß on myofibroblast differentiation we found an increased differentiation of these cells in null mice, providing a rationale for rapid wound closure. Thus, in the absence of NFI-C, both TGF-ß and PDGF pathways may be activated, leading to enhanced healing process. Therefore, the inhibition of NFI-C expression could constitute a suitable therapy for healing improvement. In addition, we identified a delay of hair follicle cycle initiation in NFI-C-/- mice. This prompted us to investigate the role of NFI-C in skin appendage. The transition from a quiescent to a proliferative phase requires a perfect timing of signalling modulation, leading to stem cell activation. As a consequence of cycle initiation delay in null mice, the activation of signalling involved in cell proliferation was also retarded. Interestingly, at the crucial moment of cell fate determination, we identified a decrease of CD34 gene in mutant mice. Since CD34 protein is involved in migration of multipotent cells, we suggest that NFI-C may be involved in stem cell mobilisation required for hair follicle renewal. Further investigations of the role of NFI-C in progenitor cell activation will lead to a better understanding of tissue regeneration and raise the possibility of treating alopecia with NFI-C-targeting treatment. In summary, this study demonstrates new regenerative functions of NFI-C in adult mice, which regulates skin repair and hair follicle renewal. Résumé : PDGF et TGF-ß sont des facteurs important du mécanisme de défense immunitaire. Ils influencent la prolifération et migration des macrophages et des fibroblastes, ainsi que la différenciation des myofibroblastes et la formation du nouveau tissu conjonctif. Le facteur de transcription NFI-C a été impliqué dans la voie de signalisation de TGF-ß et dans 1a régulation de l'expression des protéines de la matrice extracellulaire in vitro. Ces études antérieures laissent supposer que NFI-C serait un facteur important du remodelage tissulaire. Cependant le rôle de NFI-C dans un tissu comme la peau n'a pas encore été étudié. Dans ce travail, le but a été de d'identifier la relation qu'il existe entre I~1FI-C et TGF-ßl à un niveau transcriptionnel et dans le processus de cicatrisation cutanée in vivo. Ainsi, une analyse génétique à grande échelle, a permis d'indiquer que NFI-C agit comme un répresseur sur l'expression des gènes dont l'activité transcriptionnelle est activée par TGF-ß. De plus nous avons identifié un groupe de gènes qui controlent le développement et l'inflammation du tissue conjonctif. En relation avec ce résultat, l'absence de NFI-C dans la peau induit une cicatrisation plus rapide pendant la phase inflammatoire. Durant cette période, nous avons montré que les expressions de PDGFA et PDGFRa seraient plus élevées en absence de NFI-C. En conséquence, l'activation de la voie de PDGF induit une infiltration plus importante des macrophages et fibroblastes dans le tissue granuleux des souris mutantes. De plus, en corrélation avec le rôle de TGF-ßl dans la différenciation des myofibroblasts, nous avons observé une différenciation plus importante de ces cellules chez les animaux knock-out, ce qui peut expliquer une contraction plus rapide de la plaie. De plus, nous avons découvert que NFI-C est impliqué dans l'initiation du cycle folliculaire. La caractérisation de ce nouveau phénotype a montré un ralentissement de la transition telogène-anagène des souris NFI-C-/-. Or, un événement clé de cette transition est la modulation de plusieurs signaux moléculaires aboutissant à' l'activation des cellules souches. En corrélation avec le decalage du cycle, l'activation de ces signaux est également décalée dans les souris NFI-C-/-. Ainsi, au commencement de l'anagène, la prolifération des keratinocytes,NFI-C-/- est retardée et corrèle avec une diminution de l'expression de CD34, une protéine responsable de la détermination du migration des cellules multipotentes. Ainsi, NFI-C semble être impliqué dans la mobilisation des cellules souches qui sont nécessaires au renouvellement folliculaire. En résumé, NFI-C est impliqué dans la régulation des signaux moléculaires nécessaires à la réparation tissulaire et son inhibition pourrait constituer un traitement de la cicatrisation. L'analyse de son rôle dans l'activation des cellules souches permettrait de mieux comprendre le renouvellement tissulaire et, à long terme, d'améliorer les techniques de greffe des cellules souches épithéliales ou consituter une cible pour le traitement de l'alopecie.
The nuclear phenotypes of Malpighian tubule epithelial cells of male nymphs of the blood-sucking insect, Panstrongylus megistus, subjected to short- and long-duration heat shocks at 40ºC were analyzed immediately after the shock and 10 and 30 days later. Normal nuclei with a usual heterochromatic body as well as phenotypes indicative of survival (unravelled heterochromatin, giants) and death (apoptosis, necrosis) responses were observed in control and treated specimens. However, all nuclear phenotypes, except the normal ones, were more frequent in shocked specimens. Similarly altered phenotypes have also been reported in Triatoma infestans following heat shock, although at different frequencies. The frequency of the various nuclear phenotypes observed in this study suggests that the forms of cell survival observed were not sufficient or efficient enough to protect all of the Malpighian tubule cells from the deleterious effects of stress. In agreement with studies on P. megistus survival following heat shock, only long-duration shock produced strongly deleterious effects.
Context: GnRH deficiency is a rare genetic disorder of absent or partial pubertal development. The clinical and genetic characteristics of GnRH-deficient women have not been well-described. Objective: To determine the phenotypic and genotypic spectrum of a large series of GnRH-deficient women. Design, Setting, and Subjects: Retrospective study of 248 females with GnRH deficiency evaluated at an academic medical center between 1980 and 2010. Main Outcome Measures: Clinical presentation, baseline endogenous GnRH secretory activity, and DNA sequence variants in 11 genes associated with GnRH deficiency. Results: Eighty-eight percent had undergone pubarche, 51% had spontaneous thelarche, and 10% had 1-2 menses. Women with spontaneous thelarche were more likely to demonstrate normal pubarche (P = 0.04). In 27% of women, neuroendocrine studies demonstrated evidence of some endogenous GnRH secretory activity. Thirty-six percent (a large excess relative to controls) harbored a rare sequence variant in a gene associated with GnRH deficiency (87% heterozygous and 13% biallelic), with variants in FGFR1 (15%), GNRHR (6.6%), and PROKR2 (6.6%) being most prevalent. One woman had a biallelic variant in the X-linked gene, KAL1, and nine women had heterozygous variants. Conclusions: The clinical presentation of female GnRH deficiency varies from primary amenorrhea and absence of any secondary sexual characteristics to spontaneous breast development and occasional menses. In this cohort, rare sequence variants were present in all of the known genes associated with GnRH deficiency, including the novel identification of GnRH-deficient women with KAL1 variants. The pathogenic mechanism through which KAL1 variants disrupt female reproductive development requires further investigation.
The nuclear phenotypes of Malpighian tubule cells in fifth instar nymphs of Triatoma infestans, one of the most important vectors of Chagas disease, were studied following sequential shocks at 0ºC, separated by intervals of 8 h and 24 h at 30ºC, under conditions of moderate fasting and full nourishment. The insects pertained to colonies reared in the laboratory and originated from domestic specimens collected in the Brazilian states of São Paulo (north) and Minas Gerais (south). Since nuclear phenotypes in this species are affected by single cold shocks, it was expected that these phenotypes could also be changed by sequential shocks. Nuclear phenotypes indicative of mechanisms of cell survival (nuclear fusion and heterochromatin decondensation) and cell death (apoptosis and necrosis) were observed concomitantly in all the conditions tested. Nuclear fusion and heterochromatin decondensation were not found relevant for the presumed acquisition of the cold-hardening response in T. infestans. The decreased frequency of apoptosis and necrosis following sequential cold shocks including under fasting conditions, indicated that tolerance to sequential cold shocks occurred in T. infestans of the mentioned origin.
Thymus regression upon stressing stimuli, such as infectious diseases, is followed by organ reconstitution, paralleling its development in ontogeny. A narrow window of thymus development was here studied, encompassing the pro-T lymphoid precursor expansion during specification stages, by the use of epidermal growth factor plus insulin (INS) in murine fetal thymus organ cultures. Aiming to disclose signaling pathways related to these stages, cultured thymus lobes had their RNA extracted, for the search of transcripts differentially expressed using RNAse protection assays and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reactions. We found no difference that could explain INS-driven thymocyte growth, in the pattern of transcripts for death/proliferation mediators, or for a series of growth factor receptors and transcriptional regulators known as essential for thymus development. Thymocyte suspensions from cultured lobes, stained for phenotype analysis by fluorescence activated cell sorting, showed a decreased staining for Notch1 protein at cell surfaces upon INS addition. We analyzed the expression of Notch-related elements, and observed the recruitment of a specific set of transcripts simultaneous and compatible with INS-driven thymocyte growth, namely, transcripts for Notch3, for its ligand Jagged2, and for Deltex1, a mediator of a poorly characterized alternative pathway downstream of the Notch receptor.
BACKGROUND: Evidence is accumulating that telomere length is a good predictor of life expectancy, especially early in life, thus calling for determining the factors that affect telomere length at this stage. Here, we investigated the relative influence of early growth conditions and origin (genetics and early maternal effects) on telomere length of collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) at fledging. We experimentally transferred hatchlings among brood triplets to create reduced, control (i.e. unchanged final nestling number) and enlarged broods. RESULTS: Although our treatment significantly affected body mass at fledging, we found no evidence that increased sibling competition affected nestling tarsus length and telomere length. However, mixed models showed that brood triplets explained a significant part of the variance in body mass (18%) and telomere length (19%), but not tarsus length (13%), emphasizing that unmanipulated early environmental factors influenced telomere length. These models also revealed low, but significant, heritability of telomere length (h(2) = 0.09). For comparison, the heritability of nestling body mass and tarsus length was 0.36 and 0.39, respectively, which was in the range of previously published estimates for those two traits in this species. CONCLUSION: Those findings in a wild bird population demonstrate that telomere length at the end of the growth period is weakly, but significantly, determined by genetic and/or maternal factors taking place before hatching. However, we found no evidence that the brood size manipulation experiment, and by extension the early growth conditions, influenced nestling telomere length. The weak heritability of telomere length suggests a close association with fitness in natural populations.
The introduction of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) facilitated the task of localizing DNA variation and identifying the genetic cause of yet unsolved Mendelian disorders. Using Whole Exome Capture method and NGS, we identified the causative genetic aberration responsible for a number of monogenic disorders previously undetermined. Due to the novelty of the NGS method we benchmarked different algorithms to assess their merits and defects. This allowed us to establish a pipeline that we successfully used to pinpoint genes responsible for a form of West's syndrome, a Complex Intellectual Disability syndrome associated with patellar dislocation and celiac disease, and correcting some erroneous molecular diagnosis of Alport's syndrome in a Saudi Arabian family.
Mast cells (MC) are important in the numerous physiological processes of homeostasis and disease. Most notably, MC are critical effectors in the development and exacerbation of allergic disorders. Nitric oxide (NO) is a diatomic radical produced by nitric oxide synthase (NOS), and has pluripotent cell signaling and cytotoxic properties. NO can influence many MC functions. Recent evidence shows the source of this NO can be from the mast cell itself. Governing the production of this endogenous NO, through alterations in the expression of tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4), a NOS cofactor, has stabilizing effects on MC degranulation. Furthermore, NO regulates the synthesis and secretion of de novo generated mediators, including leukotrienes and chemokines. These novel observations add to the growing body of knowledge surrounding the role of NO in the MC.
Purpose: To assess the clinical phenotype in two consanguineous Tunisian families with non syndromic autosomic recessive retinitis Pigmentosa (arRP) caused by an USH2A mutation.Methods: All accessible members of family A and B were included and underwent full ophthalmic examination with best corrected Snellen visual acuity, kinetic visual field testing, fundus photography, optical coherence tomography and full field electroretinography. Haplotype analyses were used to test linkage in the families to 20 arRP loci, including ABCA4, LRAT, USH2A, RP29, CERKL, CNGA1, CNGB1, CRB1, EYS, RP28, MERTK, NR2E3, PDE6A, PDE6B, RGR, RHO, RLBP1, TULP1. In addition, index patients were sent to AsperOphthalmics for arRP mutation screening.Results: Twenty three patients from the two families were ascertained for the study. Eight of the 23 members were clinically affected with arRP without hearing loss. Age range at baseline was 35 to 63 years (mean age was 46.5 years). For all affected members, night blindness appeared during the second decade. Visual acuity at baseline ranged from 20/50 to 20/32. Kinetic visual field was severely constricted. Fundus examination revealed typical RP changes with bone spicule-shaped pigment deposits in the mid periphery along with atrophy of the retina, narrowing of the vessels and waxy optic discs. Tomograms showed a thinning and even loss the outer nuclear layer of the fovea. ERG was unrecordable in scotopic conditions and the cone responses were markedly hypovolted. Haplotype analysis did not reveal any homozygosity. Screening at AsperOphthalmis showed a compound heterozygous [p.A1953G]+[p.I5126T] in family A and [p.G713R]+[p.W4149R] in family B.Conclusions: For these families, changes were typical of those that have been described in patients with moderate to severe forms of non syndromic recessive RP. Our findings support the need to consider possible involvement of USH2A not only in patients with Usher syndrome but also in patients with non syndromc arRP. Despite consanguinity, the presence of non-homozygous mutants illustrates the complexity of molecular analysis.
The hypothalamic damage induced by neonatal treatment with monosodium l-glutamate (MSG) induces several metabolic abnormalities, resulting in a rat hyperleptinemic-hyperadipose phenotype. This study was conducted to explore the impact of the neonatal MSG treatment, in the adult (120 days old) female rat on: (a) the in vivo and in vitro mineralocorticoid responses to ACTH and angiotensin II (AII); (b) the effect of leptin on ACTH- and AII-stimulated mineralocorticoid secretions by isolated corticoadrenal cells; and (c) abdominal adiposity characteristics. Our data indicate that, compared with age-matched controls, MSG rats displayed: (1) enhanced and reduced mineralocorticoid responses to ACTH and AII treatments, respectively, effects observed in both in vivo and in vitro conditions; (2) adrenal refractoriness to the inhibitory effect of exogenous leptin on ACTH-stimulated aldosterone output by isolated adrenocortical cells; and (3) distorted omental adiposity morphology and function. This study supports that the adult hyperleptinemic MSG female rat is characterized by enhanced ACTH-driven mineralocorticoid function, impaired adrenal leptin sensitivity, and disrupted abdominal adiposity function. MSG rats could counteract undesirable effects of glucocorticoid excess, by developing a reduced AII-driven mineralocorticoid function. Thus, chronic hyperleptinemia could play a protective role against ACTH-mediated allostatic loads in the adrenal leptin resistant, MSG female rat phenotype.