989 resultados para Lower Magdalenian period
Detailed analyses of the Lake Van pollen, Ca/K ratio and stable oxygen isotope record allow the identification of millennial-scale vegetation and environmental changes in eastern Anatolia throughout the last glacial (~75-15 ka BP). The climate within the last glacial was cold and dry, with low arboreal pollen (AP) levels. The driest and coldest period corresponds to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 (~28-14.5 ka BP) dominated by the highest values of xerophytic steppe vegetation. Our high-resolution multi proxy record shows rapid expansions and contractions of tree populations that reflects variability in temperature and moisture availability. This rapid vegetation and environmental changes can be linked to the stadial-interstadial pattern of the Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events as recorded in the Greenland ice cores. Periods of reduced moisture availability were characterized by enhanced xerophytic species and high terrigenous input from the Lake Van catchment area. Furthermore, comparison with the marine realm reveals that the complex atmosphere-ocean interaction can be explained by the strength and position of the westerlies, which is responsible for the supply of humidity in eastern Anatolia. Influenced by diverse topography of the Lake Van catchment, larger DO interstadials (e.g. DO 19, 17-16, 14, 12 and 8) show the highest expansion of temperate species within the last glacial. However, Heinrich events (HE), characterized by highest concentrations of ice-rafted debris (IRD) in marine sediments, are identified in eastern Anatolia by AP values not lower and high steppe components not more abundant than during DO stadials. In addition, this work is a first attempt to establish a continuous microscopic charcoal record over the last glacial in the Near East, which documents an initial immediate response to millennial-scale climate and environmental variability and enables us to shed light on the history of fire activity during the last glacial.
A high-resolution multi-proxy record from Lake Van, eastern Anatolia, derived from a lacustrine sequence cored at the 357 m deep Ahlat Ridge (AR), allows a comprehensive view of paleoclimate and environmental history in the continental Near East during the last interglacial (LI). We combined paleovegetation (pollen), stable oxygen isotope (d18Obulk) and XRF data from the same sedimentary sequence, showing distinct variations during the period from 135 to 110 ka ago leading into and out of full interglacial conditions. The last interglacial plateau, as defined by the presence of thermophilous steppe-forest communities, lasted ca. 13.5 ka, from ~129.1-115.6 ka BP. The detailed palynological sequence at Lake Van documents a vegetation succession with several climatic phases: (I) the Pistacia zone (ca. 131.2-129.1 ka BP) indicates summer dryness and mild winter conditions during the initial warming, (II) the Quercus-Ulmus zone (ca. 129.1-127.2 ka BP) occurred during warm and humid climate conditions with enhanced evaporation, (III) the Carpinus zone (ca. 127.2-124.1 ka BP) suggest increasingly cooler and wetter conditions, and (IV) the expansion of Pinus at ~124.1 ka BP marks the onset of a colder/drier environment that extended into the interval of global ice growth. Pollen data suggest migration of thermophilous trees from refugial areas at the beginning of the last interglacial. Analogous to the current interglacial, the migration documents a time lag between the onset of climatic amelioration and the establishment of an oak steppe-forest, spanning 2.1 ka. Hence, the major difference between the last interglacial compared to the current interglacial (Holocene) is the abundance of Pinus as well as the decrease of deciduous broad-leaved trees, indicating higher continentality during the last interglacial. Finally, our results demonstrate intra-interglacial variability in the low mid-latitudes and suggest a close connection with the high-frequency climate variability recorded in Greenland ice cores.
Recovery from the end-Permian mass extinction is frequently described as delayed, with complex ecological communities typically not found in the fossil record until the Middle Triassic epoch. However, the taxonomic diversity of a number of marine groups, ranging from ammonoids to benthic foraminifera, peaked rapidly in the Early Triassic. These variations in biodiversity occur amidst pronounced excursions in the carbon isotope record, which are compatible with episodes of massive CO2 outgassing from the Siberian Large Igneous Province. Here we present a high-resolution Early Triassic temperature record based on the oxygen isotope composition of pristine apatite from fossil conodonts. Our reconstruction shows that the beginning of the Smithian substage of the Early Triassic was marked by a cooler climate, followed by an interval of warmth lasting until the Spathian substage boundary. Cooler conditions resumed in the Spathian. We find the greatest increases in taxonomic diversity during the cooler phases of the early Smithian and early Spathian. In contrast, a period of extreme warmth in the middle and late Smithian was associated with floral ecological change and high faunal taxonomic turnover in the ocean. We suggest that climate upheaval and carbon-cycle perturbations due to volcanic outgassing were important drivers of Early Triassic biotic recovery.
During Leg 123, abundant and well-preserved Neocomian radiolarians were recovered at Site 765 (Argo Abyssal Plain) and Site 766 (lower Exmouth Plateau). The assemblages are characterized by a scarcity or absence of Tethyan taxa. The Berriasian-early Aptian radiolarian record recovered at Site 765 is unique in its density of well-preserved samples and in its faunal contents. Remarkable contrasts exist between radiolarian assemblages extracted from claystones of Site 765 and reexamined DSDP Site 261, and faunas recovered from radiolarian sand layers of Site 765. Clay faunas are unusual in their low diversity of apparently ecologically tolerant species, whereas sand faunas are dominated by non-Tethyan species that have never been reported before. Comparisons with Sites 766 and 261, as well as sedimentological observations, lead to the conclusion that this faunal contrast results from a difference in provenance, rather than from hydraulic sorting. Biostratigraphic dating proved difficult principally because of the paucity or even absence of (Tethyan) species used in published zonations. In addition, published zonations are contradictory and do not reflect total ranges of species. Radiolarian assemblages recovered from claystones at Sites 765 and 261 in the Argo Basin reflect restricted oceanic conditions for the latest Jurassic to Barremian time period. Neither the sedimentary facies nor the faunal associations bear any resemblance to sediment and radiolarian facies observed in typical Tethyan sequences. I conclude that the Argo Basin was paleoceanographically separated from Tethys during the Late Jurassic and part of the Early Cretaceous by its position at a higher paleolatitude and by enclosing landmasses, i.e., northeastern India and the Shillong Block, which were adjacent to the northwestern Australian margin before the opening. Assemblages recovered from radiolarian sand layers are dominated by non-Tethyan species that are interpreted as circumantarctic. Their sudden appearance in the late Berriasian/early Valanginian pre-dates the oceanization of the Indo-Australian break-up (Ml 1, late Valanginian) by about 5 m.y., but coincides with a sharp increase in margin-derived pelagic turbidites. The Indo-Australian rift zone and its adjacent margins probably were submerged deeply enough to allow an intermittent "spillover" of circumantarctic cold water into the Argo Basin, creating increased bottom current activity. Circumantarctic cold-water radiolarians transported into the Argo Basin upwelled along the margin and died en masse. Concomitant winnowing by bottom currents led to their accumulation in distinct radiolarite layers. High rates of faunal change and the sharp increase of bottom current activity are thought to be synchronous with the two pronounced late Berriasian-early Valanginian lowstands in sea level. Hypothetically, both phenomena might have been caused by a glaciation on the Antarctic-Australian continent, which was for the first time isolated from the rest of Gondwana by oceanic seaways as a result of Jurassic and Early Cretaceous seafloor spreading. The absence of typical Tethyan radiolarian species during the late Valanginian to late Hauterivian period is interpreted as reflecting a time of strong influx of circumantarctic cold water following oceanization (Mil) and rapid spreading between southeast India and western Australia. The reappearance and gradual increase in abundance and diversity of Tethyan forms along with the still dominant circumantarctic species are thought to result from overall more equitable climatic conditions during the Barremian and early Aptian and may have resulted from the establishment of an oceanic connection with the Tethys Ocean during the early Aptian.
The main characteristics of the Vernagtferner mass balance are sumarized in the table below. The mass balance years from 1964/65 to 2003/2004 are listed. The table includes the total area of the glacier (basis for the calculations), the equilibrium line altitude (ELA), percentage of the accumulation area in relation to the total area (AAR) and the specific net mass balance in mm w.e. (water equivalent) per year. It becomes clear that, after a rather minor growth period in the mid 1970's, the glacier continually lost mass since the beginning of the 1980's. Besides that, a clear increase of mass balance years with extreme mass losses could be observed in the last decade. The "glacier-friendly" summer with a well-balanced mass balance in 1999 could only interrupt the series of years with extreme mass losses, but this means no change in the trend. The minor mass loss in 1999 was caused by a winter snow cover above average, which prevented the glacier from becoming snow free over large areas and thus resulted in a lower ice melt. Although real summer conditions in 2000 were mainly restricted to August and produced a snow free area only slightly larger than in 1999, there have been further ice losses. This trend of negative mass balance continued also in the years 2001 and 2002. Nevertheless, the losses are moderate because a smaller part of the glacier became ice free until autumn (appr. 50 %). The summer 2003 caused a loss of ice in a dimension never seen since the beginning of the scientific investigations. This resulted from a combination of different factors: after only a moderate winter snowcover the glacier became snow free very early. For the first time the ablation area spanned over the entire glacier (blue fields in the mass balance tables!). Only one short snowfall event interrupted the ablation period, which lasted twice as long as in the years of large losses in the 1990's. The extreme mass loss in 2003 will also influence the mass balance in the following year 2004. The graphical representation of the elevation distribution of the specific mass balance together with the absolute mass balance can be found individually for each year by choosing one of the mass balance values from the table. These diagrams also include the area-height-distribution of the glacier and the ablation area. A tabular version of the numeric values in dependence of the elevation, provided separately for the accumulation area, the ablation area and the total glacier, can be found in colums "Persistent Identifier". The tables include the results for three different parts of the glacier and for the total glacier.
The Rieseberger Moor is a fen, 145 hectares in size, situated about 20 km east of Brunswick (Braunschweig), Lower Saxony, Germany. Peat was dug in the fen - with changing intensity - since the mid-18th century until around AD 1955. According to Schneekloth & Schneider (1971) the remaining peat (fen and wood peat) is predominantly 1.5 to 2 m thick (maximum 2.7 m). Part of the fen - now a nature reserve (NSG BR 005) - is wooded (Betula, Salix, Alnus). For more information on the Rieseberger Moor see http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rieseberger_Moor. Willi Selle was the first to publish pollen diagrams from this site (Selle 1935, profiles Rieseberger Torfmoor I and II). This report deals with a 2.2 m long profile from the wooded south-eastern part of the fen consisting of strongly decomposed fen peat taken A.D. 1965 and studied by pollen analysis in the same year. The peat below 1.45 m contained silt and clay, samples 1.48 and 1.58 m even fine sand. These samples had to be treated with HF (hydrofluoric acid) in addition to the treatment with hot caustic potash solution. The coring ended in sandy material. The new pollen data reflect the early part of the known postglacial development of the vegetation of this area: the change from a birch dominated forest to a pine forest and the later spreading of Corylus and of the thermophilous deciduous tree genera Quercus, Ulmus, Tilia and Fraxinus followed by the expansion of Alnus. The new data are in agreement with Selle's results, except for Alnus, which in Selle's pollen diagram II shows high values (up to 42% of the arboreal pollen sum) even in samples deposited before Corylus and Quercus started to spread. On contrary the new pollen diagram shows that alder pollen - although present in all samples - is frequent in the three youngest pollen spectra only. A period with dominating Alnus as seen in the uppermost part of Selle's pollen diagrams is missing. The latter is most likely the result of peat cutting at the later coring site, whereas the early, unusually high alder values of Selle's pollen study are probably caused by contamination of the pollen samples with younger peat. Selle took peat samples usually with a "Torfbohrer" (= Hiller sampler). This side-filling type of sampler with an inner chamber and an outer loose jacket offers - if not handled with appropriate care - ample opportunities to contaminate older peat with carried off younger material. Pollen grains of Fagus (2 % of the arboreal pollen sum) were found in two samples only, namely in the uppermost samples of the new profile (0.18 m) and of Selle's profile I (0.25 m). If this pollen is autochthonous, with other words: if this surface-near peat was not disturbed by human activities, the Fagus pollen indicates an Early Subboreal age of this part of the profile. The accumulation of the Rieseberg peat started during the Preboreal. Increased values of Corylus, Quercus and Ulmus indicate that sample 0.78 m of the new profile is the oldest Boreal sample. The high Alnus values prove the Atlantic age of the younger peat. Whether Early Subboreal peat exists at the site is questionable, but evidently none of the three profiles reaches to Late Subboreal time, when Fagus spread in the region. Did peat-growth end during the Subboreal? Did younger peat exist, but got lost by peat cutting or has younger peat simply not yet been found in the Rieseberg fen? These questions cannot be answered with this study. The temporary decline of the curve of Pinus for the benefit of Betula during the Preboreal, unusual for this period, is contemporaneous with the deposition of sand (Rieseberger Moor II, 1.33 - 1,41 m; samples 1.48 and 1.58 m of the new profile) and must be considered a local phenomenon. Literature: Schneekloth, Heinrich & Schneider, Siegfried (1971). Die Moore in Niedersachsen. 2. Teil. Bereich des Blattes Braunschweig der Geologischen Karte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1:200000). - Schriften der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft zum Studium Niedersachsens e.V. Reihe A I., Band 96, Heft 2, 83 Seiten, Göttingen. Selle, Willi (1935) Das Torfmoor bei Rieseberg. - Jahresbericht des Vereins für Naturwissenschaft zu Braunschweig, 23, 46-58, Braunschweig.
Pregnancy leads to several changes in body composition and morphology of women. It is not clear whether the biomechanical changes occurring in this period are due exclusively to body composition and size or to other physiological factors. The purpose was to quantify the morphology and body composition of women throughout pregnancy and in the postpartum period and identify the contribution of these parameters on the lower limb joints kinetic during gait. Eleven women were assessed longitudinally, regarding anthropometric, body composition, and kinetic parameters of gait. Body composition and body dimensions showed a significant increase during pregnancy and a decrease in the postpartum period. In the postpartum period, body composition was similar to the 1st trimester, except for triceps skinfold, total calf area, and body mass index, with higher results than at the beginning of pregnancy. Regression models were developed to predict women’s internal loading through anthropometric variables. Four models include variables associated with the amount of fat; four models include variables related to overall body weight; three models include fat-free mass; one model includes the shape of the trunk as a predictor variable. Changes in maternal body composition and morphology largely determine kinetic dynamics of the joints in pregnant women.
Tese de doutoramento (co-tutela), Geologia (Paleontologia e Estratigrafia), Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 2016
Pregnancy leads to several changes in body composition and morphology of women. It is not clear whether the biomechanical changes occurring in this period are due exclusively to body composition and size or to other physiological factors. The purpose was to quantify the morphology and body composition of women throughout pregnancy and in the postpartum period and identify the contribution of these parameters on the lower limb joints kinetic during gait. Eleven women were assessed longitudinally, regarding anthropometric, body composition, and kinetic parameters of gait. Body composition and body dimensions showed a significant increase during pregnancy and a decrease in the postpartum period. In the postpartum period, body composition was similar to the 1st trimester, except for triceps skinfold, total calf area, and body mass index, with higher results than at the beginning of pregnancy. Regression models were developed to predict women’s internal loading through anthropometric variables. Four models include variables associated with the amount of fat; four models include variables related to overall body weight; three models include fat-free mass; one model includes the shape of the trunk as a predictor variable. Changes in maternal body composition and morphology largely determine kinetic dynamics of the joints in pregnant women.
Party identification traditionally is seen as an important linkage mechanism, connecting voters to the party system. Previous analyses have suggested that the level of party identity is in decline in Germany, and in this article, we first expand previous observations with more recent data. These suggest that the erosion of party identity continues up to the present time. An age-period-cohort analysis of the panel data of the SOEP panel suggests that period effects are significantly negative. Furthermore, it can be observed that throughout the 1992-2009 observation period, education level and political interest have become more important determinants of party identity. Contrary to some of the literature, therefore, it can be shown that the loss of party identity is concentrated among groups with lower levels of political sophistication, indicating that the socio-economic profile of the group with a sense of party identification has become more distinct compared to the population as a whole. In the discussion, we investigate the theoretical and democratic consequences of this trend.
The Southern Hemisphere Westerly Winds (SWW) constitute an important zonal circulation that influences large-scale precipitation patterns and ocean circulation. Variations in their intensity and latitudinal position have been suggested to exert a strong influence on the CO2 budget in the Southern Ocean, thus making them a potential factor affecting the global climate. The possible influence of solar forcing on SWW variability during the Holocene is addressed. Solar sensitivity experiments with a comprehensive global climate model (CCSM3) are carried out to study the response of SWW to solar variability. In addition, It is shown that a high-resolution iron record from the Chilean continental slope (41° S), which is interpreted to reflect changes in the position of the SWW, is significantly correlated with reconstructed solar activity during the past 3000 years. Taken together, the proxy and model results suggest that centennial-scale periods of lower (higher) solar activity caused equatorward (southward) shifts of the annual mean SWW.
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