944 resultados para Low Birth Weight. Medical Geography. Social Indicators


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INTRODUCCION. En Colombia y a nivel mundial la vacunación es una estrategia que ha reducido la mortalidad infantil, sin embargo existen bajas coberturas en algunas zonas del país, dentro de las causas de la no vacunación se encuentra el bajo peso al nacer, tema de gran importancia y poco estudiado, encontrándose como una causa controlable y que permitiría a la población acceder a la protección frente a enfermedades inmunoprevenibles. MATERIALES Y METODOS. Se realizó un estudio de tipo observacional de corte trasversal, la muestra fue tomada de la ENDS realizada por Profamilia en el año 2010, se tomó el número total de los encuestados que cumplían con los criterios de inclusión, en total fueron 9694 registros a los que se les realizo; análisis descriptivo, bivariado y multivariado. RESULTADOS. Los niños con bajo peso al nacer tienen menor probabilidad de estar vacunados con el esquema completo con respecto a los niños con peso normal, OR 0762 (IC 95% 0,650; 0,895), se observó que las vacunas en forma individual tienen un comportamiento similar al esquema completo, específicamente en la aplicación en el tiempo indicado para su aplicación, exceptuando triple viral donde no se encontró asociación. CONCLUSION. El bajo peso es un factor determinante en la vacunación a tiempo de los menores y del cumplimiento posterior del esquema, se encontraron variables asociadas al no cumplimiento como el lugar del parto, el índice de pobreza y pertenecer a la etnia afrodescendiente.


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ANTECEDENTES. La mortalidad neonatal se debe principalmente a procesos infecciosos y a prematurez. Se ha sugerido que el lavado corporal total con clorhexidina podría reducir la mortalidad neonatal relacionada con infección. No existen revisiones sistemáticas que exploren la eficacia de esta intervención. Objetivo. Evaluar la eficacia y seguridad de la limpieza corporal total con clorhexidina en la prevención de las infecciones asociadas al cuidado de la salud en neonatos de alto riesgo hospitalizados en cuidado intensivo neonatal. Metodología. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura. La búsqueda se hizo a través de las bases de datos Medline, Embase, LilaCS, Cochrane library y el registro de ensayos clínicos del Instituto Nacional de Salud de Estados Unidos. Se incluyeron ensayos clínicos publicados en los últimos 15 años hasta el 30 de enero del 2015. Las variables cualitativas se estimaron mediante OR o RR con sus IC95%. Las variables cuantitativas mediante diferencias de promedios o diferencias estandarizadas de promedios con sus IC95%. Resultados: Se incluyeron 3 estudios en el análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo. No se encontró evidencia concluyente que permita recomendar el uso de la limpieza corporal total con clorhexidina en los recién nacidos hospitalizados en cuidado intensivo neonatal. Conclusión: No existe evidencia que permita concluir que la limpieza corporal total con clorhexidina al 0.25% es mejor respecto a otras intervenciones en la prevención de sepsis neonatal asociada al cuidado de la salud . Es una intervención segura sin efectos adversos significativos.


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Women who were themselves small-for-gestational age (SGA) are at a greater risk of adulthood diseases such as non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), and twice at risk of having an SGA baby themselves. The aim of this study was to examine the intergenerational pig. Low (L) and normal (N) birth weight female piglets were followed throughout their first pregnancy (generation 1 (0)). After they had given birth, the growth and development of the lightest (I) and heaviest (n) female piglet from each litter were monitored until approximately 5 months of age (generation 2 (G2)). A glucose tolerance test (GTT) was conducted on G1 pig at similar to 6 months of age and again during late pregnancy; a GTT was also conducted on G2 pigs at similar to 4 months of age. G1 L offspring exhibited impaired glucose metabolism in later life compared to their G1 N sibling but in the next generation a similar scenario was only observed between I and n offspring born to G1 L mothers. Despite G1 L mothers showing greater glucose intolerance in late pregnancy and a decreased litter size, average piglet birth weight was reduced and there was also a large variation in litter weight; this suggests that they were, to some extent, prioritising their nutrient intake towards themselves rather than promoting their reproductive performance. There were numerous relationships between body shape at birth and glucose curve characteristics in later life, which can, to some extent, be used to predict neonatal outcome. In conclusion, intergenerational effects are partly seen in the pig. It is likely that some of the intergenerational influences may be masked due to the pig being a litter-bearing species.


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In the past three decades, Brazil has undergone rapid changes in major social determinants of health and in the organisation of health services. In this report, we examine how these changes have affected indicators of maternal health, child health, and child nutrition. We use data from vital statistics, population censuses, demographic and health surveys, and published reports. In the past three decades, infant mortality rates have reduced substantially, decreasing by 5.5% a year in the 1980s and 1990s, and by 4.4% a year since 2000 to reach 20 deaths per 1000 livebirths in 2008. Neonatal deaths account for 68% of infant deaths. Stunting prevalence among children younger than 5 years decreased from 37% in 1974-75 to 7% in 2006-07. Regional differences in stunting and child mortality also decreased. Access to most maternal-health and child-health interventions increased sharply to almost universal coverage, and regional and socioeconomic inequalities in access to such interventions were notably reduced. The median duration of breastfeeding increased from 2.5 months in the 1970s to 14 months by 2006-07. Official statistics show stable maternal mortality ratios during the past 10 years, but modelled data indicate a yearly decrease of 4%, a trend which might not have been noticeable in official reports because of improvements in death registration and the increased number of investigations into deaths of women of reproductive age. The reasons behind Brazil`s progress include: socioeconomic and demographic changes (economic growth, reduction in income disparities between the poorest and wealthiest populations, urbanisation, improved education of women, and decreased fertility rates), interventions outside the health sector (a conditional cash transfer programme and improvements in water and sanitation), vertical health programmes in the 1980s (promotion of breastfeeding, oral rehydration, and immunisations), creation of a tax-funded national health service in 1988 (coverage of which expanded to reach the poorest areas of the country through the Family Health Program in the mid-1990s); and implementation of many national and state-wide programmes to improve child health and child nutrition and, to a lesser extent, to promote women`s health. Nevertheless, substantial challenges remain, including overmedicalisation of childbirth (nearly 50% of babies are delivered by caesarean section), maternal deaths caused by illegal abortions, and a high frequency of preterm deliveries.


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Background: Low birth weight affects child growth and development, requiring the intensive use of health services. There are conversely proportional associations between prematurity and academic performance around the world. In this study we evaluated factors involved in weight and neuropsychomotor profile in one and two years old discharged from Intensive Care Units (ICU).Methods/Design: We investigated 203 children from the ICU who were followed for 24 +/- 4 months. The research was conducted by collecting data from medical records of patients in a Follow-up program. We investigated the following variables: inadequate weight at one year old; inadequate weight at two years old and a severe neurological disorder at two years old.Results: We observed increase of almost 20% in the proportion of children which weighted between the 10th and 90th percentiles and decrease of around 40% of children below the 15th percentile, from one to two years old. In almost 60% of the cases neuropsychomotor development was normal at 2 years old, less than 15% of children presented abnormal development. Variables that remained influential for clinical outcome at 1 and 2 years old were related to birth weight and gestational age, except for hypoglycemia. Neurological examination was the most influential variable for severe neurological disturbance.Conclusion: Hypoglycemia was considered a new fact to explain inadequate weight. The results, new in Brazil and difficult in terms of comparison, could be used to identify risk factors and for a better approach of newborn discharged from ICUs.


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Foram estudados 4.776 recém-nascidos nos hospitais de Araraquara, SP (Brasil), durante o ano de 1986 para analisar sua distribuição quanto ao peso ao nascer, tipo de parto e categoria de internação. A incidência de baixo peso ao nascer foi de 9,2%. Quanto ao tipo de parto, a proporção de cesáreas foi a maior, com 76,0% do total de partos. Na associação do tipo de parto com a categoria de internação, a incidência de cesáreas entre as parturientes com assistência médica gratuita foi de 44,0% e entre as de assistência particular foi de 92,4%. A maior proporção de recém-nascidos com baixo peso ao nascer foi observada em parturientes com assistência gratuita, 10,8% seguida das previdenciárias, com 9,8% e particulares, 5,6%.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O citomegalovírus é um vírus de DNA, pertencente à família Herpesviridae, subfamília Beta-herpesvirinae. Sua distribuição é universal e pode causar infecções congênitas e perinatais, assim como durante a infância e na idade adulta. É um dos principais patógenos responsáveis pela morbidade e mortalidade em pacientes imunocomprometidos. Foi estudada a incidência da infecção congênita pelo citomegalovírus, na maternidade da Fundação Santa Casa Misericórdia do Pará, no período de novembro de 1994 a maio de 1995. A amostra trabalhada constou de 663 recém-nascidos e suas respectivas mães. O peso dos recém-nascidos variou de 900 a 5450 g, com uma média de 3046g. Em 11,4% das crianças foi observado baixo peso ao nascer. A avaliação pelo isolamento do vírus da saliva dos 663 recém-nascidos, através da inoculação em células primárias de fibroblasto de prepúcio humano, mostrou 3,2% (21) de positividade. A pesquisa de anticorpos IgM específicos para o CMV, através do método ELISA, utilizando-se sangue do cordão umbilical do mesmo grupo de recém-nascidos foi positiva em 2,1% (14). Para o diagnóstico da infecção congênita pelo CMV, a análise estatística pelo Teste de McNemar dos Pares Discordantes (p)=0,0233 e Teste do Qui-Quadrado da Homogeneidade (p)<0,01 demonstrou que o isolamento do citomegalovírus da saliva foi mais sensível que a detecção de anticorpos IgM no sangue do cordão umbilical. Dos 21 recém-nascidos infectados, 28,5% (6) apresentaram nas primeiras 24 horas de vida, sintomatologia sugestiva de infecção congênita. Os sinais e sintomas encontrados foram microcefalia (4), prematuridade (3), hepatoesplenomegalia (2), pequeno para a idade gestacional (2) e icterícia precoce (1). A pesquisa de anticorpos IgG específicos para o CMV, pelo método ELISA, foi positiva em 90,2% das puérperas. Das 21 mulheres que transmitiram o vírus para o concepto, foram detectados anticorpos IgM em 4. A entrevista pessoal com as mães dos recém-nascidos revelou nível socioeconômico baixo e assistência pré-natal deficiente, com 26,4% das puérperas sem nenhuma consulta durante o período gestacional. Em nossa amostra, a idade materna variou de 12 a 42 anos, com idade média de 22,2 anos, sendo que a idade das mães dos recém-nascidos infectados foi inferior a 25 anos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Low birth weight affects child growth and development, requiring the intensive use of health services. There are conversely proportional associations between prematurity and academic performance around the world. In this study we evaluated factors involved in weight and neuropsychomotor profile in one and two years old discharged from Intensive Care Units (ICU). Methods/Design: We investigated 203 children from the ICU who were followed for 24 +/- 4 months. The research was conducted by collecting data from medical records of patients in a Follow-up program. We investigated the following variables: inadequate weight at one year old; inadequate weight at two years old and a severe neurological disorder at two years old. Results: We observed increase of almost 20% in the proportion of children which weighted between the 10th and 90th percentiles and decrease of around 40% of children below the 15th percentile, from one to two years old. In almost 60% of the cases neuropsychomotor development was normal at 2 years old, less than 15% of children presented abnormal development. Variables that remained influential for clinical outcome at 1 and 2 years old were related to birth weight and gestational age, except for hypoglycemia. Neurological examination was the most influential variable for severe neurological disturbance. Conclusion: Hypoglycemia was considered a new fact to explain inadequate weight. The results, new in Brazil and difficult in terms of comparison, could be used to identify risk factors and for a better approach of newborn discharged from ICUs.


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Background: Caesarean section rates in Brazil have been steadily increasing. In 2009, for the first time, the number of children born by this type of procedure was greater than the number of vaginal births. Caesarean section is associated with a series of adverse effects on the women and newborn, and recent evidence suggests that the increasing rates of prematurity and low birth weight in Brazil are associated to the increasing rates of Caesarean section and labour induction. Methods: Nationwide hospital-based cohort study of postnatal women and their offspring with follow-up at 45 to 60 days after birth. The sample was stratified by geographic macro-region, type of the municipality and by type of hospital governance. The number of postnatal women sampled was 23,940, distributed in 191 municipalities throughout Brazil. Two electronic questionnaires were applied to the postnatal women, one baseline face-to-face and one follow-up telephone interview. Two other questionnaires were filled with information on patients' medical records and to assess hospital facilities. The primary outcome was the percentage of Caesarean sections (total, elective and according to Robson's groups). Secondary outcomes were: post-partum pain; breastfeeding initiation; severe/near miss maternal morbidity; reasons for maternal mortality; prematurity; low birth weight; use of oxygen use after birth and mechanical ventilation; admission to neonatal ICU; stillbirths; neonatal mortality; readmission in hospital; use of surfactant; asphyxia; severe/near miss neonatal morbidity. The association between variables were investigated using bivariate, stratified and multivariate model analyses. Statistical tests were applied according to data distribution and homogeneity of variances of groups to be compared. All analyses were taken into consideration for the complex sample design. Discussion: This study, for the first time, depicts a national panorama of labour and birth outcomes in Brazil. Regardless of the socioeconomic level, demand for Caesarean section appears to be based on the belief that the quality of obstetric care is closely associated to the technology used in labour and birth. Within this context, it was justified to conduct a nationwide study to understand the reasons that lead pregnant women to submit to Caesarean sections and to verify any association between this type of birth and it's consequences on postnatal health.


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Background and aims: Although studies have shown association of birth weight (BW) and adult body mass index (BMI) with insulin sensitivity in adults, there is limited evidence that BW is associated with insulin secretion. We assessed the associations between BW and current BMI with insulin sensitivity and secretion in young Latin American adults. Methods and results: Two birth cohorts, one from Ribeirao Preto, Brazil, based on 1984 participants aged 23-25 years, and another from Limache, Chile, based on 965 participants aged 22-28 years were studied. Weight and height at birth, and current fasting plasma glucose and insulin levels were measured. Insulin sensitivity (HOMA%S) and secretion (HOMA%beta) were estimated using the Homeostatic Model Assessment (HOMA2). Multiple linear regression analyses were carried out to test the associations between BW and adult BMI z-scores on log HOMA%S and log HOMA%beta. BW z-score was associated with HOMA%S in the two populations and HOMA%beta in Ribeirao Preto when adult BMI z-score was included in the model. BW z-score was associated with decreasing insulin secretion even without adjusting for adult BMI, but only in Ribeirao Preto. BMI z-score was associated with low HOMA%S and high HOMA%beta. No interactions between BW and BMI z-scores on insulin sensitivity were shown. Conclusions: This study supports the finding that BW may affect insulin sensitivity and secretion in young adults. The effect size of BW on insulin status is small in comparison to current BMI. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: There is a continuous debate regarding the best bottle nipple to be used to enhance the bottle-feeding performance of a preterm infant. Aim: To verify that feeding performance can be improved by using the bottle nipple with the physical characteristics that enhance infants' sucking skills. METHODS: Ten "healthy" VLBW infants (941+/-273 g) were recruited. Feeding performance was monitored at two time periods, when taking 1-2 and 6-8 oral feedings/d. At each time and within 24 h, performance was monitored using three different bottle nipples offered in a randomized order. Rate of milk transfer (ml/min) was the primary outcome measure. The sucking skills monitored comprised stage of sucking, suction amplitude, and duration of the generated negative intraoral suction pressure. RESULTS: At both times, infants demonstrated a similar rate of milk transfer among all three nipples. However, the stage of sucking, suction amplitude, and duration of the generated suction were significantly different between nipples at 1-2, but not 6-8 oral feedings/d.CONCLUSION: We did not identify a particular bottle nipple that enhanced bottle feeding in healthy VLBW infants. Based on the notion that afferent sensory feedback may allow infants to adapt to changing conditions, we speculate that infants can modify their sucking skills in order to maintain a rate of milk transfer that is appropriate with the level of suck-swallow-breathe coordination achieved at a particular time. Therefore, it is proposed that caretakers should be more concerned over monitoring the coordination of suck-swallow-breathe than over the selection of bottle nipples.


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Energy consumption in industrialized countries by far exceeds a sustainable level. Previous research on determinants of overall consumption levels has yielded contradictory results as to what the main drivers are. While research on the relationship of environmental concerns and pro-environmental behavior emphasizes the importance of motivational aspects, more impact-oriented research challenges these findings and underlines the impacts of a person’s social standing. The aim of our research was to determine which amount of per-capita energy consumption can be explained by structural, socio-demographic, and pro-environmentally motivational variables. Data come from standardized interviews with a representative sample (N=1014) in Germany. Different indicators of per-capita use were collected and will provide the basis for calculating the overall consumption level. In addition, person variables, lifestyle milieus, self-reported energy use, and motivational variables were assessed. First regression analyses show various patterns of determinants for different indicators of overall energy use. While variance in self-reported use is mainly explained by environmental concern, more impact-oriented indicators, such as the size of personal living space and distances of vacation trips, predominantly correlate with status-relevant predictors. These preliminary results support the suspicion that although environmentally aware people intend to reduce their energy use, they rarely go beyond low-impact actions.


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BACKGROUND There are concerns about the effects of in utero exposure to antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) on the development of HIV-exposed but uninfected (HEU) children. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether in utero exposure to ARVs is associated with lower birth weight/height and reduced growth during the first 2 years of life. METHODS This cohort study was conducted among HEU infants born between 1996 and 2010 in Tertiary children's hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Weight was measured by mechanical scale, and height was measured by measuring board. Z-scores for weight-for-age (WAZ), length-for-age (LAZ) and weight-for-length were calculated. We modeled trajectories by mixed-effects models and adjusted for mother's age, CD4 cell count, viral load, year of birth and family income. RESULTS A total of 588 HEU infants were included of whom 155 (26%) were not exposed to ARVs, 114 (19%) were exposed early (first trimester) and 319 (54%) later. WAZ were lower among infants exposed early compared with infants exposed later: adjusted differences were -0.52 (95% confidence interval [CI]: -0.99 to -0.04, P = 0.02) at birth and -0.22 (95% CI: -0.47 to 0.04, P = 0.10) during follow-up. LAZ were lower during follow-up: -0.35 (95% CI: -0.63 to -0.08, P = 0.01). There were no differences in weight-for-length scores. Z-scores of infants exposed late during pregnancy were similar to unexposed infants. CONCLUSIONS In HEU children, early exposure to ARVs was associated with lower WAZ at birth and lower LAZ up to 2 years of life. Growth of HEU children needs to be monitored closely.