721 resultados para Lotus.
Evolutionary theory suggests that divergent natural selection in heterogeneous environments can result in locally adapted plant genotypes. To understand local adaptation it is important to study the ecological factors responsible for divergent selection. At a continental scale, variation in climate can be important while at a local scale soil properties could also play a role. We designed an experiment aimed to disentangle the role of climate and ( abiotic and biotic) soil properties in local adaptation of two common plant species. A grass (Holcus lanatus) and a legume ( Lotus corniculatus), as well as their local soils, were reciprocally transplanted between three sites across an Atlantic-Continental gradient in Europe and grown in common gardens in either their home soil or foreign soils. Growth and reproductive traits were measured over two growing seasons. In both species, we found significant environmental and genetic effects on most of the growth and reproductive traits and a significant interaction between the two environmental effects of soil and climate. The grass species showed significant home site advantage in most of the fitness components, which indicated adaptation to climate. We found no indication that the grass was adapted to local soil conditions. The legume showed a significant home soil advantage for number of fruits only and thus a weak indication of adaptation to soil and no adaptation to climate. Our results show that the importance of climate and soil factors as drivers of local adaptation is species-dependent. This could be related to differences in interactions between plant species and soil biota.
The use of natural plant anthelmintics was suggested as a possible alternative control of gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) in ruminants. Direct anthelmintic effects of tannin-containing plants have already been shown in sheep and goat GIN. These anthelmintic properties are mainly associated with condensed tannins. In the present study, we evaluated possible in vitro effects of three tannin-containing plants against bovine GIN. Effects of Onobrychis viciifolia, Lotus pedunculatus and Lotus corniculatus condensed tannin (CT) extracts on Cooperia oncophora and Ostertagia ostertagi were determined by a larval feeding inhibition assay (LFIA) and a larval exsheathment assay (LEA). In the LFIA, all three plant extracts significantly inhibited larval feeding behaviour of both C. oncophora and O. ostertagi first stage larvae in a dose-dependent manner. The L. pedunculatus extract, based on EC50 (effective concentration for 50% inhibition), was the most effective against both nematodes, followed by O. viciifolia and L. corniculatus. The effect of CT extracts upon larval feeding behaviour correlates with CT content and procyanidin/prodelphidin ratio. Larval exsheathment of C. oncophora and O. ostertagi L3 larvae (third stage larvae) was also affected by CT extracts from all three plants. In both in vitro assays, extracts with added polyvinylpolypyrrolidone, an inhibitor of tannins, generated almost the same values as the negative control; this confirms the role of CT in the anthelmintic effect of these plant extracts. Our results, therefore, indicated that tannin-containing plants could act against cattle nematodes.
Intensive farming focusing on monoculture grass species to maximise forage production has led to a reduction in the extent and diversity of species-rich grasslands. However, plant communities with higher species number (richness) are a potential strategy for more sustainable production and mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Research has indicated the need to understand opportunities that forage mixtures can offer sustainable ruminant production systems. The objective of the two experiments reported here were to evaluate multiple species forage mixtures in comparison to ryegrass-dominant pasture, when conserved or grazed, on digestion, energy utilisation, N excretion, and methane emissions by growing 10–15 month old heifers. Experiment 1 was a 4 × 4 Latin square design with five week periods. Four forage treatments of: (1) ryegrass (control); permanent pasture with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne); (2) clover; a ryegrass:red clover (Trifolium pratense) mixture; (3) trefoil; a ryegrass:birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) mixture; and (4) flowers; a ryegrass:wild flower mixture of predominately sorrel (Rumex acetosa), ox-eye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare), yarrow (Achillea millefolium), knapweed (Centaurea nigra) and ribwort plantain (Plantago lanceolata), were fed as haylages to four dairy heifers. Measurements included digestibility, N excretion, and energy utilisation (including methane emissions measured in respiration chambers). Experiment 2 used 12 different dairy heifers grazing three of the same forage treatments used to make haylage in experiment 1 (ryegrass, clover and flowers) and methane emissions were estimated using the sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) tracer technique. Distribution of ryegrass to other species (dry matter (DM) basis) was approximately 70:30 (clover), 80:20 (trefoil), and 40:60 (flowers) for experiment 1. During the first and second grazing rotations (respectively) in experiment 2, perennial ryegrass accounted for 95 and 98% of DM in ryegrass, and 84 and 52% of DM in clover, with red clover accounting for almost all of the remainder. In the flowers mixture, perennial ryegrass was 52% of the DM in the first grazing rotation and only 30% in the second, with a variety of other flower species occupying the remainder. Across both experiments, compared to the forage mixtures (clover, trefoil and flowers), ryegrass had a higher crude protein (CP) content (P < 0.001, 187 vs. 115 g kg −1 DM) and DM intake (P < 0.05, 9.0 vs. 8.1 kg day −1). Heifers in experiment 1 fed ryegrass, compared to the forage mixtures, had greater total tract digestibility (g kg −1) of DM (DMD; P < 0.008, 713 vs. 641) and CP (CPD, P < 0.001, 699 vs. 475), and used more intake energy (%) for body tissue deposition (P < 0.05, 2.6 vs. −4.9). For both experiments, heifers fed flowers differed the most compared to the ryegrass control for a number of measurements. Compared to ryegrass, flowers had 40% lower CP content (P < 0.001, 113 vs. 187 g kg −1), 18% lower DMD (P < 0.01, 585 vs. 713 g kg −1), 42% lower CPD (P < 0.001, 407 vs. 699 g kg −1), and 10% lower methane yield (P < 0.05, 22.6 vs. 25.1 g kg −1 DM intake). This study has shown inclusion of flowers in forage mixtures resulted in a lower CP concentration, digestibility and intake. These differences were due in part to sward management and maturity at harvest. Further research is needed to determine how best to exploit the potential environmental benefits of forage mixtures in sustainable ruminant production systems.
Change in morphological and physiological parameters in response to phosphorus (P) supply was studied in 11 perennial herbaceous legume species, six Australian native (Lotus australis, Cullen australasicum, Kennedia prorepens, K. prostrata, Glycine canescens, C. tenax) and five exotic species (Medicago sativa, Lotononis bainesii, Bituminaria bituminosa var albomarginata, Lotus corniculatus, Macroptilium bracteatum). We aimed to identify mechanisms for P acquisition from soil. Plants were grown in sterilised washed river sand; eight levels of P as KH2PO4 ranging from 0 to 384 μg P g−1 soil were applied. Plant growth under low-P conditions strongly correlated with physiological P-use efficiency and/or P-uptake efficiency. Taking all species together, at 6 μg P g−1 soil there was a good correlation between P uptake and both root surface area and total root length. All species had higher amounts of carboxylates in the rhizosphere under a low level of P application. Six of the 11 species increased the fraction of rhizosphere citrate in response to low P, which was accompanied by a reduction in malonate, except L. corniculatus. In addition, species showed different plasticity in response to P-application levels and different strategies in response to P deficiency. Our results show that many of the 11 species have prospects for low-input agroecosystems based on their high P-uptake and P-use efficiency.
Members of the Australian native perennial Fabaceae have been little explored with regard to their root biology and the role played by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in their establishment, nutrition and long-term health. The ultimate goal of our research is to determine the dependency of native perennial legumes on their co-evolved AM fungi and conversely, the impact of AM fungal species in agricultural fields on the productivity of sown native perennial legume pastures. In this paper we investigate the colonisation morphology in roots and the AMF, identified by spores extracted from rhizosphere soil, from three replicate plots of each of the native legumes, Cullen australasicum, C. tenax and Lotus australis and the exotic legumes L. pedunculatus and Medicago sativa. The plants were grown in an agricultural field. The level and density of colonisation by AM fungi, and the frequency of intraradical and extraradical hyphae, arbuscules, intraradical spores and hyphal coils all differed between host plants and did not consistently differ between native and exotic species. However, there were strong similarities between species in the same genus. The three dominant species of AM fungi in rhizosphere soil also differed with host plant, but one fungus (Glomus mosseae) was always the most dominant. Sub-dominant AM species were the same between species in the same genus. No consistent differences in dominant spores were observed between the exotic and native Fabaceae species. Our results suggest that plant host influences the mycorrhizal community in the rhizosphere soil and that structural and functional differences in the symbiosis may occur at the plant genus level, not the species level or due to provenance.
Six Australian native herbaceous perennial legumes (Lotus australis, Swainsona colutoides, Swainsona swainsonioides, Cullen tenax, Glycine tabacina and Kennedia prorepens) were assessed in the glasshouse for nutritive value, soluble condensed tannins and production of herbage in response to three cutting treatments (regrowth harvested every 4 and 6 weeks and plants left uncut for 12 weeks). The Mediterranean perennial legumes Medicago sativa and Lotus corniculatus were also included. Dry matter (DM) yield of some native legumes was comparable to L. corniculatus, but M. sativa produced more DM than all species except S. swainsonioides after 12 weeks of regrowth. Dry matter yield of all native legumes decreased with increased cutting frequency, indicating a susceptibility to frequent defoliation. Shoot in vitro dry matter digestibility (DMD) was high (>70%) in most native legumes, except G. tabacina (65%) and K. prorepens (55%). Crude protein ranged from 21-28% for all legumes except K. prorepens (12%). More frequent cutting resulted in higher DMD and crude protein in all species, except for the DMD of C. tenax and L. australis, which did not change. Concentrations of soluble condensed tannins were 2-9 g/kg DM in the Lotus spp., 10-18 g/kg DM in K. prorepens and negligible (<1 g/kg) in the other legumes. Of the native species, C. tenax, S. swainsonioides and L. australis showed the most promise for use as forage plants and further evaluation under field conditions is now warranted.
Many Australian plant species have specific root adaptations for growth in phosphorus-impoverished soils, and are often sensitive to high external P concentrations. The growth responses of native Australian legumes in agricultural soils with elevated P availability in the surface horizons are unknown. The aim of these experiments was to test the hypothesis that increased P concentration in surface soil would reduce root proliferation at depth in native legumes. The effect of P placement on root distribution was assessed for two Australian legumes, Kennedia prorepens F. Muell. and Lotus australis Andrews, and the exotic Medicago sativa L. Three treatments were established in a low-P loam soil: amendment of 0.15 g mono-calcium phosphate in either (i) the top 50 mm (120 µg P g–1) or (ii) the top 500 mm (12 µg P g–1) of soil, and an unamended control. In the unamended soil M. sativa was shallow rooted, with 58% of the root length of in the top 50 mm. K. prorepens and L. australis had a more even distribution down the pot length, with only 4 and 22% of their roots in the 0–50 mm pot section, respectively. When exposed to amendment of P in the top 50 mm, root length in the top 50 mm increased 4-fold for K. prorepens and 10-fold for M. sativa, although the pattern of root distribution did not change for M. sativa. L. australis was relatively unresponsive to P additions and had an even distribution of roots down the pot. Shoot P concentrations differed according to species but not treatment (K. prorepens 2.1 mg g–1, L. australis 2.4 mg g–1, M. sativa 3.2 mg g–1). Total shoot P content was higher for K. prorepens than for the other species in all treatments. In a second experiment, mono-ester phosphatases were analysed from 1-mm slices of soil collected directly adjacent to the rhizosphere. All species exuded phosphatases into the rhizosphere, but addition of P to soil reduced phosphatase activity only for K. prorepens. Overall, high P concentration in the surface soil altered root distribution, but did not reduce root proliferation at depth. Furthermore, the Australian herbaceous perennial legumes had root distributions that enhanced P acquisition from low-P soils.
In this paper we show the fabrication of hydrophobic polymeric surfaces through laser microstructuring. By using 70-ps pulses from a Q-switched and mode-locked Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm, we were able to produce grooves with different width and separation, resulting in square-shaped pillar patterns. We investigate the dependence of the morphology on the surface static contact angle for water, showing that it is in agreement with the Cassie-Baxter model. We demonstrate the fabrication of a superhydrophobic polymeric surface, presenting a water contact angle of 157 degrees. The surface structuring method presented here seems to be an interesting option to control the wetting properties of polymeric surfaces. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Foram conduzidos dois experimentos para avaliar o comportamento reprodutivo de novilhas de corte pertencentes a quatro grupos genéticos (Hereford, ½ Nelore½ Hereford; ¼ Nelore ¾ Hereford; ½ Angus ½ Hereford) acasaladas aos 14/15 meses de idade. No experimento iniciado em 2001 foram utilizadas quatro alternativas de alimentação no outono/inverno: a) suplementação do campo nativo (CN) a 1,5% do peso vivo (PV) com ração comercial (RC) contendo 14% de proteína bruta (PB) e 68% de NDT (S68); b) suplementação do CN a 1,5% do PV com RC contendo 14% de PB e 75% de NDT (S75); c) suplementação em pastagem de azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lan), trevo branco (Trifolium repens) e cornichão (Lotus corniculatus) a 0,5% do PV de milho em grão (SPAS);d) confinamento a céu aberto com silagem de milho e 0,7% do PV de ração (CON). Após, em um só grupo, permaneceram em pastagem de azevém e aveia (Avena sativa) até o início do período reprodutivo. Durante o período de aplicação dos tratamentos alimentares o ganho médio diário (GMD) do tratamento SPAS e CON (0,755 vs 0,784 kg/dia) não apresentou diferença significativa (P>0,05), nem os S68 e S75 (0,511 vs 0,489 kg/dia). Durante o período conjunto em pastagem não foi determinada diferença significativa (P>0,05) no GMD entre S68, S75 e SPAS, nem entre S68, SPAS e CON. O peso ao início do período reprodutivo foi de 233,7 e 232,3 kg para S68 e S75 (P>0,05) e de 260,6 e 254,3 kg para SPAS e CON (P>0,05). As taxas de prenhez do SPAS e COM não apresentaram diferença entre si (62,16% e 53,86%), mas foram significativamente mais elevadas (P<0,05) em relação às S68 e S75 (20,51% e 25,64%) as quais também não diferiram entre si (P>0,05). As novilhas que conceberam foram mais pesadas, apresentaram maiores GMD de peso, condição corporal (CC) e escore trato reprodutivo (ETR) ao início do período reprodutivo em relação às que não conceberam. No experimento iniciado em 2002 foram utilizadas três alternativas de alimentação no outono/inverno: a) suplementação do CN com RC (SUR) a 1% do PV, contendo 14% de PB e 75% de NDT; b) suplementação do CN com farelo de arroz (SUFA) a 0,5% PV; c) pastejo contínuo em pastagem cultivada de azevém (PAST) e aveia. O tratamento PAST (0,478 kg/dia) apresentou GMD de peso mais elevado (P<0,05), seguido do tratamento SUR (0,326 kg/dia) superior (P<0,05) ao tratamento SUFA (0,100 kg/dia). Durante o período em conjunto em pastagem de azevém e aveia os tratamentos SUFA e PAST não apresentaram diferença significativa no GMD de peso (P>0,05) mas, foram superiores (P<0,05) ao tratamento SUR. O peso ao início do período reprodutivo foi de 265,4; 236,7 e 222,6 kg para os tratamentos PAST, SUR e SUFA, respectivamente (P<0,05). A taxa de prenhez do tratamento PAST (61,36%) foi superior (P<0,05) a dos tratamentos SUR e SUFA (20,0 e 22,73%; P>0,05). As novilhas que conceberam foram as mais pesadas e mais velhas, do início dos tratamentos alimentares até o final do período reprodutivo.
Lotus tetragonolobus lectin (LTA) is a fucose-specific legume lectin. Although several studies report a diverse combination of biological activities for LTA, little is known about the mechanisms involved in L-fucosyl oligosaccharide recognition. The crystal structure of LTA at 2.0 angstrom resolution reveals a different legume lectin tetramer. Its structure consists of a homotetramer composed of two back-to-back GS4-like dimers arranged in a new mode, resulting in a novel tetramer. The LTA N-linked carbohydrate at Asn4 and the unusual LTA dimer-dimer interaction are related to its particular mode of tetramerization. In addition, we used small angle X-ray scattering to investigate the quaternary structure of LTA in solution and to compare it to the crystalline structure. Although the crystal structure of LTA has revealed a conserved metal-binding site, its L-fucose-binding site presents some punctual differences. Our investigation of the new tetramer of LTA and its fucose-binding site is essential for further studies related to cross-linking between LTA and complex divalent L-fucosyl carbohydrates. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Based on material from several collections, summarized distributions and new records are presented for selected Neotropical species of Gerromorpha of the families Gerridae (Brachymetra albinervis albinervis, B. furva, B. lata, B. shawi, Cylindrostethus erythropus, C. linearis, C. palmaris, C. regulus, Halobatopsis platensis, Limnogonus aduncus aduncus, L. hyalinus, L. ignotus, L. profugus, L. recurvus, Neogerris lubricus, N. magnus, N. lotus, N. visendus, Ovatametra gualeguay, Rheumatobates crassifemur crassifemur, R. c. esakii, Tachygerris adamsoni, T. celocis and T. surinamensis), Hydrometridae (Hydrometra guianana and H. sztolcmani) and Mesoveliidae (Mesovelia amoena, M. mulsanti and Mesoveloidea williamsi).
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Leucaena leucocephala (LEU) and three under-utilized tanniferous legumes, Styzolobium aterrimum L. (STA), Styzolobium deeringianum (STD), and Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth (MIC) were chemically characterized and the biological activity of tannins was evaluated using in vitro simulated ruminal fermentation through tannin-binding polyethylene glycol (PEG) and compared with a non-tanniferous tropical grass hay, Cynodon spp. (CYN). The Hohenheim gas test was used and gas production (GP) was recorded at 4, 8, 12, 24, 32, 48, 56, 72, 80, and 96 h incubation with and without PEG. Kinetic parameters were estimated by an exponential model. STA, STD, and LEU contained higher (P < 0.05) crude protein than MIC, which had greater neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre. Total phenols, total tannins, and condensed tannins (CT) were consistently the highest in MIC. Gas production was the lowest from MIC (P < 0.05) and the highest in LEU and STA. MIC + PEG largely reduced (P < 0.05) the lag phase and the fractional rate of fermentation and increased potential GP. Kinetic parameters of STA + PEG and LEU + PEG were not affected. LEU + PEG produced greater gas increment (P < 0.05) than STD + PEG, although both legumes had the same CT. All legumes except MIC were more extensively degraded than CYN. However, fermentation of the legumes was differently affected by the presence and proportions of CT, indigestible fibre or both.
During the last years great effort has been devoted to the fabrication of superhydrophobic surfaces because of their self-cleaning properties. A water drop on a superhydrophobic surface rolls off even at inclinations of only a few degrees while taking up contaminants encountered on its way. rnSuperhydrophobic, self-cleaning coatings are desirable for convenient and cost-effective maintenance of a variety of surfaces. Ideally, such coatings should be easy to make and apply, mechanically resistant, and long-term stable. None of the existing methods have yet mastered the challenge of meeting all of these criteria.rnSuperhydrophobicity is associated with surface roughness. The lotus leave, with its dual scale roughness, is one of the most efficient examples of superhydrophobic surface. This thesis work proposes a novel technique to prepare superhydrophobic surfaces that introduces the two length scale roughness by growing silica particles (~100 nm in diameter) onto micrometer-sized polystyrene particles using the well-established Stöber synthesis. Mechanical resistance is conferred to the resulting “raspberries” by the synthesis of a thin silica shell on their surface. Besides of being easy to make and handle, these particles offer the possibility for improving suitability or technical applications: since they disperse in water, multi-layers can be prepared on substrates by simple drop casting even on surfaces with grooves and slots. The solution of the main problem – stabilizing the multilayer – also lies in the design of the particles: the shells – although mechanically stable – are porous enough to allow for leakage of polystyrene from the core. Under tetrahydrofuran vapor polystyrene bridges form between the particles that render the multilayer-film stable. rnMulti-layers are good candidate to design surfaces whose roughness is preserved after scratch. If the top-most layer is removed, the roughness can still be ensured by the underlying layer.rnAfter hydrophobization by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of a semi-fluorinated silane, the surfaces are superhydrophobic with a tilting angle of a few degrees. rnrnrn