949 resultados para Localization of functions.
Water channels or aquaporins (AQPs) have been identified in a large variety of tissues. Nevertheless, their role in the human gastrointestinal tract, where their action is essential for the reabsorption and secretion of water and electrolytes, is still unclear. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the structure and function of water channels expressed in the human colon. A cDNA fragment of about 420 bp with a 98% identity to human AQP3 was amplified from human stomach, small intestine and colon by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and a transcript of 2.2 kb was expressed more abundantly in colon than in jejunum, ileum and stomach as indicated by Northern blots. Expression of mRNA from the colon of adults and children but not from other gastrointestinal regions in Xenopus oocytes enhanced the osmotic water permeability, and the urea and glycerol transport in a manner sensitive to an antisense AQP3 oligonucleotide, indicating the presence of functional AQP3. Immunocytochemistry and immunofluorescence studies in human colon revealed that the AQP3 protein is restricted to the villus epithelial cells. The immunostaining within these cells was more intense in the apical than in the basolateral membranes. The presence of AQP3 in villus epithelial cells suggests that AQP3 is implicated in water absorption across human colonic surface cells.
A construct (AT1R-NF) containing a "Flag" sequence added to the N-terminus of the rat AT1 receptor was stably expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells and quantified in the cell membrane by confocal microscopy after reaction with a fluorescein-labeled anti-Flag monoclonal antibody. Angiotensin II bound to AT1R-NF and induced endocytosis with a half-time of 2 min. After 60-90 min, fluorescence accumulated around the cell nucleus, suggesting migration of the ligand-receptor complex to the nuclear membrane. Angiotensin antagonists also induced endocytosis, suggesting that a common step in the transduction signal mechanism occurring after ligand binding may be responsible for the ligand-receptor complex internalization.
Evidence based on immunological cross-reactivity and anti-diabetic properties has suggested the presence of insulin-like peptides in plants. The objective of the present study was to investigate the presence of insulin-like proteins in the leaves of Bauhinia variegata ("pata-de-vaca", "mororó"), a plant widely utilized in popular medicine as an anti-diabetic agent. We show that an insulin-like protein was present in the leaves of this plant. A chloroplast protein with a molecular mass similar to that of bovine insulin was extracted from 2-mm thick 15% SDS-PAGE gels and fractionated with a 2 x 24 cm Sephadex G-50 column. The activity of this insulin-like protein (0.48 mg/mL) on serum glucose levels of four-week-old Swiss albino (CF1) diabetic mice was similar to that of commercial swine insulin used as control. Further characterization of this molecule by reverse-phase hydrophobic HPLC chromatographic analysis as well as its antidiabetic activity on alloxan-induced mice showed that it has insulin-like properties. Immunolocalization of the insulin-like protein in the leaves of B. variegata was performed by transmission electron microscopy using a polyclonal anti-insulin human antibody. Localization in the leaf blades revealed that the insulin-like protein is present mainly in chloroplasts where it is also found associated with crystals which may be calcium oxalate. The presence of an insulin-like protein in chloroplasts may indicate its involvement in carbohydrate metabolism. This finding has strengthened our previous results and suggests that insulin-signaling pathways have been conserved through evolution.
Intracerebroventricular (ICV) administration of bombesin (BN) induces a
syndrome characterized by stereotypic locomotion and grooming,
hyperactivity and sleep elimination, hyperglycemia and hypothermia,
hyperhemodynamics, feeding inhibition, and gastrointestinal function
changes. Mammalian BN-like peptides (MBNs), e.g. gastrin-releasing
peptide (GRP), Neuromedin C (NMC), and Neuromedin B (NMB), have been
detected in the central nervous system. Radio-labeled BN binds to specific
sites in discrete cerebral regions. Two specific BN receptor subtypes (GRP
receptor and NMB receptor) have been identified in numerous brain regions.
The quantitative 2-[14C]deoxyglucose ([14C]20G) autoradiographic
method was used to map local cerebral glucose utilization (LCGU) in the
rat brain following ICV injection of BN (vehicle, BN O.1Jlg, O.5Jlg). At each
dose, experiments were conducted in freely moving or restrained
conditions to determine whether alterations in cerebral function were the
result of BN central administration, or were the result of BN-induced
motor stereotypy. The anteroventral thalamic nucleus (AV) (p=O.029),
especially its ventrolateral portion (AVVL) (p
Polyclonal antibodies prepared against the two glycoproteins (Mr 100 and 85 kDa) involved in recognition and attachment of the mycoparasite, Piptocephalis virginiana, to its hosts, Mortierella pusilla and Phascolomyces articulosus, susceptible and resistant, respectively, were employed to localize the antigens at their cell surfaces. Indirect immunocytochemical technique using secondary antibodies labelled with either FITC or gold particles as probes, were used. FITC-Iabelled antibodies revealed a discontinous pattern of fluorescence on the hyphae of MortlerelLa pusilla and no fluorescence on the hyphae of Phascolomyces articulosus. Intensity of fluorescence was high in the germinating spores of both the fungi. Fluoresence could be observed on P. articulosus hyphae pretreated with a commercial proteinase. Fluorescence was not observed on either hyphae or germinating spores of the nonhost M0 r tie re11 a ca ndelabrum and the mycoparasite P. virginiana. Antibodies labelled with gold conjugate showed a different pattern of antigen localization on the hyphal walls of the susceptible and resistant hosts. Patches of gold particles were observed allover the whole cell wall of the susceptible host but only on the inner cell wall layer of the resistant host. Cell wall fragments of the susceptible host but not those of the resistant host, previously incubated with the antibodies inhibited attachment of the mycoparasite. Implications of preferential localization of the antigen in the resistant host and its absence in the nonhost are described.
Higher plants have evolved a well-conserved set of photoprotective mechanisms, collectively designated Non-Photochemical Quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence (qN), to deal with the inhibitory absorption of excess light energy by the photosystems. Their main contribution originates from safe thermal deactivation of excited states promoted by a highly-energized thylakoid membrane, detected via lumen acidification. The precise origins of this energy- or LlpH-dependent quenching (qE), arising from either decreased energy transfer efficiency in PSII antennae (~ Young & Frank, 1996; Gilmore & Yamamoto, 1992; Ruban et aI., 1992), from alternative electron transfer pathways in PSII reaction centres (~ Schreiber & Neubauer, 1990; Thompson &Brudvig, 1988; Klimov et aI., 1977), or from both (Wagner et aI., 1996; Walters & Horton, 1993), are a source of considerable controversy. In this study, the origins of qE were investigated in spinach thylakoids using a combination of fluorescence spectroscopic techniques: Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) fluorimetry, pump-probe fluorimetry for the measurement of PSII absorption crosssections, and picosecond fluorescence decay curves fit to a kinetic model for PSII. Quenching by qE (,..,600/0 of maximal fluorescence, Fm) was light-induced in circulating samples and the resulting pH gradient maintained during a dark delay by the lumenacidifying capabilities of thylakoid membrane H+ ATPases. Results for qE were compared to those for the addition of a known antenna quencher, 5-hydroxy-1,4naphthoquinone (5-0H-NQ), titrated to achieve the same degree of Fm quenching as for qE. Quenching of the minimal fluorescence yield, F0' was clear (8 to 130/0) during formation of qE, indicative of classical antenna quenching (Butler, 1984), although the degree was significantly less than that achieved by addition of 5-0H-NQ. Although qE induction resulted in an overall increase in absorption cross-section, unlike the decrease expected for antenna quenchers like the quinone, a larger increase in crosssection was observed when qE induction was attempted in thylakoids with collapsed pH gradients (uncoupled by nigericin), in the absence of xanthophyll cycle operation (inhibited by DTT), or in the absence of quenching (LlpH not maintained in the dark due to omission of ATP). Fluorescence decay curves exhibited a similar disparity between qE-quenched and 5-0H-NQ-quenched thylakoids, although both sets showed accelerated kinetics in the fastest decay components at both F0 and Fm. In addition, the kinetics of dark-adapted thylakoids were nearly identical to those in qEquenched samples at F0' both accelerated in comparison with thylakoids in which the redox poise of the Oxygen-Evolving Complex was randomized by exposure to low levels of background light (which allowed appropriate comparison with F0 yields from quenched samples). When modelled with the Reversible Radical Pair model for PSII (Schatz et aI., 1988), quinone quenching could be sufficiently described by increasing only the rate constant for decay in the antenna (as in Vasil'ev et aI., 1998), whereas modelling of data from qE-quenched thylakoids required changes in both the antenna rate constant and in rate constants for the reaction centre. The clear differences between qE and 5-0H-NQ quenching demonstrated that qE could not have its origins in the antenna alone, but is rather accompanied by reaction centre quenching. Defined mechanisms of reaction centre quenching are discussed, also in relation to the observed post-quenching depression in Fm associated with photoinhibition.
Monoterpenoid indole alkaloids (MIA) are among the largest and most complex group of nitrogen containing secondary metabolites that are characteristic of the Apocynaceae plant family including the most notable Catharanthus roseus. These compounds have demonstrated activity as successful drugs for treating various cancers, neurological disorders and cardiovascular conditions. Due to the low yields of these compounds and high pharmacological value, their biosynthesis is a major topic of study. Previous work highlighting the leaf epidermis and leaf surface as a highly active area in MIA biosynthesis and MIA accumulation has made the epidermis a major focus of this thesis. This thesis provides an in-depth analysis of the valuable technique of RNA in situ hybridization (ISH) and demonstrates the application of the technique to analyze the location of the biosynthetic steps involved in the production of MIAs. The work presented in this thesis demonstrates that most of the MIAs of Eurasian Vinca minor, African Tabernaemontana e/egans and five Amsonia species, including North American Amsonia hubrichitii and Mediterranean A. orienta/is, accumulate in leaf wax exudates, while the rest of the leaf is almost devoid of alkaloids. Biochemical studies on Vinca minor displayed high tryptophan decarboxylase (TOe) enzyme activity and protein expression in the leaf epidermis compared to whole leaves. ISH studies aimed at localizing TOe and strictosidine synthase suggest the upper and lower epidermis of V. minor and T. e/egans as probable significant production sites for MIAs that will accumulate on the leaf surface, however the results don't eliminate the possibility of the involvement of other cell types. The monoterpenoid precursor to all MIAs, secologanin, is produced through the MEP pathway occurring in two cell types, the IPAP cells (Gl0H) and epidermal cells (LAMT and SLS). The work presented in this thesis, localizes a novel enzymatic step, UDPG-7-deoxyloganetic acid glucosyltransferase (UGT8) to the IPAP cells of Catharanthus longifolius. These results enable the suggestion that all steps from Gl0H up to and including UGT8 occur in the IPAP cells of the leaf, making the IPAP cells the main site for the majority of secologanin biosynthesis. It also makes the IPAP cells a likely cell type to begin searching for the gene of the uncharacterized steps between Gl0H and UGT8. It also narrows the compound to be transported from the IPAP cells to either 7-deoxyloganic acid or loganic acid, which aids in the identification of the transportation mechanism.
Le facteur d'initiation de la traduction chez les eukaryotes eIF4E (4E) est un puissant oncogène en raison de sa capacité à faciliter l'export et/ou la traduction de certains transcripts, dont beaucoup sont eux-mêmes des oncogènes. 4E intéragit avec un grand nombre de protéines régulatrices dont la protéine 4E-T (pour 4E-Transporter). La capacité de 4E-T à modifier la localisation subcellulaire de 4E pourrait offrir un mécanisme permettant de modifier le potentiel oncogène d'une cellule. La surexpression de 4E-T dans des cellules d'ostéosarcome conduit à l’augmentation du nombre et de la taille des P-bodies, dans lesquels 4E colocalisent avec 4E-T mais pas avec la version tronquée 4E-T/Y30A. Cependant, les différentes expériences menées, permettant d’analyser les taux de transcription, la quantité de protéine, les profiles polysomiques ainsi que la distribution nucléo-cytoplasmique, montrent que la surexpression de 4E-T n'a pas d'effet sur la fonction de 4E. L'observation d’un enrichissement cytoplasmique et d’une charge réduite de ribosomes sur les transcripts codant les protéines cycline D1 et ODC (profile polysomique) dans la lignée 4E-T suggère un role de 4E-T dans la séquestration cytoplasmique de certains transcrips par un mécanisme qui reste encore à déterminer.
La progression dans le cycle cellulaire est contrôlée par de vagues oscillantes de cyclines et des kinases cycline-dépendantes (Cdk). Ces kinases sont régulées positivement par l’association des sous-unités cyclines régulatrices et négativement en se liant aux inhibiteurs de Cdk. Parmi ces derniers, p27 inhibe tous les complexes cycline-Cdk quelle que soit la phase cellulaire et agit en tant que régulateur négatif principal de la prolifération cellulaire dans une variété de cellules et de tissus. Intrinsèquement, p27 phosphorylé est ubiquitiné et dégradé par le complexe SCFSkp2-Cks1. Des études génétiques de la souris, ainsi que des examens cliniques chez l’homme, ont montré que p27 est un important suppresseur de tumeur. Le gène est rarement muté. Cependant, p27 est fréquemment réprimé dans les cancers humains en raison d’une augmentation de l’expression de Skp2 et de Cks1 dans le noyau, ce qui est généralement associée à un mauvais pronostic. La localisation subcellulaire de Cks1 est donc d'une importance primordiale dans le contrôle de la prolifération cellulaire. Les résultats récents de notre laboratoire ont montré une interaction entre Cks1 et les protéines de transport nucléaire importine α1 et β3. Aussi, l’analyse de la séquence primaire de Cks1 a également révélé un signal de localisation nucléaire classique (NLS) à son extrémité C-terminale. Des mutations ont été effectuées sur le NLS suspect pour déterminer si oui ou non l'import nucléaire de Cks1 était contrôlé par cette séquence. Un inhibiteur synthétique de l’importine β a également été utilisé pour étudier l’import de Cks1 dans le noyau. Les résultats indiquent que l’extrémité C-terminale de Cks1 est en effet un NLS puisque les mutations de Cks1 et l'inhibition de l’importine β conduisent, tous deux, à l'accumulation de Cks1 dans le cytoplasme. Ces résultats ont été utiles pour mieux comprendre le mécanisme régulant la localisation de Cks1. Toutefois, des travaux futurs sont nécessaires pour mieux comprendre l'impact de la séquestration cytoplasmique de Cks1 sur le cancer et ainsi espérer aboutir à l'identification de nouvelles cibles pharmacologiques impliqués dans la prolifération cellulaire.
A new localization approach to increase the navigational capabilities and object manipulation of autonomous mobile robots, based on an encoded infrared sheet of light beacon system, which provides position errors smaller than 0.02m is presented in this paper. To achieve this minimal position error, a resolution enhancement technique has been developed by utilising an inbuilt odometric/optical flow sensor information. This system respects strong low cost constraints by using an innovative assembly for the digitally encoded infrared transmitter. For better guidance of mobile robot vehicles, an online traffic signalling capability is also incorporated. Other added features are its less computational complexity and online localization capability all these without any estimation uncertainty. The constructional details, experimental results and computational methodologies of the system are also described
We have used a microscopic theory to study the size dependence of the degree of localization of the valence electrons and holes in neutral an ionized rare-gas and Hg_n clusters. We discuss under which circumstances localization of the electrons and holes is favoured. We have calculated the ionization potential of Xe_n, Kr_n and small Hg_n clusters. Good agreement with experiments is obtained. We have also determined the dependence of the ionization potential on cluster structure.
This paper presents a vision-based localization approach for an underwater robot in a structured environment. The system is based on a coded pattern placed on the bottom of a water tank and an onboard down looking camera. Main features are, absolute and map-based localization, landmark detection and tracking, and real-time computation (12.5 Hz). The proposed system provides three-dimensional position and orientation of the vehicle along with its velocity. Accuracy of the drift-free estimates is very high, allowing them to be used as feedback measures of a velocity-based low-level controller. The paper details the localization algorithm, by showing some graphical results, and the accuracy of the system
This study examines the tactile localization of sound sources utilizing an earmold vibratory hearing aid.
The mechanisms of long-term adaptation to low oxygen environment are quite well studied, but little is known about the sensing of oxygen shortage, the signal transduction and the short-term effects of hypoxia in plant cells. We have found that an RNA helicase eIF4A-III, a putative component of the Exon Junction Complex, rapidly changes its pattern of localisation in the plant nucleus under hypoxic conditions. In normal cell growth conditions GFP- eIF4A-III was mainly nucleoplasmic, but in hypoxia stress conditions it moved to the nucleolus and splicing speckles. This transition occurred within 15-20 min in Arabidopsis culture cells and seedling root cells, but took more than 2 h in tobacco BY-2 culture cells. Inhibition of respiration, transcription or phosphorylation in cells and ethanol treatment had similar effects to hypoxia. The most likely consequence is that a certain mRNA population will remain bound to the eIF4A-III and other mRNA processing proteins, rather than being transported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, and thus its translation will be suspended.
The results from three types of study with broilers, namely nitrogen (N) balance, bioassays and growth experiments, provided the data used herein. Sets of data on N balance and protein accretion (bioassay studies) were used to assess the ability of the monomolecular equation to describe the relationship between (i) N balance and amino acid (AA) intake and (ii) protein accretion and AA intake. The model estimated the levels of isoleucine, lysine, valine, threonine, methionine, total sulphur AAs and tryptophan resulting in zero balance to be 58, 59, 80, 96, 23, 85 and 32 mg/kg live weight (LW)/day, respectively. These estimates show good agreement with those obtained in previous studies. For the growth experiments, four models, specifically re-parameterized for analysing energy balance data, were evaluated for their ability to determine crude protein (CP) intake at maintenance and efficiency of utilization of CP intake for producing gain. They were: a straight line, two equations representing diminishing returns behaviour (monomolecular and rectangular hyperbola) and one equation describing smooth sigmoidal behaviour with a fixed point of inflexion (Gompertz). The estimates of CP requirement for maintenance and efficiency of utilization of CP intake for producing gain varied from 5.4 to 5.9 g/kg LW/day and 0.60 to 0.76, respectively, depending on the models.