884 resultados para Local versus global
This paper is devoted to the synchronization of a dynamical system defined by two different coupling versions of two identical piecewise linear bimodal maps. We consider both local and global studies, using different tools as natural transversal Lyapunov exponent, Lyapunov functions, eigenvalues and eigenvectors and numerical simulations. We obtain theoretical results for the existence of synchronization on coupling parameter range. We characterize the synchronization manifold as an attractor and measure the synchronization speed. In one coupling version, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the synchronization. We study the basins of synchronization and show that, depending upon the type of coupling, they can have very different shapes and are not necessarily constituted by the whole phase space; in some cases, they can be riddled.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ordenamento do Território e Planeamento Ambiental
A estereopsia é o 3º grau da visão binocular. Define-se pela perceção de profundidade e baseia-se na disparidade retiniana. Estereopsia global – estereograma de pontos aleatórios (perceção necessita de disparidade retiniana). Estereopsia local – estereogramas com contornos percebidos monocularmente (processo de fusão facilitado). Objectivos do estudo: 1) comparar valores de estereopsia obtidos em cada teste e analisar valores de estereopsia local e global; 2) estudar a correlação de valores de estereopsia nos testes (TNO goldstandard); 3) estudar a associação entre o resultado dos testes; 4) comparar exatidão entre FlyTeste StereoTAB; 5) estudar a sensibilidade e a especificidade do FlyTeste StereoTAB; 6) averiguar a aplicabilidade do SteroTABna prática clínica.
The environmental management domain is vast and encompasses many identifiable activities: impact assessment, planning, project evaluation, etc. In particular, this paper focusses on the modelling of the project evaluation activity. The environmental decision support system under development aims to provide assistance to project developers in the selection of adequate locations, guaranteeing the compliance with the applicable regulations and the existing development plans as well as satisfying the specified project requirements. The inherent multidisciplinarity features of this activity lead to the adoption of the Multi-Agent paradigm, and, in particular, to the modelling of the involved agencies as a community of cooperative autonomous agents, where each agency contributes with its share of problem solving to the final system’s recommendation. To achieve this behaviour the many conclusions of the individual agencies have to be justifiably accommodated: not only they may differ, but can be interdependent, complementary, irreconcilable, or simply, independent. We propose different solutions (involving both local and global consistency) to support the adequate merge of the distinct perspectives that inevitably arise during this type of decision making.
We study a mathematical model for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatites C virus (HCV) coinfection. The model predicts four distinct equilibria: the disease free, the HIV endemic, the HCV endemic, and the full endemic equilibria. The local and global stability of the disease free equilibrium was calculated for the full model and the HIV and HCV submodels. We present numerical simulations of the full model where the distinct equilibria can be observed. We show simulations of the qualitative changes of the dynamical behavior of the full model for variation of relevant parameters. From the results of the model, we infer possible measures that could be implemented in order to reduce the number of infected individuals.
The optimal design of cold-formed steel columns is addressed in this paper, with two objectives: maximize the local-global buckling strength and maximize the distortional buckling strength. The design variables of the problem are the angles of orientation of cross-section wall elements the thickness and width of the steel sheet that forms the cross-section are fixed. The elastic local, distortional and global buckling loads are determined using Finite Strip Method (CUFSM) and the strength of cold-formed steel columns (with given length) is calculated using the Direct Strength Method (DSM). The bi-objective optimization problem is solved using the Direct MultiSearch (DMS) method, which does not use any derivatives of the objective functions. Trade-off Pareto optimal fronts are obtained separately for symmetric and anti-symmetric cross-section shapes. The results are analyzed and further discussed, and some interesting conclusions about the individual strengths (local-global and distortional) are found.
In recent years, vehicular cloud computing (VCC) has emerged as a new technology which is being used in wide range of applications in the area of multimedia-based healthcare applications. In VCC, vehicles act as the intelligent machines which can be used to collect and transfer the healthcare data to the local, or global sites for storage, and computation purposes, as vehicles are having comparatively limited storage and computation power for handling the multimedia files. However, due to the dynamic changes in topology, and lack of centralized monitoring points, this information can be altered, or misused. These security breaches can result in disastrous consequences such as-loss of life or financial frauds. Therefore, to address these issues, a learning automata-assisted distributive intrusion detection system is designed based on clustering. Although there exist a number of applications where the proposed scheme can be applied but, we have taken multimedia-based healthcare application for illustration of the proposed scheme. In the proposed scheme, learning automata (LA) are assumed to be stationed on the vehicles which take clustering decisions intelligently and select one of the members of the group as a cluster-head. The cluster-heads then assist in efficient storage and dissemination of information through a cloud-based infrastructure. To secure the proposed scheme from malicious activities, standard cryptographic technique is used in which the auotmaton learns from the environment and takes adaptive decisions for identification of any malicious activity in the network. A reward and penalty is given by the stochastic environment where an automaton performs its actions so that it updates its action probability vector after getting the reinforcement signal from the environment. The proposed scheme was evaluated using extensive simulations on ns-2 with SUMO. The results obtained indicate that the proposed scheme yields an improvement of 10 % in detection rate of malicious nodes when compared with the existing schemes.
O presente relatório versa sobre a análise e dimensionamento de estruturas de aço enformadas a frio. Devido a serem estruturas de elevada esbelteza, frequentemente denominadas “estruturas de aço leve”, apresentam fenómenos de instabilidade tanto a nível local como global, sendo da perspetiva regulamentar abrangidas pelo Eurocódigo 3, nomeadamente pelas Partes 1-1, 1-3 e 1-5. A Parte 1-3 do Eurocódigo 3 diz respeito às regras suplementares de elementos de aço enformados a frio, na qual estão presentes as regras de dimensionamento, bem como as verificações de segurança que deverão ser aplicadas. Nesta, é possível ainda “fazer a ponte” com a Parte 1-1 do Eurocódigo 3, respetiva às regras gerais de projeto de estruturas de aço e com a Parte 1-5 do Eurocódigo 3 relativa a elementos estruturais constituídos por placas. Inicialmente, será realizado um estado da arte, onde será efetuado um enquadramento histórico, apresentando o processo de fabrico destes elementos e o tipo de elementos estruturais originados, concluindo-se com as vantagens/desvantagens dos perfis em aço enformados a frio. Os conceitos teóricos de estabilidade estrutural, os tipos de instabilidade mais comuns nestes elementos, bem como os tipos de análise destes fenómenos farão a ponte com o capítulo que se segue. Relativamente ao dimensionamento destes elementos, será dado enfâse às metodologias preconizadas pelo Eurocódigo 3, Parte 1-3. Este capítulo incidirá, entre outos, nas propriedades das secções transversais, na determinação da resistência destas, onde se contabilizará os efeitos das instabilidades locais de placa e distorcionais, na instabilidade global dos perfis e nas ligações entre os mesmos. Será analisada, posteriormente, a abordagem apresentada pela ECCS relativamente ao dimensionamento de madres travadas por painéis de cobertura. Neste capítulo será apresentada a metodologia para o dimensionamento de vigas com restrição à torção e à translação, bem como a resistência da secção transversal da madre e do seu banzo livre à encurvadura. Finalmente, e ao encontro do que foi proposto pela empresa CCAD-Serviços de Engenharia, Lda, efetuar-se-á o dimensionamento de uma cobertura de um edifício de distribuição, cobertura esta constituída por asnas treliçadas e madres simples. Neste dimensionamento foram consideradas as ações segundo o Regulamento de Segurança e Ações Para Estruturas de Edifícios e Pontes e o Eurocódigo 1, Parte 1-1 que diz respeito às Ações Gerais em Estruturas e Parte 1-4 respeitante às Ações do vento.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Geológica (Georrecursos)
SUMMARYDuring recent decades, antifungal susceptibility testing has become standardized and nowadays has the same role of the antibacterial susceptibility testing in microbiology laboratories. American and European standards have been developed, as well as equivalent commercial systems which are more appropriate for clinical laboratories. The detection of resistant strains by means of these systems has allowed the study and understanding of the molecular basis and the mechanisms of resistance of fungal species to antifungal agents. In addition, many studies on the correlation of in vitro results with the outcome of patients have been performed, reaching the conclusion that infections caused by resistant strains have worse outcome than those caused by susceptible fungal isolates. These studies have allowed the development of interpretative breakpoints for Candida spp. and Aspergillus spp., the most frequent agents of fungal infections in the world. In summary, antifungal susceptibility tests have become essential tools to guide the treatment of fungal diseases, to know the local and global disease epidemiology, and to identify resistance to antifungals.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Geológica
Relatório de Estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ecologia Humana e Problemas Sociais Contemporâneos
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências - Formação Contínua de Professores (área de especialização em Biologia e Geologia)