962 resultados para Local organizations


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El tema central de este documento es la incorporación de una aproximación teórica de análisis sobre la relación existente entre la realización y entramado de políticas públicas desde el ámbito de la agenda internacional sostenida por las organizaciones multilaterales a nivel mundial y sus influencias en los países miembros, en el ámbito de lo local.


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Objectives: The overall objective of the research was to assess the impact of provider diversity on quality and innovation in the English NHS. The aims were to map the extent of diverse provider activity, identify the differences in performance between Third Sector Organisations (TSOs), for-profit private enterprises, and incumbent organisations within the NHS, and the factors that affect the entry and growth of new private and TSOs. Methods: Case studies of four Local Health Economies (LHEs). Data included: semi-structured interviews with 48 managerial and clinical staff from NHS organizations and providers from the private and Third Sector; some documentary evidence; a focus group with service users; and routine data from the Care Quality Commission and Companies House. Data collection was mainly between November 2008 and November 2009. Results: Involvement of diverse providers in the NHS is limited. Commissioners’ local strategies influence degrees of diversity. Barriers to the entry for TSOs include lack of economies of scale in the bidding process. Private providers have greater concern to improve patient pathways and patient experience, whereas TSOs deliver quality improvements by using a more holistic approach and a greater degree of community involvement. Entry of new providers drives NHS Trusts to respond by making improvements. Information sharing diminishes as competition intensifies. Conclusions: There is scope to increase the participation of diverse providers in the NHS, but care must be taken not to damage public accountability, overall productivity, equity and NHS providers (especially acute hospitals, which are likely to remain in the NHS) in the process.


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Background. Through a national policy agreement, over 167 million Euros will be invested in the Swedish National Quality Registries (NQRs) between 2012 and 2016. One of the policy agreement¿s intentions is to increase the use of NQR data for quality improvement (QI). However, the evidence is fragmented as to how the use of medical registries and the like lead to quality improvement, and little is known about non-clinical use. The aim was therefore to investigate the perspectives of Swedish politicians and administrators on quality improvement based on national registry data. Methods. Politicians and administrators from four county councils were interviewed. A qualitative content analysis guided by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) was performed. Results. The politicians and administrators perspectives on the use of NQR data for quality improvement were mainly assigned to three of the five CFIR domains. In the domain of intervention characteristics, data reliability and access in reasonable time were not considered entirely satisfactory, making it difficult for the politico-administrative leaderships to initiate, monitor, and support timely QI efforts. Still, politicians and administrators trusted the idea of using the NQRs as a base for quality improvement. In the domain of inner setting, the organizational structures were not sufficiently developed to utilize the advantages of the NQRs, and readiness for implementation appeared to be inadequate for two reasons. Firstly, the resources for data analysis and quality improvement were not considered sufficient at politico-administrative or clinical level. Secondly, deficiencies in leadership engagement at multiple levels were described and there was a lack of consensus on the politicians¿ role and level of involvement. Regarding the domain of outer setting, there was a lack of communication and cooperation between the county councils and the national NQR organizations. Conclusions. The Swedish experiences show that a government-supported national system of well-funded, well-managed, and reputable national quality registries needs favorable local politico-administrative conditions to be used for quality improvement; such conditions are not yet in place according to local politicians and administrators.


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The role of the human resource management (HRM) function and its consequent contribution to organizational culture and strategic management have been much debated. This relationship has not been empirically tested in the Australian local government sector. This paper explores the types of organizational culture and the role effectiveness of the HRM function as perceived by 217 senior managers in 71 New South Wales and Queensland local government entities. We found four clusters of local government entities, each with different profiles of organizational culture and perceived effectiveness of the HRM role. While most organizations are undergoing a transition in their cultural values, over one-third of the organizations exhibit a market-oriented culture. These market-oriented organizations have a higher level of human resource role effectiveness. The present study contributes to the ongoing debate regarding the status and influence of HRM as a value-adding corporate function.


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Many information systems (IS) studies have found that information systems implementation sustainability is determined by internal organizational factors. In general these studies have been conducted in private organizations and these factors may not be applicable to IS implementations sustainability within public organizations. This study examines what internal organizational factors play a role in the sustainable implementation of e-government initiatives using a case study of local e-government in Indonesia. It also considers how these factors contribute to sustainable systems by strengthening stakeholders’ commitment through invoking feelings of involvement as responsibilities are assigned to them. The study concludes that the internal factors contribute to collective action that influences sustainable implementation of information systems. Limitations and future research are briefly discussed.


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 Background: The value placed on types of evidence within decision-making contexts is highly dependent on individuals, the organizations in which the work and the systems and sectors they operate in. Decision-making processes too are highly contextual. Understanding the values placed on evidence and processes guiding decision-making is crucial to designing strategies to support evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM). This paper describes how evidence is used to inform local government (LG) public health decisions.
Methods: The study used mixed methods including a cross-sectional survey and interviews. The Evidence-Informed Decision-Making Tool (EvIDenT) survey was designed to assess three key domains likely to impact on EIDM: access, confidence, and organizational culture. Other elements included the usefulness and influence of sources of evidence (people/groups and resources), skills and barriers, and facilitators to EIDM. Forty-five LGs from Victoria, Australia agreed to participate in the survey and up to four people from each organization were invited to complete the survey (n = 175). To further explore definitions of evidence and generate experiential data on EIDM practice, key informant interviews were conducted with a range of LG employees working in areas relevant to public health.
Results: In total, 135 responses were received (75% response rate) and 13 interviews were conducted. Analysis revealed varying levels of access, confidence and organizational culture to support EIDM. Significant relationships were found between domains: confidence, culture and access to research evidence. Some forms of evidence (e.g. community views) appeared to be used more commonly and at the expense of others (e.g. research evidence). Overall, a mixture of evidence (but more internal than external evidence) was influential in public health decision-making in councils. By comparison, a mixture of evidence (but more external than internal evidence) was deemed to be useful in public health decision-making.
Conclusions: This study makes an important contribution to understanding how evidence is used within the public health LG context.


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This essay aims to discuss local development under the prospect of coordinated intervention of multiple organizations, considering different thematic areas of action, different economic sectors and regions of origin; structured in different methodologies and owners of different social technologies field of expertises. Search to identify determinants, facilitators, and restrictive factors of cross sectorial and cross organizational coordination processes for a common purpose. The field research was conducted at a region of State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, where a group of 13 organizations that fit the profile described above, joined up to work jointly, facilitating the environment for local development. The region is between those with the lowest incomes in Brazil. The objective of this study was to verifry what extent the practices implemented by the organizations context (the municipality in question has population of less than 40.000 inhabitants), are contributing to the formation and / or strengthening of a local scene of more opportunities that compete for the quality of life of the population. To meet this goal were interviewd 52 citizens between representatives of organizations, the government, civil society and citizens directly benefit from the Sustainable Araçuaí iniciative, using the semi-structured interview. The result has been the relationship between partnerships determining factors, facilitators and restrictive labour, structured on a conceptual map, and the perception of the impact that these actions have caused coordinates the council from the perspective of the interviewees


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This work is a study in the Local Productive Arrangement of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco, as a relevant sector in economic and social aspect. This research has as central aim to understand how the inter-organizational relations influence the collective efficiency of arrangement. The theoretical framework employed highlights the approaches that deal with the benefits of business agglomeration for the develop­ment of firms and regions. It has discussed the approach of small and medium enter­ prises and industrial districts (SCHMITZ, 1997), which introduce the concept of col­ lective efficiency, explaining that only those externalities explained by Marshall (1996) are not sufficient to explain the competitive advantage of enterprises, expand­ing the idea that organizations achieve competitive advantage not acting alone. To examine the influences of relations in the collective efficiency, it has been taken as analytical perspective theory of social networks (GRANOVETTER, 1973, 1985; BURT, 1992; UZZI, 1997) because it has believe that this approach provides subsi­ dies for a structural analysis of social relationships in face the behavior of human ac­tion. By examining the organizations in a social network, you should understand the reason of this establishment of the relationship, their benefits, and as the information flow takes place and density of links between the actors (Powell; SMITH-DOERR, 1994). As for the methods, this study is characterized as a case study, in according to the purposed objectives, in addition to qualitative method. Also, due to recovering of the historical milestones of the arrangement, it is used a sectional approach with longitudinal perspective (VIEIRA, 2004). The primary and secondary data were used in order to understand the evolutionary process of the sector and their inter-actors re­ lationships in the arrangement for the promotion of development, for both, was used the contend and documentary analysis technique, respectively (DELLAGNELO ; SIL­VA, 2005). The approach of social networks has permitted understand that social re­lationships may extend the collective efficiency of the arrangement, and therefore need to develop policies that encourage the legalization of informal companies in ar­rangement, by showing up themselves representative. Thus, the relations estab­ lished in LPA of confections from Agreste of Pernambuco need for more effective mechanisms to broaden the collective efficiency. Therefore, this way as take place has directly benefited only a group of companies that are linked in some way the sup­portive institutions. So we can conclude that the inter-actor relations have limited the collective efficiency of LPA, being stimulated by the institutions in support only to groups of entrepreneurs, even those that produce external relations for all clustered companies


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This work aims to study the associations as mediating the process of social change and its importance for local development. The hypothesis is that associations, but bring dynamism to the smaller cities and improve the living conditions of their members, relegated to the background social sustainability, understood this as a permanent exercise of mobilization and participation in community life. The assumptions of the study are that the practice group has influenced the processes of local development in Brazilian rural municipalities through the mediation of government programs and projects aimed at combating rural poverty require social organization for their achievement. The concept of local development in this work was rescued from studies of political economy and sociology. But the concepts of collective action and partnerships advêem studies of political participation and social development of the theory of alternative or solidarity. The party consisted of an empirical case study conducted with four associations of farmers in the municipality of Portalegre-RN. Why choose qualitative study was used the technique of semi-structured interviews with the chairmen I members of associations and other actors considered essential to understanding the study (religious leaders, local political power and chairman of the union of rural workers), a total of 20 interviews, in addition to the observations of field and documentary research in records of the.ir own organizations. The survey results show that the performance of groups of farmers are key components and determinants for the production I marketing of agricultural products and for boosting the economy, as well as security for minimum levels of citizenship. Yet we are still in a space purpose of social change, which comes to confirm the initial hypothesis of this work


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This proposal is to search, investigate practical experience in environmental education for the construction of Local Agenda 21, in the municipality of Maxaranguape-RN, attended that brought together various subject and collective social actors of civil society organizations, among them, the Center for Education and Advice Herbert de Souza - CEAHS (NGOs who serves on the council since 1999), associations of farmers and farmers in areas of settlements, teachers / as, groups of women and young people, entrepreneurs, public power, the German partner entities IBAMA. INCRA, BNB in the project of Agenda 21. They are members and participants, constituents of the Permanent Forum of Agenda 21, the main actor privileged in the search. As an object of study to identify the limits and scope of this practice, with regard to aspects of awareness / participation and awaken to an awareness of critical social subjects in the collective social and environmental perspective. The study seeks to investigate if this experience has allowed the individual and collective social subjects, understand and act in their daily life, as the changes in attitudes postures, and expand their interests to participate in various public spaces this intention, is considered the educational activities made with the principles of environmental education in the construction of Agenda 21 that have contributed in raising awareness / participation of social actors of the Permanent Forum of Agenda 21. While reference methodology, the research focuses on theoretical design Freireana with relevance on the dimensions of dialogue, critical thinking and the human dimension comprising the act as educational practice of freedom, the prospect of human emancipation and social transformation of reality, and bring other thinkers as, Carvalho (2004), Trigueiro (2003), Days (2004), among others. The investigation of this practice points to the subject of education, which ECOCIENCIA to install the Agenda 21 and its effect on demand under municipal, German, providing a change of attitudes and postures and certainly, generating a new look and act in the world, broadening their interests and desires of inserting themselves, to participate in public spheres, particularly in establishing relations with dialogical criticality with the authorities and face the demands socio-environmental locations.


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Includes bibliography


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Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar os modelos de educação gerados nos processos de ocupação da terra nos municípios Juazeiro, Uauá e Valente no Estado da Bahia, tanto nas áreas irrigadas quanto nas de sequeiro, tendo como hipótese norteadora a educação rural como mecanismo disseminador de informações à população e grande mobilizadora das transformações social, econômica, política e cultural das comunidades, na promoção do seu desenvolvimento sustentável. A metodologia da pesquisa tomou por base a análise das redes de relações sociais engendradas no processo, elegendo-se como categorias preferências para a compreensão do fenômeno estudado o capital social, o desenvolvimento local, pedagogias alternativas, currículo escolar e as parcerias intersetoriais, através da ruptura com o antagonismo dos conceitos de indivíduo e de sociedade. Trata-se de pesquisa quanti-qualitativa fundamentada numa abordagem de caráter interativo, onde o discurso emerge como espaço de negociação do sentido e da construção dos sujeitos aprendizes, cujos subsídios somados às evidências quantitativas permitiram o aprofundamento da complexidade dos fenômenos, suas contradições e seu relacionamento com o contexto. A análise dos dados permitiu compreender que a Educação Rural nas áreas pesquisadas vive duas situações: uma, veiculada pelo sistema público de ensino que, salvo algumas experiências pontuais, não atende aos interesses dos povos que habitam e trabalham no campo. Outra, exercitada por Organizações Não Governamentais que valorizando o rural como espaço de vida, forma indivíduos com um repertório de saberes, habilidades e valores capaz de mobilizá-los para uma ação transformadora.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A pesca é uma atividade econômica de grande relevância para a Região Norte e a principal atividade no município de Vigia de Nazaré. A pesquisa analisou a contribuição deste setor no desenvolvimento local através da geração de emprego e renda. Deste modo, se analisou o desempenho do setor industrial pesqueiro que no caso de Vigia, é liderado por uma empresa que vem executando práticas inovadoras nos processos de beneficiamento do pescado e nos produtos finais. Além disso, se analisou a forma como políticas públicas, setor privado e entidades de classe vêm convergindo para permitir a construção de um ambiente favorável ao desenvolvimento de novas estruturas de pesca e suas ramificações para o desenvolvimento local. A presença de agentes inovadores e o arranjo institucional presente no município, é inédito no Estado, daí a importância do aprofundamento que se efetivou nesta dissertação.


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O estudo trata da experiência da Casa Familiar Rural do município de Gurupá, situado na mesorregião do Marajó no Estado do Pará. Discute a relação da Educação do campo, Poder Local e políticas Públicas no contexto local, enfatizando a concepção de organização Pública Não Estatal na oferta da educação do campo e da relação entre Sociedade Civil e Estado. Seu objetivo principal foi analisar as especificidades da experiência da referida Casa e suas contribuições para as políticas públicas locais bem como na constituição do poder local. O enfoque desta pesquisa foi classificado como Qualitativo, sendo o principal instrumento de coleta de dados a entrevista semi-estruturada aplicada a oito sujeitos. Além das entrevistas foram utilizados documentos e visita local. As questões que conduziram a análise dos dados foram: o que é a CFR e qual seu projeto educativo para o campesinato gurupaense? Como se estabelecem as relações entre a Casa Familiar Rural e os atores acima citados? Que políticas públicas estão sendo alcançadas em benefício da comunidade camponesa a partir dessa configuração de poder local? O que isso contribui com o âmbito local e para o fortalecimento de um projeto de desenvolvimento educacional e econômico do campo? Com base na análise das informações, o estudo demonstrou que a Casa Familiar Rural de Gurupá, a partir de sua participação efetiva nos espaços públicos e na composição de parcerias com governos, com organizações não-governamentais (Ong’s) e com a sociedade civil, vem influenciando, propondo e executando políticas públicas neste município, constituindo-se como importante agente na constituição do Poder Local. A pesquisa demonstrou que a Casa tem se consolidado como uma importante referência na educação do campo no município de Gurupá.