973 resultados para Lobo reservoir


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Alexandre Herculano foi uma figura muito importante na História de Portugal. Primeiramente como historiador, recolhendo materiais que continham a História da Nação e que serviu como estudo para a preservação e divulgação de um passado glorioso. Como intelectual, engajou-se na política e assuntos sociais em benefício da nação portuguesa. Escrevendo e publicando artigos em importantes jornais e revistas da época, ou seja, o século XIX, sua figura identifica-se com a de um intelectual. Como tal, denunciou e alertou o povo sobre seus principais direitos e deveres como cidadãos portugueses. Sua grande preocupação também era em relação à educação porque, segundo ele, Portugal estava atrasado em relação a outros países europeus. Descrever Herculano como intelectual de Portugal é uma das propostas deste trabalho


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Estimates of the growth (K), natural mortality (M), consumption/biomass (Q/B) rate and trophic level (TL) for 35 species in the upper Paraná river floodplain and the Itaipu reservoir (interconnected ecosystems) are presented. A compilation of these biological statistics is made for comparison purposes and some general trends are briefly discussed.


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Parameters and related statistics of the length-weight relationship of the form W=aL super(b) are presented for 72 species of fish caught in the area of the Itaipu Reservoir in Parana, Brazil. The b values varied between 2.34 and 3.35, with the mean b=2.986 (s.d.=0.230) not significantly different from 3.0 (df=7, p=0.05).


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Consensus, compromise and cooperation. That was how more than 100 fishers reached agreement on how they would manage their own fishery in a small reservoir in northeastern Brazil. The long hard road that led to the agreement, the final congress in which fishers made minor history and the lessons that others may draw from the experience are described in this article. The fishers agreed on a nonfishing period of protected areas and a seasonal ban on certain nets in the face of a government department that told them the measures were non-building and essentially illegal.


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The case presented in this article clearly indicates that reservoir and lake resource systems, reservoirs in the Asian context lakes plus reservoirs in the African context, have been given a lower priority than deserved.


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Estimates for the growth parameters (L sub( infinity ) and K) mortality coefficients (Z,M and F) and exploitation rate (E) for the sciaenid Plagioscion squamosissimus are presented. The following results were obtained: 1) for male: L sub( arrow right )=44.2 cm, K=0.30 yr super(1), Z=0.82 yr super(1), M=0.66 yr super(1), F=0.16 yr super(1), and E=0.20; and 2) for females: L sub( arrow right )=68.4, K=0.22 yr super(1), Z=0.91 yr super(1), M=0.47 yr super(1), F=0.44 yr super(1) and E=0.49. Females are more heavily fished than males. Artisanal fishing carried out with gillnets, is mainly directed toward the young section of the population and individuals reproducing for the first time.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal entender, a partir da análise do romance As naus, de António Lobo Antunes, as faces do sujeito pós-moderno e suas escolhas diante de uma sociedade líquida e fluida. Nesse romance, homens da contemporaneidade e mitos da história encontram-se em um tempo comum e convivem naturalmente na cidade de Lisboa. Alguns personagens desse romance, publicado em 1988, servem de base para a reflexão de uma sociedade fragmentada e marcada pelo deslocamento constante dos sujeitos que a compõem. A excentricidade é grande marca do homem que se encontra perdido no tempo e espaço retratado em As naus e essa marginalização contribui para a constante busca e necessidade de reconstrução da identidade nacional. A partir de conceitos como riso e carnavalização, é possível desconstruir fatos da história portuguesa, entendidos como verdade absoluta durante séculos, e que, na contemporaneidade, não apresentam o sentido de outrora. Desta maneira, esta dissertação mostra o humor presente na obra de António Lobo Antunes e desmistifica nomes, fatos e o império glorioso de Portugal; mostra ainda como na obra o passado é utilizado para se desconstruir criticamente o presente, através da metaficção historiográfica. Em suma, o desembarque desprovido de glória em Lisboa dos antigos heróis ilustres, cinco séculos depois de terem partido, é o fato culminante dessa elaborada antiepopeia


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The length-girth relationships of Javanese carp (Barbodes gonionotus) and hampal carp (Hampala macrolepidota) in the Jatilujur Reservoir, Indonesia were examined. The equations derived from estimating the maximum girth of Javanese carp are G sub(m) = -1.19 + 0.80L, and for the hampal carp, G super(m) = -0.47 + 0.62L. Models relating head girth to total length are also given. The relationship between G sub(m) (maximum girth) of fish caught and gillnet mesh size is also briefly discussed.


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The paper outlines briefly the history of the fishery in a dam reservoir in India. The reservoir was very productive in its early years, with support from a seed farm, ice plant, cold storage and regulated entry of fishery. However, once entry restrictions were relaxed and closed fishing seasons no longer enforced, the yield of fish from the reservoir declined.


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This paper describes the brush shelters in Kaptai Lake based on a field survey of four major fishing grounds undertaken in Jan-Dec 1997.


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This is the Fish communities in rivers to be affected by Roadford Reservoir report produced by South West Water Authority in 1978. Surveys were carried, out on the Rivers Wolf, Thrushel, Lew and Lumburn, which are likely to be affected directly and indirectly by the construction and use of Roadford Reservoir. Of the upper reaches of three rivers to be affected directly by water releases, two were found to support abundant stocks of salmon and trout, and the third was found to contain abundant stocks of trout and eels. The River Thrushel will be affected indirectly and in this river salmon and trout stocks were present in slightly lower abundance than in others. Population estimates, densities, mean lengths and approximate biomass values were calculated. Other species were present in all rivers, usually in great abundance.