983 resultados para Litter Size


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Observations of synchronous rapid growth of embryos and ovarian follicles in pregnant females during the half-year December–May leading to parturition, ovulation, mating, and fertilization suggest Urolophus cruciatus has the capacity for an annual reproductive cycle. Conversely, the higher proportion of the pregnant females in the population carrying eggs than carrying embryos in utero during December–May and all pregnant females in the population only carrying eggs in utero during June–November indicate a longer reproductive cycle. Analysis based on the usual assumptions implies that the species most likely exhibits a biennial cycle with ~18-month period of diapause following ovulation prior to ~6-month period of rapid embryogenesis. However, it is feasible that the period of the cycle is triennial with ~30-month period of diapause or alternatively diapause varies among individuals and varies from year to year. Rather than exhibiting a fixed-term reproductive cycle where obligatory diapause leads to parturition timed every year to provide favourable conditions for neonates, as suggested for several other chondrichthyan species, U. cruciatus may exhibit facultative diapause where the period of diapause and hence the reproductive cycle varies depending on the prevailing environmental conditions or density-dependent factors as described for many terrestrial species. U. cruciatus is highly matrotrophic (>4000 % wet mass gain from ovum to full-term embryo), litter size (1–4) increases with maternal length, sex ratio among embryos is 1:1, and male breeding condition varies seasonally with peak sperm production coinciding with female ovulation.


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During pregnancy, the maternal cardiovascular system undergoes major adaptation. One of these changes is a 40-50 % increase in circulating blood volume which requires a systemic remodelling of the vasculature in order to regulate maternal blood pressure and maximise blood supply to the developing placenta and fetus. These changes are broadly conserved between humans and rats making them an appropriate pre-clinical model in which to study the underlying mechanisms of pregnancy-dependent cardiovascular remodelling. Whilst women are normally protected against cardiovascular disease; pregnancy marks a period of time where women are susceptible to cardiovascular complications. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of maternal mortality in the United Kingdom; in particular hypertensive conditions are among the most common complications of pregnancy. One of the main underlying pathologies of these pregnancy complications is thought to be a failure of the maternal cardiovascular system to adapt. The remodelling of the uterine arteries, which directly supply the maternal-fetal interface, is paramount to a healthy pregnancy. Failure of the uterine arteries to remodel sufficiently can result in a number of obstetric complications such as preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction and spontaneous pregnancy loss. At present, it is poorly understood whether this deficient vascular response is due to a predisposition from existing maternal cardiovascular risk factors, the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy or a combination of both. Previous work in our group employed the stroke prone spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHRSP) as a model to investigate pregnancy-dependent remodelling of the uterine arteries. The SHRSP develops hypertension from 6 weeks of age and can be contrasted with the control strain, the Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rat. The phenotype of the SHRSP is therefore reflective of the clinical situation of maternal chronic hypertension during pregnancy. We showed that the SHRSP exhibited a deficient uterine artery remodelling response with respect to both structure and function accompanied by a reduction in litter size relative to the WKY at gestational day (GD) 18. A previous intervention study using nifedipine in the SHRSP achieved successful blood pressure reduction from 6 weeks of age and throughout pregnancy; however uterine artery remodelling and litter size at GD18 was not improved. We concluded that the abnormal uterine artery remodelling present in the SHRSP was independent of chronic hypertension. From these findings, we hypothesised that the SHRSP could be a novel model of spontaneously deficient uterine artery remodelling in response to pregnancy which was underpinned by other as yet unidentified cardiovascular risk factors. In Chapter 1 of this thesis, I have characterised the maternal, placental and fetal phenotype in pregnant (GD18) SHRSP and WKY. The pregnant SHRSP exhibit features of left ventricular hypertrophy in response to pregnancy and altered expression of maternal plasma biomarkers which have been previously associated with hypertension in human pregnancy. I developed a protocol for accurate dissection of the rat uteroplacental unit using qPCR probes specific for each layer. This allowed me to make an accurate and specific statement about gene expression in the SHRSP GD18 placenta; where oxidative stress related gene markers were increased in the vascular compartments. The majority of SHRSP placenta presented at GD18 with a blackened ring which encircled the tissue. Further investigation of the placenta using western blot for caspase 3 cleavage determined that this was likely due to increased cell death in the SHRSP placenta. The SHRSP also presented with a loss of one particular placental cell type at GD18: the glycogen cells. These cells could have been the target of cell death in the SHRSP placenta or were utilised early in pregnancy as a source of energy due to the deficient uterine artery blood supply. Blastocyst implantation was not altered but resorption rate was increased between SHRSP and WKY; indicating that the reduction in litter size in the SHRSP was primarily due to late (>GD14) pregnancy loss. Fetal growth was not restricted in SHRSP which led to the conclusion that SHRSP sacrifice part of their litter to deliver a smaller number of healthier pups. Activation of the immune system is a common pathway that has been implicated in the development of both hypertension and adverse pregnancy outcome. In Chapter 2, I proposed that this may be a mechanism of interest in SHRSP pregnancy and measured the pro-inflammatory cytokine, TNFα, as a marker of inflammation in pregnant SHRSP and WKY and in the placentas from these animals. TNFα was up-regulated in maternal plasma and urine from the GD18 SHRSP. In addition, TNFα release was increased from the GD18 SHRSP placenta as was the expression of the pro-inflammatory TNFα receptor 1 (Tnfr1). In order to investigate whether this excess TNFα was detrimental to SHRSP pregnancy, a vehicle-controlled intervention study using etanercept (a monoclonal antibody which works as a TNFα antagonist) was carried out. Etanercept treatment at GD0, 6, 12 and 18 resulted in an improvement in pregnancy outcome in the SHRSP with an increased litter size and reduced resorption rate. Furthermore, there was an improved uterine artery function in GD18 SHRSP treated with etanercept which was associated with an improved uterine artery blood flow over the course of gestation. In Chapter 3, I sought to identify the source of this detrimental excess of TNFα by designing a panel for maternal leukocytes in the blood and placenta at GD18. A population of CD3- CD161+ cells, which are defined as rat natural killer (NK) cells, were increased in number in the SHRSP. Intracellular flow cytometry also identified this cell type as a source of excess TNFα in blood and placenta from pregnant SHRSP. I then went on to evaluate the effects of etanercept treatment on these CD3- CD161+ cells and showed that etanercept reduced the expression of CD161 and the cytotoxic molecule, granzyme B, in the NK cells. Thus, etanercept limits the cytotoxicity and potential damaging effect of these NK cells in the SHRSP placenta. Analysing the urinary peptidome has clinical potential to identify novel pathways involved with disease and/or to develop biomarker panels to aid and stratify diagnosis. In Chapter 4, I utilised the SHRSP as a pre-clinical model to identify novel urinary peptides associated with hypertensive pregnancy. Firstly, a characterisation study was carried out in the kidney of the WKY and SHRSP. Urine samples from WKY and SHRSP taken at pre-pregnancy, mid-pregnancy (GD12) and late pregnancy (GD18) were used in the peptidomic screen. In order to capture peptides which were markers of hypertensive pregnancy from the urinary peptidomic data, I focussed on those that were only changed in a strain dependent manner at GD12 and 18 and not pre-pregnancy. Peptide fragments from the uromodulin protein were identified from this analysis to be increased in pregnant SHRSP relative to pregnant WKY. This increase in uromodulin was validated at the SHRSP kidney level using qPCR. Uromodulin has previously been identified to be a candidate molecule involved in systemic arterial hypertension but not in hypertensive pregnancy thus is a promising target for further study. In summary, we have characterised the SHRSP as the first model of maternal chronic hypertension during pregnancy and identified that inflammation mediated by TNFα and NK cells plays a key role in the pathology. The evidence presented in this thesis establishes the SHRSP as a pre-clinical model for pregnancy research and can be continued into clinical studies in pregnant women with chronic hypertension which remains an area of unmet research need.


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The present trail aimed to study the effect of crossbreeding between Alentejano (AL) and Bísaro (BI) swine breeds (“Ribatejano pig”) on some reproductive and productive traits. Nine AL gilts and sows and six BI gilts were crossed with BI and AL boars, respectively. Mating and farrowing dates, prolificacy and litter size at 28d were registered for all sows. The pregnancy length of AL sows was shorter (111±0.4d vs 113.7±0.5d; p=0.002) than the observed on BI females. The BI gilts presented higher prolificacy rate than AL on both total born (11.0±1.0 vs 6.7±0.8; P=0.004) and born alive piglets (10.0±1.0 vs 6.7±0.8; p=0.026). The mortality rate was similar in both genotypes (p=0.255) being on average 12%, therefore at 28d after farrowing the litter size remained higher in BI sows (8.5±0.8 vs 6.1±0.6; p= 0.032). A subset of each genotype (4 gilts) was supervised during farrowing and lactation (until 28d) and piglets were weighed at birth, 24h and 28d of live. Farrowing length was not significantly different (p=0.253) between genotypes, averaging 97±22 min. When compared to ALBI (AL x BI) piglets, the BIAL (BI x AL) piglets were heavier at birth (1402±46g vs 1209±36g; p=0.002). Colostrum intake of piglets per kg of birth weight on the first 24h of life was similar between genotypes (p=0.735) being 289±15g for ALBI and 281±19g for BIAL piglets. The growth rate of piglets from birth to 28d and piglet weight at 28d was not different between genotypes (p=0.161 and p=0.091) averaging 195±6g and 6761±181g, respectively. Litter weight at 28d tended (P=0.06) to be higher on ALBI litters (56.6±4.0kg) than BIAL litters (43.2±4.0kg). This results obtained within the frame of Treasure project* are, at our knowledge, the first data of these crossbred piglets and could be used in future as reference for further studies and also for farmers that may try these cross on a commercial basis.


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To investigate the implications of forest fragmentation for conservation of leaf-litter lizards the importance of fragment size, corridors and forest structure was examined in 20 forest fragments and six localities within a continuous forest in the Atlantic Plateau of Sao Paulo state, Brazil. The fragments were 2-276 ha in area and had different degrees of connectivity depending on the presence or absence of corridors. Two species of lizards were dominant, Ecpleopus gaudichaudii and Enyalius perditus. Variation in forest structure among sites was important only in explaining the abundance of E. perditus. Regardless of variation in forest structure, lizard species composition, total lizard abundance, number of species and abundance of E. perditus were sensitive to fragmentation per se but not to fragment size or corridor linkage. The inhospitable matrix surrounding fragments is probably what determines the presence and abundance of E. perditus and the high er lizard richness in continuous forests. These conditions may have prevented lizard species from recolonizing the forest fragments. Our results emphasize that the conservation of this leaf-litter fauna depends on the maintenance of large tracts of continuous forests and not on the size of fragments or on the presence of forest connections. Strategies for conservation of leaf-litter lizards in such highly fragmented Atlantic Forest landscapes should consider the enlargement of landscape connectivity between fragments and continuous forest, allowing the latter areas to act as a source of individuals for fragments.


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Ants are often attracted to diaspores not adapted for dispersal by ants. These diaspores may occasionally benefit from this interaction. We selected six nonmyrmecochorous plant species (Virola oleifera, Eugenia stictosepala, Cabralea canjerana, Citharexylum myrianthum, Alchornea glandulosa and Hyeronima alchorneoides) whose diaspores differ in size and lipid content, and investigated how these features affect the outcome of ant-diaspore interactions on the floor of a lowland Atlantic forest of Southeast Brazil. A total of 23 ant species were seen interacting with diaspores on the forest floor. Ants were generally rapid at discovering and cleaning the diaspore pulp or aril. Recruitment rate and ant attendance were higher for lipid-rich diaspores than for lipid-poor ones. Removal rate and displacement distance were higher for small diaspores. The large ponerine ant Pachycondyla striata, one of the most frequent attendants to lipid-rich arillate diaspores, transported the latter into their nests and discarded clean intact seeds on refuse piles outside the nest. Germination tests with cleaned and uncleaned diaspores revealed that the removal of pulp or aril may increase germination success in Virola oleifera, Cabralea canjerana, Citharexylum myrianthum and Alchornea glandulosa. Gas chromatography analyses revealed a close similarity in the fatty acid composition of the arils of the lipid-rich diaspores and the elaiosome of a typical myrmecochorous seed (Ricinus communis), corroborating the suggestion that some arils and elaiosomes are chemically similar. Although ant-derived benefits to diaspores - secondary dispersal and/or increased germination - varied among the six plant species studied, the results enhanced the role of ant-diaspore interactions in the post-dispersal fates of nonmyrmecochorous seeds in tropical forests. The size and the lipid-content of the diaspores were shown to be major determinants of the outcome of such interactions.


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Dust emissions from large-scale, tunnel-ventilated poultry sheds could have negative health and environmental impacts. Despite this fact, the literature concerning dust emissions from tunnel-ventilated poultry sheds in Australia and overseas is relatively scarce. Dust measurements were conducted during two consecutive production cycles at a single broiler shed on a poultry farm near Ipswich, Queensland. Fresh litter was employed during the first cycle and partially reused litter was employed during the second cycle. This provided an opportunity to study the effect that partial litter reuse has on dust emissions. Dust levels were characterised by the number concentration of suspended particles having diameter between 0.5–20 μm and by the mass concentration of dust particles below 10 μm diameter (PM10) and 2.5 μm diameter (PM2.5). In addition, we measured the number size distributions of dust particles. The average concentration and emission rate of dust was higher when partially reused litter was used in the shed than when fresh litter was used. In addition we found that dust particles emitted from the shed with partially reused litter were finer than the particles emitted with fresh litter. Although the change in litter properties is certainly contributing to this observed variability, other factors such as ventilation rate and litter moisture content are also likely to be involved.


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Chital or axis deer (Axis axis) form fluid groups that change in size temporally and in relation to habitat. Predictions of hypotheses relating animal density, rainfall, habitat structure, and breeding seasonality, to changes in chital group size were assessed simultaneously using multiple regression models of monthly data collected over a 2 yr period in Guindy National Park, in southern India. Over 2,700 detections of chital groups were made during four seasons in three habitats (forest, scrubland and grassland). In scrubland and grassland, chital group size was positively related to animal density, which increased with rainfall. This suggests that in these habitats, chital density increases in relation to food availability, and group sizes increase due to higher encounter rate and fusion of groups. The density of chital in forest was inversely related to rainfall, but positively to the number of fruiting tree species and availability of fallen litter, their forage in this habitat. There was little change in mean group size in the forest, although chital density more than doubled during the dry season and summer. Dispersion of food items or the closed nature of the forest may preclude formation of larger groups. At low densities, group sizes in all three habitats were similar. Group sizes increased with chital density in scrubland and grassland, but more rapidly in the latter—leading to a positive relationship between openness and mean group size at higher densities. It is not clear, however, that this relationship is solely because of the influence of habitat structure. The rutting index (monthly percentage of adult males in hard antler) was positively related to mean group size in forest and scrubland, probably reflecting the increase in group size due to solitary males joining with females during the rut. The fission-fusion system of group formation in chital is thus interactively influenced by several factors. Aspects that need further study, such as interannual variability, are highlighted.


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Trade-offs have long been a major theme in life-history theory, but they have been hard to document. We introduce a new method that reveals patterns of divergent trade-offs after adjusting for the pervasive variation in rate of resource allocation to offspring as a function of body size and lifestyle. Results suggest that preweaning vulnerability to predation has been the major factor determining how female placental mammals allocate production between a few large and many small offspring within a litter and between a few large litters and many small ones within a reproductive season. Artiodactyls, perissodactyls, cetaceans, and pinnipeds, which give birth in the open on land or in the sea, produce a few large offspring, at infrequent intervals, because this increases their chances of escaping predation. Insectivores, fissiped carnivores, lagomorphs, and rodents, whose offspring are protected in burrows or nests, produce large litters of small newborns. Primates, bats, sloths, and anteaters, which carry their young from birth until weaning, produce litters of one or a few offspring because of the need to transport and care for them.


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Soil organic matter (SOM) increases with time as landscape is restored. Studying SOM development along restored forest chronosequences would be useful in clarifying some of the uncertainties in quantifying C turnover rates with respect to forest clearance and ensuing restoration. The development of soil organic matter in the mineral soils was studied at four depths in a 16-year-old restored jarrah forest chronosequence. The size-separated SOM fractionation along with δ13C isotopic shift was utilised to resolve the soil C temporal and spatial changes with developing vegetation. The restored forest chronosequence revealed several important insights into how soil C is developing with age. Litter accumulation outpaced the native forest levels in 12 years after restoration. The surface soils, in general, showed increase in total C with age, but this trend was not clearly observed at lower depths. C accumulation was observed with increasing restoration age in all three SOM size-fractions in the surface 0–2 cm depth. These biodiverse forests show a trend towards accumulating C in recalcitrant stable forms, but only in the surface 0–2 cm mineral soil. A significant reverse trend was observed for the moderately labile SOM fraction for lower depths with increasing restoration age. Correlating the soil δ13C with total C concentration revealed the re-establishment of the isotopically depleted labile to enriched refractory C continuum with soil depth for the older restored sites. This implied that from a pedogenic perspective, the restored soils are developing towards the original native soil carbon profile.


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Although previous studies have addressed the question of why large brains evolved, we have limited understanding of potential beneficial or detrimental effects of enlarged brain size in the face of current threats. Using novel phylogenetic path analysis, we evaluated how brain size directly and indirectly, via its effects on life-history and ecology, influences vulnerability to extinction across 474 mammalian species. We found that larger brains, controlling for body size, indirectly increase vulnerability to extinction by extending the gestation period, increasing weaning age, and limiting litter sizes. However, we found no evidence of direct, beneficial or detrimental, effects of brain size on vulnerability to extinction, even when we explicitly considered the different types of threats that lead to vulnerability. Order-specific analyses revealed qualitatively similar patterns for Carnivora and Artiodactyla. Interestingly, for Primates, we found that larger brain size was directly (and indirectly) associated with increased vulnerability to extinction. Our results indicate that under current conditions the constraints on life-history imposed by large brains outweigh the potential benefits, undermining the resilience of the studied mammals. Contrary to the selective forces that have favoured increased brain size throughout evolutionary history, at present, larger brains have become a burden for mammals.


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Physalaemus crombiei is a small foam-nesting frog endemic to the Atlantic forest. It is a member of the P. signifer group known only from its type locality in Santa Teresa, State of Espírito Santo, and from another locality in the State of Bahia, Brazil. Most Physalaemus species are aquatic breeders, and species in the P. signifer group are the only ones exhibiting a tendency toward terrestrial reproduction in the genus. Here we describe the reproductive period, breeding site and reproductive modes of P. crombiei from a third population in the Atlantic forest, southeastern Brazil. We also investigated reproductive effort and size-fecundity relationships in females. Reproductive traits were compared to other species in the genus Physalaemus, especially those included in the P. signifer group. Physalaemus crombiei is a prolonged breeder, reproducing throughout the year with a peak of activity during the most rainy months (October-March). Males called from the humid forest foor and eggs embedded in foam nests were deposited in the water as well as on the humid foor amidst the leaf litter, or inside fallen leaves or tree holes containing rainwater on the forest foor. As expected, P. crombiei exhibited three alternative reproductive modes, as described for other species of the P. signifer group. The number of eggs produced per female varied from 91 to 250. Female body size is positively correlated both with ovary mass and clutch size (number of eggs per clutch). Variation in the number and size of eggs observed in Physalaemus species may be explained not only by female size, but also by the terrestrial reproductive mode exhibited by the species in the P. signifer group.


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One of the most commonly used sampling techniques to capture leaf litter amphibians, lizards and small mammals is a set of pitfall traps with drift fences. However, there are still many speculations concerning the effectiveness of different designs of pitfall traps and the most adequate size of each trap. To address this problem, we conducted the first standardized comparison of patterns of species richness, rank-abundance, and community structure of leaf litter amphibians, lizards and small mammals for two trap designs (I and Y format) and three bucket sizes (35, 62, and 100 L) in a Neotropical forest. Results are very similar for the herpetofauna, regardless of the pitfall trap design or size used, while for small mammals values of species richness were higher for 100 L pitfall traps, as compared to the smaller traps. Therefore, the use of 100 L pitfall traps is recommended to sample the terrestrial vertebrate fauna, in multidisciplinary studies. For surveys aiming only the herpetofauna the use of smaller (35 L) traps is acceptable, taking into consideration the cost-benefits obtained by the smaller traps, in comparison to the larger ones.


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This study evaluated the decomposition process of leaf litter from the main Brazilian mangrove species Avicennia schaueriana, Laguncularia racemosa and Rhizophora mangle. Senescent leaves were collected, dried and placed in nylon bags with different mesh sizes (fine: 2x2mm and coarse: 8x8mm). The bags were distributed over the sediment, and replicates of each species and mesh size were collected periodically over 4months. In the laboratory, the dry weight of the samples was measured, and the decomposition coefficient (k) for each species and mesh size was obtained over time. All species showed a rapid decomposition rate at the beginning of the experiment, followed by a slower but steady rate of decomposition over time. The rate of leaf litter decomposition was highest in A. schaueriana, intermediate in L. racemosa and lowest in R. mangle. The difference was mainly linked to the activity and abundance of detritivores, together with the different litter quality of the species, which determined their palatability and probably influenced the decomposition process.


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We present a new approach to determine the number and composition of guilds, using the hyperdiverse leaf-litter ant fauna as a model, based on appropriate morphological variables and species co-occurrence null models to describe the complex assemblages of interacting Species Community structure at the 1-m(2) scale. We obtained 18 linear morphometric measures from 949 workers of 171 leaf-litter ant species (18762 measurements) surveyed in four Atlantic Forest localities to test whether the assemblages are morphologically structured; the morphological characters were selected to indicate diet and foraging habits. Principal components analysis was used to characterize the morphospace and to describe the guild structure (number of species and composition). The guild proportionality assembly rule (significant tendency toward constant proportion of species in guilds) was assessed at the 1-m(2) scale. Our analysis indicates that the division of leaf-litter ants into guilds is based mainly on microhabitat distribution in the leaf-litter, body size and shape, eye size, and phylogeny. The same guild scheme applied to four more sites shows that different Atlantic Forest areas have the same leaf-fitter ant guilds. The guild proportionality assembly rule was confirmed for most guilds, Suggesting that there are guild-specific limitations on species coexistence within assemblages; on the other hand, in a few cases the variance in guild proportion was greater than expected under the null assumptions. Other studies on ant functional group classification are partially supported by our quantitative morphological analysis. Our results, however, imply that there are more compartments than indicated in previous models, particularly among cryptic species (confined to soil and litter) and tropical climate specialists. We argue that a general null model for the analysis of species association based oil morphology can reveal objectively defined groups and may thus contribute to a robust theory to explain community structure in general and have important consequences on studies of litter ant community ecology in particular.