797 resultados para Literatura Norte-Americana


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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Tomando como corpus o desenho animado Shrek, produção norte-americana de 2001, Maíra Sueco Maegava Córdula estuda o papel da entoação nas falas em duas línguas - o Português do Brasil e o Inglês dos Estados Unidos. O estudo da entoação se baseia na verificação de que os sentidos dos enunciados podem ser distintos utilizando-se as mesmas palavras, bastando para isso apenas mudar o tom em que elas são proferidas. O comentário: Não foi o que o sujeito falou, mas como ele falou ilustra a ideia. A Linguística estuda esse como, ou a entoação, por meio da Prosódia. Dessa forma, a obra tem como fim analisar a variação melódica da fala em línguas naturais e seus aspectos sintáticos, semânticos e pragmáticos. A autora destaca que a entoação em línguas naturais, como o Português Brasileiro, tem um papel relevante para a formação dos sentidos dos enunciados, principalmente no que se refere à sua função sintática. Uma das hipóteses centrais da pesquisa é a de que padrões distintos de entoações podem expressar significações semelhantes em diferentes línguas. A escolha de um desenho animado, cuja fala é artificial, facilitou a pesquisa, na medida em que em um ambiente de fala natural, o pesquisador não tem acesso a conhecimentos prévios entre os informantes. Além disso, o objeto do estudo tornou possível a comparação linguística, já que os dubladores, tanto na versão original quanto na dublada em outra língua, só podem recorrer à voz como instrumento expressivo. A isso se soma o fato de que em produções artísticas desse tipo são bem marcadas suas funções emotiva e expressiva, pois têm como objetivo o entretenimento associado à emoção e, dessa forma, os aspectos semânticos e pragmáticos dos padrões de entoação podem ser identificados de forma clara


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Introduction: This paper presents preliminary results of the research project "Information access: actions and strategies of the Chamber of Deputies to meet 12.527/2011 Law”. Finally some considerations about the implementation of the Law within the Chamber of Deputies are presented. Objectives: Discuss the matter of public information access after the new Brazilian information access law and his relationship between the theories information policy, information regime and informational state. Methodology: Bibliographic research about several theoretical topics related to information access were raised, for example: the concept of information, information policy, informational state, information regime, electronic government and information asymmetry. Results: The preliminaries data shows a convergence of information policies from many countries, for example, Finland, Canada and South Africa, to a same point, which indicates an increase of transparency and a bigger active disclosure of information public. Conclusion: In Brazilian case, in the relationship between State and citizen, the new information access law means a materialization paradigm change or the concretization de other information regime. The sanction of this law can be interpreted as another step to increase the transparency and the affirmation of democratic relationship between State and society.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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It is a systematic literature review, wich aimed to analyze documents, as is the inclusion of the family in Mental Health Services. To do so was based on a literature in the database of the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS). And the documents were selected from the question which funded the research to evaluate the contribution of scientific research published in journals in the period 2000 to 2011. Data analysis reveals that the government's efforts in having the family as an ally, not a recent phenomenon. But this is a process that depends not only on government, also depends on the professionals involved and of their own families, and other factors. It is concluded that much remains to be done, both in terms of research for the topic, the actions in the reality of such a process


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This study aimed at analyzing the scientific production on health care humanization in intensive-care and emergency units based on publications in national journals. Therefore, this is an integrative review of the national literature. The online database Literatura Latino-Americana do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde - Literature in the Health Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean (LILACS) based on the Health Virtual Library (BVS) platform was used to select articles. The final sample in this review consisted of 21 articles. The presentation of results and data discussion was descriptively performed and divided into three themes: communication with relatives and the team, caregiver humanization and, finally, the difficulties faced to implement humanization. As regards communication, it is seen by the authors as a fundamental strategy to ensure quality in intensive care, and it is placed as a central axis in the humanization policy. Concerning caregiver humanization, the physical and mental overload resulting from the work process in these units are factors that interfere with personal relations between team members as well as with that between team members and patients. Among the difficulties faced for implementing humanized care for critical patients are the units’s physical and organizational structures, technology and health care professionals’ education, which is centered on the biomedical model. It was concluded that communication is considered to be fundamental for humanization of the care provided to critical patients, since it allows for the development of a network of meanings between patients, the team, families and the establishment. In order to implement care with humanized actions in urgency and emergency sectors, particularly in ICUs, it is necessary to change organizational culture and value health care professionals


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper addresses issues regarding my translation of selected poems by Harryette Mullen, a rising African-American contemporary poet, whose dense poetry works on the black oral tradition, the experimentalism of writing, the (African-American) pop music, in addition to delving into issues such as the representation of (black) female sexuality. One of the complex aspects of her poetry is the notion of miscegenation, conceived as an aesthetic argument and as a constitutive condition of the identity of multiracial Americans. This concept establishes a textuality that questions the accessible intelligibility generally expected from black American poetry, insofar as a mosaic of dissonant voices are brought to light in her text, which makes it difficult to categorize. In Brazil, especially among politically engaged Afro-Brazilians, there has been criticism towards the praise of miscegenation, since the latter has been considered to support of the myth of racial democracy. Building on these aspects, we investigate the extent to which it is a challenge to translate her poetry – based on miscegenation and hybridity as aesthetic constructs – especially when taking into account the discursive locus of readers identified with an Afro-Brazilian aesthetic, particularly critical of miscegenation. From the point of view of translation, we evaluate the extent to which her poetry could be read by the predominant cultural discourse in Brazil, inclined to favor miscegenation as an integral concept of national identity, as a seductively experimental poetry. In view of this, one wonders whether this perspective makes hers poetry “less black” for Afro-Brazilian literary standards.


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This work is set in the context of the Hispanic-American literature of the twentieth century (in particular, Alejo Carpentier) viewed in a historical perspective. For this task, we focus on a specific writer’s work: the novel Baroque Concert (1974). The text is divided into three parts: the first deals with some topics concerning the intersection between sui generis Literature and History. Next, we focus on the Hispanic-American literary context, discussing it in an analytical perspective, with regard to its connections with the historical discourse. Finally, we analyze the novel Baroque Concert, by means of the basic concepts of the theory of historiographic metafiction.


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O estudo da proposta foucaultiana sobre o poder possibilita focalizar as diferenças sociais de gênero como “multiformes e integradas” com outros pontos de poder, os quais não podem ser reduzidos à estrutura binária dominante/dominado, na relação homem/mulher. Portanto, não existe uma estrutura de “opressão de gênero” universal e mono-causal, pois os diferentes contextos discursivos geram campos atravessados por relações de forças muito diversas e variadas, e uma dinâmica de posições de sujeito que também é regulada e aberta a contingências. Por um lado, pensando nas diferenças de gênero e no posicionamento do sujeito dentro do marco de referência nas primeiras décadas do século XX, no qual há a afirmação do papel da mulher como um sujeito social, público, intelectual e artista, mas também assumindo sua categoria de Mãe e Mulher em uma sociedade patriarcalmente estruturada e, por outro lado, vislumbradas a partir das contribuições teóricas da crítica feminista, da crítica literária feminista e, especialmente, da crítica pós-feminista, denominada pósfoucaultiana por July Cháneton (2007), no sentido em que estas teóricas incorporam critica e produtivamente as idéias de Foucault sobre gênero, subjetividade e poder, verificamos como o discursivo-literário de Alfonsina Storni representa a construção de uma subjetividade feminina de posição identitária “múltipla e contraditória”, como parte constitutiva de uma diversidade de posições-sujeito feminina.


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This article presents research that aimed to discuss the theoretical frameworks about civil associativism prescribed by the trainers of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) workers. The requirements for civil associations made by trainers were analyzed based on two data and reference categories, named empirical and analytical. The empirical categories emerged from the data collected by means of interviews with trainers and also examining the documents that guided the course. The analytical categories were constructed from the literature review on the approaches of civil associations, which are: North American Third Sector Approach; Critical Approach to the Third Sector and Social Local Development (DSL in the Portuguese acronym). The study presents indications that could support the development of other research on the topic and, mainly academic knowledge for further development of new training processes for NGO workers.


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre o processo de revisão por pares de artigos científicos na área da saúde. MÉTODOS: Revisão integrativa de literatura, na qual foram realizadas buscas nas bases de dados da Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, National Library of Medicine, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online e Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. Um total de 12 estudos foi analisado. RESULTADOS: Foi demonstrado que existem muitas críticas ao processo em razão de sua subjetividade, porém acredita-se na necessidade dos mesmos. CONCLUSÃO: Este processo é imprescindível para a difusão do conhecimento, sendo uma etapa essencial no julgamento de manuscritos científicos, no entanto, considera-se importante que se façam mudanças no sentido de reduzir a subjetividade para garantir credibilidade ao processo.