979 resultados para Literary Theory
Ausonio de Burdigala (Burdeos) escribe entre los años 379-383 su obra poética titulada Caesares. Esta colección es una biografía de la vida de los emperadores en verso (hexámetro y dístico elegíaco). Caesares no está completa; la obra acaba de repente en el cuarteto dedicado a Heliogábalo. En este trabajo abordamos el género de la colección, examinamos el estilo de Ausonio en varias partes (monósticos y tetrásticos) y destacamos las fuentes (Suetonio, Tácito, Kaisergeschichte, Mario Máximo). Asimismo valoramos las diferentes opiniones que los estudiosos de Ausonio han expresado sobre la parte perdida de esta colección.
Access to new forms, conduct and practices of educational research remain elusive providing researchers stay within the narrow theoretical constructs-the static, single vista ofconventional research models. This dissertation presents the findings of an experimental study that aims to extend the discourse of educational research through a 'performative ethnographic analysis' by using a single-site case study approach. The case study is an analytical parody based on multiple discourse relevant to a 'new' and different approach to educational research so that a more comprehensive and complex process of reading and writing text becomes possible. Throughout this process, a generative methodology and interpretative base are anticipated to provide a metaphoric focus for a critical dialogue. The discourse informing the theoretical and interpretative base of the study include philosophy, science, visual arts, literary theory, critical postructuralist theory and theatre performance. The data are presented as a series of performance narratives in the form of socio-drama, interspersed with critical reflection that enables the researcher, the research participant and reader to become part ofa triadic construct. The findings from this study have major implications for informing contemporary educational research, as they demonstrate that by approaching research in 'new' and different ways, the researcher and the educational community have access to insights that are unavailable within the constraints of conventional models ofresearch.
In this master’s thesis, I examine the development of writer-characters and metafiction from John Irving’s The World According to Garp to Last Night in Twisted River and how this development relates to the development of late twentieth century postmodern literary theory to twenty-first century post-postmodern literary theory. The purpose of my study is to determine how the prominently postmodern feature metafiction, created through the writer-character’s stories-within-stories, has changed in form and function in the two novels published thirty years apart from one another, and what possible features this indicates for future post-postmodern theory. I establish my theoretical framework on the development of metafiction largely on late twentieth-century models of author and authorship as discussed by Roland Barthes, Wayne Booth and Michel Foucault. I base my close analysis of metafiction mostly on Linda Hutcheon’s model of overt and covert metafiction. At the end of my study, I examine Irving’s later novel through Suzanne Rohr’s models of reality constitution and fictional reality. The analysis of the two novels focuses on excerpts that feature the writer-characters, their stories-within-stories and the novels’ other characters and the narrators’ evaluations of these two. I draw examples from both novels, but I illustrate my choice of focus on the novels at the beginning of each section. Through this, I establish a method of analysis that best illustrates the development as a continuum from pre-existing postmodern models and theories to the formation of new post-postmodern theory. Based on my findings, the thesis argues that twenty-first century literary theory has moved away from postmodern overt deconstruction of the narrative and its meaning. New post-postmodern literary theory reacquires the previously deconstructed boundaries that define reality and truth and re-establishes them as having intrinsic value that cannot be disputed. In establishing fictional reality as self-governing and non-intrudable, post-postmodern theory takes a stance against postmodern nihilism, which indicates the re-founded, non-questionable value of the text’s reality. To continue mapping other possible features of future post-postmodern theory, I recommend further analysis solely on John Irving’s novels’ published in the twenty-first century.
This thesis argues that the study of narrative television has been limited by an adherence to accepted and commonplace conceptions of endings as derived from literary theory, particularly a preoccupation with the terminus of the text as the ultimate site of cohesion, structure, and meaning. Such common conceptions of endings, this thesis argues, are largely incompatible with the realities of television’s production and reception, and as a result the study of endings in television needs to be re-thought to pay attention to the specificities of the medium. In this regard, this thesis proposes a model of intra-narrative endings, islands of cohesion, structure, and meaning located within television texts, as a possible solution to the problem of endings in television. These intra-narrative endings maintain the functionality of traditional endings, whilst also allowing for the specificities of television as a narrative medium. The first two chapters set out the theoretical groundwork, first by exploring the essential characteristics of narrative television (serialisation, fragmentation, duration, repetition, and accumulation), then by exploring the unique relationship between narrative television and the forces of contingency. These chapters also introduce the concept of intra-narrative endings as a possible solution to the problems of television’s narrative structure, and the medium’s relationship to contingency. Following on from this my three case studies examine forms of television which have either been traditionally defined as particularly resistant to closure (soap opera and the US sitcom) or which have received little analysis in terms of their narrative structure (sports coverage). Each of these case studies provides contextual material on these televisual forms, situating them in terms of their narrative structure, before moving on to analyse them in terms of my concept of intra-narrative endings. In the case of soap opera, the chapter focusses on the death of the long running character Pat Butcher in the British soap EastEnders (BBC, 1985-), while my chapter on the US sitcom focusses on the varying levels of closure that can be located within the US sitcom, using Friends (NBC, 1993-2004) as a particular example. Finally, my chapter on sports coverage analyses the BBC’s coverage of the 2012 London Olympics, and focusses on the narratives surrounding cyclists Chris Hoy and Victoria Pendleton. Each of these case studies identifies their chosen events as intra-narrative endings within larger, ongoing texts, and analyses the various ways in which they operate within those wider texts. This thesis is intended to make a contribution to the emerging field of endings studies within television by shifting the understanding of endings away from a dominant literary model which overwhelmingly focusses on the terminus of the text, to a more televisually specific model which pays attention to the particular contexts of the medium’s production and reception.
Ideología y narrativa: la función significativa, el pensamiento estetizante y las relaciones humanas
This research deals with the study of ideology in the novel. Our motivation has philosophical implications and refers to fundamental and foundational issues of literary theory and aesthetics in general. Thus, the definition of the object of study for a correct formulation of these questions, as appropriate, represents the first difficulty of this research. The concept of ideology is of a problematic nature due to the polysemy of the term and the Marxist pejorative use associated to it. In our work, however, we understand ideology in a general and literal way: study and system of ideas. This research seeks to justify the study of ideology and its relevance in the investigation of narrative text as a system of ideas for understanding the world that determines the individual's relationship with it within the novel. The epistemological approach of our research relates the concept of ideology in terms of literary hermeneutics, critical theory, and dialogic criticism, linked trough the critical inquiry and the signifying function of ideology. Furthermore, the ideological representation of the signifying function in literary texts responds to aesthetic criteria, and therefore aesthetics constitutes the specificity of the methodological approach of this study. Bakhtińs essential text on literary theory, "The Problem of Content, Material and Form in Verbal Arts", allows us to develop an understanding of the literary phenomena based on the concept of aestheticided thought. The main references to establish the foundational criteria of our investigation based on the hermeneutic-aesthetic relationship are P. Ricoeur, M. Bakhtin, and J. Habermas...
La ironía como figura retórica es un asunto de particular riqueza en los estudios literarios. En este artículo se analiza un conjunto de causas que podrían explicar el concepto de ironía y sus correspondencias con la sátira, la parodia y la comicidad.Irony as a rhetorical figure is of particular interest in literary studies. Here a number of causes are analyzed which could explain the concept of irony and its correspondences with satire, parody and humor.
El conflicto armado en Guatemala se originó por el abuso de poder, la desigualdad, la exclusión y la profunda discriminación, sobre todo hacia la población indígena, a la que se le han desconocido históricamente sus derechos y que fue la más afligida durante el conflicto. Lo que desembocó en el nacimiento de grupos al margen de la ley, cuyo propósito fue reivindicar los derechos de la población, así como la equidad y justicia social. El conflicto se caracterizó por la formación de grupos paramilitares, la violación al Derecho Internacional Humanitario, el elevado número de víctimas del conflicto, mayoritariamente indígenas y porque más del 85% de las violaciones a los derechos humanos fueron perpetradas por el Estado. Gracias a la voluntad política, al respaldo de la comunidad internacional, especialmente de la Organización de Naciones Unidas -ONU, y a los buenos oficios de la Comisión Nacional de Reconciliación – CNR, se lograron firmar los Acuerdos de Paz y dar fin a este cruento conflicto de más de 36 años. Las partes firmantes vieron la necesidad de que un ente autónomo e imparcial de Naciones Unidas, verificara el cumplimiento de La Misión de Naciones Unidas en Guatemala - MINUGUA contribuyó a la promoción, defensa y garantía de los derechos de la población indígena guatemalteca. Específicamente, incidió en el cumplimiento de los compromisos contenidos en el Acuerdo sobre Identidad y Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas guatemaltecos –AIDPI, que fue suscrito el 31 de marzo de 1995, asimismo, contribuyó a la garantía del derecho a la justicia de la población indígena, lo que se evidenció en las acciones y el papel que desempeñó en los componentes de verdad, justicia y reparación.
Recibido 05 de mayo de 2010 • Aceptado 24 de junio de 2010 • Corregido 05 de agosto de 2010 Resumen. Con base en el aporte del crítico literario y pensador palestino Said (1983), quien acuña el término “crítica secular,” este artículo analiza la posibilidad de aplicar dicho concepto a la enseñanza de la literatura, tanto en niveles de educación primaria y secundaria, como en niveles superiores. Por crítica secular se debe entender el modo de análisis textual que ve a la literatura inherentemente ligada a las experiencias humanas, a las realidades sociales de los contextos en que es producida y a las instituciones de poder que la propician o la reprimen. La principal propuesta será, entonces, el plantear una metodología para abordar, en el salón de clase, los textos literarios desde una perspectiva mundana; es decir, ligándolos al mundo exterior, al que está fuera de las aulas. En este sentido, y utilizando tanto ejemplos textuales primarios como teoría literaria, el artículo propondrá convertir el estudio de la literatura en una herramienta de análisis, cuestionamiento, desafío y cambio de las realidades que la producen.
This work explores the relevance of semantic and linguistic description to translation, theory and practice. It is aimed towards a practical model of approach to texts to translate. As literary texts [poetry mainly] are the focus of attention, so are stylistic matters. Note, however, that 'style', and, to some extent, the conclusions of the work, are not limited to so-called literary texts. The study of semantic description reveals that most translation problems do not stem from the cognitive (langue-related), but rather from the contextual (parole-related) aspects of meaning. Thus, any linguistic model that fails to account for the latter is bound to fall short. T.G.G. does, whereas Systemics, concerned with both the 'Iangue' and 'parole' (stylistic and sociolinguistic mainly) aspects of meaning, provides a useful framework of approach to texts to translate. Two essential semantic principles for translation are: that meaning is the property of a language (Firth); and the 'relativity of meaning assignments' (Tymoczko). Both imply that meaning can only be assessed, correctly, in the relevant socio-cultural background. Translation is seen as a restricted creation, and the translator's encroach as a three-dimensional critical one. To encompass the most technical to the most literary text, and account for variations in emphasis in any text, translation theory must be based on typology of function Halliday's ideational, interpersonal and textual, or, Buhler's symbol, signal, symptom, Functions3. Function Coverall and specific] will dictate aims and method, and also provide the critic with criteria to assess translation Faithfulness. Translation can never be reduced to purely objective methods, however. Intuitive procedures intervene, in textual interpretation and analysis, in the choice of equivalents, and in the reception of a translation. Ultimately, translation, theory and practice, may perhaps constitute the touchstone as regards the validity of linguistic and semantic theories.
This thesis investigates the boundaries between body and object in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, seven children’s literature novels published between 1997 and 2007. Lord Voldemort, Rowling’s villain, creates Horcruxes—objects that contain fragments of his soul—in order to ensure his immortality. As vessels for human soul, these objects rupture the boundaries between body and object and become “things.” Using contemporary thing theorists including John Plotz and materialists Jean Baudrillard and Walter Benjamin, I look at Voldemort’s Horcruxes as transgressive, liminal, unclassifiable entities in the first chapter. If objects can occupy the juncture between body and object, then bodies can as well. Dementors and Inferi, dark creatures that Rowling introduces throughout the series, live devoid of soul. Voldemort, too, becomes a thing as he splits his soul and creates Horcruxes. These soulless bodies are uncanny entities, provoking fear, revulsion, nausea, and the loss of language. In the second chapter, I use Sigmund Freud’s theorization of the uncanny as well as literary critic Kelly Hurley to investigate how Dementors, Inferi, and Voldemort exist as body-turned-object things at the juncture between life and death. As Voldemort increasingly invests his immaterial soul into material objects, he physically and spiritually degenerates, transforming from the young, handsome Tom Marvolo Riddle into the snake-like villain that murdered Harry’s parents and countless others. During his quest to find and destroy Voldemort’s Horcruxes, Harry encounters a different type of object, the Deathly Hallows. Although similarly accessing boundaries between body/object, life/death, and materiality/immateriality, the three Deathly Hallows do not transgress these boundaries. Through the Deathly Hallows, Rowling provides an alternative to thingification: objects that enable boundaries to fluctuate, but not breakdown. In the third chapter, I return to thing theorists, Baudrillard, and Benjamin to study how the Deathly Hallows resist thingification by not transgressing the boundaries between body and object.