995 resultados para Lipocalin prostaglandin D synthase


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Retinopathy of prematurity is a sight-threatening complication of premature birth caused by nitrooxidativeinsult to the developing retinal vasculature during therapeutic hyperoxia exposure and laterischemia-induced neovascularization on supplemental oxygen withdrawal. In the vasodegenerativephase, during hyperoxia, defective endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS) produces reactive oxygenand nitrogen free radicals rather than vasoprotective nitric oxide for unclear reasons. More important,NOS critically depends on the availability of the cofactor (6R)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4).Because BH4 synthesis is controlled enzymatically by GTP cyclohydrolase (GTPCH), we used GTPCHdepletedmice [hyperphenylalanaemia strain Q4 (hph1)] to investigate the impact of hyperoxia on BH4bioavailability and retinal vascular pathology in the neonate. Hyperoxia decreased BH4 in retinas,lungs, and aortas in all experimental groups, resulting in a dose-dependent decrease in NOS activityand, in the wild-type group, elevated NOS-derived superoxide. Retinal dopamine levels were similarlydiminished, consistent with the dependence of tyrosine hydroxylase on BH4. Despite greater depletionof BH4, the hphþ/ and hph1/ groups did not show exacerbated hyperoxia-induced vessel closure,but exhibited greater vascular protection and reduced progression to neovascular disease. This vasoprotectiveeffect was independent of enhanced circulating vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF),which was reduced by hyperoxia, but Q5 to local ganglion cell layerederived VEGF. A constitutively higherlevel of VEGF expression associated with retinal development protects GTPCH-deficient neonates fromoxygen-induced vascular damage.


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Chemotherapies that target thymidylate synthase (TS) continue to see considerable clinical expansion in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). One drawback to TS-targeted therapies is drug resistance and subsequent treatment failure. Novel therapeutic and biomarker-driven strategies are urgently needed. The enzyme deoxyuridine triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase (dUTPase) is reported to protect tumor cells from aberrant misincorporation of uracil during TS inhibition. The goal of this study was to investigate the expression and significance of dUTPase in mediating response to TS-targeted agents in NSCLC. The expression of dUTPase in NSCLC cell lines and clinical specimens was measured by quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase PCR and immunohistochemistry. Using a validated RNA interference approach, dUTPase was effectively silenced in a panel of NSCLC cell lines and response to the fluoropyrimidine fluorodeoxyuridine (FUdR) and the antifolate pemetrexed was analyzed using growth inhibition and clonogenic assays. Apoptosis was analyzed by flow cytometry. Significant variation in the quantity and cellular expression of dUTPase was observed, including clear evidence of overexpression in NSCLC cell line models and tumor specimens at the mRNA and protein level. RNA interference-mediated silencing of dUTPase significantly sensitized NSCLC cells to growth inhibition induced by FUdR and pemetrexed. This sensitization was accompanied by a significant expansion of intracellular dUTP pools and significant decreases in NSCLC cell viability evaluated by clonogenicity and apoptotic analyses. Together, these results strongly suggest that uracil misincorporation is a potent determinant of cytotoxicity to TS inhibition in NSCLC and that inhibition of dUTPase is a mechanism-based therapeutic approach to significantly enhance the efficacy of TS-targeted chemotherapeutic agents.


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Despite recent therapeutic advances, the response rates to chemotherapy for patients with metastatic colon cancer remain at approximately 50% with the fluoropyrimidine, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), continuing to serve as the foundation chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of this disease. Previous studies have demonstrated that overexpression of thymidylate synthase (TS) is a key determinant of resistance to 5-FU-based chemotherapy. Therefore, there is a significant need to develop alternative therapeutic strategies to overcome TS-mediated resistance. In this study, we demonstrate that the histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) vorinostat and LBH589 significantly downregulate TS gene expression in a panel of colon cancer cell lines. Downregulation of TS was independent of p53, p21 and HDAC2 expression and was achievable in vivo as demonstrated by mouse xenograft models. We provide evidence that HDACi treatment leads to a potent transcriptional repression of the TS gene. Combination of the fluoropyrimidines 5-FU or FUdR with both vorinostat and LBH589 enhanced cell cycle arrest and growth inhibition. Importantly, the downstream effects of TS inhibition were significantly enhanced by this combination including the inhibition of acute TS induction and the enhanced accumulation of the cytotoxic nucleotide intermediate dUTP. These data demonstrate that HDACi repress TS expression at the level of transcription and provides the first evidence suggesting a direct mechanistic link between TS downregulation and the synergistic interaction observed between HDACi and 5-FU. This study provides rationale for the continued clinical evaluation of HDACi in combination with 5-FU-based therapies as a strategy to overcome TS-mediated resistance.


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The cardiac neuronal nitric-oxide synthase (nNOS) has been described as a modulator of cardiac contractility. We have demonstrated previously that isoform 4b of the sarcolemmal calcium pump (PMCA4b) binds to nNOS in the heart and that this complex regulates beta-adrenergic signal transmission in vivo. Here, we investigated whether the nNOS-PMCA4b complex serves as a specific signaling modulator in the heart. PMCA4b transgenic mice (PMCA4b-TG) showed a significant reduction in nNOS and total NOS activities as well as in cGMP levels in the heart compared with their wild type (WT) littermates. In contrast, PMCA4b-TG hearts showed an elevation in cAMP levels compared with the WT. Adult cardiomyocytes isolated from PMCA4b-TG mice demonstrated a 3-fold increase in Ser(16) phospholamban (PLB) phosphorylation as well as Ser(22) and Ser(23) cardiac troponin I (cTnI) phosphorylation at base line compared with the WT. In addition, the relative induction of PLB phosphorylation and cTnI phosphorylation following isoproterenol treatment was severely reduced in PMCA4b-TG myocytes, explaining the blunted physiological response to the beta-adrenergic stimulation. In keeping with the data from the transgenic animals, neonatal rat cardiomyocytes overexpressing PMCA4b showed a significant reduction in nitric oxide and cGMP levels. This was accompanied by an increase in cAMP levels, which led to an increase in both PLB and cTnI phosphorylation at base line. Elevated cAMP levels were likely due to the modulation of cardiac phosphodiesterase, which determined the balance between cGMP and cAMP following PMCA4b overexpression. In conclusion, these results showed that the nNOS-PMCA4b complex regulates contractility via cAMP and phosphorylation of both PLB and cTnI.


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RESUME : L'athérosclérose, pathologie inflammatoire artérielle chronique, est à l'origine de la plupart des maladies cardiovasculaires qui constituent l'une des premières causes de morbidité et mortalité en France. Les études observationnelles et expérimentales montrent que l'exercice physique prévient la mortalité cardiovasculaire. Cependant, les mécanismes précisant les bénéfices cliniques de l'exercice sur l'athérosclérose sont encore largement inconnus. Le but général de ce travail a donc été d'explorer, en utilisant un modèle expérimental d'athérosclérose, la souris hypercholestérolémique génétiquement dépourvue en apolipoprotéine E (apoE-/-), les mécanismes athéroprotecteurs de l'exercice. La dysfonction endothéliale, généralement associée aux facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire, serait l'une des étapes précoces majeures de l'athérogenèse. Elle est caractérisée par une diminution de la biodisponibilité en monoxyde d'azote (NO) avec la perte de ses propriétés vasculo-protectrices, ce qui favorise un climat pro-athérogène (stress oxydatif, adhésion et infiltration des cellules inflammatoires dans la paroi artérielle...) conduisant à la formation de la plaque athéromateuse. L'objectif de notre premier travail a donc été d'explorer les effets de l'exercice d'une part, sur le développement des plaques athéromateuses et d'autre part, sur la fonction endothéliale de la souris apoE-/-. Nos résultats montrent que l'exercice réduit significativement l'extension de l'athérosclérose et prévient la dysfonction endothéliale. L'explication pharmacologique montre que l'exercice stimule la fonction endothéliale via, notamment, une plus grande sensibilité des récepteurs endothéliaux muscariniques, ce qui active les événements signalétiques cellulaires récepteurs-dépendants à l'origine d'une bioactivité accrue de NO. Les complications cliniques graves de l'athérosclérose sont induites par la rupture de la plaque instable provoquant la formation d'un thrombus occlusif et l'ischémie du territoire tissulaire en aval. L'objectif de notre deuxième travail a été d'examiner l'effet de l'exercice sur la qualité/stabilité de la plaque. Nos résultats indiquent que l'exercice de longue durée stabilise la plaque en augmentant le nombre de cellules musculaires lisses et en diminuant le nombre de macrophages intra-plaques. Nos résultats montrent aussi que la phosphorylation de la eNOS (NO Synthase endothéliale) Akt-dépendante n'est pas le mécanisme moléculaire majeur à l'origine de ce bénéfice. Enfin, dans notre troisième travail, nous avons investigué l'effet de l'exercice sur le développement de la plaque vulnérable. Nos résultats montrent, chez un modèle murin de plaque instable (modèle d'hypertension rénovasculaire à rénine et angiotensine II élevés) que l'exercice prévient l'apparition de la plaque vulnérable indépendamment d'un effet hémodynamique. Ce bénéfice serait associé à une diminution de l'expression vasculaire des récepteurs AT1 de l'Angiotensine II. Nos résultats justifient l'importance de l'exercice comme outil préventif des maladies cardiovasculaires. ABSTRACT : Atherosclerosis, a chronic inflammatory disease, is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in France. Observational and experimental data indicate that regular physical exercise has a positive impact on cardiovascular mortality. However, the mechanisms by which exercise exerts clinical benefits on atherosclerosis are still unknown. The general aim of this work was to elucidate the anti-atherosclerotic effects of exercise, using a mouse model of atherosclerosis: the apolipoprotein E-deficient mice (apoE-/- mice). Endothelial dysfunction, generally associated with cardiovascular risk factors, has been recognized to be a major and early step in atherogenesis. Endothelial dysfunction is characterized by Nitric Oxide (NO) biodisponibility reduction with loss of NO-mediated vasculoprotective actions. This leads to vascular effects such as increased oxidative stress and increased adhesion of inflammatory cells into arterial wall thus playing a role in atherosclerotic plaque development. Therefore, one of the objective of our study was to explore the effects of exercise on atherosclerotic plaque extension and on endothelial function in apoE-/- mice. Results show that exercise significantly reduces plaque progression and prevents endothelial dysfunction. Pharmacological explanation indicates that exercise stimulates endothelial function by increasing muscarinic receptors sensitivity which in turn activates intracellular signalling receptor-dependent events leading to increased NO bioactivity. The clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis are the consequences of unstable plaque rupture with thrombus formation leading to tissue ischemia. The second aim of our work was to determine the effect of exercise on plaque stability. We demonstrate that long-term exercise stabilizes atherosclerotic plaques as shown by decreased macrophage and increased Smooth Muscle Cells plaque content. Our results also suggest that the Akt-dependent eNOS phosphorylation pathway is not the primary molecular mechanism mediating these beneficial effects. Finally, we assessed a putative beneficial effect of exercise on vulnerable plaque development. In a mouse model of Angiotensine II (Ang II)-mediated vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques, we provide fist evidence that exercise prevents atherosclerosis progression and plaque vulnerability. The beneficial effect of swimming was associated with decreased aortic Ang II AT1 receptor expression independently from any hemodynamic change. These findings suggest clinical benefit of exercise in terms of cardiovascular event protection.


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Phascolomyces articulosus genomic DNA was isolated from 48 h old hyphae and was used for amplification of a chitin synthase fragment by the polymerase chain reaction method. The primers used in the amplification corresponded to two widely conserved amino acid regions found in chitin synthases of many fimgi. Amphfication resulted in four bands (820, 900, 1000 and 1500 bp, approximately) as visualized in a 1.2% agarose gel. The lowest band (820 bp) was selected as a candidate for chitin synthase because most amplified regions from other fimgi so far exhibited similar sizes (600-750 bp). The selected fragment was extracted from the gel and cloned in the Hinc n site of pUC19. The derived plasmid and insert were designated ^\5C\9'PaCHS and PaCHS respectively. The plasmid pUC19-PaC/fS was digested by several restriction enzymes and was found to contain BamHl and HincU sites. Sequencing of PaCHS revealed two intron sequences and a total open reading frame of 200 amino acids. The derived polypeptide was compared with other related sequences from the EMBL database (Heidelberg, Germany) and was matched to 36 other fiilly or partially sequenced fimgal chitin synthase genes. The closest resemblance was with two genes (74.5% and 73.1% identity) from Rhizopus oligosporus. Southern hybridization with the cloned fragment as a probe to the PCR reaction showed a strong signal at the fragment selected for cloning and weaker signals at the other two fragments. Southern hybridization with partially digested Phascolomyces articulosus genomic DNA showed a single band. The amino acid sequence was compared with sequences from other chitin synthase gene classes using the CLUSTALW program. The chitin synthase fragment from Phascolomyces articulosus was initially grouped in class n along with chitin synthase fragments from Rhizopus oligosporus and Phycomyces blakesleeanus which also belong to the same class, Zygomycetes. Bootstrap analysis using the neighbor-joining method available by CLUSTALW verified such classification. Comparison of PaCHS revealed conservation of intron positions that are characteristic of chitin synthase gene fragments of zygomycetous fungi.


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An in vitro investigation of some important factors controlling the activity of chitin synthase in cell-free extracts of two Mortierella species has been carried out. Mixed membrane fractions from mycelial homogenates of Mortierella candelabrum and Mortierella pusilla were found to catalyse the transfer of N-acetylglucosamine from UDP-N-acetylglucosamine into an insoluble product characterized as chitin by its insolubility in weak acid and alkali, and the release of glucosamine and diacetylchitobiose on hydrolysis with a strong acid and chitinase, respectively. Apparent Km values for UDP-GlcNAc were 1.8 mM and 2.0 mM for M. pusilla and ~ candelabrum, respectively. Polyoxin D was found to be a very potent competitive inhibitor with values of the constant of inhibition, Ki' for both species about three orders of magnitude lower than theKm for UDP-GlcNAc. A divalent cation, Mg+2 , Mn+2 or Co+2 , was required for activity. N-acetylglucosamine, the monomer of chitin, stimulated the activity of the enzyme. The crude enzyme preparation of ~ candelabrum, unlike that of ~ pusilla, showed an absolute requirement for both Mg+2 and N-acetylglucosamine. Large differences in response to exogenous proteases were noted in the ratio of active to inactive chitin synthase of the two species. A fifteen fold or greater increase was obtained after treatment with acid protease (from Aspergillussaitoi) as compared to a two- to four-fold activation of the M. pusilla membrane preparation treated similarly. During storage at 4°C over 48 hours, an endogenous activation of chitin synthase of ~ pus ilIa was achieved, comparable to that obtained by exogenous protease treatment. The high speed supernatant of both species inhibited the chitin synthase activity of the mixed membrane fractions. The inhibitor of ~ pus ilIa was effective against the pre-activated enzyme whereas that of M. candelabrum inhibited the activated enzyme. Several possibilities are discussed as to the role of the different factors regulating the enzyme activity. The suggestion is made from the properties of chitin synthase in the two species that in vivo a delicate balance exists between the activation and inactivation of the enzyme which is responsible for the pattern of wall growth of each fungus.


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A comparative study of in vitro chitin synthase activity in mucoraceous hosts of a mycoparasite: Chitin synthase, the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of chitin in fungal cell wall was extracted from young hyphae of Choanephora cucurbitarum and Phascolomyces articulosus, susceptible and resistant hosts, respectively, to the mycoparasite, Piptocephalis virginiana. Crude enzyme was identified and characterized by measuring the incorporation of the substrate [14C]-UDP-N-acetylglucosamine, into chitin. Most activity occurred in mixed membrane fraction. Inhibition of activity with Polyoxin D and activation with proteases, N-acetyl-glucosamine and magnesium and other ions was observed. Properties of the crude enzyme preparation such as cofactor requirement, Vmax , apparent Km value for UDP-GlcNAc, inhibition by Polyoxin D, response to pH and to temperature, and stability at 4°C were determined. Enzyme activity from both fungi displayed basically the same features as the corresponding enzymes reported from other mucoraceous fungi. However, the two preparations from P. articulosus and C. cucurbitarum differed from each other in their expressed activity (i.e., the preparations from ~ articulosus exhibited higher latency and higher specific chitin synthase activity than the corresponding preparations from ~ cucurbitarum). Trypsin was effective in activation only over a narrow concentration range. Acid protease was the most effec.tive activator. En.dogenous protease estimation indicated higher protease activity in C. cucurbitarum than in P. articulosus. The suggestion is made that regulation of chitin synthase activities may be related to host resistance in the mycoparasitic system.