993 resultados para Lipid transport
Placenta, as the sole transport mechanism between mother and fetus, links the maternal physical state and the immediate and life-long outcomes of the offspring. The present study examined the mechanisms behind the effect of maternal obesity on placental lipid accumulation and metabolism. Pregnant Obese Prone (OP) and Obese Resistant (OR) rat strains were fed a control diet throughout gestation. Placentas were collected on gestational d21 for analysis and frozen placental sections were analyzed for fat accumulation as well as β-Catenin and Dkk1 localization. Additionally, DKK1 was overexpressed in JEG3 trophoblast cells, followed by treatment with NEFA and Oil Red O stain quantification and mRNA analysis to determine the relationship between placental DKK1 and lipid accumulation. Maternal plasma and placental NEFA and TG were elevated in OP dams, and offspring of OP dams were smaller than OR. Placental Dkk1 mRNA content was 4-fold lower in OP placentas, and there was a significant increase in β-Catenin accumulation as well as mRNA content of fat transport and TG synthesis enzymes, including Ppar-delta, Fatp1, Fat/Cd36, Lipin1, and Lipin3. There was significant lipid accumulation within the decidual zones in OP but not OR placentas, and the thickness of the decidual and junctional zones was significantly smaller in OP than OR placentas. Overexpression of DKK1 in JEG3 cells decreased lipid accumulation and the mRNA content of PPAR-Delta, FATP1, FAT/CD36, LIPIN1, and LIPIN3. Our results indicate that Dkk1 may be regulating placental lipid metabolism through Wnt-mediated mechanisms. Additionally, recent studies have suggested that maternal obesity may also program early development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), rates of which have correlated with the increase in the obesity epidemic. In the current study, livers of OP offspring had significantly increased TG content (P<0.05) and lipid accumulation when compared to offspring of OR dams. Additionally, hepatic Dkk1 mRNA content was significantly decreased in OP livers when compared to OR (P<0.05), and treating H4IIECR rat hepatocyte cells with NEFA showed that Dkk1 mRNA was also decreased in NEFA-treated cells (P<0.05) that also had lipid accumulation. Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis of the Dkk1 promoter in fetal livers showed a pattern of histone modifications associated with decreased gene transcription in OP offspring, which agrees with our gene expression data. These results demonstrate that the hepatic Dkk1 gene is epigenetically regulated via histone modification in neonatal offspring in the current model of gestational obesity, and future studies will be needed to determine whether these changes contribute to excessive hepatic lipid accumulation in offspring of obese dams.
De nouveaux modèles cellulaires in vitro par transfert de milieu et par coculture ont été mis au point afin d’évaluer la capacité des HDL à éliminer l’excès de cholestérol des tissus périphériques et de le transporter vers le foie afin d’être excrété par le foie, un processus nommé le transport inverse du cholestérol (TIC). Le système cellulaire par transfert in vitro où des macrophages J774 sont gorgés de LDL acétylées et marqués au 3H-cholestérol a été préalablement établi afin de mesurer par scintillation l’efflux de cholestérol marqué vers le milieu de culture contenant des accepteurs de cholestérol. Ce milieu conditionné est transféré sur des cellules HepG2 afin d’étudier l’influx du cholestérol marqué. Ce dernier nous permet d’observer un transport de cholestérol de 25 % hors des J774 et un transport de 39 000 cpm dans les HepG2 en utilisant un milieu contenant 2 % de sérums humains mis en commun. Une stimulation des cellules J774 par l’AMPc augmente l’efflux et l’influx d’environ 45 %. Des tests de preuve de concept ont été effectués sur le système cellulaire par co-culture qui utilise des chambres de Boyden où les J774 sont localisées au fond d’un puits et les HepG2 dans un insert, et où le milieu est partagé entre les deux types cellulaires. On a déterminé qu’une confluence densité de 60 000 cellules/cm2 sur un insert constitué d’une membrane de polyester avec des pores de 3,0 μm, sans autre revêtement, permet d’observer un influx spécifique au sérum d’environ 6 000 cpm associés aux cellules HepG2, où 50 % des comptes radioactifs sont dans les cellules et l’autre moitié présente à la surface cellulaire.
Lipids can modulate the risk of developing sporadic colorectal adenocarcinoma (SCA), since alterations into lipid metabolism and transport pathways influence directly cholesterol and lipids absorption by colonic cells and indirectly reactive oxygen species (ROS) synthesis in rectum cells due to lipid accumulation. Lipid metabolism is regulated by several proteins APOA1, APOB, APOC3, APOE, CETP, NPY, PON1 and PPARG that could influence both metabolism and transport processes. Is been reported that several common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these genes could influence their function and/or expression, changing lipid metabolism balance. Thus, genetic changes in those genes can influence SCA development, once the majority of them were never studied in this disease. Furthermore, there are contradictory results between some studied polymorphisms and SCA risk. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore and describe lipid metabolism-associated genes common polymorphisms (APOA1 -75 G>A; APOB R3500Q; APOC3 C3175G, APOC3 T3206G; APOE Cys112/158Arg; CETP G279A, CETP R451Q; NPY Leu7Pro; PON1 Q192R; PPARG Pro12Ala) status among SCA, and their relationship with SCA risk. Genotyping of common lipid metabolism genes polymorphisms (APOA1 75 G>A; APOB R3500Q; APOC3 C3175G, APOC3 T3206G; APOE Cys112/158Arg; CETP G279A, CETP R451Q; NPY Leu7Pro; PON1 Q192R; PPARG Pro12Ala) were done by PCR-SSP techniques, from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded biopsies of 100 healthy individuals and 68 SCA subjects. Mutant genotypes of APOA1 -75AA (32% vs 12%; p=0.001; OR=3.51; 95% CI 1.59-7.72); APOB 3500AA (7% vs 0%; p=0.01); APOC3 3175GG (19% vs 2%; p=0.0002; OR=11.58; 95% CI 2.52-53.22), APOC3 3206GG (19% vs 0%; p<0.0001); CETP 279AA (12% vs 1%; p=0.003; OR=13.20; 95% CI 1.61-108.17), CETP 451AA (16% vs 0%; p<0.0001); NPY 7CC (15% vs 0%; p<0.0001); PPARG 12GG (10% vs 0%; p=0.001); and heterozygote genotype PON1 192AG (56% vs 22%; p<0.0001; OR=4.49; 95% CI 2.298.80) were found associated with SCA prevalence. While, APOE E4/E4 (0% vs 8%; p=0.02) mutant haplotype seemed to have a protective effect on SCA. Moreover, it also been founded differences between APOB 3500GA, APOC3 3206TG, CETP 279AA genotypes and PPARG 12Ala allele prevalence and tissue localization (colon vs rectum). These findings suggest a positive association between most of common lipid metabolism genes polymorphisms studied and SCA prevalence. Dysregulation of APOA1, APOB, APOC3, CETP, NPY, PON1 and PPARG genes could be associated with lower cholesterol plasma levels and increase ROS among colon and rectum mucosa. Furthermore, these results also support the hypothesis that CRC is related with intestinal lipid absorption decrease and secondary bile acids production increase. Moreover, the polymorphisms studied may play an important role as biomarkers to SCA susceptibility.
Lipids can modulate the risk of developing sporadic colorectal adenocarcinoma (SCA), since alterations into lipid metabolism and transport pathways influence directly cholesterol and lipids absorption by colonic cells and indirectly reactive oxygen species (ROS) synthesis in rectum cells due to lipid accumulation. Lipid metabolism is regulated by several proteins APOA1, APOB, APOC3, APOE, CETP, NPY, PON1 and PPARG that could influence both metabolism and transport processes. Is been reported that several common single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in these genes could influence their function and/or expression, changing lipid metabolism balance. Thus, genetic changes in those genes can influence SCA development, once the majority of them were never studied in this disease. Furthermore, there are contradictory results between some studied polymorphisms and SCA risk. Thus, the aim of this study was to explore and describe lipid metabolism-associated genes common polymorphisms (APOA1 -75 G>A; APOB R3500Q; APOC3 C3175G, APOC3 T3206G; APOE Cys112/158Arg; CETP G279A, CETP R451Q; NPY Leu7Pro; PON1 Q192R; PPARG Pro12Ala) status among SCA, and their relationship with SCA risk. Genotyping of common lipid metabolism genes polymorphisms (APOA1 75 G>A; APOB R3500Q; APOC3 C3175G, APOC3 T3206G; APOE Cys112/158Arg; CETP G279A, CETP R451Q; NPY Leu7Pro; PON1 Q192R; PPARG Pro12Ala) were done by PCR-SSP techniques, from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded biopsies of 100 healthy individuals and 68 SCA subjects. Mutant genotypes of APOA1 -75AA (32% vs 12%; p=0.001; OR=3.51; 95% CI 1.59-7.72); APOB 3500AA (7% vs 0%; p=0.01); APOC3 3175GG (19% vs 2%; p=0.0002; OR=11.58; 95% CI 2.52-53.22), APOC3 3206GG (19% vs 0%; p<0.0001); CETP 279AA (12% vs 1%; p=0.003; OR=13.20; 95% CI 1.61-108.17), CETP 451AA (16% vs 0%; p<0.0001); NPY 7CC (15% vs 0%; p<0.0001); PPARG 12GG (10% vs 0%; p=0.001); and heterozygote genotype PON1 192AG (56% vs 22%; p<0.0001; OR=4.49; 95% CI 2.298.80) were found associated with SCA prevalence. While, APOE E4/E4 (0% vs 8%; p=0.02) mutant haplotype seemed to have a protective effect on SCA. Moreover, it also been founded differences between APOB 3500GA, APOC3 3206TG, CETP 279AA genotypes and PPARG 12Ala allele prevalence and tissue localization (colon vs rectum). These findings suggest a positive association between most of common lipid metabolism genes polymorphisms studied and SCA prevalence. Dysregulation of APOA1, APOB, APOC3, CETP, NPY, PON1 and PPARG genes could be associated with lower cholesterol plasma levels and increase ROS among colon and rectum mucosa. Furthermore, these results also support the hypothesis that CRC is related with intestinal lipid absorption decrease and secondary bile acids production increase. Moreover, the polymorphisms studied may play an important role as biomarkers to SCA susceptibility.
Purpose: To investigate the pathogenesis of high fat diet (HFD)-induced hyperlipidemia (HLP) in mice, rats and hamsters and to comparatively evaluate their sensitivity to HFD. Methods: Mice, rats and hamsters were fed with high-fat diet formulation (HFD, n = 8) or a control diet (control, n = 8) for 4 weeks. Changes in body weight, relative liver weight, serum lipid profile, expressions of hepatic marker gene of lipid metabolism and liver morphology were observed in three hyperlipidemic models. Results: Elevated total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride, low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) and high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) levels and body weight were observed in all hyperlipidemic animals (p < 0.05), while hepatic steatosis was manifested in rat and hamster HLP models, and increased hepatic TC level was only seen (p < 0.05) in hamster HLP model. Suppression of HMG-CoA reductase and up-regulation of lipoproteinlipase were observed in all HFD groups. Hepatic gene expression of LDLR, CYP7A1, LCAT, SR-B1, and ApoA I, which are a response to reverse cholesterol transport (RCT), were inhibited by HFD in the three models. Among these models, simultaneous suppression of HMG-CR, LCAT, LDLR and SR-BI and elevated LPL were features of the hamster model. Conclusion: As the results show, impaired RCT and excessive fat accumulation are major contributors to pathogenesis of HFD-induced murine HLP. Thus, the hamster model is more appropriate for hyperlipidemia research.
A adição de sal à água tem sido utilizada para a mitigação de estresse e aumento da taxa de sobrevivência em peixes. O presente estudo avaliou o efeito do cloreto de sódio (0,0; 1,0; 3,0 e 6.0 g/l) nas concentrações de cortisol plasmático, glicemia, triglicerídios, proteínas total plasmática, hematócrito, hemoglobina, número de eritrócitos, glicogênio e lipídio hepáticos, e lipídio muscular em matrinxã Brycon amazonicum adultos após quatro horas de transporte e durante período de recuperação de 96 h. Amostras foram coletadas antes e depois do transporte, bem como 24 e 96 h após a chegada. O nível de cortisol plasmático estava mais elevado logo após o transporte quando comparado à condição inicial (pré-transporte), exceto para os peixes transportados com sal nas concentrações 3,0 e 6,0 g/l. Comportamento semelhante foi observado para a glicemia, porém os peixes dos tratamentos 0,0, 1,0 e 3,0 g/l necessitaram de período superior a 24 h para recuperar a condição inicial. Foram registrados níveis mais baixos de glicogênio hepático em peixes do tratamento controle (0,0 g/l). Os parâmetros hemoglobina, número de eritrócitos, proteína plasmática total e lipídio hepático não apresentaram alterações durante o período experimental. Os valores de hematócrito diminuíram logo após o transporte em todos os tratamentos, retornando aos níveis iniciais após 24 h. Todos os tratamentos apresentaram redução nos níveis de lipídio muscular e triglicerídios durante o período de recuperação. Os resultados sugerem que a adição de 6,0 g/l de sal na água de transporte reduz as alterações fisiológicas de estresse e que é necessário período de 96 h após o transporte para a recuperação da condição inicial de matrinxãs transportados sem a adição de sal.
The Alentejano pig is an autochthonous breed scarcely selected, that due to its high trend for fat deposition present poorer meat yields than modern commercial breeds. However, its higher contents of intramuscular fat (IMF) increase pork sensory attributes and consumers’ acceptability. Animal cells can obtain fatty acids (FA) from three distinct pathways: diet ingested fats, lipolysis of stored lipids in cells and through de novo synthesis. Betaine has been used as a dietary supplement in pig nutrition to reduce fat deposition and increase lean muscle mass with inconsistent results so far. This study compares the expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism from pigs consuming a control diet, and the control diet supplemented with betaine (WB). The expression of two genes involved in lipogenesis and lipolysis were evaluated in L. lumborum and B. femoris: ACC, which mediates the carboxylation of acetyl CoA into malonyl CoA concluding the first step of de novo synthesis, and MCPT1 which is responsible for the transport of acyl groups into the mitochondria for the start of β-oxidation.
This study evaluates the effects of betaine supplementation (1 g kg−1 for 20 weeks) on the regulation of genes involved in lipid and cholesterol metabolism of Longissimus lumborum and Biceps femoris from obese Alentejano pigs. Betaine supplementation led to an increase in total cholesterol in both muscles, complementing results previously published indicating a significant increase on the intramuscular lipid content. The expression of twelve genes involved in lipogenesis, lipolysis/FA oxidation, FA transport, and cholesterol metabolism, as well as two transcription factors were also evaluated. Genes related to lipid and cholesterol synthesis plus FA transport were consistently up-regulated in both muscles of betaine fed pigs. On the other hand, genes related to lipolysis/FA oxidation were not affected or down-regulated by betaine supplementation. Our data suggest that the underlying mechanism regulating IMF and cholesterol accumulation in Alentejano pigs supplemented with betaine is associated with the up-regulation of genes involved in lipid synthesis, FA transport, and cholesterol synthesis.
Insulin was used as model protein to developed innovative Solid Lipid Nanoparticles (SLNs) for the delivery of hydrophilic biotech drugs, with potential use in medicinal chemistry. SLNs were prepared by double emulsion with the purpose of promoting stability and enhancing the protein bioavailability. Softisan(®)100 was selected as solid lipid matrix. The surfactants (Tween(®)80, Span(®)80 and Lipoid(®)S75) and insulin were chosen applying a 2(2) factorial design with triplicate of central point, evaluating the influence of dependents variables as polydispersity index (PI), mean particle size (z-AVE), zeta potential (ZP) and encapsulation efficiency (EE) by factorial design using the ANOVA test. Therefore, thermodynamic stability, polymorphism and matrix crystallinity were checked by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Wide Angle X-ray Diffraction (WAXD), whereas the effect of toxicity of SLNs was check in HepG2 and Caco-2 cells. Results showed a mean particle size (z-AVE) width between 294.6 nm and 627.0 nm, a PI in the range of 0.425-0.750, ZP about -3 mV, and the EE between 38.39% and 81.20%. After tempering the bulk lipid (mimicking the end process of production), the lipid showed amorphous characteristics, with a melting point of ca. 30 °C. The toxicity of SLNs was evaluated in two distinct cell lines (HEPG-2 and Caco-2), showing to be dependent on the concentration of particles in HEPG-2 cells, while no toxicity in was reported in Caco-2 cells. SLNs were stable for 24 h in in vitro human serum albumin (HSA) solution. The resulting SLNs fabricated by double emulsion may provide a promising approach for administration of protein therapeutics and antigens.
The introduction of spraying procedures to fabricate layer-by-layer (LbL) films has brought new possibilities for the control of molecular architectures and for making the LbL technique compliant with industrial processes. In this study we show that significantly distinct architectures are produced for dipping and spray-LbL films of the same components, which included DODAB/DPPG vesicles. The films differed notably in their thickness and stratified nature. The electrical response of the two types of films to aqueous solutions containing erythrosin was also different. With multidimensional projections we showed that the impedance for the DODAB/DPPG spray-LbL film is more sensitive to changes in concentration, being therefore more promising as sensing units. Furthermore, with surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) we could ascribe the high sensitivity of the LbL films to adsorption of erythrosin.
To determine if magnesium deficiency aggravates the effects of a high-fat diet in growing rats in terms of obesity, lipid profile and insulin resistance. The study population comprised 48 newly weaned male Wistar Hannover rats distributed into four groups according to diet, namely, control group (CT; n = 8), control diet provided ad libitum; pair-feeding control group (PF; n = 16), control diet but in the same controlled amount as animals that received high-fat diets; high-fat diet group (HF; n = 12), and magnesium-deficient high-fat diet group (HFMg(-); n = 12). The parameters investigated were adiposity index, lipid profile, magnesium status, insulin sensitivity and the phosphorylation of proteins involved in the insulin-signaling pathway, i.e. insulin receptor β-subunit, insulin receptor substrate 1 and protein kinase B. The HF and HFMg(-) groups were similar regarding gain in body mass, adiposity index and lipid profile, but were significantly different from the PF group. The HFMg(-) group exhibited alterations in magnesium homeostasis as revealed by the reduction in urinary and bone concentrations of the mineral. No inter-group differences were observed regarding glucose homeostasis. Protein phosphorylation in the insulin-signaling pathway was significantly reduced in the high-fat groups compared with the control groups, demonstrating that the intake of fat-rich diets increased insulin resistance, a syndrome that was aggravated by magnesium deficiency. Under the experimental conditions tested, the intake of a magnesium-deficient high-fat diet led to alterations in the insulin-signaling pathway and, consequently, increased insulin resistance.
Rhodotorula glutinis CCT 2182, Rhodosporidium toruloides CCT 0783, Rhodotorula minuta CCT 1751 and Lipomyces starkeyi DSM 70296 were evaluated for the conversion of sugars from Brazilian molasses into single-cell oil (SCO) feedstock for biodiesel. Pulsed fed-batch fermentations were performed in 1.65 l working volume bioreactors. The maximum specific growth rate (µmax), lipid productivity (Pr) and cellular lipid content were, respectively, 0.23 h(-1), 0.41 g l(-1) h(-1), and 41% for Rsp. toruloides; 0.20 h(-1), 0.27 g l(-1) h(-1), and 36% for Rta. glutinis; 0.115 h(-1), 0.135 g l(-1) h(-1), and 27 % for Rta. minuta; and 0.11 h(-1), 0.13 g l(-1) h(-1), and 32% for L. starkeyi. Based on their microbial lipid productivity, content, and profile, Rsp. toruloides and Rta. glutinis are promising candidates for biodiesel production from Brazilian molasses. All the oils from the yeasts were similar to the composition of plant oils (rapeseed and soybean) and could be used as raw material for biofuels, as well as in food and nutraceutical products.
Summary This study aimed to evaluate the impact of vitrification on membrane lipid profile obtained by mass spectrometry (MS) of in vitro-produced bovine embryos. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) has been used to obtain individual embryo membrane lipid profiles. Due to conditions of analysis, mainly membrane lipids, most favorably phosphatidylcholines (PCs) and sphingomyelins (SMs) have been detected. The following ions described by their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) and respective attribution presented increased relative abundance (1.2-20×) in the vitrified group: 703.5 [SM (16:0) + H]+; 722.5 [PC (40:3) + Na]+; 758.5 [PC (34:2) + H]+; 762.5 [PC (34:0) + H]+; 790.5 [PC (36:0) + H]+ and 810.5 [PC (38:4) + H]+ and/or [PC (36:1) + Na]+. The ion with a m/z 744.5 [PCp (34:1) and/or PCe (34:2)] was 3.4-fold more abundant in the fresh group. Interestingly, ions with m/z 722.5 or 744.5 indicate the presence of lipid species, which are more resistant to enzymatic degradation as they contain fatty acyl residues linked through ether type bonds (alkyl ether or plasmalogens, indicated by the lowercase 'e' and 'p', respectively) to the glycerol structure. The results indicate that cryopreservation impacts the membrane lipid profile, and that these alterations can be properly monitored by MALDI-MS. Membrane lipids can therefore be evaluated by MALDI-MS to monitor the effect of cryopreservation on membrane lipids, and to investigate changes in lipid profile that may reflect the metabolic response to the cryopreservation stress or changes in the environmental conditions.
The aim of the present work was to produce a cationic solid lipid nanoparticle (SLN) as non-viral vector for protein delivery. Cationic SLN were produced by double emulsion method, composed of softisan(®) 100, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), Tween(®) 80, Span(®) 80, glycerol and lipoid(®) S75 loading insulin as model protein. The formulation was characterized in terms of mean hydrodynamic diameter (z-ave), polydispersity index (PI), zeta potential (ZP), stability during storage time, stability after lyophilization, effect of toxicity and transfection ability in HeLa cells, in vitro release profile and morphology. SLN were stable for 30days and showed minimal changes in their physicochemical properties after lyophilization. The particles exhibited a relatively slow release, spherical morphology and were able to transfect HeLa cells, but toxicity remained an obstacle. Results suggest that SLN are nevertheless promising for delivery of proteins or nucleic acids for gene therapy.
Clozapine displays stronger systemic metabolic side effects than haloperidol and it has been hypothesized that therapeutic antipsychotic and adverse metabolic effects of these drugs are related. Considering that cerebral disconnectivity through oligodendrocyte dysfunction has been implicated in schizophrenia, it is important to determine the effect of these drugs on oligodendrocyte energy metabolism and myelin lipid production. Effects of clozapine and haloperidol on glucose and myelin lipid metabolism were evaluated and compared in cultured OLN-93 oligodendrocytes. First, glycolytic activity was assessed by measurement of extra- and intracellular glucose and lactate levels. Next, the expression of glucose (GLUT) and monocarboxylate (MCT) transporters was determined after 6 and 24 h. And finally mitochondrial respiration, acetyl-CoA carboxylase, free fatty acids, and expression of the myelin lipid galactocerebroside were analyzed. Both drugs altered oligodendrocyte glucose metabolism, but in opposite directions. Clozapine improved the glucose uptake, production and release of lactate, without altering GLUT and MCT. In contrast, haloperidol led to higher extracellular levels of glucose and lower levels of lactate, suggesting reduced glycolysis. Antipsychotics did not alter significantly the number of functionally intact mitochondria, but clozapine enhanced the efficacy of oxidative phosphorylation and expression of galactocerebroside. Our findings support the superior impact of clozapine on white matter integrity in schizophrenia as previously observed, suggesting that this drug improves the energy supply and myelin lipid synthesis in oligodendrocytes. Characterizing the underlying signal transduction pathways may pave the way for novel oligodendrocyte-directed schizophrenia therapies.