858 resultados para Lingual appliance


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The aim of this study was to assess the effect of bracket type on the labiopalatal forces and moments generated in the sagittal plane. Incognito™ lingual brackets (3M Unitek), STb™ lingual brackets (Light Lingual System; ORMCO), and conventional 0.018 inch slot brackets (Gemini; 3M Unitek) were bonded on three identical maxillary acrylic resin models, with a palatally displaced right lateral incisor. The transfer trays for the indirect bonding of the lingual brackets were constructed in certified laboratories. Each model was mounted on the orthodontic measurement and simulation system and ten 0.013 inch CuNiTi wires were used for each bracket type. The wire was ligated with elastomerics and each measurement was repeated once after re-ligation. The labiopalatal forces and the moments in the sagittal plane were recorded on the right lateral incisor. One-way analysis of variance and post hoc Scheffe pairwise comparisons were used to assess the effect on bracket type on the generated forces and moments. The magnitude of forces ranged from 1.62, 1.27, and 1.81 N for the STb, conventional, and Incognito brackets, respectively; the corresponding moments were 2.01, 1.45, and 2.19 N mm, respectively. Bracket type was a significant predictor of the generated forces (P < 0.001) and moments (P < 0.001). The produced forces were different among all three bracket types, whereas the generated moments differed between conventional and lingual brackets but not between lingual brackets.


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To assess the prevalence of tooth wear on buccal/facial and lingual/palatal tooth surfaces and identify related risk factors in a sample of young European adults, aged 18-35 years. Calibrated and trained examiners measured tooth wear, using the basic erosive wear examination (BEWE) on in 3187 patients in seven European countries and assessed the impact of risk factors with a previously validated questionnaire. Each individual was characterized by the highest BEWE score recorded for any scoreable surface. Bivariate analyses examined the proportion of participants who scored 2 or 3 in relation to a range of demographic, dietary and oral care variables. The highest tooth wear BEWE score was 0 for 1368 patients (42.9%), 1 for 883 (27.7%), 2 for 831 (26.1%) and 3 for 105 (3.3%). There were large differences between different countries with the highest levels of tooth wear observed in the UK. Important risk factors for tooth wear included heartburn or acid reflux, repeated vomiting, residence in rural areas, electric tooth brushing and snoring. We found no evidence that waiting after breakfast before tooth brushing has any effect on the degree of tooth wear (p=0.088). Fresh fruit and juice intake was positively associated with tooth wear. In this adult sample 29% had signs of tooth wear making it a common presenting feature in European adults.


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OBJECTIVES To investigate the composition and the microstructural and mechanical characterization of three different types of lingual brackets. MATERIALS AND METHODS Incognito™ (3M Unitek), In-Ovation L (DENTSPLY GAC) and STb™ (Light Lingual System, ORMCO) lingual brackets were studied under the scanning electron microscope employing backscattered electron imaging and their elemental composition was analysed by energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Additionally, Vickers hardness was assessed using a universal hardness-testing machine, and the indentation modulus was measured according to instrumented indentation test. Two-way analysis of variance was conducted employing bracket type and location (base and wing) as discriminating variable. Significant differences among groups were allocated by post hoc Student-Newman-Keuls multiple comparison analysis at 95% level of significance. RESULTS Three different phases were identified for Incognito and In-Ovation L bracket based on mean atomic number contrast. On the contrary, STb did not show mean atomic contrast areas and thus it is recognized as a single phase. Incognito is a one-piece bracket with the same structure in wing and base regions. Incognito consists mainly of noble metals while In-Ovation L and STb show similar formulations of ferrous alloys in wing and base regions. No significant differences were found between ferrous brackets in hardness and modulus values, but there were significant differences between wing and base regions. Incognito illustrated intermediate values with significant differences from base and wing values of ferrous brackets. CONCLUSIONS/IMPLICATIONS Significant differences exist in microstructure, elemental composition, and mechanical properties among the brackets tested; these might have a series of clinical implications during mechanotherapy.


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During the transition period from a planned economy to a market economy in 1990s of China, there was a considerable accrual of deferred payment, and default due to inferior enforcement institutions. This is a very common phenomenon in the transition economies at that time. Interviews with home electronics appliance firms revealed that firms coped with this problem by adjusting their sales mechanisms (found four types), and the benefit of institutions was limited. A theoretical analysis claim that spot and integration are inferior to contracts, a contract with a rebate on volume and prepayment against an exclusive agent can realize the lowest cost and price. The empirical part showed that mechanisms converged into a mechanism with the rebate on volume an against exclusive agent and its price level is the lowest. The competition is the driving force of the convergence of mechanisms and improvement risk management capacity.


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Recently, the Semantic Web has experienced significant advancements in standards and techniques, as well as in the amount of semantic information available online. Nevertheless, mechanisms are still needed to automatically reconcile information when it is expressed in different natural languages on the Web of Data, in order to improve the access to semantic information across language barriers. In this context several challenges arise [1], such as: (i) ontology translation/localization, (ii) cross-lingual ontology mappings, (iii) representation of multilingual lexical information, and (iv) cross-lingual access and querying of linked data. In the following we will focus on the second challenge, which is the necessity of establishing, representing and storing cross-lingual links among semantic information on the Web. In fact, in a “truly” multilingual Semantic Web, semantic data with lexical representations in one natural language would be mapped to equivalent or related information in other languages, thus making navigation across multilingual information possible for software agents.


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In this paper, we describe our approach for Cross-Lingual linking of Indian news stories, submitted for Cross-Lingual Indian News Story Search (CL!NSS) task at FIRE 2012. Our approach consists of two major steps, the reduction of search space by using di�erent features and ranking of the news stories according to their relatedness scores. Our approach uses Wikipedia-based Cross-Lingual Explicit Semantic Analysis (CLESA) to calculate the semantic similarity and relatedness score between two news stories in di�erent languages. We evaluate our approach on CL!NSS dataset, which consists of 50 news stories in English and 50K news stories in Hindi.


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Recently, the Semantic Web has experienced signi�cant advancements in standards and techniques, as well as in the amount of semantic information available online. Even so, mechanisms are still needed to automatically reconcile semantic information when it is expressed in di�erent natural languages, so that access to Web information across language barriers can be improved. That requires developing techniques for discovering and representing cross-lingual links on the Web of Data. In this paper we explore the different dimensions of such a problem and reflect on possible avenues of research on that topic.


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Cross‐lingual link discovery in the Web of Data


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Semantic Web aims to allow machines to make inferences using the explicit conceptualisations contained in ontologies. By pointing to ontologies, Semantic Web-based applications are able to inter-operate and share common information easily. Nevertheless, multilingual semantic applications are still rare, owing to the fact that most online ontologies are monolingual in English. In order to solve this issue, techniques for ontology localisation and translation are needed. However, traditional machine translation is difficult to apply to ontologies, owing to the fact that ontology labels tend to be quite short in length and linguistically different from the free text paradigm. In this paper, we propose an approach to enhance machine translation of ontologies based on exploiting the well-structured concept descriptions contained in the ontology. In particular, our approach leverages the semantics contained in the ontology by using Cross Lingual Explicit Semantic Analysis (CLESA) for context-based disambiguation in phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation (SMT). The presented work is novel in the sense that application of CLESA in SMT has not been performed earlier to the best of our knowledge.


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O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de verificar as angulações e as inclinações dentárias obtidas no final do tratamento ortodôntico, em casos tratados com aparelho ortodôntico fixo e prescrição MBT e compará-las com os valores encontrados por Andrews para a oclusão normal natural. Foram utilizados 30 pares de modelos de gesso finais, de 30 pacientes, tratados, na faixa etária de 13 a 23 anos. Como pré-requisitos, estes pacientes não deveriam ter sido submetidos a qualquer tipo de intervenção ortopédica, uso de elásticos intermaxilares, compensações dento-alveolares e tratamentos realizados com extração. Para a mensuração da angulação mésio-distal e da inclinação vestíbulo-lingual utilizou-se um dispositivo, desenvolvido em pesquisa anterior, capaz de realizar tais medições. De acordo com a metodologia empregada e diante dos resultados obtidos, pôde-se concluir que as angulações das coroas dentárias tanto superiores quanto inferiores apresentaram valores positivos. Quanto às inclinações das coroas dentárias, em ambos os arcos dentários, foram encontrados valores positivos para os incisivos centrais e laterais, ao passo que caninos, pré-molares e primeiros molares apresentaram valore s negativos. Variações individuais estiveram presentes nas duas mensurações realizadas. Ao comparar nossos resultados com os de Andrews, obtivemos diferenças estatisticamente significantes para a maioria dos dentes, em ambas as medidas efetuadas.


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O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de verificar as angulações e as inclinações dentárias obtidas no final do tratamento ortodôntico, em casos tratados com aparelho ortodôntico fixo e prescrição MBT e compará-las com os valores encontrados por Andrews para a oclusão normal natural. Foram utilizados 30 pares de modelos de gesso finais, de 30 pacientes, tratados, na faixa etária de 13 a 23 anos. Como pré-requisitos, estes pacientes não deveriam ter sido submetidos a qualquer tipo de intervenção ortopédica, uso de elásticos intermaxilares, compensações dento-alveolares e tratamentos realizados com extração. Para a mensuração da angulação mésio-distal e da inclinação vestíbulo-lingual utilizou-se um dispositivo, desenvolvido em pesquisa anterior, capaz de realizar tais medições. De acordo com a metodologia empregada e diante dos resultados obtidos, pôde-se concluir que as angulações das coroas dentárias tanto superiores quanto inferiores apresentaram valores positivos. Quanto às inclinações das coroas dentárias, em ambos os arcos dentários, foram encontrados valores positivos para os incisivos centrais e laterais, ao passo que caninos, pré-molares e primeiros molares apresentaram valore s negativos. Variações individuais estiveram presentes nas duas mensurações realizadas. Ao comparar nossos resultados com os de Andrews, obtivemos diferenças estatisticamente significantes para a maioria dos dentes, em ambas as medidas efetuadas.


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El reciente crecimiento masivo de medios on-line y el incremento de los contenidos generados por los usuarios (por ejemplo, weblogs, Twitter, Facebook) plantea retos en el acceso e interpretación de datos multilingües de manera eficiente, rápida y asequible. El objetivo del proyecto TredMiner es desarrollar métodos innovadores, portables, de código abierto y que funcionen en tiempo real para generación de resúmenes y minería cross-lingüe de medios sociales a gran escala. Los resultados se están validando en tres casos de uso: soporte a la decisión en el dominio financiero (con analistas, empresarios, reguladores y economistas), monitorización y análisis político (con periodistas, economistas y políticos) y monitorización de medios sociales sobre salud con el fin de detectar información sobre efectos adversos a medicamentos.