1000 resultados para Limitador de corrente supercondutor de tipologia indutiva


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BEZERRA, Márcia Maria de Oliveira. Estrategias de desenvolvimento do turismo: em busca de uma tipologia. Economia e Sociedade, Campinas, v. 15, n. 2, p. 347-374, ago. 2006.


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The fluctuacion force has been increasingly used in studies with elderly as a good predictor of performance and functionality of the motor. However, most analyzes the fluctuation of force in one session. Thus, identifying the minimum amount of sessions needed for familiarization with the fluctuation strength in isometric exercise become relevant. Furthermore, to investigate the effects of applying transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) associated with regular exercise on rates fluctuation task force is extremely important. In the first experiment, volunteers were subjected to a protocol marked by a familiarization session to establish the parameters of VCM and eight sessions with intensity of 30% MVC in office. It was observed that two familiarization sessions are required so there is a fluctuation stabilizing force. In experiment II, subjects performed an isometric contraction before and after applying tDCS (cathode, anode and sham) applied to M1. ETCC anodic effectively contributed to reducing the fluctuation of force during isometric exercise in the elderly, while the cathodic caused the increased levels of strength fluctuation. It was concluded that there is a need to implement a familiarization protocol with at least two sessions to avoid possible misunderstandings of measurements in tests of fluctuacion force. Besides that tDCS interfered with the behavior of the oscillations of force, with cathodic promoting increased fluctuation strength and anodic contributed to greater stability, demonstrating the potential of this technique neuromodulation associated with exercise as rehabilitation tools


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A estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua (ETCC) é uma técnica não invasiva que apresenta características anti-fadigante e analgésica. Com o objetivo de testar seus efeitos sobre a diminuição da força e do aparecimento da dor muscular de início tardio (DMIT), apresentados após um evento de dano muscular induzido pelo exercício (DMIE), foi utilizado um estudo clínico de caráter experimental, controlado, randomizado e duplo-cego. A amostra foi composta por 24 jovens do sexo masculino, aparentemente saudáveis (19,7±1,8 anos; 23,6±3,65 IMC), os quais foram alocada, de forma aleatória e estratificada, nos seguintes grupos: G1: grupo controle; G2: grupo de estimulação após o dano e G3: grupo com estimulação antes e após o dano muscular. Os dados foram submetidos à estatística descritiva e análise de variância ANOVA, adotando-se um nível de significância de 5%. O aumento nos níveis séricos de CK (56.18%) e LDH (24,15%) comprovou a ocorrência do DMIE. Em contrapartida, após a análise de variância para comparação dos tratamentos aplicados, pode-se observar que não houve diferenças significativas nos níveis de CK (p= 0,3514) e força muscular (p= 0,9702). A DMIT transcorreu como esperado, mas sem diferença significativa entre os grupos (p= 0,4861). Estes dados demonstraram que a ETCC não foi capaz de modular a DMIT e a diminuição da força muscular após o DMIE em jovens aparentemente saudáveis


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Introduction: The sport practiced by people with disabilities has been growing in recent years. Consequently, advances in assessment and training methods have emerged. However, the paralympic sport keeps in tow these advances, with few specific studies that consider disability as intervening factor. The transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a technique that has proven to be capable of modulating brain function. Studies show beneficial effects of tDCS on muscle strength, power and fatigue during exercise. Objective: Investigate de the effect of tDCS on movement control in para-powerlifters. Methods: Eight subjects underwent two sessions of motion capture, which previously applied the anodic tDCS or sham sessions in the cerebellum. Three movements were performed with increasing load between 90-95% of 1MR. The movements were recorded by an 10 infrared cameras system which reconstructed the 3D trajectory of markers placed on the bar. Results: There have been changes between the anodic and sham conditions over bar level (initial, final, maximum during the eccentric and concentric phase) and in the difference between the final and initial bar level. Moreover, there was difference in bar level (final and during the eccentric phase) comparing athletes amputees and les autres. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that tDCS applied prior to the exercise over the cerebellum in para-powerlifters acts differently according to disability


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A presença de inibidores de germinação no fruto da beterraba pode comprometer o estande da cultura. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a interferência do período de imersão em água corrente no desempenho fisiológico das sementes de beterraba. Para tanto, sementes da cultivar Top Tall Early Wonder foram submetidas à ação de água corrente durante 0 (testemunha), 1; 1,5; 2; 3; 4; 5 e 6 horas, secadas e avaliadas pelo teste de germinação. A lavagem por duas horas foi suficiente para aumentar a germinação das sementes.


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The main objective in this work is the analysis of resonance frequency microstrip structures with glass fiber and electromagnetic band gap (EBG/PBG) substrate and analysis of microstrip antennas with rectangular patch of superconductor of high critical temperature (HTS). In this work was used the superconductors YBCO (critical temperature of 90K), SnBaCaCuOy (critical temperature of 160K), and Sn5InCa2Ba4Cu10Oy (critical temperature of 212K) with results in Gigahertz and Terahertz. Was used microstrip antennas arrays planar and linear phase and linear phase planar with patch with superconductor. It presents a study of the major theories that explain superconductivity. In phase arrays were obtained the factors arrays for such configurations, and the criteria of phase and spacing between the elements compound in the array, which were examined in order to get a main lobe with high directivity and high gain. In the analysis we used the method of Transverse Transmission Line (TTL) used in domain of the Fourier Transform (FTD). The LTT is a full wave method, which obtains the electromagnetic field in terms of the components transverse of the structure. The addition of superconductive patch is made using the boundary condition resistive complex. Results are obtained resonance frequency as a function of the parameters of the antenna, radiation patterns of the E and H Planes, for the phase antenna arrays in linear and planar configurations, for different values of the phase and the spacing between elements


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This work has as main objective the study of arrays of microstrip antennas with superconductor rectangular patch. The phases and the radiation patterns are analyzed. A study of the main theories is presented that explain the microscopic and macroscopic phenomena of superconductivity. The BCS, London equations and the Two Fluid Model, are theories used in the applications of superconductors, at the microstrip antennas and antennas arrays. Phase Arrangements will be analyzed in linear and planar configurations. The arrangement factors of these configurations are obtained, and the phase criteria and the spacing between the elements, are examined in order to minimize losses in the superconductor, compared with normal conductors. The new rectangular patch antenna, consist of a superconducting material, with the critical temperature of 233 K, whose formula is Tl5Ba4Ca2Cu9Oy, is analyzed by the method of the Transverse nTransmission Line (TTL), developed by H. C. C. Fernandes, applied in the Fourier Transform Domain (FTD). The TTL is a full-wave method, which has committed to obtaining the electromagnetic fields in terms of the transverse components of the structure. The inclusion of superconducting patch is made using the complex resistive boundary condition, using the impedance of the superconductor in the Dyadic Green function, in the structure. Results are obtained from the resonance frequency depending on the parameters of the antenna using superconducting material, radiation patterns in E-Plane and H -Plane, the phased antennas array in linear and planar configurations, for different values of phase angles and different spacing between the elements


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The present work describes the use of a mathematical tool to solve problems arising from control theory, including the identification, analysis of the phase portrait and stability, as well as the temporal evolution of the plant s current induction motor. The system identification is an area of mathematical modeling that has as its objective the study of techniques which can determine a dynamic model in representing a real system. The tool used in the identification and analysis of nonlinear dynamical system is the Radial Basis Function (RBF). The process or plant that is used has a mathematical model unknown, but belongs to a particular class that contains an internal dynamics that can be modeled.Will be presented as contributions to the analysis of asymptotic stability of the RBF. The identification using radial basis function is demonstrated through computer simulations from a real data set obtained from the plant


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This work has as main objective to study the application of microstrip antennas with patch and use of superconducting arrays of planar and linear phase. Was presented a study of the main theories that explain clearly the superconductivity. The BCS theory, Equations of London and the Two Fluid Model are theories that supported the implementation of the superconducting microstrip antennas. Arrangements phase was analyzed in linear and planar configuration of its antennas are reported factors such arrays to settings and criteria of phase and the spacing between the elements that make the arrayst was reviewed in order to minimize losses due to secondary lobes. The antenna used has a rectangular patch Sn5InCa2Ba4Cu10Oy the superconducting material was analyzed by the method of Transverse Transmission Line (TTL) applied in the field of Fourier transform (FTD). The TTL is a full-wave method, which has committed to obtaining the electromagnetic fields in terms of cross-cutting components of the structure. The inclusion of superconducting patch is made using the boundary condition, complex resistive. Are obtained when the resonant frequency depending on the parameters of the antenna, radiation pattern of E-Plan and H-Plan for the M-phase arrangements of antennas in the linear and planar configurations for different values of phase and spacing between the elements.


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This work consists on the theoretical and numerical analysis of some properties of circular microstrip patch antennas on isotropic and uniaxial anisotropic substrates. For this purpose, a full wave analysis is performed, using Hertz Vector Potentials method in the Hankel Transform domain. In the numerical analysis, the moment method is also used in order to determine some characteristics of the antenna, such as: resonant frequency and radiation pattern. The definition of Hertz potentials in the Hankel domain is used in association with Maxwell´s equations and the boundary conditions of the structures to obtain the Green´s functions, relating the components of the current density on the patch and the tangential electric field components. Then, the Galerkin method is used to generate a matrix equation whose nontrivial solution is the complex resonant frequency of the structure. In the analysis, a microstrip antenna with only one isotropic dielectric layer is initially considered. For this structure, the effect of using superconductor patches is also analyzed. An analysis of a circular microstrip antenna on an uniaxial anisotropic dielectric layer is performed, using the Hertz vector potentials oriented along the optical axis of the material, that is perpendicular to the microstrip ground plane. Afterwards, the circular microstrip antenna using two uniaxial anisotropic dielectric layers is investigated, considering the particular case in which the inferior layer is filled by air. In this study, numerical results for resonant frequency and radiation pattern for circular microstrip antennas on isotropic and uniaxial anisotropic substrates are presented and compared with measured and calculated results found in the literature


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Este projeto propõe desenvolver e implementar um controlador para o sistema de refrigeração da tocha indutiva a plasma térmico. Este processo é feito a partir da medição da temperatura através de um sensor do sistema de refrigeração. O sinal produzido será enviado para uma entrada analógica do microcontrolador da família PIC, que utilizando os conceitos de lógica fuzzy, controla a velocidade de um motor bomba. Este é responsável por diminuir ou aumentar o fluxo circulante de água que passa pela bobina, pelo corpo da tocha e pelo flange de fixação, deixando-os na temperatura desejada. A velocidade desta bomba será controlada por um inversor de frequência. O microcontrolador, também, acionará um ventilador caso exceda a temperatura de referência. A proposta inicial foi o desenvolvimento do controle da temperatura da bobina de uma tocha indutiva a plasma, mas com algumas adequações, foi possível também aplicar no corpo da tocha. Essa tocha será utilizada em uma planta de tratamento de resíduos industriais e efluentes petroquímicos. O controle proposto visa garantir as condições físicas necessárias para tocha de plasma, mantendo a temperatura da água em um determinado nível que permita o resfriamento sem comprometer, no entanto, o rendimento do sistema. No projeto será utilizada uma tocha de plasma com acoplamento indutivo (ICPT), por ter a vantagem de não possuir eletrodos metálicos internos sendo erodidos pelo jato de plasma, evitando uma possível contaminação, e também devido à possibilidade do reaproveitamento energético através da cogeração de energia. O desenvolvimento da tecnologia a plasma na indústria de tratamento de resíduos vem obtendo bons resultados. Aplicações com essa tecnologia têm se tornado cada vez mais importantes por reduzir, em muitos casos, a produção de resíduos e o consumo de energia em vários processos industriais