993 resultados para Library professional
During preparation for professional practice, the professional skill being developed is typically measured in the form of specific knowledge and skills. This study proposes an alternative to such measures, drawing upon research which demonstrates that our understanding of professional practice is central to how we both perform and develop that practice. The study investigates understanding of medical practice prior to and following a pre-medical programme. On commencing the programme, students showed substantial variation in their understanding of medical practice. At the end of the programme much of this variation remained, indicating the students had developed varying forms of professional skill. The study calls into question the adequacy of a focus on detailed knowledge and skills as a base for professional practice. In line with previous research, an important implication of the study is that developing skilful practice requires focusing on understanding of that practice in and through its performance.
Integration has always been a prominent issue debated in the burgeoning literature on professional doctorate programs. This focus on integration, however, has largely involved the integration between theoretical and practical understandings of various professions. Exploring the integration between research and coursework components of professional doctorate programs has received less attention. This article explores the character of the integration between coursework and research in several professional doctorate programs at a number of Australian research-intensive universities and universities of technology. Using a content analysis methodology, this research charted the various models for sequencing research and coursework and established whether integration was an explicit or implicit goal of the espoused curriculum. It also sought to explore whether there were differences in the levels of integration in professional doctorate programs across different types of universities or patterns of variation across disciplines.
Many Australian grain growers need to change their management approach to ensure their continued viability, but do not have the required knowledge and skills. Uptake of relevant education and training is poor, despite the positive correlation between learning, change and farm viability. As men are generally occupied with the operational aspects of the farm, much of the management role has been taken on by their partners, despite their lack of relevant formal qualifications. Professional development of farm partners therefore has the potential to improve the viability of grain growers. A model combining learning circles and action learning projects is proposed.
The author discusses the need for continuing profession development and outlines her personal learning plan. The role of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia is also examined. (non-author abstract)
J.L., then a 25-year-old physiotherapist, became densely amnesic following herpes simplex encephalitis. She displayed severe retrograde amnesia, category-specific semantic memory loss, and a profound anterograde amnesia affecting both verbal and visual memory. Her working memory systems were relatively spared as were most of her cognitive problem-solving abilities, but her social functioning was grossly impaired. She was able to demonstrate several previously learned physiotherapy skills, but was unable to modify her application of these procedures in accordance with patient response. She showed no memory of theoretical or propositional knowledge, and could neither plan treatment or reason clinically. Three years later, J.L. had profound impairment of anterograde and retrograde declarative memory, with relative sparing of working memory for problem solving and long-term memory of procedural skills. The theoretical and practical implications of her amnesic syndrome are discussed.
The level of training required for the practice of professional psychology varies across countries, and usually evolves from a combination of input from local and national regulatory bodies, legislative requirements, academic institutions and relevant professional bodies. Here we explore the North American and Australian historical developments and future directions in levels of training required and aspired to for professional psychologists, along with a brief comparison to training for psychologists in Central and South America, Europe and Asia. The recent proliferation of professional doctorate degrees in Australian universities has added another layer to the suite of available qualifications for professional psychologists and to some degree reflects international trends in the profession. The important role of professional organisations in establishing the educational requirements for entry into professional practice is highlighted.
The Professions in Australia Study is the first longitudinal investigation of the professions in Australia; it spans 33 years. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed on at least eight occasions between 1965 and 1998 to cohorts of students and later practitioners from the professions of engineering, law and medicine. The longitudinal design of this study has allowed for an investigation of individual change over time of three archetypal characteristics of the professions, service, knowledge and autonomy and two of the benefits of professional work, financial rewards and prestige. A cumulative logit random effects model was used to statistically assess changes in the ordinal response scores for measuring importance of the characteristics and benefits through stages of the career path. Individuals were also classified by average trends in response scores over time and hence professions are described through their members' tendency to follow a particular path in attitudes either of change or constancy, in relation to the importance of the five elements (characteristics and benefits). Comparisons in trends are also made between the three professions.
Outcomes of social policies have always been mediated by the discretionary agency of front-line staff, processes which nevertheless have received insufficient attention in policy evaluation and in the social policy literature more broadly. This article takes the case example or the policy reforms associated with the Australian government's welfare-to-work agenda. Drawing on two discreet research projects undertaken at different points in the policy trajectory, the practices of social workers in Centrelink - the Commonwealth government's primary service delivery agency involved in welfare-to-work - is examined. Centrelink social workers have been and remain one of the core groups of specialist staff since the Department's inception in the late 1940s, working to improve the well being Of people in receipt of income security. Their experiences of the recent past and their expectations of the future of their professional practice as welfare reform becomes more entrenched are canvassed. In summary, the discretionary capacity of the Centrelink social workers to moderate or shape the impact of policy on income security recipients is steadily eroding as this group of professionals is increasingly captured by the emerging practices of workfare.