1000 resultados para LiNi0.85-xCo0.15MnxO2


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The book describes a wide variety of students’ experiences in their practical year prior to entering University to study BSc Agriculture. Until comparatively recently it was the normal requirement for all such students, whether or not they already had home farming experience, to gain a full year’s experience of practical agriculture – and to write a report thereon. This record of 41 students’ reports of the pre-entry year begins with Paul’s own experience in the early 1950s before 41 reports from 30 or more years ago. The essays provide compelling and fascinating stories, well-articulated with clear acknowledgement for most part of the humanity and the warmth with which each student was treated by farmers and farm workers alike, despite the difference in both age and experience (considerable!). [This summary is an extract from the full overview which is archived here together with the book.]


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We present a quantum many body approach with van der Waal type of interaction to achieve (85)Rb Bose-Einstein condensate with tunable interaction which has been produced by magnetic field induced Feshbach resonance in the JILA experiment. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The (micro)structural and electrical properties of undoped and Er(3+)-doped BaTi(0.85)Zr(0.15)O(3) ceramics were studied in this work for both nominal Ba(2+) and Ti(4+) substitution formulations. The ceramics were produced from solid-state reaction and sintered at 1400 degrees C for 3 h. For those materials prepared following the donor-type nominal Ba(1-x)Er(x)(Ti(0.85)Zr(0.15))O(3) composition, especially, Er(3+) however showed a preferential substitution for the (Ti,Zr)(4+) lattice sites. This allowed synthesis of a finally acceptor-like, highly resistive Ba(Ti,Zr,Er)O(3-delta)-like system, with a solubility limit below but close to 3 cat.% Er(3+). The overall phase development is discussed in terms of the amphoteric nature of Er(3+), and appears to mainly or, at least, partially also involve a minimization of stress effects from the ion size mismatch between the dopant and host cations. Further results presented here include a comparative analysis of the behavior of the materials` grain size, electrical properties and nature of the ferroelectric-to-paraelectric phase transition upon variation of the formulation and Er(3+) content. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Traditional studies of long-term change in trade union structure have predominantly relied upon the aggregate number of trade unions as the principal measure, or indicator of change over time. Using the Australian trade union movement as an example, this article argues that our understanding of the long-term change in the external structure of trade unions would be better served by using Waddington's structural events approach examining the incidence of four distinct 'structural events'--union formations, dissolutions, breakaways and mergers. In doing so, this article presents new data on structural change in the Australian trade union movement between 1969 and 1985. It casts doubt on the traditional argument, which relied on the apparent lack of change in the aggregate number of unions reported by the Australian Bureau of Statistics to argue that this period was one of structural rigidity. The structural events data reveals that far from being a period of structural stability, it was in fact one of significant change, albeit in the composition of the Australian trade union movement, rather than in the aggregate number of trade unions in operation.


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This paper considers the post-war development of asset management practices among Australian life insurers, which have historically been among the largest institutional investors in Australia. A complex process of adaptation and organisational restructuring allowed life insurers to transform from basic investors of policy-holders’ funds to large multifaceted institutional investors in just three decades. Three stages in the development of investment practices are identified. These phases trace the process of expanding existing knowledge bases; diversification; and the acquisition of new skills; consolidation and the integration of these skills into institutional structures; thus completing one cycle of organisational learning and setting the stage for the next.


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Spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 hierarchical nanofibers with diameters of 200–500 nm and lengths of up to several tens of micrometers were synthesized using low-cost starting materials by electrospinning combined with annealing. Well-separated nanofiber precursors impede the growth and agglomeration of Li-Ni0.5Mn1.5O4 particles. The hierarchical nanofibers were constructed from attached LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 nanooctahedrons with sizes ranging from 200 to 400 nm. It is proven that these Li-Ni0.5Mn1.5O4 hierarchical nanofibers exhibit a favorable electrochemical performance. At a 0.5C (coulombic) rate, it shows an initial discharge capacity of 133 mAhg_1 with a capacity retention over 94% after 30 cycles. Even at 2, 5, 10, and 15C rates, it can still deliver a discharge capacity of 115, 100, 90, and 80 mAhg_1, respectively. Compared with self-aggregated nanooctahedrons synthesized using common sol–gel methods, the LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 hierarchical nanofibers exhibit a much higher capacity. This is owing to the fact that the self-aggregation of the unique nanooctahedron-in-nanofiber structure has been greatly reduced because of the attachment of nanopolyhedrons in the long nanofibers. This unique microstructured cathode results in the large effective contact areas of the active materials, conductive additives and fully realize the advantage of nanomaterial-based cathodes.


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Este trabalho tem como tema os movimentos sociais na “abertura” política (1979-85). O objetivo principal é analisar como se desenvolveram os movimentos sociais- tanto os reivindicativos como os “novos”- no processo de redemocratização, com ênfase em Porto Alegre. Esta dissertação possui, além das fontes bibliográficas, a pesquisa em jornais do período e uma fonte primária peculiar: os pronunciamentos dos vereadores da capital gaúcha (1979-85). Através do Arquivo Histórico da Câmara foi pesquisada uma vasta documentação sobre a “abertura”. Como escreve Laclau, o modelo reducionista de classe dominante e classe dominada não pode mais servir de modelo explicativo para a evolução histórica, já que o século XX apresentou profundas alterações na composição da sociedade. Os novos movimentos sociais- NMS- distinguem-se dos chamados reivindicativos pela abrangência de suas lutas já que extrapolam questões trabalhistas e de apelos setorizados, como categorias profissionais específicas. Assim, o movimento em prol dos direitos humanos e o movimento ecológico aparecem como portadores de ideais universais. Em Porto Alegre, o seqüestro dos uruguaios Lilian Celiberti e Universindo Dias é um marco do movimento em prol dos direitos humanos, assim como o surgimento da Associação Gaúcha de Proteção Ambiental (AGAPAN) o é para o movimento ecológico. Os movimentos reivindicativos estão apresentados em quatro greves: do magistério estadual, dos bancários de Porto Alegre, dos trabalhadores da construção civil e dos operários das indústrias do vestuário. Nas duas primeiras participaram importantes lideranças, que aumentaram seu poder de representação no cenário da política gaúcha ao longo dos anos. A reforma partidária foi um dos pontos de mudanças na “abertura”. Um caso interessante para análise foram as eleições de 1982 para governadores dos estados. A fragmentação partidária, estratégia do governo para dividir a oposição, teve êxito na maioria dos estados brasileiros. São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro tiveram como vitoriosos oposicionistas. No Rio Grande do Sul os situacionistas ganharam as eleições. A Campanha pelas Diretas Já envolveu multidões em todo o país, ocasionando os maiores comícios da história brasileira. Em Porto Alegre mais de 200 mil pessoas se reuniram no Largo da Prefeitura: exigiam eleições diretas para Presidente da República. Os projetos para uma nova constituição para o Brasil se desenvolveram quase que paralelamente à Campanha pelas Diretas. Vários setores da sociedade- sindicatos, ordens profissionais, juristas, setores da Igreja e intelectuais- envolveram-se na elaboração da campanha em prol da nova constituição brasileira. Em Porto Alegre, importantes instituições, como a Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, seção Rio Grande do Sul (OAB-RS), contribuíram para o debate nacional.