372 resultados para Leymus chinensis


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To evaluate the efficiency of gamma radiation in combination with low temperature Chinese pomfret, Pampus chinensis were preserved by the treatment of different doses of gamma radiation (3, 5 and 8 KGy) at freezing temperature (-20°C) during 90 days of storage period. Quality assessments for fish were carried out at an interval of 15 days during the storage period. Quality assessments were done by organoleptic, chemical (Total Volatile Nitrogen, TVN and Trimethylamine, TMA) and microbiological (Total Bacterial Count, TBC and Total Mould Count, TMC) evaluation. From the analysis of all parameters, maximum shelf-life was observed for irradiated (8 KGy) sample. It remained acceptable up to 75 days and that was the highest duration among 4 types of samples.


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The seasonal mean size distribution of A. chinensis were estimated as 29.229mm ±4.77, 25.125mm ±2.55, 25.165mm ±2.29 and 32.44mm ±3.63 for annual, monsoon, postmonsoon and pre-monsoon period, respectively. Seasonal mean carapace length distribution were estimated as 9.37mm ±1.457, 8.063mm ±0.63,8.258mm ±0.59 and 10.37mm ±l.ll3 for annual, monsoon, post-monsoon and the pre-monsoon season. The carapace length and total length relationships was found to be TL= - 1.39±3.23 CL. Linear relation was found in arithmetic and as well as logarithmic scale.


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本研究用10种限制性内切酶对蜂猴和树鼩肝脏线粒体DNA进行了分析. 蜂猴线粒体DNA, BglⅠHind Ⅲ、PstⅠ、SalⅠ和XhoⅠ均各只1个切点、EcoRⅠ、BglⅡ和Pvu Ⅱ各有2切点, BamHⅠ和 EcoRⅤ 分别有3个切点. 对于树鼩线粒体 DNA, BglⅡ、Hind Ⅲ、PstⅠ、SalⅠ和 XhoⅠ均只1个切点, BamHⅠBglⅠ和 PvuⅡ 分别有2个切点, EcoRⅠ 有3个切点, EcoRⅤ有4个切点. 根据单酶和双酶解片段的数目和分子量, 建立了蜂猴和树鼩线粒体 DNA 的物理图谱。


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Rhus chinensis, a species used in folk medicine by Chinese native people, the anti-HIV-1 activities of the petroleum ether, ethyl acetate, butanol and aqueous extract of Rhus chinensis, named as RC-1, RC-2, RC-3 and RC-4, respectively, was evaluated. The


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Aim of the study: Previously, we reported that the petroleum ether fraction, RC-1, and EtOAc fraction, RC-2, of the medicinal plant Rhus chinensis showed potent anti-HIV-1 activities. To address anti-HIV-1 constituents of RC-1 and RC-2, 17 compounds were


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Two new bisnortriterpenoids with 18-norschiartane skeleton, wuweizidilactones G (1) and H (2), four new highly oxygenated nortriterpenoids based on a schisanartane skeleton, schindilactones D-G (3-6), a pre-schisanartane skeleton, pre-schisanartanin B (7)


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Formaldehyde is a very reactive compound capable of interacting with many functional groups of proteins including intermolecular and intramolecular cross-links of the molecules. The formation of cross-linking bonds may induce conformational change in proteins that favor further interaction of functional and hydrophobic groups. Formaldehyde which has been using illegally as a chemical preservative by some fish traders in our country. A study was carried out to determine the effects of irradiation (1.5 KGy) on formaldehyde concentration and nutritional (protein and lipid) changes of formalin (37% formaldehyde) treated fish (fresh) samples and found that the concentration of formaldehyde both in treated samples (0.37% formalin and 0.37% formalin with 1.5 KGy irradiation) were 37.0 µg/gm and 36.75 µg/gm. On the other hand, the amount of protein and lipid in treated samples before radiation (14.56% and 3.49%) and after radiation (14.15% and 3.25%). That means, radiation has no effect on the change of protein, lipid and formaldehyde.


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树鼩作为一种实验动物已在许多实验室驯养繁殖. 在进入家养条件下, 由于环境的改变可能导致一系列生理功能和病理变化. 在作者实验室饲养的树鼩中, 有部分树鼩出现块状脱毛现象. 作者进行了临床检查. 血液氨基酸, 矿物质和睾酮含量的测定。