984 resultados para Levinas, Emmanuel


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Precisar en qué medida puede hablarse de un Mounier educador a través del esclarecimiento de las cuestiones siguientes: en qué consiste esa pretendida intención educadora del personalismo mouneriano y la supuesta educación política que se realizó desde la revista Esprit durante casi dos décadas.. Reconstrucción histórica de la trayectoria del pensamiento de Mounier.. El intento primigenio de Mounier tiene la triple dirección: cambiar el mundo, cambiar al hombre y cambiar esa su cristiandad por otra más evangélica unida a los pobres y a los que sufren. Se percata pronto que no es posible un auténtico cambio del mundo sin un cambio previo o paralelo del hombre. Su intención será cambiar al hombre para cambiar su mundo, o a los hombres que cambien el mundo. Explicar lo que varios estudiosos del tema llamaban intención educativa del personalismo. Si bien no puede hablarse desde las Ciencias de la Educación de una intención educativa del pensamiento mouneriano sí puede afirmarse que el pensamiento de Mounier puede inspirar una filosofía educativa o si se quiere la dimensión normativa de un proyecto educativo. El personalismo es una tarea siempre a retomar por todos y cada uno. Si Mounier concibió de alguna manera el pensamiento, lo hizo como instrumento de formación a través de Esprit. Mounier también quiere ampliar los estrechos límites de la política de los políticos de profesión. El principal objetivo de Mounier en política es la participación activa y responsable de todos los ciudadanos en las cuestiones públicas. Correlato imnediato de la participación de todos en las cuestiones públicas es el compromiso. Espíritu ético que desde el principio Esprit se propuso y se impuso: el servicio a la verdad. Como conclusión de la política en Mounier decir que la política, en cuanto acción humana, ha de estar sometida a los dictámenes de la ética..


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In this essay I argue that Heaney uses the figure of the neighbour to examine questions of otherness and cultural difference and their relationship to history and politics. The neighbour is of course a figure that has played a central role in Western philosophy and theology for centuries, from the Gospels and Kant to Freud and Lacan. It is also a concept to which Western poetry often returns, particularly in the work of Herbert, Clare, Eliot and Auden. Heaney too belongs to this tradition, in that his oeuvre contains many poems which consider the relationship between neighbours, and do so in ways profoundly suggestive for consideration of the relationship between historical events, social structures, cultural difference and psychic affect. In my essay I argue that Heaney sketches a profoundly materialist conception of subjectivity in its relationship with the Other. In doing so I contrast Heaney’s treatment of the neighbour, with its emphasis on questions of politics and locality, to the treatment of the neighbour in the ethical philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas.


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It is frequently said that pain is incommunicable and even that it destroys language. This paper offers a phenomenological account of pain and then explores and critiques this view. It suggests not only that pain is communicable to an adequate degree for clinical purposes, but also that it is itself a form of communication through which the person in pain appeals to the empathy and ethical goodness of the clinician. To explain this latter idea and its ethical implications, reference is made to the writings of Emmanuel Levinas.


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Costas Douzinas has argued that human rights arise from a universal but unconscious need for recognition of oneself by others as unique and whole. According to Douzinas, humans' activities and interrelationships are determined by their desires and human rights are a manifestation of those same deep characteristics. Because the basic desires are by their nature incapable of being satisfied, the aspiration for human rights is likewise doomed to frustration. Douzinas' analysis of human nature is derived from a reading of Jacques Lacan's theory of psychoanalysis in which an imaginary and a symbolic realm of experience are defined. Douzinas attempts a synthesis between the Lacanian imaginary and the ethical arguments of Emmanuel Levinas. It will be argued here that the synthesis proposed by Douzinas is itself doomed to failure and that Douzinas' negative approach to human rights and to justice should be rejected in favour of a positive approach.


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This study used a qualitative research design incorporating principles of social constructionism, hermeneutic dialectic method, Neo-Socratic dialogue and philosophy for reporting the tacit and social knowledge constructions underlying particular ways of knowing that inform the experiential reality of love in the practice of nursing and midwifery. The philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas, that culminated in his magnum opus of the ‘metaphysics of otherness’, provided the theoretical underpinning for the interpretation of the experiences nurses and midwives believed were examples of love in their clinical practice in Australia, Singapore and Bhutan. What is love in nursing and midwifery? The answer is moral responsibility. The relational context has a nurse and midwife constantly exposed to patient situations that give rise to expressions of love as moral responsibility. It is a form of love that centres on the ability of our being, or at least the possibility of our being, to transcend its everyday form to a metaphysical state of being moral. It enables a nurse and midwife to transcend the isolation associated with their personal being as a self-project, to be ‘for’ the patient as a first priority. But while the ‘Goodness’ of the ‘Good’ assigns the nurse and midwife responsible and is expressed to their personal being in the form of the ‘urge to do’, ‘what to do’ in caring for the patient is a matter of living out the command to be responsible and will be different for each nurse and midwife. However, no matter the outcome, love as moral responsibility will always leave a nurse and midwife feeling there is still more to be done in being responsible.


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This article focuses on Atom Egoyan's Ararat and explores how, through a convoluted narrative structure, Egoyan grapples with denial of the Armenian Genocide and the consequences of those denials for present generations—both Turkish and Armenian—illuminated in the film as an extension of the genocide. Egoyan uses a film-within-a-film to move beyond a popular definition of genocide as mass killing alone and links the understanding of stories, truths, and perspectives in everyday life to the dehumanizing acts of genocide. Employing the philosopher Emmanuel Levinas’ ethical theory of the Other (the ethical) and philosophical understandings of ontology (dehumanization) to illuminate the genocide and its ongoing denial, this article contends that Egoyan's focus on the generations of genocide survivors points to the ethical responsibility to one another that underlies everyday lives and sits at the heart of what is absent in the acts of genocide.


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This dissertation utilises film and the ethical philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas to expose the dehumanising characteristics of genocide. Through four films across four different cases of genocide, the investigation reveals that defining genocide as mass murder alone limits the potential to understand the crime.


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Neste estudo busca-se a compreenção dos significados dos conteúdos vividos e percebidos pela criança doente e sua família ao experimentar a doença sob o olhar existencial de Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Emmanuel Levinas e Paul Ricoeur.É um caminhar no cotidiano do mundo do hospital com a criança, família e equipe de saúde , tentando entender as características básicas do Dasein e as representações das mudanças existenciais, provocadas pela doença, no viver da criança e da família. Neste processo emergem tríplices mundos, intimamente interligados: o mundo do hospital,da família e da criança. A partir da relação e interação nestes mundos, num espaço e tempo determinados, constrói-se o compreender do modo de ser da criança doente. Trata-se de um estudo fenomenológico desenvolvido na Unidade de Oncologia Pediátrica do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre do Rio Grande do Sul, que utiliza, para coleta de dados, a observação participante, a entrevista e a filmagem, sendo o método hermenêutico selecionado para a interpretação. A criança surge, emerge, como um ser em construção no mundo,e a doença desarticula sua existência, abala e desestrutura a ordem familiar.O modo de ser da criança doente é desvelado na relação com a família e com o mundo do hospital. A criança e a família reorganizam-se como ser-no-mundo e enfrentam esta dimensão existencial que os caracteriza como seres autênticos, que manifestam seus sentimentos, angústias e sofrimento ao perceber as mudanças no mundo da vida e sua finitude. A equipe de saúde compartilha o sofrimento vivido pela família e a criança com câncer, e sensibilidade e solicitude desempenham um papel fundamental em sua prática, além do seu conhecimento técnico-científico. Este momento existencial é sempre inacabado, possibilitando novas construções e interpretações, entretanto a riqueza vivida, neste encontro, com o outro mundo do hospital, é revelador de uma infinidade de possibilidades no ato de conhecer e de cuidar, a partir da estrutura existencial do ser-no-mundo. O enfoque filosófico existencial de Heidegger torna possível vislumbrar novos caminhos em direção à compreensão e ao cuidado do ser-no-mundo que enfrenta a doença.


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This project was based on an implemented investigation of the institutional self-evaluation at Municipal Emmanuel Bezerra school, located at the west zone of Natal capital in Rio Grande do Norte state, where school individuals were analysed in interaction. A qualitative research was taken under the use of several pieces of information and collected out of several sources, such as: managing, docent and administrative staff interviews; present school legislation, political pedagogical project, scholar regiment as well as the 2013 action plans documental analyses; and the literature review focused in books and articles which treats of evaluation, State Evaluator and the public educational politics in order to promote the dialogue between school theory and reality. The institutional evaluation has been the theme debated through several studies. However, with its major focus on the evaluation systems and High Education aiming to raise competition having implying the reaching of educational quality as justification under liberal view. Notwithstanding, over the controlling function of the educational results and competition trigger amongst the educational institutions to the accruement of the received resources, it is believed that this institutional evaluation, however the system, can assist in the educational services improvement offered to the local public, when endeavoured to the purpose of supporting human development. Having the obtained data, the self-evaluation process implemented at the concerned school, the conceptions which permeate the school environment as well as the community joining given in this object lesson, was described and analysed as dialoguing with the political pedagogical project and comprehending the constitution in a democratic management