236 resultados para Leporinus striatus


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The growth/survival trade-off is a fundamental aspect of life-history evolution that is often explained by the direct energetic requirement for growth that cannot be allocated into maintenance. However, there is currently no empirical consensus on whether fast-growing individuals have higher resting metabolic rates at thermoneutrality (RMRt) than slow growers. Moreover, the link between growth rate and daily energy expenditure (DEE) has never been tested in a wild endotherm. We assessed the energetic and survival costs of growth in juvenile eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) during a year of low food abundance by quantifying post-emergent growth rate (n = 88), RMRt (n = 66), DEE (n = 20), and overwinter survival. Both RMRt and DEE were significantly and positively related to growth rate. The effect size was stronger for DEE than RMRt, suggesting that the energy cost of growth in wild animals is more likely to be related to the maintenance of a higher foraging rate (included in DEE) than to tissue accretion (included in RMRt). Fast growers were significantly less likely to survive the following winter compared to slow growers. Juveniles with high or low RMRt were less likely to survive winter than juveniles with intermediate RMRt. In contrast, DEE was unrelated to survival. In addition, botfly parasitism simultaneously decreased growth rate and survival, suggesting that the energetic budget of juveniles was restricted by the simultaneous costs of growth and parasitism. Although the biology of the species (seed-storing hibernator) and the context of our study (constraining environmental conditions) were ideally combined to reveal a direct relationship between current use of energy and future availability, it remains unclear whether the energetic cost of growth was directly responsible for reduced survival.


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1. As understanding of the energetic costs of reproduction in birds and mammals continues to improve, oxidative stress is an increasingly cited example of a non-energetic cost of reproduction that may serve as a proximal physiological link underlying life-history trade-offs.

2. Here, we provide the first study to measure daily energy expenditure (DEE) and oxidative damage in a wild population. We measured both traits on eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) and assessed their relationships with age, reproductive status, litter size and environmental conditions.

3. We found that both physiological traits were correlated with environmental characteristics (e.g. temperature, seasons). DEE tended to increase with decreasing temperature, while oxidative damage was lower in spring, after a winter of torpor expression, than in autumn. We also found that DEE decreased with age, while oxidative damage was elevated in young individuals, reduced in animals of intermediate age and tended to increase at older age.

4. After controlling for age and environmental variables, we found that both female DEE and oxidative damage increased with litter size, although the latter increased weakly.

5. Our results corroborate findings from laboratory studies but highlight the importance of considering environmental conditions, age and reproductive status in broader analyses of the causes and consequences of physiological costs of reproduction in wild animals.


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The energy and nutrient demands of parasites on their hosts are frequently invoked as an explanation for negative impacts of parasitism on host survival and reproductive success. Although cuterebrid bot flies are among the physically largest and most-studied insect parasites of mammals, the only study conducted on metabolic consequences of bot fly parasitism revealed a surprisingly small effect of bot flies on host metabolism. Here we test the prediction that bot fly parasitism increases the resting metabolic rate (RMR) of free-ranging eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus), particularly in juveniles who have not previously encountered parasites and have to allocate energy to growth. We found no effect of bot fly parasitism on adults. In juveniles, however, we found that RMR strongly increased with the number of bot fly larvae hosted. For a subset of 12 juveniles during a year where parasite prevalence was particularly high, we also compared the RMR before versus during the peak of bot fly prevalence, allowing each individual to act as its own control. Each bot fly larva resulted in a ~7.6% increase in the RMR of its host while reducing juvenile growth rates. Finally, bot fly parasitism at the juvenile stage was positively correlated with adult stage RMR, suggesting persistent effects of bot flies on RMR. This study is the first to show an important effect of bot fly parasitism on the metabolism and growth of a wild mammal. Our work highlights the importance of studying cost of parasitism over multiple years in natural settings, as negative effects on hosts are more likely to emerge in periods of high energetic demand (e.g. growing juveniles) and/or in harsh environmental conditions (e.g. low food availability).


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Repeatability is an important concept in evolutionary analyses because it provides information regarding the benefit of repeated measurements and, in most cases, a putative upper limit to heritability estimates. Repeatability (R) of different aspects of energy metabolism and behavior has been demonstrated in a variety of organisms over short and long time intervals. Recent research suggests that consistent individual differences in behavior and energy metabolism might covary. Here we present new data on the repeatability of body mass, standard metabolic rate (SMR), voluntary exploratory behavior, and feeding rate in a semiaquatic salamander and ask whether individual variation in behavioral traits is correlated with individual variation in metabolism on a whole-animal basis and after conditioning on body mass. All measured traits were repeatable, but the repeatability estimates ranged from very high for body mass (R = 0.98), to intermediate for SMR (R = 0.39) and food intake (R = 0.58), to low for exploratory behavior (R = 0.25). Moreover, repeatability estimates for all traits except body mass declined over time (i.e., from 3 to 9 wk), although this pattern could be a consequence of the relatively low sample size used in this study. Despite significant repeatability in all traits, we find little evidence that behaviors are correlated with SMR at the phenotypic and among-individual levels when conditioned on body mass. Specifically, the phenotypic correlations between SMR and exploratory behavior were negative in all trials but significantly so in one trial only. Salamanders in this study showed individual variation in how their exploratory behavior changed across trials (but not body mass, SMR, and feed intake), which might have contributed to observed changing correlations across trials.


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© 2015, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. According to the “pace-of-life syndrome” concept, slow-fast life-history strategies favored under different ecological conditions should lead to co-adaptations between metabolic rate and personality traits such as activity, exploration, and boldness. Although the relationships between resting metabolic rate (RMR) and personality traits have been recently tested several times, we still do not know whether personality is related to the daily energy expenditure (DEE) of free-living individuals in their natural habitat. The objectives of this study were to assess the links between RMR, DEE, and two personality traits (exploration in an open-field and docility during handling) in wild eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus). Using a multivariate mixed model, we found that exploration and docility were significantly correlated at the among-individual level, confirming the presence of a behavioral syndrome within our population. We also found that exploration, but not docility, was negatively correlated with DEE. Hence, fast explorers show lower DEE levels than slow explorers, independently of RMR and docility. This result adds to an increasingly large (and complex) literature reporting the impacts of personality traits on the biology, ecology, and physiology of animals in their natural environment.


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Foram utilizados metais pesados e colimetrias como indicadores biológicos, na avaliação da qualidade do pescado artesanal do Lago Guaíba, localizado junto à região metropolitana de Porto Alegre, capital do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Brasil), visando oferecer subsídios para discussão da qualidade de vida dos pescadores artesanais, de suas famílias e dos consumidores deste pescado, bem como fundamentar decisões de políticas públicas. Exemplares de, Leporinus obtusidens (Characiformes, Anostomidae) (Valenciennes, 1847) “Piava” (denominação local) e de Pimelodus maculatus (Siluriformes, Pimelodidae) (Lacèpéde, 1803), “Pintado” (denominação local), foram capturados por pescadores cooperativados, em três pontos do referido Lago a saber: Delta do Jacuí, Canal de Navegação e Lagoa. As amostras foram colhidas entre junho de 2000 a setembro de 2001. Foram avaliadas, quanto a presença de mercúrio, 27 exemplares de Leporinus obtusidens e 27 de Pimelodus maculatus. Os níveis de mercúrio foram determinados por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica e, excetuando-se duas amostras de Piava, os níveis de mercúrio estavam abaixo de 0,5µg/g, limite tolerado pela legislação vigente no Brasil para peixes não predadores. A média encontrada nos Pintados (0,216 mg/kg) é significativamente maior (p<0.001), quando comparada à das Piavas (0,094 mg/kg). Presume-se como hipótese o fato dos Pintados serem peixes de nível trófico elevado e as Piavas, por sua vez, de nível trófico baixo. Também foram avaliadas, quanto a presença de arsênio, 27 amostras de Leporinus obtusidens 27 de Pimelodus maculatus. Os níveis de arsênio foram determinados por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. Os níveis encontrados estavam abaixo de 1,0 mg/kg, limite tolerado pela legislação vigente no Brasil para peixes e seus produtos. A média encontrada nos Pintados foi de 0,142 mg/kg e nas Piavas de 0,144 mg/kg. Na mesma ocasião, foram avaliadas quanto a presença de coliformes totais, fecais e Escherichia col, 43 amostras de Leporinus obtusidens e 43 de Pimelodus maculatus. Os níveis colimétricos totais e fecais foram determinados segundo Brasil. Ministério da Agricultura (1992), utilizando-se a técnica dos Números Mais Prováveis. A presença de E. coli foi confirmada pelo teste do Indol. A média dos coliformes fecais é significativamente maior nos Pintados quando comparado com as Piavas (p = 0,043). Em relação a E. coli existe diferença significativa entre a Piava e o Pintado (p=0,040). O Pintado é significativamente mais contaminado que a Piava. Das Piavas analisadas 4,65 % estavam acima dos níveis permitidos pela legislação brasileira para coliformes fecais e dos Pintados, 11,62 % das amostras também estavam fora destes limites. Em 23,25 % das amostras de Piava e 44,18% de Pintados foi constatada a presença de E. coli. Não houve diferença nos resultados quanto aos pontos de captação do pescado. Os valores encontrados no presente trabalho indicam a necessidade de maior atenção às boas práticas de higiene desde a captura, manipulação e processamento do pescado, preservando-se o ambiente e as condições sociais, culturais e mesmo artesanais envolvidas.


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Durante o resgate do material arqueológico dos sítios da região de Piratuba, SC, e de Aratiba, Machadinho e Maximiliano de Almeida, RS, área de influência da Usina Hidroelétrica de Machadinho, foram observadas grandes quantidades de ossos e escamas de peixes incorporando os restos alimentares encontrados nestes locais. Utilizando uma coleção osteológica de referência pudemos identificar restos de Salminus maxillosus Valenciennes, 1850, Brycon orbignyanus (Valenciennes, 1849), Pogonopoma obscurum Quevedo & Reis, 2002, Hemiancistrus fuliginosus Cardoso & Malabarba, 1999, Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1836), Schizodon sp., Leporinus sp., Hoplias sp., Hypostomus sp. e Crenicichla sp. Com base em medições realizadas em exemplares de coleções, foram obtidas regressões a partir das dimensões do osso pré-maxilar em Crenicichla spp. e do esporão peitoral em Hemiancistrus fuliginosus, Pogonopoma obscurum e Hypostomus spp. correlacionadas com o comprimento padrão e peso dos espécimes. A partir das estimativas de comprimento padrão e peso das peças ósseas encontradas foi possível formular hipóteses sobre a tecnologia de pesca utilizada pelos habitantes destes sítios.


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Uma bactéria identificada como Bacillus licheniformis P40 isolada de intestino de peixe (Leporinus sp.) da bacia amazônica foi estudada quanto à sua capacidade de produzir antimicrobianos. O sobrenadante da cultura obtido em caldo de cérebro e coração (BHI) foi caracterizado, sendo ativo contra importantes bactérias patogênicas e deteriorantes como L. monocytogenes, B. cereus, E. carotovora e isolados clínicos de Streptococcus. Este foi parcialmente purificado através de precipitação com sulfato de amônio e cromatografia de gel filtração e de troca iônica. Foram assim isoladas duas substâncias com atividade antimicrobiana, sendo uma delas de natureza protéica. Esta foi estável a altas temperaturas (100o C), numa ampla faixa de pH e mostrou propriedades de biosurfactante. O sobrenadante parcialmente purificado foi utilizado para o combate a um importante fitopatógeno: Erwinia carotovora. Uma dose de 6400 UA/mL foi bactericida para uma concentração de 107 UFC/mL em 20 minutos in vitro. A substância foi capaz de evitar a formação da podridão mole em batatas (in vivo). Foi estudada a produção da atividade antimicrobiana em resíduos e sub-produtos da indústria de alimentos, sendo escolhido o soro de queijo para otimizar a produção através de um experimento fatorial 23 variando as condições de temperatura, pH e concentração de soro de queijo em pó. As melhores condições foram para temperaturas entre 26 e 37o C e pH entre 6,5 e 7,5 para uma concentração de soro de 7%, sendo que aumentos na concentração levaram a aumentos na produção.


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The Caatinga biome is rich in endemic fish species fauna. The present study the results of fish faunal surveys conducted in the hydrographic basin of Piranhas-Assu of the Brazilian Caatinga biome. The fish samples collected were distributed in four orders (Characiformes, Perciformes, Siluriformes and Synbranchiformes), 11 families (Characidae, Curimatidae, Auchenipteridae, Anostomidae, Prochilodontidae, Erythrinidae, Cichlidae, Sciaenidae, Heptapteridae, Loricariidae, Synbranchidae) and 22 species, of which 17 are endemic and five have been introduced from other basins. The order Characiformes was the most representative in number of species (46,35% ) followed by Perciformes (35,38%), Siluriformes (17,44%) and Synbranchiformes (0,5%). The Nile tilapia, Oreochomis niloticus, the only exotic species, was most expressive in number of individuals (24.92%) followed by the native species piau preto, Leporinus piau (18,77 %). Considering the relative frequency of occurrence of the 22 species, 13 were constant, five were accessory and four were occasional. This study investigated the reproductive ecology of an endemic fish black piau, Leporinus piau from the Marechal Dutra reservoir, Acari, Rio Grande do Norte. Samplings were done on a monthly basis from January to December 2009, and a total of 211 specimens were captured. The environmental parameters such as rainfall, temperature, pH, electrical conductivity and dissolved oxygen of water were recorded. The sampled population showed a slight predominance of males (55%), however females were larger and heavier. Both sexes of L. piau showed positive allometric growth, indicating a higher increase of weight than length. The first sexual maturation of males occurred at smaller size, with 16.5 cm in total length than females (20.5 cm). During the reproductive period, the condition factor and gonadosomatic index (GSI) of L. piau were negatively correlated. This species has large oocytes with a high mean fecundity of 54.966 with synchronous oocyte development and total spawning


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Neste estudo foram investigadas a diversidade, a composição, e as diferenças no uso do espaço (hábitat e microhábitat) e do alimento em uma comunidade de lagartos habitantes da serapilheira de um fragmento de Mata Atlântica, do Estado de Alagoas, Brasil. Para a observação e/ou coleta dos espécimes, foram utilizados os métodos de busca ativa e armadilhas de queda (pit-fall traps) sem cerca-guia. Para análises de diversidade e da existência de diferenças de diversidade entre os hábitats e microhábitats, utilizou-se o índice de Shannon. A largura dos nichos espacial (hábitat e microhábitat) e alimentar foi avaliada, utilizando-se o índice de diversidade de Simpson. A similaridade entre as áreas foi averiguada utilizando-se o índice de Jaccard. Para avaliar o grau de sobreposição quanto ao uso do espaço (hábitats e microhábitats) e do alimento pelas espécies, foi utilizada uma versão da equação de MarcArthur & Levis. Foram obtidas vinte e três espécies de lagartos, pertencentes a nove famílias; destas, dezenove foram obtidas no interior da mata e nove na borda. Para o interior da mata as espécies mais abundantes foram Kentropyx calcarata, Dryadosaura nordestina, Enyalius catenatus e Gymnodactylus darwinii. Na borda da mata as espécies mais abundantes foram Tropidurus hispidus, T. semitaeniatus, Ophiodes striatus e Ameiva ameiva. Quanto à utilização dos recursos, os resultados mostraram que espécies filogeneticamente próximas nem sempre utilizam de maneira semelhante os recursos disponíveis. A dieta em geral foi composta por artrópodes. Tropidurus hispidus e T. semitaeniatus se mostraram especialistas no consumo de Himenoptera (Formicidae), que estiverem presentes em 100% dos seus estômagos. Ophiodes striatus teve como principal alimento caramujos (Gastropoda) e aranhas com 60% cada; sendo Gastropoda mais abundante para esta espécie


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The effects of parasitic infections in condition factor, hematocrit, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and leucocytes and thrombocytes distribution in Piaractus mesopotamicus, Leporinus macrocephalus, hybrid tambacu (P. mesopotamicus x Colossoma macropomum and Brycon amazonicus collected in feefishing from Franca, São Paulo, Brazil were evaluated. Parasitized tambacu and L. macrocephalus had higher (p<0.05) condition factor than unparasitized fish. However, the contrary occurred in P. mesopotamicus and B. amazonicus. Changes in the hematocrit, hemoglobin and MCHC were not related to parasitism. Parasitic infections did not cause effect on leucocytes and thrombocytes percentage (p>0.05) of tambacu. In P. mesopotamicus parasitized by Monogenea Anacanthorus penilabiatus and dinoflagellate Piscinoodinium pillulare, increase in monocytes and decrease in thrombocytes percentage (p<0.05) were found. However, the same parasitic association in L. macrocephalus caused a decrease in lymphocytes percentage accompanied by increase in neutrophils percentage (p<0.05). In B. amazonicus, infection by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, P. pillulare and monogeneans caused increase in neutrophils percentage.


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The study assessed the economic efficiency of the pacu with the piacu cultivation in fishponds hollowed in the Middle Paranapanema region, State of São Paulo, 2007/08 crop. It was used the structures of the effective operational cost (EOC) and total operational cost (TOC) and five profitability indicators economic. The TOC per cycle ha(-1) were US$ 12,182.90. The production cost of the pacu and of the piaucu it was US$ 1.20 kg(-1) and US$ 1.40 kg(-1), respectively. The gross income were US$ 17,077.30 ha(-1), operational profit US$ 4,894.30 ha(-1), gross margins 43.8% and profitability rate 30.3%. The break even point 6,125.40 kg ha(-1) for the pacu and 805.90 kg ha(-1) for the piaucu. The viable minimum module corresponded to 0,5 ha of mirror of water. Considering that in the Medium Paranapanema region the medium area of mirror of water for producer is of 0,6 ha, it was ended that this policulture is an alternative of income for enterprising rural regional.


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This work evaluated piaucu juveniles (Leporinus macrocephalus) efficiency on the control of Dolops carvalhoi in pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) under artificial infestation. 30 fish were equally distributed in six aquarium and acclimated for seven days. After this period the pacus were unnaturaly infested with 20 D. carvalhoi per fish to four days. on the fifth day, for aquaria were added with five uninfected piaucus each and the fish were checked eight times to evaluted the total number of parasites in fish body and aquarium wall. After 24 hours in the aquarium with piaucus the total number of Dolops was significant lower than only pacus suggesting that piaucu preyed the parasite. The parasite number was reduced 15 minutes after the addition of piaucus and after 24 hours, no parasites was found in pacu body and aquarium walls, suggesting that piaucu fingerling may be used to branchiurans infestations in other species of fish.


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The present work studied protozoan parasites of cultivated fishes (N = 433) from two feefishing farm situated in Franca, São Paulo, Brazil, during a period of April 1997 through March 1999. Specimens of piauçú Leporinus macrocephalus Garavello & Britski, 1988 (Anostomidae), pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887 (Characidae) carp Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758 (Cyprinidae), Tillapia rendalli Boulenger, 1896 (Cichlidae), nile-tilapia Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758 (Cichlidae), matrinxã Brycon cephalus Günther, 1869 (Characidae) and tambacu hybrid (male of P. mesopotamicus x female of Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818) were collected. The fishes were parasitized with protozoans Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet, 1876 (Protozoa), Trichodina sp. and Piscinoodinium pillulare (Schaperclaus, 1954), Lom, 1981 (Protozoa). In the cold season (autumn and/or winter) all species of fish were infected with I. multifiliis. Higher susceptibility to Trichodina sp. was observed in L. macrocephalus, C. carpio and P. mesopotamicus compared to tambacu, B. cephalus, T. rendalli and 0. niloticus. It was not observed significant difference (P > 0.05) in the seasonal variation of Trichodina sp. and P. pillulare infection of all species. A great number of P. pillulare without significant difference (P > 0.05) was reported to L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus and tambacu.


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O Centro de Aqüicultura, Unesp, Jaboticabal, SP, Brasil, recebeu peixes para diagnose, os quais apresentavam aglomeração nas bordas dos viveiros e na entrada da água. Dos 194 casos diagnosticados, 53 apresentavam estruturas brancas circulares ou ovais, imóveis, medindo 162 mm de diâmetro, identificadas como o dinoflagelado Piscinoodinium pillulare. em 34 casos, os parasitos estavam presentes nas brânquias, em 2 casos, no corpo e em 9 casos, em ambos. Dos 53 casos observados, 31 eram o híbrido tambacu; 7, o Piaractus mesopotamicus; 6, o Colossoma macropomum; 5, o Leporinus macrocephalus; 3, o Oreochromis niloticus; e 1, o Prochilodus lineatus. Os peixes apresentaram aumento da produção de muco no corpo e nas brânquias e equimoses no pedúnculo caudal e nos opérculos. As brânquias também apresentaram palidez, congestão e petéquias. A histopatologia revelou a presença de grande número de trofontes situados entre as lamelas secundárias, fixados ou não ao epitélio. As lamelas primárias mostraram hemorragias intersticiais, severa hiperplasia do epitélio e das células caliciformes e infiltrado inflamatório. O presente trabalho é o primeiro relato de P. pillulare no Brasil e enfatiza a importância dos dinoflagelados, que causaram significativas perdas econômicas entre 1995 e 1997.