982 resultados para Leishmania major-like


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First both life stages of Leishmania major (L. major) FEBNI parasites, promastigotes as well as amastigotes, were characterized. We found that the virulence marker GP63 and cysteine peptidase b (Cpb) were higher expressed by axenic amastigotes as compared to promastigotes. In addition to the L. major FEBNI strain, we applied and successfully modified our novel in vitro method to generate axenic amastigotes of the L. major Friedlin and 5ASKH strains. Interestingly, these L. major strains needed another temperature to be transferred into amastigotes in the axenic culture system. Investigating apoptosis mechanisms in both parasite life stages of L. major FEBNI we found both ROS dependent and independent cell death mechanisms. Focusing on promastigote and amastigote interaction with pro-inflammatory (MF I) and anti-inflammatory (MF II) macrophages we found amastigotes to be more infective as compared to promastigotes. Moreover, we could demonstrate that pro-inflammatory MF I were less susceptible to infection than anti-inflammatory MF II. Finally we investigated parasite stage-specific responses of MF I + II and their defense mechanisms against L. major. Using knockdown techniques for primary human macrophages we identified a new mechanism enabling intracellular killing of promastigotes inside MF I. This mechanism depends on the antimicrobial molecule cathelicidin (LL-37).


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit fokussierten wir uns auf drei verschiedene Aspekte der Leishmanien-Infektion. Wir charakterisierten den Prozess des Zelltods „Apoptose“ bei Parasiten (1), untersuchten die Eignung von Makrophagen und dendritischen Zellen als Wirtszelle für die Entwicklung der Parasiten (2) und analysierten die Konsequenzen der Infektion für die Entstehung einer adaptiven Immunantwort im humanen System. Von zentraler Bedeutung für dieses Projekt war die Hypothese, dass apoptotische Leishmanien den Autophagie-Mechanismus ihrer Wirtszellen ausnutzen, um eine T-Zell-vermittelte Abtötung der Parasiten zu vermindern.rnWir definierten eine apoptotische Leishmanien-Population, welche durch eine rundliche Morphologie und die Expression von Phosphatidylserin auf der Parasitenoberfläche charakterisiert war. Die apoptotischen Parasiten befanden sich zudem in der SubG1-Phase und wiesen weniger und fragmentierte DNA auf, welche durch TUNEL-Assay nachgewiesen werden konnte. Bei der Interaktion der Parasiten mit humanen Makrophagen und dendritischen Zellen zeigte sich, dass die anti-inflammatorischen Makrophagen anfälliger für Infektionen waren als die pro-inflammatorischen Makrophagen oder die dendritischen Zellen. Interessanterweise wurde in den dendritischen Zellen jedoch die effektivste Umwandlung zur krankheitsauslösenden, amastigoten Lebensform beobachtet. Da sowohl Makrophagen als auch dendritische Zellen zu den antigenpräsentierenden Zellen gehören, könnte dies zur Aktivierung der T-Zellen des adaptiven Immunsystems führen. Tatsächlich konnte während der Leishmanien-Infektion die Proliferation von T-Zellen beobachtet werden. Dabei stellten wir fest, dass es sich bei den proliferierenden T-Zellen um CD3+CD4+ T-Zellen handelte, welche sich überraschenderweise als Leishmanien-spezifische CD45RO+ T-Gedächtniszellen herausstellten. Dies war unerwartet, da ein vorheriger Kontakt der Spender mit Leishmanien als unwahrscheinlich gilt. In Gegenwart von apoptotischen Parasiten konnte eine signifikant schwächere T-Zell-Proliferation in Makrophagen, jedoch nicht in dendritischen Zellen beobachtet werden. Da sich die T-Zell-Proliferation negativ auf das Überleben der Parasiten auswirkt, konnten die niedrigsten Überlebensraten in dendritischen Zellen vorgefunden werden. Innerhalb der Zellen befanden sich die Parasiten in beiden Zelltypen im Phagosom, welches allerdings nur in Makrophagen den Autophagie-Marker LC3 aufwies. Chemische Induktion von Autophagie führte, ebenso wie die Anwesenheit von apoptotischen Parasiten, zu einer stark reduzierten T-Zell-Proliferation und dementsprechend zu einem höheren Überleben der Parasiten.rnZusammenfassend lässt sich aus unseren Daten schließen, dass Apoptose in Einzellern vorkommt. Während der Infektion können sowohl Makrophagen, als auch dendritische Zellen mit Leishmanien infiziert und das adaptive Immunsystem aktivert werden. Die eingeleitete T-Zell-Proliferation nach Infektion von Makrophagen ist in Gegenwart von apoptotischen Parasiten reduziert, weshalb sie im Vergleich zu dendritischen Zellen die geeigneteren Wirtszellen für Leishmanien darstellen. Dafür missbrauchen die Parasiten den Autophagie-Mechanismus der Makrophagen als Fluchtstrategie um das adaptive Immunsystem zu umgehen und somit das Überleben der Gesamtpopulation zu sichern. Diese Ergebnisse erklären den Vorteil von Apoptose in Einzellern und verdeutlichen, dass der Autophagie-Mechanismus als potentielles therapeutisches Ziel für die Behandlung von Leishmaniose dienen kann.rn


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Neutrophils are recruited to the site of parasite inoculation within a few hours of infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major. In C57BL/6 mice, which are resistant to infection, neutrophils are cleared from the site of s.c. infection within 3 days, whereas they persist for at least 10 days in susceptible BALB/c mice. In the present study, we investigated the role of macrophages (MPhi) in regulating neutrophil number. Inflammatory cells were recruited by i.p. injection of either 2% starch or L. major promastigotes. Neutrophils were isolated and cultured in the presence of increasing numbers of MPhi. Extent of neutrophil apoptosis positively correlated with the number of MPhi added. This process was strictly dependent on TNF because MPhi from TNF-deficient mice failed to induce neutrophil apoptosis. Assays using MPhi derived from membrane TNF knock-in mice or cultures in Transwell chambers revealed that contact with MPhi was necessary to induce neutrophil apoptosis, a process requiring expression of membrane TNF. L. major was shown to exacerbate MPhi-induced apoptosis of neutrophils, but BALB/c MPhi were not as potent as C57BL/6 MPhi in this induction. Our results emphasize the importance of MPhi-induced neutrophil apoptosis, and membrane TNF in the early control of inflammation.


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Background Leishmania represent a complex of important human pathogens that belong to the systematic order of the kinetoplastida. They are transmitted between their human and mammalian hosts by different bloodsucking sandfly vectors. In their hosts, the Leishmania undergo several differentiation steps, and their coordination and optimization crucially depend on numerous interactions between the parasites and the physiological environment presented by the fly and human hosts. Little is still known about the signalling networks involved in these functions. In an attempt to better understand the role of cyclic nucleotide signalling in Leishmania differentiation and host-parasite interaction, we here present an initial study on the cyclic nucleotide-specific phosphodiesterases of Leishmania major. Results This paper presents the identification of three class I cyclic-nucleotide-specific phosphodiesterases (PDEs) from L. major, PDEs whose catalytic domains exhibit considerable sequence conservation with, among other, all eleven human PDE families. In contrast to other protozoa such as Dictyostelium, or fungi such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida ssp or Neurospora, no genes for class II PDEs were found in the Leishmania genomes. LmjPDEA contains a class I catalytic domain at the C-terminus of the polypeptide, with no other discernible functional domains elsewhere. LmjPDEB1 and LmjPDEB2 are coded for by closely related, tandemly linked genes on chromosome 15. Both PDEs contain two GAF domains in their N-terminal region, and their almost identical catalytic domains are located at the C-terminus of the polypeptide. LmjPDEA, LmjPDEB1 and LmjPDEB2 were further characterized by functional complementation in a PDE-deficient S. cerevisiae strain. All three enzymes conferred complementation, demonstrating that all three can hydrolyze cAMP. Recombinant LmjPDEB1 and LmjPDEB2 were shown to be cAMP-specific, with Km values in the low micromolar range. Several PDE inhibitors were found to be active against these PDEs in vitro, and to inhibit cell proliferation. Conclusion The genome of L. major contains only PDE genes that are predicted to code for class I PDEs, and none for class II PDEs. This is more similar to what is found in higher eukaryotes than it is to the situation in Dictyostelium or the fungi that concomitantly express class I and class II PDEs. Functional complementation demonstrated that LmjPDEA, LmjPDEB1 and LmjPDEB2 are capable of hydrolyzing cAMP. In vitro studies with recombinant LmjPDEB1 and LmjPDEB2 confirmed this, and they demonstrated that both are completely cAMP-specific. Both enzymes are inhibited by several commercially available PDE inhibitors. The observation that these inhibitors also interfere with cell growth in culture indicates that inhibition of the PDEs is fatal for the cell, suggesting an important role of cAMP signalling for the maintenance of cellular integrity and proliferation.


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Human leishmaniasis is a major public health problem in many countries, but chemotherapy is in an unsatisfactory state. Leishmania major phosphodiesterases (LmjPDEs) have been shown to play important roles in cell proliferation and apoptosis of the parasite. Thus LmjPDE inhibitors may potentially represent a novel class of drugs for the treatment of leishmaniasis. Reported here are the kinetic characterization of the LmjPDEB1 catalytic domain and its crystal structure as a complex with 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) at 1.55 A resolution. The structure of LmjPDEB1 is similar to that of human PDEs. IBMX stacks against the conserved phenylalanine and forms a hydrogen bond with the invariant glutamine, in a pattern common to most inhibitors bound to human PDEs. However, an extensive structural comparison reveals subtle, but significant differences between the active sites of LmjPDEB1 and human PDEs. In addition, a pocket next to the inhibitor binding site is found to be unique to LmjPDEB1. This pocket is isolated by two gating residues in human PDE families, but constitutes a natural expansion of the inhibitor binding pocket in LmjPDEB1. The structure particularity might be useful for the development of parasite-selective inhibitors for the treatment of leishmaniasis.


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TNF is an essential player in infections with Leishmania major, contributing to the control of the inflammatory lesion and, to a lesser degree, to parasite killing. However, the relative contribution of the soluble and transmembrane forms of TNF in these processes is unknown. To investigate the role of transmembrane TNF (mTNF) in the control of L. major infections, mTNF-knock-in (mTNF(Delta/Delta)) mice, which express functional mTNF but do not release soluble TNF, were infected with L. major, and the development of the inflammatory lesion and the immune response was compared to that occurring in L. major-infected TNF(-/-) and wild-type mice. mTNF(Delta/Delta) mice controlled the infection and resolved their inflammatory lesion as well as wild-type mice, a process associated with the early clearance of neutrophils at the site of parasite infection. In contrast, L. major-infected TNF(-/-) mice developed non-healing lesions, characterized by an elevated presence of neutrophils at the site of infection and partial control of parasite number within the lesions. Altogether, the results presented here demonstrate that mTNF, in absence of soluble TNF, is sufficient to control infection due to L. major, enabling the regulation of inflammation, and the optimal killing of Leishmania parasites at the site of infection.


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Serum IgE concentrations and the expression of the low-affinity receptor for IgE (Fc epsilon RII/CD23) are increased in cutaneous leishmaniasis or after immune challenge with Leishmania antigens. In vitro, the ligation of CD23 by IgE-anti-IgE immune complexes (IgE-IC) or by anti-CD23 monoclonal antibody (mAb) induces nitric oxide (NO) synthase and the generation of various cytokines by human monocytes/macrophages. The present study shows that IgE-IC, via CD23 binding, induce intracellular killing of Leishmania major in human monocyte-derived macrophages through the induction of the L-arginine:NO pathway. This was demonstrated by increased generation of nitrite (NO2-), the stable oxidation product of NO, and by the ability of NG-monomethyl-L-arginine to block both NO generation and parasite killing. A similar NO-dependent effect was observed with interferon gamma-treated cells. Tumor necrosis factor alpha is involved in this process, since both the induction of NO synthase and the killing of parasites caused by anti-CD23 mAb were inhibited by an anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha mAb. Treatment of noninfected CD23+ macrophages with IgE-IC provided protection against subsequent in vitro infection of these cells by Leishmania major promastigotes. Thus, IgE-IC promote killing of L. major by inducing NO synthase in human macrophages.


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Successful treatment in allergic, autoimmune, and infectious diseases often requires altering the nature of a detrimental immune response mediated by a particular CD4+ T helper (Th) cell subset. While several factors contribute to the development of CD4+ Th1 and Th2 cells, the requirements for switching an established response are not understood. Here we use infection with Leishmania major as a model to investigate those requirements. We report that treatment with interleukin 12 (IL-12), in combination with the antimony-based leishmanicidal drug Pentostam, induces healing in L. major-infected mice and that healing is associated with a switch from a Th2 to a Th1 response. The data suggest that decreasing antigen levels may be required for IL-12 to inhibit a Th2 response and enhance a Th1 response. These observations are important for treatment of nonhealing forms of human leishmaniasis and also demonstrate that in a chronic infectious disease an inappropriate Th2 response can be switched to an effective Th1 response.


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Leishmania major parasites reside and multiply in late endosomal compartments of host phagocytic cells. Immune control of Leishmania growth absolutely requires expression of inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS/NOS2) and subsequent production of NO. Here, we show that CD11b+ CD11c+ Ly-6C+ MHC-II+ cells are the main iNOS-producing cells in the footpad lesion and in the draining lymph node of Leishmania major-infected C57BL/6 mice. These cells are phenotypically similar to iNOS-producing inflammatory DC (iNOS-DC) observed in the mouse models of Listeria monocytogenes and Brucella melitensis infection. The use of DsRed-expressing parasites demonstrated that these iNOS-producing cells are the major infected population in the lesions and the draining lymph nodes. Analysis of various genetically deficient mouse strains revealed the requirement of CCR2 expression for the recruitment of iNOS-DC in the draining lymph nodes, whereas their activation is strongly dependent on CD40, IL-12, IFN-gamma and MyD88 molecules with a partial contribution of TNF-alpha and TLR9. In contrast, STAT-6 deficiency enhanced iNOS-DC recruitment and activation in susceptible BALB/c mice, demonstrating a key role for IL-4 and IL-13 as negative regulators. Taken together, our results suggest that iNOS-DC represent a major class of Th1-regulated effector cell population and constitute the most frequent infected cell type during chronic Leishmania major infection phase of C57BL/6 resistant mice.


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In several studies reporting cell death (CD) in lower eukaryotes and in the human protozoan parasite Leishmania, proteolytic activity was revealed using pan-caspase substrates or inhibitors such as carbobenzoxy-valyl-alanyl-aspartyl-[O-methyl]-fluoromethylketone (Z-VAD-FMK). However, most of the lower eukaryotes do not encode caspase(s) but MCA, which differs from caspase(s) in its substrate specificity and cannot be accountable for the recognition of Z-VAD-FMK. In the present study, we were interested in identifying which enzyme was capturing the Z-VAD substrate. We show that heat shock (HS) induces Leishmania CD and leads to the intracellular binding of Z-VAD-FMK. We excluded binding and inhibition of Z-VAD-FMK to Leishmania major metacaspase (LmjMCA), and identified cysteine proteinase C (LmjCPC), a cathepsin B-like (CPC) enzyme, as the Z-VAD-FMK binding enzyme. We confirmed the specific interaction of Z-VAD-FMK with CPC by showing that Z-VAD binding is absent in a Leishmania mexicana strain in which the cpc gene was deleted. We also show that parasites exposed to various stress conditions release CPC into a soluble fraction. Finally, we confirmed the role of CPC in Leishmania CD by showing that, when exposed to the oxidizing agent hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)), cpc knockout parasites survived better than wild-type parasites (WT). In conclusion, this study identified CPC as the substrate of Z-VAD-FMK in Leishmania and as a potential additional executioner protease in the CD cascade of Leishmania and possibly in other lower eukaryotes.


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KM+ is a mannose-binding lectin from Artocarpus integrifolia that induces interleukin (IL)-12 production by macrophages and protective T helper I immune response against Leishmania major infection. in this study, we performed experiments to evaluate the therapeutic activity of jackfruit KM+ (jfKM(+)) and its recombinant counterpart (rKM(+)) in experimental paracoccidioidomycosis. To this end, jfKM(+) or rKM(+) was administered to BALB/c mice 10 days after infection with Paracoccidiodes brasiliensis. Thirty days postinfection, lungs from the KM+-treated mice contained significantly fewer colony-forming units and little to no organized granulomas compared to the controls. In addition, lung homogenates from the KM+-treated mice presented higher levels of nitric oxide, IL-12, interferon-gamma, and tumor necrosis factor-a, whereas higher levels of IL-4 and IL-10 were detected in the control group. With mice deficient in IL-12, Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2, TLR4, or TLR adaptor molecule MyD88, we demonstrated that KM+ led to protection against P. brasiliensis infection through IL-12 production, which was dependent on TLR2. These results demonstrated a beneficial effect of KM+ on the severity of P. brasiliensis infection and may expand its potential use as a novel immunotherapeutic molecule.


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Résumé : Dans le modèle murin d'infection avec le parasite protozoaire Leishmania major (L. major), la souche de souris C57BL/6 est résistante a |'infection et développe une réponse protectrice Thelper (Th) 1. Inversement, les souris de la souche BALB/c développent une réponse Th2 et sont sensibles a cette infection. A la suite d'une infection avec ce parasite, les neutrophiles sont les premières cellules présentes au site d'infection et sont recrutées de manière égale dans les souches résistantes et sensibles à L. major, Néanmoins, trois jours après l'infection, la majorité des neutrophiles disparaissent du site d'infection chez les souris C57BL/6, tandis que ils restent jusqu'a dix jours chez les souris BALB/c. Un rôle crucial des neutrophiles a été démontré durant l'infection avec L. major. En effet, la déplétion de ces cellules avant |'infection dans les souris BALB/c, conduit a une réduction du développement des lésions, associée à une baisse de la charge parasitaire et a une modification de la réponse immunitaire vers une réponse Th1 dans des souris normalement sensibles a |'infection, suggérant un rôle immunorégulateur de ces neutrophiles durant les premiers jours de l'infection. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous avons étudié le rôle des neutrophiles suite à l'infection avec L. major. Nous avons démontré que le parasite induisait des phénotypes de neutrophiles distincts chez les souris résistantes ou sensibles à L. major. Suite à l'exposition au parasite, les neutrophiles de souris C57BL/6 ont montré une expression élevée des récepteurs Toll-like 2, 7 et 9 ainsi que la sécrétion d'lL-12p7O et d'lL-10, alors que ceux de souris BALB/c sécrétaient de l'IL-12p40 et du TGFB. Nous avons ensuite démontré qu'en réponse à L. major, au contraire des neutrophiles de BALB/c, les neutrophiles de souris résistantes C57BL/6, libéraient la chimiokine CCL3 attirant les cellules dendritiques. Le rôle crucial de cette chimiokine dans la migration de la première de vague de cellules dendritiques au site d'infection ainsi que son rôle dans le développement de la réponse immunitaire subséquente a été établi. Ces résultats démontrent que les neutrophiles, suite a |'infection avec le parasite L. major, créent un microenvironnement capable de déterminer le développement d'une réponse immunitaire spécifique a un antigène. Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle des neutrophiles suite a l'infection avec d'autres espèces de Leishmania: L, doriovani et L. mexicaria, agents responsables de leishmaniose viscérale et cutanée chronique respectivement. Un rôle crucial des neutrophiles a été démontré dans la réponse protectrice suite a l'infection avec L. donovani, l'absence de ces cellules amenant à une susceptibilité au parasite accrue, associée avec une induction préférentielle d'une réponse Th2. Inversement, la déplétion des neutrophiles lors de l'infection avec L. mexicaria aboutit a une résistance accrue, comme constaté par la baisse dela charge parasitaire, la hausse de la réponse Th1 ainsi la baisse de la réponse Th2 dans les souris déplétées en neutrophiles. Néanmoins, malgré le rôle délétère des neutrophiles sur le développement d'une réponse protectrice suite à |'infection avec L. mexicana, ces cellules sont nécessaires pour une résolution correcte dela réponse inflammatoire. En résumé, cette étude révèle un rôle majeur des neutrophiles lors de |'infection avec plusieurs especes de Leishmania. Résumé pour un large public : Les neutrophiles font partie de la famille des globules blancs. A la suite d'une infection, ces cellules sont les premières a être recrutées au site d'infection et sont impliquées dans |'élimination des pathogènes. Dans cette thèse, nous nous somme donc intéressés au rôle que pouvaient jouer ces neutrophiles durant l'infection avec le parasite protozoaire Leishmania major (L. major). Dans le modèle murin d'infection avec L. major, la majorité des souches de souris utilisées dans la recherche, dont les souris de la souche C57BL/6, développent de petites lésions qui guérissent spontanément après quelques semaines (souris résistantes). ll existe néanmoins, quelques souches de souris, dont la souche de souris BALB/c, qui développent des lésions qui ne guérissent pas (souris sensibles). Il a été observé que lors de l'lnfection avec ce parasites les neutrophiles étaient les premières cellules recrutées au site de l'lnfection dans toutes les souches de souris, toutefois trois jours après le début dela réaction immunitaire, la majorité des neutrophiles disparaissent chez les souris C57BL/6, tandis qu'ils restent jusqu'à dix jours chez les souris BALB/c. De plus, un rôle crucial des neutrophiles a été démontré durant l'infection avec L. major. En effet, l'absence de neutrophiles durant les trois premiers jours de l'infection chez les souris sensibles à |'infection, rend ces souris résistantes. Ces résultats suggèrent donc un rôle régulateur de la réponse immunitaire des neutrophiles durant les premiers jours de l'infection. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous avons étudié le rôle des neutrophiles suite à l'infection avec L. major. Nous avons donc analysé la sécrétion des cytokines, molécules essentielles qui déterminent la réponse immunitaire, par les neutrophiles. Nous avons démontré que le parasite induisait une sécrétion de cytokines différente entre les souris résistantes ou sensibles a L. major. Nous avons ensuite démontré que seule la souche de souris résistante sécrétait la chimiokine CCL3, connue pour être impliquée dans le recrutement de différentes cellules au site d'infecti0n, dont les cellules dendritiques. Les cellules dendritiques sont un élément fondamental pour un bon déroulement d'une réponse immunitaire, de par leur rôle décisif de liaison entre une réponse précoce non-spécifique au pathogène et une réponse plus tardive spécifique au pathogène et nécessaire pour |'élimination de dernier. Nous avons démontré que les neutrophiles de souris résistantes sécrétaient CCL3 et recrutaient les cellules dendritiques au site d'infecti0n, jouant de ce fait un rôle essentiel dans le développement de la réponse immunitaire. Ces résultats démontrent que les neutrophiles, suite à l'infection avec le parasite L. major, créent un microenvironnement capable de déterminer le développement d'une réponse immunitaire. Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle des neutrophiles suite à l'lnfection avec d'autres espèces de Leishmania, L. donovani et L. mexicana. Nous avons pu montrer un rôle crucial de ces cellules dans la réponse à ces deux parasites. En effet, suite à |'infection avec L. donovani, un rôle protecteur des neutrophiles a été observé, leur absence menant à une susceptibilité accrue aux parasites. Dans le cas de l'infection avec L. mexicana, une réduction de |'infection a été observée en absence de neutrophiles, avec néanmoins une augmentation de la lésion, suggérant un rôle important de ces cellules dans le développement de la réponse immunitaire ainsi que dans le contrôle de la réponse inflammatoire. En résumé, cette étude révèle un rôle majeur des neutrophiles lors de l'lnfection avec plusieurs membres de la famille Leishrnania. Summary : Upon infection with the protozoan parasite Leishmania major (L. major), C57BL/6 mice show a resistant phenotype, developing a protective Thelper (Th) 1 response. ln contrast, BALB/c mice develop a Th2 response and are susceptible to infection. Following inoculation with the parasite, neutrophils are the first cells migrating at the site of infection and are equally recruited in both L. major- resistant and susceptible mouse strains. However, after three days of infection, almost all neutrophils disappear from the site of infection in C57BL/6 mice, while they persist until ten days in BALB/c mice. Neutrophils were shown to play a crucial role during infection with L. major. indeed, depletion of these cells in BALB/c mice prior to infection with the parasite led to a lower Iesion development, associated with a lower parasite burden and a modification in the immune response towards a Th1 response in these otherwise susceptible mice, suggesting an immunomodulatory role for neutrophils during the first days of infection. ln the first part of this thesis, we were interested in better understanding the role of neutrophils in infection with L. major. \/\/e found that this parasite was inducing distinct neutrophil phenotypes in L. major-resistant and susceptible mice. Upon exposition with L. major, C57BL/6 neutrophils were reported to express high level of Toll-like receptors 2, 7, 9 mRNA and secrete IL-12p70 and IL-10, while BALB/c neutrophils secreted homodimers of IL-12p40, and TGFB. We then demonstrated that in response to L. major, neutrophils from L. major-resistant C57BL/6 mice release the CCL3 dendritic cell attracting chemokine, which is critical for the first wave of dendritic cell migration to the site of infection and in the development of the subsequent immune response. Altogether, these results demonstrated that upon infection with L. major, neutrophils create a microenvironment that can determine the development of an antigen-specific immune response. ln the second part of the thesis we were interested in understanding the role of neutrophils upon infection with of other species of Leishmania: L. donovani causing visceral leishmaniasis and L. mexicana, agent of chronic cutaneous leishmaniasis. Upon infection with L. donovani, neutrophils were found to play a crucial role in the early protective response, their absence leading to an increased susceptibility to the parasite, associated with the preferential induction of a Th2 response. ln contrast, depletion of these cells early in infection with L. mexicana was leading to an increased resistance, as observed by a decreased parasite burden, increased Th1 and decreased Th2 response in neutrophil-depleted mice. However, despite the deleterious role of neutrophils on the development of a protective immune response upon L. mexicana infection, these cells were required for the proper resolution of the inflammatory response. Altogether, these results highlight a major immunomodulatory role for neutrophils in infection with several species of Leishmania.


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Th2-associated factors such as IL-4 are involved in both the development of Th2 responses (via modulating Th2 cell differentiation) and in the effector phase of Th2 responses (via modulating macrophage activation). The IL-1 receptor-like protein ST2 (T1, Fit-1, or DER4) is expressed as a membrane-bound (ST2L) or secreted form (sST2), and has been clearly implicated as a regulator of both the development and effector phases of Th2-type responses. Here we analyze the mechanisms and therapeutic implications of the unique ability of ST2 to promote development and function of type 2 helper T cells through a positive feedback loop, as well as to act as a negative feedback modulator of macrophage pro-inflammatory function. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study, 222 genome survey sequences were generated for Trypanosoma rangeli strain P07 isolated from an opossum (Didelphis albiventris) in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. T. rangeli sequences were compared by BLASTX (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool X) analysis with the assembled contigs of Leishmania braziliensis, Leishmania infantum, Leishmania major, Trypanosoma brucei, and Trypanosoma cruzi. Results revealed that 82% (182/222) of the sequences were associated with predicted proteins described, whereas 18% (40/222) of the sequences did not show significant identity with sequences deposited in databases, suggesting that they may represent T. rangeli-specific sequences. Among the 182 predicted sequences, 179 (80.6%) had the highest similarity with T. cruzi, 2 (0.9%) with T. brucei, and 1 (0.5%) with L. braziliensis. Computer analysis permitted the identification of members of various gene families described for trypanosomatids in the genome of T. rangeli, such as trans-sialidases, mucin-associated surface proteins, and major surface proteases (MSP or gp63). This is the first report identifying sequences of the MSP family in T. rangeli. Multiple sequence alignments showed that the predicted MSP of T. rangeli presented the typical characteristics of metalloproteases, such as the presence of the HEXXH motif, which corresponds to a region previously associated with the catalytic site of the enzyme, and various cysteine and proline residues, which are conserved among MSPs of different trypanosomatid species. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed the presence of MSP transcripts in epimastigote forms of T. rangeli.


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The miniexon gene has a central role in the processing of polycistronic pre-mRNA of kinetoplastids. It is added to the 5` extremity of each mRNA, supplying the 5`-capped structure to the molecule. Previous studies in Leishmania (Leishmania) major showed that the overexpression of the miniexon array attenuates the Virulence of the parasite in in vivo assays. The results presented here extend those findings to Vionnia subgenus. Leishmania (Vionnia) braziliensis was transfected with a cosmid harboring a tandem array of one hundred miniexon gene copies and then characterized by Northern blot analysis. The overexpression of the exogenous gene was confirmed and its effect on the virulence of L (V.) braziliensis was investigated in hamsters. In BALB/c mice we could not detect parasites during the course of 15 weeks of infection. In addition, hamsters infected with transfectants overexpressing the miniexon gene exhibited only a minor footpad swelling of late onset and failed to develop progressive lesion, these attenuated parasites could be recovered from the inoculation site 1 year after infection. The persistence of parasites in the host indicates that a stable line overexpressing the miniexon may be tested as live vaccine against leishmaniasis. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.