879 resultados para Law and politics


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Recurso diseñado para la obtención del título de General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary (GCE), en los niveles AS y A2 para las especificaciones AQA, Edexcel y OCR, de 2008. Su contenido se divide cinco secciones: introducción a la política; los ciudadanos, la política y la participación en el Reino Unido; el gobierno de UK; los ciudadanos, la política y la participación en USA; el gobierno de Estados Unidos.


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Este libro ofrece los hechos e ideas y focos de discusión más específicos y accesibles que son necesarios para tener éxito en la asignatura denominada Política de AS enseñanza secundaria. La razón para publicar una tercera edición de este libro fue, originalmente, la necesidad de reflejar los recientes cambios que han sido realizados en Edexcel en Gobierno y Política. El libro consta de dos unidades, la primera refleja un cambio de actitud en la naturaleza de la democracia en Gran Bretaña a través de los partidos políticos e ideas, el sistema electoral británico en las elecciones generales, se trata la naturaleza y funciones de los grupos de presión. La segunda unidad explica como es el gobierno del Reino Unido, la constitución, el parlamento, el primer ministro y el gabinete, el poder judicial y las libertades civiles.


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This review considers two books on political philosophy not published in English language, Diogo Pires Aurélio's Imaginação e Poder (Imagination and Power, referred as IP) and Viriato Soromenho Marques' A Revolução Federal (The Federal Revolution, RF). All quotations of the books result from translations of my own initiative.


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While the colonial policies and the missionary activities dented the caste system by playing upon the caste rivalries to divide and rule, the post-independence Indian democracy transformed the traditional castes into valuable vote-banks that have permitted non-brahmin castes to achieve political leadership in several States, particularly following the politics of reservation recommended by the Mandal Commission in 1980s.


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The context of construction management (CM) reveals that this method of procurement is as much a management philosophy as a contract structure. It is important to consider legal and contractual issues in this context. The interplay between management and law is complex and often misunderstood. Before considering specific issues, the use of contractual remedies in business agreements is discussed. In addition, the extent to which standardising a form of contract detracts or contributes to the success of projects is also considered. The dearth of judicial decisions, and the lack of a standard form, render it difficult to be specific about legal issues. Therefore, the main discussion of legal issues is centred around a recently completed research project which involved eliciting the views of a cross-section of experienced construction management clients, consultants and trade contractors. These interviews are used as the basis for highlighting some of the most important legal points to consider when setting up CM projects. The interviews revealed that the advantage of CM is the proximity of the client to the trade contractors and the disadvantage is that it depends on a high degree of professionalism and experience; qualities which are unfortunately difficult to find in the UK construction industry.


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This book is aimed primarily at students for whom the study of building or civil engineering contracts forms part of a construction-based course. We have had in mind the syllabus requirements for first degrees in Building, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Quantity Surveying and Building Surveying, as well as those of postgraduate courses in Construction Management and Project Management. We have also assumed that such students will already have been introduced to the general principles of English law, especially those relating to contract and tort. As a result, while aspects of those subjects that are of particular relevance to construction are dealt with here, the reader must look elsewhere for the general legal background. In producing this third edition, we have again been greatly assisted by the many helpful comments made by reviewers and users of its predecessor. Nonetheless, our basic aim is identical to that which underpinned the first edition: to provide an explanation of the fundamental principles of construction contract law, rather than a clause-by-clause analysis of any particular standard-form contract. As a result, while we draw most frequently upon JCT 98 for our illustrations of particular points, this merely reflects the pre-eminent position occupied by that particular form of contract in the UK construction industry. We conclude by repeating our previous warning as to the dangers inherent in a little learning. Neither this book, nor the courses for which it is intended, seek to produce construction lawyers. The objective is rather to enable those who are not lawyers to resolve simple construction disputes before they become litigious, and to recognize when matters require professional legal advice. It should be the aim of every construction student to understand the legal framework sufficiently that they can instruct and brief specialist lawyers, and this book is designed to help them towards that understanding.