999 resultados para Latent tuberculous infection


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Background. The intrafamilial dynamics of endemic infection with human herpesvirus type 8 (HHV-8) in Amerindian populations is unknown. Methods. Serum samples were obtained from 517 Amerindians and tested for HHV-8 anti-latent nuclear antigen (anti-LANA) and antilytic antibodies by immunofluorescence assays. Logistic regression and mixed logistic models were used to estimate the odds of being HHV-8 seropositive among intrafamilial pairs. Results. HHV-8 seroprevalence by either assay was 75.4% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 71.5%-79.1%), and it was age-dependent (P-trend<.001). Familial dependence in HHV-8 seroprevalence by either assay was found between mother-offspring (odds ratio [OR], 5.44; 95% CI: 1.62-18.28) and siblings aged >= 10 years (OR 4.42, 95% CI: 1.70-11.45) or siblings in close age range (<5 years difference) (OR 3.37, 95% CI: 1.21-9.40), or in families with large (>4) number of siblings (OR, 3.20, 95% CI: 1.33-7.67). In separate analyses by serological assay, there was strong dependence in mother-offspring (OR 8.94, 95% CI: 2.94-27.23) and sibling pairs aged >= 10 years (OR, 11.91, 95% CI: 2.23-63.64) measured by LANA but not lytic antibodies. Conclusions. This pattern of familial dependence suggests that, in this endemic population, HHV-8 transmission mainly occurs from mother to offspring and between close siblings during early childhood, probably via saliva. The mother to offspring dependence was derived chiefly from anti-LANA antibodies.


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OBJECTIVE: The frequent occurrence of inconclusive serology in blood banks and the absence of a gold standard test for Chagas'disease led us to examine the efficacy of the blood culture test and five commercial tests (ELISA, IIF, HAI, c-ELISA, rec-ELISA) used in screening blood donors for Chagas disease, as well as to investigate the prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection among donors with inconclusive serology screening in respect to some epidemiological variables. METHODS: To obtain estimates of interest we considered a Bayesian latent class model with inclusion of covariates from the logit link. RESULTS: A better performance was observed with some categories of epidemiological variables. In addition, all pairs of tests (excluding the blood culture test) presented as good alternatives for both screening (sensitivity > 99.96% in parallel testing) and for confirmation (specificity > 99.93% in serial testing) of Chagas disease. The prevalence of 13.30% observed in the stratum of donors with inconclusive serology, means that probably most of these are non-reactive serology. In addition, depending on the level of specific epidemiological variables, the absence of infection can be predicted with a probability of 100% in this group from the pairs of tests using parallel testing. CONCLUSION: The epidemiological variables can lead to improved test results and thus assist in the clarification of inconclusive serology screening results. Moreover, all combinations of pairs using the five commercial tests are good alternatives to confirm results.


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Die Untersuchungen der murinen Cytomegalovirus (mCMV) Infektion im BALB/c Mausmodell konzentrierten sich bislang auf die Lunge, da diese einen Hauptort der mCMV Latenz darstellt. Da latentes CMV auch häufig durch Lebertransplantationen übertragen wird, wurde in dieser Arbeit die Leber als ein weiteres medizinisch relevantes Organ der CMV Latenz und Reaktivierung untersucht. Um zunächst die zellulären Orte der mCMV Latenz in der Leber zu ermitteln, wurden verschiedengeschlechtliche Knochenmarktransplantationen (KMT) mit männlichen tdy-positiven Spendern und weiblichen, tdy-negativen Empfängern, mit anschließender mCMV Infektion durchgeführt, um latent infizierte Mäuse mit geschlechtschromosomalem Chimärismus zu generieren. Diese Chimären erlaubten eine Unterscheidung zwischen tdy-positiven Zellen hämatopoetischen Ursprungs und tdy-negativen stromalen und parenchymalen Gewebszellen. Die Separation von Leberzellen der Chimären mittels zentrifugaler Elutriation und anschließender DNA Quantifizierung viraler und zellulärer Genome durch eine quantitative real-time PCR ergab einen ersten Hinweis, dass Endothelzellen ein zellulärer Ort der mCMV Latenz sind. Die darauf folgende immunomagnetische Zelltrennung lokalisierte latente virale DNA in der CD31-positiven Zellfraktion. Die Koexpression von CD31 mit dem endothelzellspezifischen Oberflächenmarker ME-9F1 identifizierte die sinusoidalen Endothelzellen der Leber (LSEC) als die Zellen, die latente virale DNA beherbergen. In den zytofluorometrisch aufgereinigten CD31+/ME-9F1+ LSEC waren bei gleichzeitigem Rückgang der männlichen tdy Markergene virale Genome angereichert, was darauf hinwies, dass Zellen, die virale DNA enthalten, vom Knochenmark-Empfänger stammen. Durch zytofluorometrische Analysen isolierter LSEC konnte eine vom Spender abstammende Subpopulation MHCII+/CD11b+ LSEC identifiziert werden. Anschließende Quantifizierungen viraler DNA aus latent infizierten Mäusen detektierten eine Abnahme viraler Genome mit zunehmender Menge an tdy-positiven Zellen, was beweist, dass MHCII+/CD11b+ LSEC keinen Ort der mCMV Latenz darstellen. Die limiting dilution Untersuchungen der isolierten latent infizierten LSEC ergaben eine Frequenz von einer latent infizierten Zelle unter ~1,9x104 LSEC und eine Anzahl von 7 bis 19 viralen Genomen pro latent infizierter Zelle. Nach 24 Stunden Kultivierung der LSEC konnte mittels quantitativer real-time RT-PCR mit Gesamt-RNA aus LSEC ein Anstieg der Genexpression der immediate early Gene ie1 und ie3 sowie eine Induktion des early Gens e1 gezeigt werden. Eine Erhöhung der transkriptionellen Reaktivierung durch die Inkubation der LSEC mit unterschiedlichen HDAC Inhibitoren konnte allerdings nicht erzielt werden, da sowohl die Menge der isolierten RNA aus behandelten Kulturen, als auch die Anzahl viraler Transkripte im Vergleich zu den unbehandelten Kulturen erniedrigt war. Aufgrund der kurzen Lebensdauer isolierter LSEC in vitro konnte durch Kokultivierungen latent infizierter LSEC zusammen mit murinen embryonalen Fibroblasten keine Virusreaktivierung induziert werden. Im Gegensatz dazu wurden durch den Transfer gereinigter ME-9F1+/CD31+ LSEC aus latent infizierten Spendern in immunsupprimierte Empfänger virale Rekurrenzen in Lungenexplantatkulturen des Rezipienten detektiert. Damit konnten LSEC eindeutig als zellulärer Ort von mCMV Latenz und Reaktivierung in der Leber identifiziert werden.


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This thesis focuses on the role of B cells in mCMV and Leishmania major infection. B cells are an essential component of the adaptive immune system and play a key role in the humoral immune response. In mCMV infection we analyzed the influence of B cells on the virus-specific CD8 T cell response, in detail the role of B cells as IL-10 secreting cells, as source of immunoglobulin (Ig) and as antigen presenting cells. In Leishmania major infection we investigated the role of Ig in Th1 and Th2 directed disease.rnWe found in mCMV infection that the B cell secreted IL-10 suppresses effectively the acute virus-specific CD8 T cell response, while the IL-10 secreted by dendritic cell has no obvious effect. Ig has no effect in the acute virus-specific CD8 T cell response, but in memory response Ig is essential. If Ig is missing the CD8 T cell population remains high in memory response 135 days post infection. The complete absence of B cells dramatically reduces the acute virus-specific CD8 T cell response, while B cell reconstitution just partially rescues this dramatic reduction. A comparison of this reduction in a B cell free organism to an organism with depleted dendritic cells gave a similar result. To exclude a malfunction of the CD8 T cells in the B cell deficient mice, the decreased virus-specific CD8 T cell population was confirmed in a B cell depletion model. Further, bone marrow chimeras with a B cell compartment deficient for CD40-/- showed a decrease of the virus-specific response and an involvement of CD40 on B cells. Taken together these results suggest a role for B cells in antigen presentation during mCMV infection.rnFurther we took advantage of the altered mCMV specific CD8 T cell memory response in mice without Ig to investigate the memory inflation of CD8 T cells specific for distinct mCMV specifc peptides. Using a SIINFEKL-presenting virus system, we were able to shorten the time until the memory inflation occurs and show that direct presentation stimulates the memory inflation. rnIn Leishmania major infection, Ig of Th2 balanced BALB/c mice has a central role in preventing a systemic infection, although the ear lesions are smaller in IgMi mice without specific Ig. Here the parasite loads of ears and spleen are elevated, and an IMS-reconstitution does not affect the parasite load. In contrast in Th1 balanced C57BL/6 mice, reconstitution of IgMi mice with serum of either untreated or immunized mice decreased the parasite load of spleen and ear, further IMS treatment reduces the size of the spleen and the cytokine-levels of IL-10, IL-4, IL-2 and IFN-γ to a level comparable to wt mice. rn


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OBJECTIVE: To analyse the performance of a new M. tuberculosis-specific interferon gamma (IFNgamma) assay in patients with chronic inflammatory diseases who receive immunosuppressive drugs, including tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) inhibitors. METHODS: Cellular immune responses to the M. tuberculosis-specific antigens ESAT-6, CFP-10, TB7.7 were prospectively studied in 142 consecutive patients treated for inflammatory rheumatic conditions. Results were compared with tuberculin skin tests (TSTs). Association of both tests with risk factors for latent M. tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and BCG vaccination were determined and the influence of TNFalpha inhibitors, corticosteroids, and disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) on antigen-specific and mitogen-induced IFNgamma secretion was analysed. RESULTS: 126/142 (89%) patients received immunosuppressive therapy. The IFNgamma assay was more closely associated with the presence of risk factors (odds ratio (OR) = 23.8 (95% CI 5.14 to 110) vs OR = 2.77 (1.22 to 6.27), respectively; p = 0.009), but less associated with BCG vaccination than the TST (OR = 0.47 (95% CI 0.15 to 1.47) vs OR = 2.44 (0.74 to (8.01), respectively; p = 0.025). Agreement between the IFNgamma assay and TST results was low (kappa = 0.17; 95% CI 0.02 to 0.32). The odds for a positive IFNgamma assay strongly increased with increasing prognostic relevance of LTBI risk factors. Neither corticosteroids nor conventional DMARDs significantly affected IFNgamma responses, but the odds for a positive IFNgamma assay were decreased in patients treated with TNFalpha inhibitors (OR = 0.21 (95% CI 0.07 to 0.63), respectively; p = 0.006). CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that the performance of the M. tuberculosis antigen-specific IFNgamma ELISA is better than the classic TST for detection of LTBI in patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy for treatment of systemic autoimmune disorders.


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Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous human herpesvirus associated with many malignant and nonmalignant human diseases. Life-long latent EBV persistence occurs in blood-borne B lymphocytes, while EBV intermittently productively replicates in mucosal epithelia. Although several models have previously been proposed, the mechanism of EBV transition between these two reservoirs of infection has not been determined. In this study, we present the first evidence demonstrating that EBV latently infects a unique subset of blood-borne mononuclear cells that are direct precursors to Langerhans cells and that EBV both latently and productively infects oral epithelium-resident cells that are likely Langerhans cells. These data form the basis of a proposed new model of EBV transition from blood to oral epithelium in which EBV-infected Langerhans cell precursors serve to transport EBV to the oral epithelium as they migrate and differentiate into oral Langerhans cells. This new model contributes fresh insight into the natural history of EBV infection and the pathogenesis of EBV-associated epithelial disease.


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Viral infection is known to play a role in type I diabetes, but there is a paucity of information on the role of viruses in type 2 diabetes. This research examined the seroprevalence of selected viruses in a group of predominantly Mexican-American patients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). Using a case control design, patients with type 2 diabetes were compared with a group of non-diabetic controls. ^ One hundred and thirteen patients, 83 with type 2 diabetes and 30 controls without diabetes, underwent hemodialysis at the same chronic dialysis facility in San Antonio, Texas. AD subjects were tested for IgG, IgM, and neutralizing antibodies against Coxsackie B viruses (CBV), and IgG and IgM antibodies against cytomegalovirus (CMV) and parvovirus B19 (PVB19). Hepatitis B virus antigen (HBVAg), Hepatitis B virus antibody (HBVAb), Hepatitis C virus antibody (HCVAb), and Rubella (IgG) were also measured. A subset of 91 patients, 66 with diabetes and 25 controls, were tested bimonthly for six months. There was a significant difference (P = 0.04) in the seroprevalence of IgG antibodies to CMV between patients with type 2 diabetes (98%) and non-diabetic controls (87%) in the initial sample (OR = 6.2, 95% CI:1.1–36.0). A greater seroprevalence of CMV IgG antibodies was observed over the six month period among patients with type 2 diabetes (M) compared to controls (84%). This difference was also statistically (P < 0.03), with a greater odds ratio (OR = 12.4, 95% CI: 1.3–116.9), but with larger confidence interval related to the small number of subjects. However, when adjusted for age by logistic regression analysis there was no difference between the groups (OR = 1). ^ After one sample, there was a greater seroprevalence of HCVAb in the group without diabetes (28%), compared to those with type 2 diabetes (10%) (P = 0.04). This difference was no longer significant when adjusted for patient age. The prevalence of antibodies to PVB19, HBSAg, HBV, and Rubella was not significantly different in patients with type 2 diabetes and controls. There were significantly more vascular complications (P < 0.02) among patients with diabetes. ^ These results indicate that the significant associations observed in this population between viral infection with CMV, HCV, and type 2 diabetes are confounded by age. Accelerated atherosclerosis has been associated with age, diabetes, as well as CMV. Latent infection may be a factor that links these processes. ^


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Although porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2)-associated diseases have been evaluated for known immune evasion strategies, the pathogenicity of these viruses remained concealed for decades. Surprisingly, the same viruses that cause panzootics in livestock are widespread in young, unaffected animals. Recently, evidence has emerged that circovirus-like viruses are also linked to complex diseases in humans, including children. We detected PCV2 genome-carrying cells in fetal pig thymi. To elucidate virus pathogenicity, we developed a new pig infection model by in vivo transfection of recombinant PCV2 and the immunosuppressant cofactor cyclosporine A. Using flow cytometry, immunofluorescence and fluorescence in situ hybridization, we found evidence that PCV2 dictates positive and negative selection of maturing T cells in the thymus. We show for the first time that PCV2-infected cells reside at the corticomedullary junction of the thymus. In diseased animals, we found polyclonal deletion of single positive cells (SPs) that may result from a loss of major histocompatibility complex class-II expression at the corticomedullary junction. The percentage of PCV2 antigen-presenting cells correlated with the degree of viremia and, in turn, the severity of the defect in thymocyte maturation. Moreover, the reversed T-cell receptor/CD4-coreceptor expression dichotomy on thymocytes at the CD4(+)CD8(interm) and CD4SP cell stage is viremia-dependent, resulting in a specific hypo-responsiveness of T-helper cells. We compare our results with the only other better-studied member of Circoviridae, chicken anemia virus. Our data show that PCV2 infection leads to thymocyte selection dysregulation, adding a valuable dimension to our understanding of virus pathogenicity.


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Varicella–zoster virus (VZV) is a human herpesvirus that causes varicella (chicken pox) as a primary infection and, after a variable period of latency in trigeminal and dorsal root ganglia, reactivates to cause herpes zoster (shingles). Both of these conditions may be followed by a variety of neurological complications, especially in immunocompromised individuals such as those with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. There have been a number of conflicting reports regarding the cellular location of latent VZV within human ganglia. To address this controversy we examined fixed wax-embedded trigeminal ganglia from 30 individuals obtained at autopsy, including 11 with HIV infection, 2 neonates, and 17 immunocompetent individuals, for the presence of latent VZV. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), in situ hybridization, and PCR in situ amplification techniques with oligonucleotide probes and primer sequences to VZV genes 18, 21, 29, and 63 were used. VZV DNA in ganglia was detected in 15 individuals by using PCR alone, and in 12 individuals (6 normal non-HIV and 6 positive HIV individuals, but not neonatal ganglia) by using PCR in situ amplification. When in situ hybridization alone was used, 5 HIV-positive individuals and only 1 non-HIV individual showed VZV nucleic acid signals in ganglia. In all of the VZV-positive ganglia examined, VZV nucleic acid was detected in neuronal nuclei. Only occasional nonneuronal cells contained VZV DNA. We conclude from these studies that the neuron is the predominant site of latent VZV in human trigeminal ganglia.


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Although highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in the form of triple combinations of drugs including protease inhibitors can reduce the plasma viral load of some HIV-1-infected individuals to undetectable levels, it is unclear what the effects of these regimens are on latently infected CD4+ T cells and what role these cells play in the persistence of HIV-1 infection in individuals receiving such treatment. The present study demonstrates that highly purified CD4+ T cells from 13 of 13 patients receiving HAART with an average treatment time of 10 months and with undetectable (<500 copies HIV RNA/ml) plasma viremia by a commonly used bDNA assay carried integrated proviral DNA and were capable of producing infectious virus upon cellular activation in vitro. Phenotypic analysis of HIV-1 produced by activation of latently infected CD4+ T cells revealed the presence in some patients of syncytium-inducing virus. In addition, the presence of unintegrated HIV-1 DNA in infected resting CD4+ T cells from patients receiving HAART, even those with undetectable plasma viremia, suggests persistent active virus replication in vivo.


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Reactivation of latent herpesviruses is a particular problem in immunocompromised individuals, such as AIDS patients, who lack effective CD4 T helper cell function. An important question is whether residual immune defenses can be mobilized to combat such opportunistic infections, in the absence of CD4 T cells. In the present study, we used a mouse model of opportunistic infection to determine whether stimulation via CD40 could substitute for CD4 T cell function in preventing reactivation of a latent herpesvirus. Treatment with an agonistic antibody to CD40 was highly effective in preventing reactivation of latent murine gammaherpesvirus (MHV-68) in the lungs of CD4 T cell-deficient mice. CD8+ T cells were essential for this effect, whereas virus-specific serum antibody was undetectable and IFN-γ production was unchanged. This demonstration that immunostimulation via CD40 can replace CD4 T cell help in controlling latent virus in vivo has potential implications for the development of novel therapeutic agents to prevent viral reactivation in immunocompromised patients.


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Following infection with cytomegalovirus, human granulocyte-macrophage progenitors carry the viral genome but fail to support productive replication. Viral transcripts arise from a region encompassing the major regulatory gene locus; however, their structure differs significantly from productive phase transcripts. One class, sense transcripts, is encoded in the same direction as productive phase transcripts but uses two novel start sites in the ie1/ie2 promoter/enhancer region. These transcripts have the potential to encode a novel 94 aa protein. The other class, antisense transcript, is unspliced and complimentary to ie1 exons 2-4, and has the potential to encode novel 154 and 152 aa proteins. Consistent with a role in latency, these transcripts are present in bone marrow aspirates from naturally infected, healthy seropositive donors but are not present in seronegative controls. Sense latent transcripts are present in a majority of seropositive individuals. Consistent with the expression of latent transcripts, antibody to the 94 aa and 152 aa proteins is detectable in the serum of seropositive individuals. Thus, latent infection by cytomegalovirus is accompanied by the presence of latency-associated transcripts and expression of immunogenic proteins. Overall, these results suggest that bone marrow-derived myeloid progenitors are an important natural site of viral latency.


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Two genetic events contribute to the development of endemic Burkitt lymphoma (BL) infection of B lymphocytes with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and the activation of the protooncogene c-myc through chromosomal translocation. The viral genes EBV nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA2) and latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) are essential for transformation of primary human B cells by EBV in vitro; however, these genes are not expressed in BL cells in vivo. To address the question whether c-myc activation might abrogate the requirement of the EBNA2 and LMP1 function, we have introduced an activated c-myc gene into an EBV-transformed cell line in which EBNA2 was rendered estrogen-dependent through fusion with the hormone binding domain of the estrogen receptor. The c-myc gene was placed under the control of regulatory elements of the immunoglobulin kappa locus composed a matrix attachment region, the intron enhancer, and the 3' enhancer. We show here that transfection of a c-myc expression plasmid followed by selection for high MYC expression is capable of inducing continuous proliferation of these cells in the absence of functional EBNA2 and LMP1. c-myc-induced hormone-independent proliferation was associated with a dramatic change in the growth behavior as well as cell surface marker expression of these cells. The typical lymphoblastoid morphology and phenotype of EBV-transformed cells completely changed into that of BL cells in vivo. We conclude that the phenotype of BL cells reflects the expression pattern of viral and cellular genes rather than its germinal center origin.


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The open reading frame P (ORF P) is located in the domain and on the DNA strand of the herpes simplex virus 1 transcribed during latent infection. ORF P is not expressed in productively infected cells as a consequence of repression by the binding of the major viral regulatory protein to its high-affinity binding site. In cells infected with a mutant virus carrying a derepressed gene, ORF P protein is extensively posttranslationally processed. We report that ORF P interacts with a component of the splicing factor SF2/ASF, pulls down a component of the SM antigens, and colocalizes with splicing factors in nuclei of infected cells. The hypothesis that ORF P protein may act to regulate viral gene expression, particularly in situations such as latently infected sensory neurons in which the major regulatory protein is not expressed, is supported by the evidence that in cells infected with a mutant in which the ORF P gene was derepressed, the products of the regulatory genes alpha 0 and alpha 22 are reduced in amounts early in infection but recover late in infection. The proteins encoded by these genes are made from spliced mRNAs, and the extent of recovery of these proteins late in infection correlates with the extent of accumulation of post-translationally processed forms of ORF P protein.


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Ganglia obtained at autopsy were examined by in situ hybridization from one patient with zoster (also called herpes zoster or shingles), two varicella-zoster virus (VZV)-seropositive patients with clinical evidence of zoster, one VZV-seronegative child, and one fetus. Ganglia positive for VZV had a hybridization signal in both neuronal and nonneuronal satellite cells. Ganglia obtained from the fetus and from the seronegative infant were consistently negative for VZV. Two striking observations were evident regarding the presence of VZV DNA in ganglia obtained from the individual with zoster at the time of death. First, ganglia innervating the sites of reactivation and ganglia innervating adjacent sites yielded strongly positive signals in neurons and satellite cells, whereas ganglia from distant sites were rarely positive. Second, VZV DNA was found in both the nuclei and the cytoplasm of neurons innervating areas of zoster. However, in neurons innervating zoster-free areas, VZV DNA was found only in the nucleus of neurons and their supporting satellite cells. Immunohistochemistry with a fluorescent monoclonal antibody to the VZV glycoprotein gpI, a late virus protein, revealed a positive signal in the cytoplasm of ganglia with clinical evidence of reactivation. These results illustrate that both neuronal and satellite cells become latently infected following primary VZV infection. The presence of VZV DNA and gpI in the cytoplasm of neurons demonstrates productive infection following reactivation at the site of latency.