941 resultados para Large space structures (Astronautics)


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Particular features of tectonic structure and anomalous distribution of geothermal, geomagnetic, and gravity fields in the region of the Sea of Okhotsk are considered. On the basis of heat flow data, ages of large-scale structures in the Sea of Okhotsk are estimated at 65 Ma for the Central Okhotsk Rise and 36 Ma for the South Okhotsk Basin. Age of the South Okhotsk Basin is confirmed by data on kinematics and corresponds to 50 km thickness of the lithosphere. This is in accordance with thickness value obtained by magnetotelluric soundings. Comparative analysis of model geothermal background and measured heat flow values on the Akademii Nauk Rise is performed. Analysis points to abnormally high (~20%) measured heat flow agrees with high negative gradient of gravity anomalies. Estimates of deep heat flow and basement age of riftogenic basins in the Sea of Okhotsk were carried out in the following areas: Deryugin Basin (18 Ma, Early Miocene), TINRO Basin (12 Ma, Middle Miocene), and West Kamchatka Basin (23 Ma, Late Oligocene). Temperatures at boundaries of the main lithological complexes of the sedimentary cover are calculated and zones of oil and gas generation are defined. On the basis of geothermal, magnetic, structural, and other geological-geophysical data a kinematic model of the region of the Sea of Okhotsk for period of 36 Ma was calculated and constructed.


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One of the most used methods in rapidprototyping is Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), which provides components with a reasonable strength in plastic materials such as ABS and has a low environmental impact. However, the FDM process exhibits low levels of surface finishing, difficulty in getting complex and/or small geometries and low consistency in “slim” elements of the parts. Furthermore, “cantilever” elements need large material structures to be supported. The solution of these deficiencies requires a comprehensive review of the three-dimensional part design to enhance advantages and performances of FDM and reduce their constraints. As a key feature of this redesign a novel method of construction by assembling parts with structuraladhesive joints is proposed. These adhesive joints should be designed specifically to fit the plastic substrate and the FDM manufacturing technology. To achieve this, the most suitable structuraladhesiveselection is firstly required. Therefore, the present work analyzes five different families of adhesives (cyanoacrylate, polyurethane, epoxy, acrylic and silicone), and, by means of the application of technical multi-criteria decision analysis based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), to select the structuraladhesive that better conjugates mechanical benefits and adaptation to the FDM manufacturing process


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Separated transitional boundary layers appear on key aeronautical processes such as the flow around wings or turbomachinery blades. The aim of this thesis is the study of these flows in representative scenarios of technological applications, gaining knowledge about phenomenology and physical processes that occur there and, developing a simple model for scaling them. To achieve this goal, experimental measurements have been carried out in a low speed facility, ensuring the flow homogeneity and a low disturbances level such that unwanted transitional mechanisms are avoided. The studied boundary layers have been developed on a flat plate, by imposing a pressure gradient by means of contoured walls. They generate an initial acceleration region followed by a deceleration zone. The initial region is designed to obtain at the beginning of the deceleration the Blasius profile, characterized by its momentum thickness, and an edge boundary layer velocity, defining the problem characteristic velocity. The deceleration region is designed to obtain a linear evolution of the edge velocity, thereby defining the characteristic length of the problem. Several experimental techniques, both intrusive (hot wire anemometry, total pressure probes) as nonintrusive (PIV and LDV anemometry, high-speed filming), have been used in order to take advantage of each of them and allow cross-validation of the results. Once the boundary layer at the deceleration beginning has been characterized, ensuring the desired integral parameters and level of disturbance, the evolution of the laminar boundary layer up to the point of separation is studied. It has been compared with integral methods, and numerical simulations. In view of the results a new model for this evolution is proposed. Downstream from the separation, the flow near to the wall is configured as a shear layer that encloses low momentum recirculating fluid. The region where the shear layer remains laminar tends to be positioned to compensate the adverse pressure gradient associated with the imposed deceleration. Under these conditions, the momentum thickness remains almost constant. This laminar shear layer region extends up to where transitional phenomena appear, extension that scales with the momentum thickness at separation. These transitional phenomena are of inviscid type, similar to those found in free shear layers. The transitional region analysis begins with a study of the disturbances evolution in the linear growth region and the comparison of experimental results with a numerical model based on Linear Stability Theory for parallel flows and with data from other authors. The results’ coalescence for both the disturbances growth and the excited frequencies is stated. For the transition final stages the vorticity concentration into vortex blobs is found, analogously to what happens in free shear layers. Unlike these, the presence of the wall and the pressure gradient make the large scale structures to move towards the wall and quickly disappear under certain circumstances. In these cases, the recirculating flow is confined into a closed region saying the bubble is closed or the boundary layer reattaches. From the reattachment point, the fluid shows a configuration in the vicinity of the wall traditionally considered as turbulent. It has been observed that existing integral methods for turbulent boundary layers do not fit well to the experimental results, due to these methods being valid only for fully developed turbulent flow. Nevertheless, it has been found that downstream from the reattachment point the velocity profiles are self-similar, and a model has been proposed for the evolution of the integral parameters of the boundary layer in this region. Finally, the phenomenon known as bubble burst is analyzed. It has been checked the validity of existing models in literature and a new one is proposed. This phenomenon is blamed to the inability of the large scale structures formed after the transition to overcome with the adverse pressure gradient, move towards the wall and close the bubble. El estudio de capas límites transicionales con separación es de gran relevancia en distintas aplicaciones tecnológicas. Particularmente, en tecnología aeronáutica, aparecen en procesos claves, tales como el flujo alrededor de alas o álabes de turbomaquinaria. El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio de estos flujos en situaciones representativas de las aplicaciones tecnológicas, ganando por un lado conocimiento sobre la fenomenología y los procesos físicos que aparecen y, por otra parte, desarrollando un modelo sencillo para el escalado de los mismos. Para conseguir este objetivo se han realizado ensayos en una instalación experimental de baja velocidad específicamente diseñada para asegurar un flujo homogéneo y con bajo nivel de perturbaciones, de modo que se evita el disparo de mecanismos transicionales no deseados. La capa límite bajo estudio se ha desarrollado sobre una placa plana, imponiendo un gradiente de presión a la misma por medio de paredes de geometría especificada. éstas generan una región inicial de aceleración seguida de una zona de deceleración. La región inicial se diseña para tener en al inicio de la deceleración un perfil de capa límite de Blasius, caracterizado por su espesor de cantidad de movimiento, y una cierta velocidad externa a la capa límite que se considera la velocidad característica del problema. La región de deceleración está concebida para que la variación de la velocidad externa a la capa límite sea lineal, definiendo de esta forma una longitud característica del problema. Los ensayos se han realizado explotando varias técnicas experimentales, tanto intrusivas (anemometría de hilo caliente, sondas de presión total) como no intrusivas (anemometrías láser y PIV, filmación de alta velocidad), de cara a aprovechar las ventajas de cada una de ellas y permitir validación cruzada de resultados entre las mismas. Caracterizada la capa límite al comienzo de la deceleración, y garantizados los parámetros integrales y niveles de perturbación deseados se procede al estudio de la zona de deceleración. Se presenta en la tesis un análisis de la evolución de la capa límite laminar desde el inicio de la misma hasta el punto de separación, comparando con métodos integrales, simulaciones numéricas, y proponiendo un nuevo modelo para esta evolución. Aguas abajo de la separación, el flujo en las proximidades de la pared se configura como una capa de cortadura que encierra una región de fluido recirculatorio de baja cantidad de movimiento. Se ha caracterizado la región en que dicha capa de cortadura permanece laminar, encontrando que se posiciona de modo que compensa el gradiente adverso de presión asociado a la deceleración de la corriente. En estas condiciones, el espesor de cantidad de movimiento permanece prácticamente constante y esta capa de cortadura laminar se extiende hasta que los fenómenos transicionales aparecen. Estos fenómenos son de tipo no viscoso, similares a los que aparecen en una capa de cortadura libre. El análisis de la región transicional comienza con un estudio de la evolución de las vii viii RESUMEN perturbaciones en la zona de crecimiento lineal de las mismas y la comparación de los resultados experimentales con un modelo numérico y con datos de otros autores. La coalescencia de los resultados tanto para el crecimiento de las perturbaciones como para las frecuencias excitadas queda demostrada. Para los estadios finales de la transición se observa la concentración de la vorticidad en torbellinos, de modo análogo a lo que ocurre en capas de cortadura libres. A diferencia de estas, la presencia de la pared y del gradiente de presión hace que, bajo ciertas condiciones, la gran escala se desplace hacia la pared y desaparezca rápidamente. En este caso el flujo recirculatorio queda confinado en una región cerrada y se habla de cierre de la burbuja o readherencia de la capa límite. A partir del punto de readherencia se tiene una configuración fluida en las proximidades de la pared que tradicionalmente se ha considerado turbulenta. Se ha observado que los métodos integrales existentes para capas límites turbulentas no ajustan bien a las medidas experimentales realizadas, hecho imputable a que no se obtiene en dicha región un flujo turbulento plenamente desarrollado. Se ha encontrado, sin embargo, que pasado el punto de readherencia los perfiles de velocidad próximos a la pared son autosemejantes entre sí y se ha propuesto un modelo para la evolución de los parámetros integrales de la capa límite en esta región. Finalmente, el fenómeno conocido como “estallido” de la burbuja se ha analizado. Se ha comprobado la validez de los modelos existentes en la literatura y se propone uno nuevo. Este fenómeno se achaca a la incapacidad de la gran estructura formada tras la transición para vencer el gradiente adverso de presión, desplazarse hacia la pared y cerrar la burbuja.


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This paper deals with the development and achievements of structures conformed by concrete folded plates. It explores the origins of its analysis and calculation and shows an overview of the main folded plate structures between 1950 and 1970. Great number of technical articles and publications on folded structures appeared in these two decades, to quickly decline shortly after. At least in a symbolic sense, their end can be certified by a memorable and monographic IASS symposium held in 1970 on such structures. More than four decades after the last of the large-scale structures of this type was erected, a review of achievements and possible causes of decadence seems to be pertinent, furthermore considering the growing and renewed interest in the geometry of folds and facets of the last years.


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Numerical explorations show how the known periodic solutions of the Hill problem are modified in the case of the attitude-orbit coupling that may occur for large satellite structures. We focus on the case in which the elongation is the dominant satellite?s characteristic and find that a rotating structure may remain with its largest dimension in a plane parallel to the plane of the primaries. In this case, the effect produced by the non-negligible physical dimension is dynamically equivalent to the perturbation produced by an oblate central body on a masspoint satellite. Based on this, it is demonstrated that the attitude-orbital coupling of a long enough body may change the dynamical characteristics of a periodic orbit about the collinear Lagrangian points.


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During launch, satellite and their equipment are subjected to loads of random nature and with a wide frequency range. Their vibro-acoustic response is an important issue to be analysed, for example for folded solar arrays and antennas. The main issue at low modal density is the modelling combinations engaging air layers, structures and external fluid. Depending on the modal density different methodologies, as FEM, BEM and SEA should be considered. This work focuses on the analysis of different combinations of the methodologies previously stated used in order to characterise the vibro-acoustic response of two rectangular sandwich structure panels isolated and engaging an air layer between them under a diffuse acoustic field. Focusing on the modelling of air layers, different models are proposed. To illustrate the phenomenology described and studied, experimental results from an acoustic test on an ARA-MKIII solar array in folded configuration are presented along with numerical results.


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Satellites and space equipment are exposed to diffuse acoustic fields during the launch process. The use of adequate techniques to model the response to the acoustic loads is a fundamental task during the design and verification phases. Considering the modal density of each element is necessary to identify the correct methodology. In this report selection criteria are presented in order to choose the correct modelling technique depending on the frequency ranges. A model satellite’s response to acoustic loads is presented, determining the modal densities of each component in different frequency ranges. The paper proposes to select the mathematical method in each modal density range and the differences in the response estimation due to the different used techniques. In addition, the methodologies to analyse the intermediate range of the system are discussed. The results are compared with experimental testing data obtained in an experimental modal test.


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A sounding rocket experiment is proposed to carry out two experiments by the conductive bare-tether; 1) the test of the OML (Orbital-Motion-Limited) theory to collect electron, and II) the test of techniques to determine (neutral) density profile in critical E-layer. The main driver of the mission is provide a space tether technology experiment in low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) deploying a long tape tether in space and verify the performance of the bare electrodynamic tape tether. The sounding rocket experiment will show no danger to other satellites as the tether missions YES1, SEDSAT, and ProCEDS, which is cancelled just for afraid of collision with the ISS orbit. Also, the sounding rocket mission is possible to demonstrate the bare tether technology in low cost, simple mission concept, fast realization for space structures. The present sounding rocket experiment is expected to be the first conductive bare tether experiment.


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El análisis de estructuras mediante modelos de elementos finitos representa una de las metodologías más utilizadas y aceptadas en la industria moderna. Para el análisis de estructuras tubulares de grandes dimensiones similares a las sobrestructuras de autobuses y autocares, los elementos de tipo viga son comúnmente utilizados y recomendados debido a que permiten obtener resultados satisfactorios con recursos computacionales reducidos. No obstante, los elementos de tipo viga presentan importante desventaja ya que las uniones modeladas presentan un comportamiento infinitamente rígido, esto determina un comportamiento mas rígido en las estructuras modeladas lo que se traduce en fuentes de error para las simulaciones estructurales (hasta un 60%). Mediante el modelado de uniones tubulares utilizando elementos de tipo área o volumen, se pueden obtener modelos más realistas, ya que las características topológicas de la unión propiamente dicha pueden ser reproducidas con un mayor nivel de detalle. Evitándose de esta manera los inconvenientes de los elementos de tipo viga. A pesar de esto, la modelización de estructuras tubulares de grandes dimensiones con elementos de tipo área o volumen representa una alternativa poco atractiva debido a la complejidad del proceso de modelados y al gran número de elementos resultantes lo que implica la necesidad de grandes recursos computacionales. El principal objetivo del trabajo de investigación presentado, fue el de obtener un nuevo tipo de elemento capaz de proporcionar estimaciones más exactas en el comportamiento de las uniones modeladas, al mismo tiempo manteniendo la simplicidad del procesos de modelado propio de los elementos de tipo viga regular. Con el fin de alcanzar los objetivos planteados, fueron realizadas diferentes metodologías e investigaciones. En base a las investigaciones realizadas, se obtuvo un modelo de unión viga alternativa en el cual se introdujeron un total seis elementos elásticos al nivel de la unión mediante los cuales es posible adaptar el comportamiento local de la misma. Adicionalmente, para la estimación de las rigideces correspondientes a los elementos elásticos se desarrollaron dos metodologías, una primera basada en la caracterización del comportamiento estático de uniones simples y una segunda basada en la caracterización del comportamiento dinámico a través de análisis modales. Las mejoras obtenidas mediante la implementación del modelo de unión alternativa fueron analizadas mediante simulaciones y validación experimental en una estructura tubular compleja representativa de sobrestructuras de autobuses y autocares. En base a los análisis comparativos realizados con la uniones simples modeladas y los experimentos de validación, se determinó que las uniones modeladas con elementos de tipo viga son entre un 5-60% más rígidas que uniones equivalentes modeladas con elementos área o volumen. También se determinó que las uniones área y volumen modeladas son entre un 5 a un 10% mas rígidas en comparación a uniones reales fabricadas. En los análisis realizados en la estructura tubular compleja, se obtuvieron mejoras importantes mediante la implementación del modelo de unión alternativa, las estimaciones del modelo viga se mejoraron desde un 49% hasta aproximadamente un 14%. ABSTRACT The analysis of structures with finite elements models represents one of the most utilized an accepted technique in the modern industry. For the analysis of large tubular structures similar to buses and coaches upper structures, beam type elements are utilized and recommended due to the fact that these elements provide satisfactory results at relatively reduced computational performances. However, the beam type elements have a main disadvantage determined by the fact that the modeled joints have an infinite rigid behavior, this shortcoming determines a stiffer behavior of the modeled structures which translates into error sources for the structural simulations (up to 60%). By modeling tubular junctions with shell and volume elements, more realistic models can be obtained, because the topological characteristics of the junction at the joint level can be reproduced more accurately. This way, the shortcoming that the beam type elements present can be solved. Despite this fact, modeling large tubular structures with shell or volume type elements represents an unattractive alternative due to the complexity of the modeling process and the large number of elements that result which imply the necessity of vast computational performances. The main objective of the research presented in this thesis was to develop a new beam type element that would be able to provide more accurate estimations for the local behavior of the modeled junctions at the same time maintaining the simplicity of the modeling process the regular beam type elements have. In order to reach the established objectives of the research activities, a series of different methodologies and investigations have been necessary. From these investigations an alternative beam T-junction model was obtained, in which a total of six elastic elements at the joint level were introduced, the elastic elements allowed us to adapt the local behavior of the modeled junctions. Additionally, for the estimation of the stiffness values corresponding to the elastic elements two methodologies were developed, one based on the T-junction’s static behavior and a second one based on the T-junction’s dynamic behavior by means of modal analysis. The improvements achieved throughout the implementation of this alternative T-junction model were analyzed though mechanical validation in a complex tubular structures that had a representative configuration for buses and coaches upper structures. From the comparative analyses of the finite element modeled T-junctions and mechanical experimental analysis, was determined that the beam type modeled T-junctions have a stiffer behavior compared to equivalent shell and volume modeled T-junctions with average differences ranging from 5-60% based on the profile configurations. It was also determined that the shell and volume models have a stiffer behavior compared to real T-junctions varying from 5 to 10% depending on the profile configurations. Based on the analysis of the complex tubular structure, significant improvements were obtained by the implementation of the alternative beam T-junction model, the model estimations were improved from a 49% to approximately 14%.


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In this paper a dynamic analysis of transnational shells is presented. The general linear shell theory is used in conjunction with additional shallow and curved plate approximations. In order to apply some type of extended Levy solution, the shell is assumed to be limited by a rectangular plan form, with two opposite edges simply supported (gable boundary conditions). First, the shells free vibrations are studied in the usual way, obtaining for each Fourier term the natural frequencies as solutions of a transcendental equation. However, solving these equations arises enormous computational difficulties. This paper deals specifically with this problem, trying to reduce its dimension by a discretization procedure. In the shell dynamic characteristics, namely the mass. The shell mass is lumped along a family of coordinate lines. Therefore, the natural frequencies for each harmonic term can be found from the solution of a typical matrix eigenvalues problem and standard numerical techniques can be applied. The shell response to forced vibrations, particularly to earthquake excitation, can be determined by using conventional procedure either in the time or in the frequency domain. Finally, extending the above procedure, any system of translational shells under dynamic loading can be studied. Then, by using matrix methods, a general computer program is written and applied to some illustrative examples. Numerical results has been obtained in two cases: circular cylindrical shell and box girder bridge.


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The accelerometers used for the measurement of microvibrations or microgravity applications, such as active control of space structures, attitude control, scientific payloads, or even on-Earth testing of structures at very low-excitation levels, require a dedicated calibration procedure that includes the gravitational effects. Otherwise, on-Earth calibrations can be inaccurate due to the collateral projection of the local gravity onto the sensitive axis. An on-Earth calibration technique for the 107102s amplitude range and 0-100-Hz frequency range is described. Special attention has been given to the modeling of gravitational effects on the response of the calibration device and the accelerometer itself. The sensitivity and resolution tests performed on piezoelectric accelerometers showthe accuracy andthe potential of thistechnique. Typical scale factorun certainty, which hasbeen carefully analyzed, is of the order of 2% at acceleration levels of 10sg.


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Phospholipase D (PLD) hydrolyzes phosphatidylcholine to generate phosphatidic acid. In mammalian cells this reaction has been implicated in the recruitment of coatomer to Golgi membranes and release of nascent secretory vesicles from the trans-Golgi network. These observations suggest that PLD is associated with the Golgi complex; however, to date, because of its low abundance, the intracellular localization of PLD has been characterized only indirectly through overexpression of chimeric proteins. We have used highly sensitive antibodies to PLD1 together with immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy as well as cell fractionation to identify the intracellular localization of endogenous PLD1 in several cell types. Although PLD1 had a diffuse staining pattern, it was enriched significantly in the Golgi apparatus and was also present in cell nuclei. On fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus by treatment with nocodazole, PLD1 closely associated with membrane fragments, whereas after inhibition of PA synthesis, PLD1 dissociated from the membranes. Overexpression of an hemagglutinin-tagged form of PLD1 resulted in displacement of the endogenous enzyme from its perinuclear localization to large vesicular structures. Surprisingly, when the Golgi apparatus collapsed in response to brefeldin A, the nuclear localization of PLD1 was enhanced significantly. Our data show that the intracellular localization of PLD1 is consistent with a role in vesicle trafficking from the Golgi apparatus and suggest that it also functions in the cell nucleus.


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In this thesis, the origin of large-scale structures in hot star winds, believed to be responsible for the presence of discrete absorption components (DACs) in the absorption troughs of ultraviolet resonance lines, is constrained using both observations and numerical simulations. These structures are understood as arising from bright regions on the stellar surface, although their physical cause remains unknown. First, we use high quality circular spectropolarimetric observations of 13 well-studied OB stars to evaluate the potential role of dipolar magnetic fields in producing DACs. We perform longitudinal field measurements and place limits on the field strength using Bayesian inference, assuming that it is dipolar. No magnetic field was detected within this sample. The derived constraints statistically refute any significant dynamical influence from a magnetic dipole on the wind for all of these stars, ruling out such fields as a cause for DACs. Second, we perform numerical simulations using bright spots constrained by broadband optical photometric observations. We calculate hydrodynamical wind models using three sets of spot sizes and strengths. Co-rotating interaction regions are yielded in each model, and radiative transfer shows that the properties of the variations in the UV resonance lines synthesized from these models are consistent with those found in observed UV spectra, establishing the first consistent link between UV spectroscopic line profile variability and photometric variations and thus supporting the bright spot paradigm (BSP). Finally, we develop and apply a phenomenological model to quantify the measurable effects co-rotating bright spots would have on broadband optical photometry and on the profiles of photopheric lines in optical spectra. This model can be used to evaluate the existence of these spots, and, in the event of their detection, characterize them. Furthermore, a tentative spot evolution model is presented. A preliminary analysis of its output, compared to the observed photometric variations of xi Persei, suggests the possible existence of “active longitudes” on the surface of this star. Future work will expand the range of observational diagnostics that can be interpreted within the BSP, and link phenomenology (bright spots) to physical processes (magnetic spots or non-radial pulsations).


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Sponsored by National Aeronautics and Space Administration.


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Cover title.