929 resultados para Large Marine Ecosystems


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Ocean acidification, recognized as a major threat to marine ecosystems, has developed into one of the fastest growing fields of research in marine sciences. Several studies on fish larval stages point to abnormal behaviours, malformations and increased mortality rates as a result of exposure to increased levels of CO2. However, other studies fail to recognize any consequence, suggesting species-specific sensitivity to increased levels of CO2, highlighting the need of further research. In this study we investigated the effects of exposure to elevated pCO2 on behaviour, development, oxidative stress and energy metabolism of sand smelt larvae, Atherina presbyter. Larvae were caught at Arrábida Marine Park (Portugal) and exposed to different pCO2 levels (control: ~600μatm, pH=8.03; medium: ~1000μatm, pH=7.85; high: ~1800μatm, pH=7.64) up to 15days, after which critical swimming speed (Ucrit), morphometric traits and biochemical biomarkers were determined. Measured biomarkers were related with: 1) oxidative stress - superoxide dismutase and catalase enzyme activities, levels of lipid peroxidation and DNA damage, and levels of superoxide anion production; 2) energy metabolism - total carbohydrate levels, electron transport system activity, lactate dehydrogenase and isocitrate dehydrogenase enzyme activities. Swimming speed was not affected by treatment, but exposure to increasing levels of pCO2 leads to higher energetic costs and morphometric changes, with larger larvae in high pCO2 treatment and smaller larvae in medium pCO2 treatment. The efficient antioxidant response capacity and increase in energetic metabolism only registered at the medium pCO2 treatment may indicate that at higher pCO2 levels the capacity of larvae to restore their internal balance can be impaired. Our findings illustrate the need of using multiple approaches to explore the consequences of future pCO2 levels on organisms.


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Napier University, Gran Bretanya, des d’octubre del 2006 a febrer del 2007. Els ecosistemes marins costaners són sistemes complexos, tant pel que fa a l’estructura de les comunitats que hi viuen com per la seva dinàmica, amb processos que impliquen múltiples escales d’espai i de temps. Aquesta complexitat natural s’ha incrementat al llarg de les darreres dècades com a conseqüència directa del creixement urbà al litoral. L’augment de població a les zones costaneres ha comportat no només un augment generalitzat en l’aport de nutrients inorgànics al mar, sinó també una forta intervenció sobre la línia de costa –construcció de ports, dics- i canvis en el moviment de les masses d’aigua. En aquest context, la interacció entre els factors turbulència-nutrients a la zona costanera pot ser clau per a millorar la nostra comprensió sobre el funcionament dels sistemes planctònics i, en darrer terme, per a derivar-ne mesures de gestió. A diferència de treballs experimentals previs, que adrecen els efectes de la turbulència i/o els nutrients sobre grups específics de plàncton, per avaluar la resposta conjunta de la comunitat necessitem paràmetres integradors, que relacionin diversos processos i donin una idea general de l’estat i funcionament de l’ecosistema. Durant l’estada de recerca alguns dels algoritmes que es fan servir per la costa escocesa van reformular-se i recalcular-se amb dades de la Mediterrània (dades procedents de la badia de Blanes i de la costa de Barcelona). Els resultats mostren una capacitat de resposta molt ràpida del plàncton als increments de nutrients, una variabilitat anual marcada (quant a diversitat d’organismes planctònics) i apunten el fòsfor com a principal limitant del creixement dels organismes en aquesta zona de la Mediterrània.


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As áreas marinhas protegidas (AMPs), enquanto instrumentos de conservação da natureza, contribuem para a conservação, preservação e gestão dos ecossistemas costeiros e marinhos a nível mundial. Na Província Biogeográfica da Macaronésia, as AMPs existentes desempenham este papel de forma preponderante, principalmente no que diz respeito às espécies com impacte económico local. A governança consiste nas interacções entre estruturas, processos e tradições, as quais determinam como são exercidas as responsabilidades, como as decisões são tomadas e como é que a opinião dos cidadãos e grupos de interesse (stakeholders) é integrada no processo de decisão. Assim, a governança das AMPs é um factor determinante para o seu sucesso. Foi estudada a governança das AMPs na Província Biogeográfica da Macaronésia (arquipélagos dos Açores, Madeira, Canárias e Cabo Verde), com a finalidade de verificar se o actual estado de estabelecimento e gestão de AMPs nos quatro arquipélagos é ou não favorável a uma governança conjunta do meio marinho nesta província biogeográfica, tendo em vista os objectivos de conservação da natureza à escala global. Foi desenvolvida uma metodologia própria baseada na análise do quadro legal nacional e internacional e das estruturas governativas das AMPs, e ainda em entrevistas no arquipélago com menor disponibilidade de informação (Cabo Verde). Conclui-se que os três países que fazem parte da área de estudo detêm os quadros legais (internacional, regional e nacional) e institucional considerados suficientes para a conservação dos ecossistemas costeiros e marinhos. Esta análise permitiu a definição de acções que poderão ser desenvolvidas pelos quatro arquipélagos, visando uma gestão conjunta integrada das AMPs na área de estudo. Apesar de existirem vários diplomas e regulamentos jurídicos a nível nacional/regional sobre a conservação marinha, há ainda um longo caminho a percorrer no que diz respeito aos planos de gestão destinados a promover uma abordagem integrada da conservação à escala biogeográfica


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Increasing anthropogenic pressures urge enhanced knowledge and understanding of the current state of marine biodiversity. This baseline information is pivotal to explore present trends, detect future modifications and propose adequate management actions for marine ecosystems. Coralligenous outcrops are a highly diverse and structurally complex deep-water habitat faced with major threats in the Mediterranean Sea. Despite its ecological, aesthetic and economic value, coralligenous biodiversity patterns are still poorly understood. There is currently no single sampling method that has been demonstrated to be sufficiently representative to ensure adequate community assessment and monitoring in this habitat. Therefore, we propose a rapid non-destructive protocol for biodiversity assessment and monitoring of coralligenous outcrops providing good estimates of its structure and species composition, based on photographic sampling and the determination of presence/absence of macrobenthic species. We used an extensive photographic survey, covering several spatial scales (100s of m to 100s of km) within the NW Mediterranean and including 2 different coralligenous assemblages: Paramuricea clavata (PCA) and Corallium rubrum assemblage (CRA). This approach allowed us to determine the minimal sampling area for each assemblage (5000 cm² for PCA and 2500 cm²for CRA). In addition, we conclude that 3 replicates provide an optimal sampling effort in order to maximize the species number and to assess the main biodiversity patterns of studied assemblages in variability studies requiring replicates. We contend that the proposed sampling approach provides a valuable tool for management and conservation planning, monitoring and research programs focused on coralligenous outcrops, potentially also applicable in other benthic ecosystems


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The low 137Cs activity observed in marine sediments of tropical regions often precludes its use as chronostratigraphic marker. Here we present a study on the use of Pu and Am radioisotopes as alternative markers to constrain the 210Pb ages in a sediment core of the Havana Bay (Cuba). Mean activity ratios of 238Pu/239,240Pu, 241Am/239,240Pu and 241Pu/239,240Pu indicated that the nuclear weapon tests fallout is the main source of the anthropogenic radionuclides. While the inventory of 137Cs in the sediments is lower than the expected fallout inventory, 239,240Pu accumulates in the sediments with inventories higher than the expected fallout inventory. The high fluxes of 239,240Pu are nevertheless corroborated here through use of 210Pb, and confirm that focusing of solid particles is of great importance in the investigated site. 239,240Pu showed to be a useful time tracer in marine sites where the 137Cs signal is very low.


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Feeding ecology and geographic location are 2 major factors influencing animal stable isotope signatures, but their relative contributions are poorly understood, which limits the usefulness of stable isotope analysis in the study of animal ecology. To improve our knowledge of the main sources of isotopic variability at sea, we determined δ15N and δ13C signatures in the first primary feather of adult birds from 11 Procellariiform species (n = 609) across 16 northeast Atlantic localities, from Cape Verde (20°N) to Iceland (60°N). Post-breeding areas (where the studied feather is thought to be grown) were determined using light-level geolocation for 6 of the 11 species. Isotopic variability was geographically unstructured within the mid-northeast Atlantic (Macaronesian archipelagos), but trophically structured according to species and regardless of the breeding location, presumably as a result of trophic segregation among species. Indeed, the interspecific isotopic overlap resulting from combining δ15N and δ13C signatures of seabirds was low, which suggests that most species exploited exclusive trophic resources consistently across their geographic range. Species breeding in north temperate regions (Iceland, Scotland and Northern Ireland) showed enriched δ15N compared to the same or similar species breeding in tropical and subtropical regions, suggesting some differences in baseline levels between these regions. The present study illustrates a noticeable trophic segregation of northeast Atlantic Procellariiformes. Our results show that the isotopic approach has limited applicability for the study of animal movements in the northeast Atlantic at a regional scale, but is potentially useful for the study of long-distance migrations between large marine systems


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Understanding how marine predators interact is a scientific challenge. In marine ecosystems, segregation in feeding habits has been largely described as a common mechanism to allow the coexistence of several competing marine predators. However, little is known about the feeding ecology of most species of chondrichthyans, which play a pivotal role in the structure of marine food webs worldwide. In this study, we examined the trophic ecology of 3 relatively abundant chondrichthyans coexisting in the Mediterranean Sea: the blackmouth catshark Galeus melastomus , the velvet belly lanternshark Etmopterus spinax and the rabbit fish Chimaera monstrosa. To examine their trophic ecology and interspecific differences in food habits, we combined the analysis of stomach content and stable isotopes. Our results highlighted a trophic segregation between C. monstrosa and the other 2 species. G. melastomus showed a diet composed mainly of cephalopods, while E. spinax preyed mainly on shrimps and C. monstrosa on crabs. Interspecific differences in the trophic niche were likely due to different feeding capabilities and body size. Each species showed different isotopic niche space and trophic level. Specifically, C. monstrosa showed a higher trophic level than E. spinax and G. melastomus. The high trophic levels of the 3 species highlighted their important role as predators in the marine food web. Our results illustrate the utility of using complementary approaches that provide information about the feeding behaviour at short (stomach content) and long-term scales (stable isotopes), which could allow more efficient monitoring of marine food-web changes in the study area.


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While the seriousness of the problem of antibiotic resistance is now recognized, the complex web of resistance linking humans, animals, and the environment is getting realized. More often, antibiotics are used as a preventive measure against diseases. Antibiotic use for agriculture leads to the increased resistance in the environment since antibiotics are inevitable element during agriculture/aquaculture and antibiotic residues are excreted as waste that is frequently spread onto farmland as organic fertilizer. Fecal bacteria survive long periods in the environment and spread through runoff into groundwater, rivers, and marine ecosystems.However, horizontal gene transfer occurs in the animals and guts of humans and in a variety of ecosystems, creating a pool of resistance in the rice fields and open waters. Even if people are not in direct contact with resistant disease through food animals, there are chances of contact with resistant fecal pathogens from the environment. Additionally, pathogens that are autochthonous to the environment can acquire resistance genes from the environment. Our study revealed that autochthonous , bacteria Vibrio spp gained antibiotic resistance in the environment. Further, it was evident that horizontal gene transfer occurs in Vibrio by means of plasmids, which further augments the gravity of the problem. Non-pathogenic bacteria may also acquire resistance genes and serve as a continuing source of resistance for other bacteria, both in the environment, and in the human gut. As the effectiveness of antibiotics for medical applications decline, the indiscriminate use of in aquaculture and in humans can have disastrous conditions in future due to horizontal gene transfer and the spread of resistant organisms: We must recognize and deal with the threat posed by overuse of antibiotics.


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This thesis entitled “Contribution of size fractions of planktonic algae to primary organic productivity in the coastal waters of cochin,south west coast of india”. Marine ecosystems planktonic algae are the most important primary producers on wliich considerable attention is being given on account of their supreme status in the marine food chain.The study of primary production in the Indian Ocean started With DANA (I928-30),, John Murray t I933-34). Discovery ( I934) and Albatross (I947-48) expeditions which tried to evaluate productivity from nutrients and standing crop of phytoplankton .The bioproductivity of the marine environment is dependent on various primary producers. ranging in size from picoplankton to larger macro phytoplankton. The quantity and quality of various size fractions of planktonic algae at any locality depend mainly on the hydrographic conditions of the area .In the coastal waters of Cochin- south west coast of lndia. Planktonic algal community is composed mainly of the diatoms, the dinoflagellates, the blue-green algae and the silicoflagellates, the former two contributing the major flora and found distributed in the all size fractions. The maximum number of species of diatoms at station 1 and station 2 was found in the pre-monsoon season.. The size groups of planktonic algae greater than 53 um are dominated by filamentous- chain forming and colonial diatoms. The coastal waters of Cochin. planktonic algae less than 53 um in size contribute significantly to primary productivity and the biodiversity of the microflora, indicating the presence of rich fishery resources in the south west coast of india.The study of different size fractions of planktonic algae and their relative contribution to the primary organic production is a useful tool for the estimation of the quantity and quality of fisheries.A deeper investigation on the occurrence of these microalgae and proper identification of their species would be of immense help for the assessment of the specificity and magnitude of fishery resources.


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In the present study, the main emphasis was to find out it seasonal and ecosystem specific variations of calcium magnesium, phosphorus, copper and zinc in the water and the sediment has any role to play in altering the concentration of these elements in different tissues of intermoult p.indicus as evidenced by the seasonal studies in the grow out and the marine ecosystems


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The Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal are both highly dynamic ecosystems, due to the seasonally reversing monsoon winds, but the processes affecting the mesozooplankton community remain poorly understood. These are important basins exhibiting enhanced biological production as a result of upwelling, winter cooling and other episodic events such as eddies and gyres. Zooplankters are primarily the prey for almost all fish larvae. Seasonal changes in the biogeochemical processes can strongly affect zooplankton density and distribution, which in turn, strongly affect the larval growth, and consequently, the pelagic fish recruitment. It is clear that plankton biomass and biogeochemical fluxes are not in steady state. Acoustic data on mesozooplankton abundance suggests that they also exist in the mesopelagic zone. Earlier studies were confined only to the upper 200 m and hence the structure of mesozooplankton community in the deeper layers was not well known. Copepods are the dominant mesoplankton group, and therefore the majority of the studies were focused on them. The planktonic ostracods are the second major crustacean group and at times, their swarms can outnumber all other planktonic groups. The understanding of the community structure of the ostracods is essential to establish their role in the marine food web. Mesozooplankton is responsible for the vertical flux of organic matter produced by phytoplankton and is assumed to be equivalent to new production (Eppley & Peterson, 1979). Since the fate of newly produced organic matter depends upon their consumers, the zooplankton biomass must be estimated in size fractions or taxonomic components to understand the vertical flux of organic carbon. It is thus important to update our knowledge on different groups of zooplankton on the basis of seasonal and temporal distribution. The distribution in space and time is essential for modeling the carbon cycling that structure the marine ecosystems


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The exploitation of microhabitats is widely considered to increase biodiversity in marine ecosystems. Although intertidal hermit crabs and gastropods may inhabit the same shell type and shore level, their microhabitat may differ depending on the state of the tide. On the south coast of Wales the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus mainly inhabits the shells of Nucella lapillus (84%). Hermit crab shells had a significantly different encrusting community compared with live N. lapillus shells. At low tide the live gastropods were found on exposed rock surfaces whereas hermit crabs were restricted to tidal pools. Communities encrusting live gastropod shells were characterised by lower species richness and abundance compared with shells inhabited by hermit crabs (12 species found in total). A greater abundance and richness of epibionts was recorded from both shell types during the summer compared with winter. Differences in community composition between shell occupant types were attributed to microhabitats used by gastropods and hermit crabs and the associated desiccation pressures, rather than competitive interactions or shell characteristics. This contradicts earlier studies of subtidal shells where biological processes were considered more important than physical factors in controlling species abundance and richness patterns. The use of rockpool microhabitats by hermit crabs increases the biodiversity of rocky shores, as some species commonly found on hermit-crab-inhabited shells were rare in other local habitats.