922 resultados para Language, Linguistics|Sociology, General|Sociology, Ethnic and Racial Studies|Sociology, Demography


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La plupart des personnes qui émigrent au Québec le font à travers un processus administratif qui sélectionne celles qui sont estimées le plus capables de s’intégrer à la société québécoise et dont les compétences professionnelles sont le plus susceptibles d’être économiquement rentabilisées par le pays. Au terme de ce processus, ces personnes sélectionnées obtiennent la résidence permanente. Avant même leur entrée sur le territoire québécois, elles échangent des documents avec les ministères canadien et québécois de l’immigration et passent une entrevue de sélection avec un fonctionnaire, entre autres démarches. Une fois au Québec, elles poursuivent ce processus en suivant des cours de formation sur la culture et les valeurs québécoises. À l’appui d’une approche ethnographique, ce mémoire plonge dans l’expérience de quelques-uns de ces immigrants, pour comprendre la façon dont l’État s’actualise au cours de ses relations avec les individus. Ce travail rend compte de la manière dont, dans le cadre de procédures qui se développent sous une matrice d’hospitalité, l’attribution de la catégorie de « résident permanent » ainsi que les interactions face-à-face configurent un espace bureaucratique structuré par des références à la culture. À travers le processus de sélection, les individus deviennent ainsi les « eux » d’un « nous » Québécois ou Canadiens. Le désir d’intégrer ces immigrants devient réalité au prix de leur construction comme Autres.


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Fondée sur une étude ethnographique de la pratique du soccer amateur au sein d’une population immigrante associée politiquement à des minorités visibles, discernables par rapport au groupe majoritaire que forment les Québécois francophones, cette thèse cherche à élucider le rapport pratique et fonctionnel entre corps, connaissance et société à la lumière de la théorie de la pratique élaborée par Bourdieu. Dans cette voie, elle cherche à concevoir la pratique sportive comme vecteur d’intégration sociale susceptible de former l’habitus propice à l’intégration, à la sociabilité et à la participation sociale requises pour développer le sentiment d’appartenance à la société d’accueil dans les rangs de ces sportifs. Dans la veine de la théorisation enracinée, et en s’appuyant sur l’observation systématique du style de jeu et des représentations sociales autour de l’intégration élaborés par un groupe d’adeptes du soccer dans une étude combinant observation, vidéo, notes de terrain et interviews, recueillies dans une ligue amateur de Montréal, la thèse a pour objectif de débusquer la logique sociale que sous-tend la pratique sportive en décelant le sens pratique à l’œuvre dans cette dimension de l’espace social. Sur la lancée, l’étude de la pratique du soccer et de la matérialité du corps de l’immigrant en tant que « fait social total » nous amène à concevoir l’intégration du nouveau venu à la société d’accueil comme la combinaison de l’« extériorité » et de l’« intériorité » responsable des dispositions propres à donner corps à l’intégration. On est fondé à penser que la pratique du sport permet à ses adeptes de nouer avec leurs vis-à-vis des relations sociales qui, leur conférant des positions distinctes et distinctives, permettent de comprendre et d’expliquer l’intégration par les enjeux que cela soulève. Sous ce chef, l’ethnicisation en acte dans ce contexte s’opère sous la médiation du corps conçu comme « vecteur de connaissances », « forme de présentation de soi » (Sayad, 1999, p. 301), et « emblème de l’ethnicité » (Defrance, 2009, p. 26). Le corps, aux yeux des joueurs et des supporteurs, devient objet de représentations fondées sur la performance sportive, le jugement de l’habileté physique et l’attitude personnelle comme indicateurs de la compétence du joueur et, plus généralement, les éléments symboliques nés de l’interaction sociale sur le terrain de jeu comme à l’extérieur. En dernière analyse, le soccer, par sa pratique, fait office de médiation, voire de levier, susceptible d’aplanir les entraves à l’intégration à la société d’accueil sous les traits de l’acculturation. La thèse au programme vient donc enrichir l’explication sociologique du processus d’intégration en contexte multiethnique à la lumière du concept d’habitus afin de concevoir théoriquement la dialectique entre acculturation et incorporation sous les traits d’un jeu de relations objectives en vertu duquel le participant s’y engage de son propre chef, sans être tout à fait conscient que par la pratique il est soumis au jugement social, à l’inculcation de dispositions culturellement légitimes, etc. Il s’en dégage l’hypothèse que le joueur de soccer manifeste la « connaissance par corps » que requiert son intégration à la société dans laquelle il a décidé d’évoluer de son plein gré (Bourdieu, 2003). La pratique sportive se révèle donc une « stratégie identitaire synthétique » susceptible de mettre au diapason son identité et les « conditions objectives d’existence » du milieu auquel il est en passe de s’intégrer (Manço, 1999).


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Ce mémoire vise à comprendre l’expérience de vie des jeunes Québécoises de 2e génération portant le voile islamique, qui ont vécu le débat sur la charte de la laïcité au Québec en 2012. Un des articles de ce projet de loi visait à interdire le port des signes religieux «ostentatoires» par les employés de la fonction publique. Une vague de protestation a animé les membres des minorités religieuses visées et une apparition, quoique marginale, des Québécois de 2e génération a commencé à émerger. À travers le concept de lutte pour la reconnaissance tel que théorisé par Honneth et celui de stigmate amené par Goffman et élaboré par Göle, j’ai tenté de comprendre l’expérience de lutte pour la reconnaissance entamée par des Québécoises porteuses d’un signe religieux stigmatisé. Le concept d’hybridité m’a permis également de comprendre la richesse identitaire de ces jeunes qui se manifeste notamment dans l’articulation de leurs revendications. J’ai ainsi mené 13 entrevues semi dirigées sur le mode du récit de vie avec des jeunes femmes âgées entre 19 et 27 ans, nées au Québec et portant le voile islamique.


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Ce mémoire porte sur la question de l’insertion sur le marché du travail, des Haïtiens arrivés au Québec après le tremblement de terre désastreux qui frappa Haïti le 12 janvier 2010. Notre objectif est d'analyser la trajectoire professionnelle de ce groupe et de déterminer les difficultés rencontrées au cours de leur projet d'insertion en emploi. Notre projet s’inscrit dans le cadre de l'approche plurielle développée par Victor Piché qui propose de porter attention à la fois aux facteurs macro-structurels, micro-individuels et à la force du réseau, dans l'étude du phénomène migratoire et du processus d'intégration de la personne immigrante au sein du pays d'accueil. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, nous avons choisi de réaliser des entretiens avec douze immigrants haïtiens. Cela nous a permis de recueillir des informations de première main sur les différents éléments qui les ont amenés à la décision d'immigrer au Québec et sur leurs parcours sur le marché du travail dans le pays d’accueil. Il ressort des entretiens que l'évaluation que font les répondants du bon déroulement de leur intégration socio-professionnelle dépend particulièrement de facteurs micro-individuels tels que : la maitrise des langues officielles, la connaissance des stratégies favorisant l'insertion en emploi, la connaissance des pratiques locales et du fonctionnement du marché du travail et le statut d'immigration. Très peu des immigrants haïtiens que nous avons rencontrés ont abordé la question de la discrimination, notamment parce qu’ils semblent avoir intégré le discours sur la compétition et l'individualisation et ramènent à des facteurs individuels les succès et les échecs qu'ils ont connus lors de la recherche d'emploi. En d’autres mots, les personnes interrogées semblent avoir intériorisé le discours sur « la lutte des places » les enjoignant à ne pas se contenter « d'être bon », mais d’être « le/la meilleur(e) » pour pouvoir concurrencer les "Québécois de souche" sur le marché de l'emploi.


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Background and significance. The use of herbs and other remedies by adult and elderly African-Americans has been documented. However, little is understood regarding the use of herbs for African-American children. The purpose of this study was to document and describe the historical and present day uses of herbal and other remedies, specifically for the health and illness of African-American children. This information will provide health care providers with a better understanding of their African-American patients. This information may also contribute to the emerging appreciation of indigenous uses of phytotherapeutics. ^ Methods. A focused ethnographic approach was used to describe the cultural context, including the beliefs, values, customs, and behaviors of a particular culture. The use of intensive fieldwork, including participant observation, audiotaped formal interviews, photographs, and specimen collection of plants helped to describe herb use in this population. Information on the growing, harvesting, preparation, and storage of these plant remedies, as well as the amount and dosage of these compounds was collected in a typology. Detailed information was gathered to discern how, when, and under what conditions these remedies were used and their expected results. Further data collection focused on the history of herbal use, and explanations for how and why informants thought the herbs work. ^ Setting and participants. The setting for this study was in East Texas and field work extended over the period of one year. Thirty African-Americans, age 38 to 98, were interviewed for the study. The African-American population in this area has been relatively stable, with roots dating back prior to the reconstruction period, which allowed excellent historical information. Informants were chosen by a nominated sampling technique starting with two key informants knowledgeable about the use of home remedies for children. ^ Findings. The findings of this study suggest that African-American children in East Texas have a long history of receiving herbs and home remedies for health promotion and illness. Data further suggests that there is a strong connection between spirituality and the health beliefs and practices of this community. This spiritual component underlies the accuracy of oral recall for remedies that have been used over many generations and the use of natural folk remedies. A typology of the herbal remedies was developed with folk and Latin name, herb place of origin, known scientific properties, and informant folk usage and dosage information. ^


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Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine if there are associations between low parental education and congenital heart defects. ^ Methods. This was a cross-sectional study of 281,262 live born singletons, 1765 of whom were identified by the Texas Birth Defects Monitoring Division (TBDMD) as having heart defects without known chromosomal anomalies. Data on the specific diagnoses of these infants were linked to their corresponding birth certificates. Only infants born between January 1, 1995 and December 31, 1997, whose mothers resided in the Texas public health regions under surveillance by the TBDMD were included in the study. The number of years of schooling of the most educated parent was used to calculate crude, stratified and adjusted odds ratios. ^ Results. An increase in the likelihood of having an infant with any type of congenital heart defect was found among parents with less than 16 years of education, compared to those with 16 or more years of schooling. The association became more marked with increasing paternal age, and was found among whites and Hispanics but not among blacks. Statistically significant associations with low parental education were found for ventricular septal defects, transposition of the great vessels and miscellaneous heart and vessel defects. Among whites, there was an inverse association between parental education and likelihood of having an infant with a severe ASD. This association was not found among non-whites. The suggestion of an association between low parental education and tetralogy of Fallot, was also found, but was not statistically significant. Parents with ≥16 years of education had a greater likelihood of having an infant with severe endocardial cushion lesions or total anomalous pulmonary return than less well educated parents. ^ Conclusion. This study suggests that parental education is associated with certain types of heart defects, especially among whites and Hispanics. ^


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Few studies have examined predictors of smoking abstinence among Hispanic groups. The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the relations of sociodemographic characteristics and smoking related factors with smoking abstinence among a group of Hispanic Spanish speaking smokers. This study utilized previously collected data from Hispanic Spanish-speaking smokers (N = 246) who participated in a study entitled Smoking Cessation Services for Hispanic Smokers in Texas. ^ The first study examined sociodemographic characteristics and smoking related mechanisms that predicted smoking abstinence among this group. Two of the characteristics were related to smoking abstinence, marital status and acculturation level. Being unmarried increased the likelihood of being abstinent at the 12 week assessment (OR = 1.80). Those in the high acculturation group were twice as likely to be abstinent (OR = 2.24). Of the smoking related mechanisms, those with higher positive reinforcement expectancies were less likely to be abstinent (OR = .86), as were those with a higher level of affiliative attachment (OR = .86), a higher level of craving (OR = .78) and a higher tolerance to the effect of smoking (OR = .74). The second study was to examine the relationship of objective measures of socioeconomic status (SES) (income, education, or employment) with smoking abstinence among this group. This study also compared the relationship of a subjective measure of SES (Social Status Ladder) to smoking abstinence. None of the objective measures of SES were related to smoking abstinence at the 12 week assessment. The subjective measure of SES did predict smoking abstinence (OR = 1.9) indicting that those that rated themselves ≤4 on the SES scale were more likely to be abstinent. ^ Although this group was recruited using various methods across the state of Texas, the fact that they preferred to interact with the counselor in Spanish may limit the study findings. The results of this study highlight the need for research to examine specific subgroups of people and understand the special circumstances that influence their health behaviors. Furthering our knowledge of the relations between sociodemographic characteristics and smoking cessation could lead to interventions that reduce disparities in smoking cessation. ^


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The purpose of this research was two-fold; to investigate the effect of institutionalization on death and CD4 decline in a cohort of 325 HIV-infected Romanian children, and to investigate the effect of disclosure of the child's own HIV status in this cohort. All children were treated with Kaletra-based highly active antiretroviral therapy, and were followed from November, 2001 through October, 2004. The mean age of the children included in the cohort is 13. The study found that children in biological families were more likely to experience disease progression through either death or CD4 decline than children in institutions (p=0.04). The family home-style institution may prove to be a replicable model for the safe and appropriate care of HIV-infected orphaned and abandoned children and teens. The study also found that children who do not know their own HIV infection status were more likely to experience disease progression through either death or CD4 decline than children who know their HIV diagnosis (p=0.03). This evidence suggests that, in the context of highly active anti retroviral therapy, knowledge of one's own HIV infection status is associated with delayed HIV disease progression. ^


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Objectives. To determine demographic correlates of having one or more guns in the household of women primary care patients in the southern USA. ^ Methods. All participants in this cross-sectional study were women aged 18-65 who were insured by either Medicaid or a managed care provider and had ever had an intimate sexual relationship with a male partner that lasted at least three months. Prevalence rate ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated using stratified analyses for having a gun in the home and the following demographic factors: age, race, educational attainment, marital status, employment status, and alcohol/drug use. ^ Results. Twenty six percent of households had at least one gun and 6.5% had 3 or more guns. The following demographic characteristics of women were associated with having a gun in the household: age (>40) (prevalence rate ratio [PRR] = 1.4; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.1–1.8); White race (PRR = 1.89; 95% CI = 1.61–2.27); currently being employed (PRR = 1.72; 95% CI = 1.22–2.44); higher education; and being insured by an HMO (PRR = 1.92; 95% CI = 1.47–2.50). Neither the partner's unemployment nor his substance use was associated with having a gun. While White households were more likely to have a gun, the same correlates of gun ownership held for both White and African-American households; being married or living as married and higher socio-economic status (i.e. HMO insurance and being employed) were strongly correlated with gun in the household. The following were correlated with having multiple guns in the household: White race (p < 0.0001); increased age (p = 0.005); being currently married or living as married (p < 0.0001); and HMO insured status (p < 0.0001). Among those households with at least one gun, White race and married or currently living as married were associated with having 2 or more guns relative to one gun in the household. ^ Conclusions. Currently living with a man and being of higher socio-economic status were strong correlates of household gun ownership among both Whites and African-Americans. Substance use was not associated with household gun ownership. ^


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The situational and interpersonal characteristics of homicides occurring in Houston, Texas, during 1987 were investigated. A total of 328 cases were ascertained from the linking of police computer data, medical examiner's records, and death certificate information. The medical examiner's records contained all of the ascertained cases. The comparability ratio between the medical examiner's records and police and vital statistic data was 1.03 and 0.966, respectively. Data inconsistencies were found between the three information sources on Spanish surname, age, race/ethnicity, external cause of death coding, alcohol and drug involvement, weapon/method used, and Hispanic immigration status. Recommendations for improving the quality of homicide information gathered and for linking homicide surveillance systems were made.^ Males constituted 82% of all victims. The age-adjusted homicide rate for Blacks was 31.1 per 100,000 population, for Hispanics 19.2, and for Anglos 5.4. Among males, Blacks had an age-adjusted rate of 54.5, Hispanics, 31.0, and Anglos 7.5. Among females, Blacks had an age-adjusted rate of 9.3, Hispanics 6.1, and Anglos 3.1. Black males, ages 25-34, had the highest homicide rate, at 96.5.^ Half of all homicides occurred in a residence. Among Hispanic males, homicides occurred most often in the street. Firearms were used to commit 64% of the homicides. Arguments preceded 58% of all cases. Nearly two-thirds of the victims knew their assailant. Only 15% of males compared to 62% of females were killed by a spouse, an intimate acquaintance, or a family member. Blacks (93%) and Hispanics (88%) were more likely than Anglos (70%) to have been killed by persons of the same race/ethnicity. Nearly three-fourths of all Houston Hispanic homicide victims were foreign born.^ Alcohol was detected in 47% of the victims tested. Nearly one-third of those tested had blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) greater than 100 mg%. Males (53%) were more likely than females (20%) to have positive BACs. Hispanic males (64%) were more likely to have detectable BACs than either Black (51%) or Anglo (44%) males.^ Illegal drugs were detected in 20% of the victims tested. One-fourth of the victims who tested positive for drugs had more than one drug in their system at death. The stimulant cocaine was the most commonly detected drug, comprising 53% of all illegal drugs identified.^ Recommendations for the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of homicide and for future homicide research are made. ^


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This research focussed on the extent to which the characteristics of a sample of 8,554 Mexican-Americans affected their satisfaction with medical care by: (1) describing satisfaction with medical care among the population, (2) examining the relationships between satisfaction with health services and personal characteristics of the population, and (3) comparing the results of the research with the results of studies of personal health services in other times, places, and populations.^ The distribution of sex among this population was close to even with men representing 50.4%, however respondents over age 50 years represent 11.3% of the sample. The highest grade attended was found in the Elementary (37.9%), and 70% responded they have a good health. Ninety-three percent of the sample were attended to within thirty minutes they arrived at their clinic/health center. Eighty-two percent of the sample were "Very Satisfied" with the care they received during their last visit.^ Ten hypotheses were tested in this research. Females tend to be more satisfied than males; age was found to correlate with satisfaction with respondents over 40 years reporting more satisfaction levels; there was no correlation between education and satisfaction with the educated expressing more skepticism about medical care; respondents covered by Medicare or Medicaid were more satisfied; perceived health status rating was highly correlated with satisfaction; respondents who spent less than 30 minutes traveling to the clinic/health center were more satisfied while 82% of respondents who had less than 30 minutes waiting time expressed more satisfaction.^ As remarked by Hulka and Aday that responses to client satisfaction questionnaire often provided socially acceptable answers, the results found in this sample was therefore not surprising. The author recommends that instruments for the collection of information on client satisfaction should be studied and modified where applicable to reduce what John Ware termed Acquiescent Response Set (ARS)--a tendency to agree with statement of opinion regardless of content. ^


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Breast and cervical cancer, though less common in Mexican-American than in Anglo women, are more likely to go undetected in Mexican-American women, leaving them more vulnerable to advanced disease and death. Although highly effective screening tests--the Pap smear and the mammogram--can detect these cancers early, many Mexican-American women do not regularly undergo these preventive screening tests.^ To explore the differential influence of encouraging sources of health information, this investigation examined the relationship between encouragement from a "peer"--husband or partner, child or children, other family members, or close friends--and a "health professional"--a doctor, a nurse, or another health professional--on Mexican-American women's cancer screening intentions and behaviors. Furthermore, this research explored whether the sources' influence on cancer screening intentions and behaviors differed depending on level of acculturation.^ One thousand seven hundred eleven surveys of Mexican-American women were analyzed to identify the source that most effectively encourages these women to participate in cancer screening. The data provided evidence that health professionals strongly influenced this population's cancer screening intentions and behaviors. Evidence for peer influence was also found; however, it was usually weaker, and, in some cases, negligible. Peer encouragement was related to Pap test behaviors and mammogram intentions, but not to Pap test intentions or mammogram behaviors. Consistently, women reported greater intentions and screening behaviors when encouraged from a health professional than from a peer. Acculturation was not found to be a modifying variable related to the relationship between sources of information and Pap test or mammogram intentions and behaviors.^ Because health professionals were identified as strongly influencing both intentions and behaviors for Pap tests and mammograms, further efforts should be undertaken to urge them to encourage their clients to obtain cancer screening. Failure to provide this encouragement leads to missed opportunities. Enlisting support from peers also may help to increase cancer screening participation in urban Mexican-American women; however, the consistently greater intentions and behaviors related to a health professional's encouragement indicated the greater power of the latter. ^


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Ce mémoire se penche sur les discours citoyens des Lavallois lorsqu’il est question de l'altérité ethnoculturelle dans leur quartier de banlieue. Cela implique de poser un regard sur le contexte spécifique de la ville de Laval pour y déchiffrer les arrimages entre rapport à l'espace et rapport à l'altérité ethnique dans l'expérience des répondants. Cette recherche qui se situe donc à la croisée des domaines des relations ethniques, de la géographie sociale et des études urbaines permet d’ancrer les représentations de l’altérité ethnoculturelle dans l’espace social et physique de la banlieue. Dans ce cadre, le discours de citoyens lavallois issus de deux quartiers ayant connu différents processus de croissance urbaine et de diversification ethnique sont analysés. Pour une majorité de répondants, les changements urbains récents témoignent d'une diversification de l'espace habité, ce qui est généralement mal perçu. Les manifestations d’altérité ethnoculturelle dans l’espace public et privé lavallois sont aussi associées à une détérioration du lien social dans la communauté du quartier. Au terme de cette étude, je soutiens que la présence d'immigrants est imbriquée dans les récents changements urbains dans la ville de Laval et que ces derniers sont directement associés à la perte du statut convoité de banlieue idéale.


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Ce mémoire se penche sur les discours citoyens des Lavallois lorsqu’il est question de l'altérité ethnoculturelle dans leur quartier de banlieue. Cela implique de poser un regard sur le contexte spécifique de la ville de Laval pour y déchiffrer les arrimages entre rapport à l'espace et rapport à l'altérité ethnique dans l'expérience des répondants. Cette recherche qui se situe donc à la croisée des domaines des relations ethniques, de la géographie sociale et des études urbaines permet d’ancrer les représentations de l’altérité ethnoculturelle dans l’espace social et physique de la banlieue. Dans ce cadre, le discours de citoyens lavallois issus de deux quartiers ayant connu différents processus de croissance urbaine et de diversification ethnique sont analysés. Pour une majorité de répondants, les changements urbains récents témoignent d'une diversification de l'espace habité, ce qui est généralement mal perçu. Les manifestations d’altérité ethnoculturelle dans l’espace public et privé lavallois sont aussi associées à une détérioration du lien social dans la communauté du quartier. Au terme de cette étude, je soutiens que la présence d'immigrants est imbriquée dans les récents changements urbains dans la ville de Laval et que ces derniers sont directement associés à la perte du statut convoité de banlieue idéale.


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This study evaluated the relative fit of both Finn's (1989) Participation-Identification and Wehlage, Rutter, Smith, Lesko and Fernandez's (1989) School Membership models of high school completion to a sample of 4,597 eighth graders taken from the National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988, (NELS:88), utilizing structural equation modeling techniques. This study found support for the importance of educational engagement as a factor in understanding academic achievement. The Participation-Identification model was particularly well fitting when applied to the sample of high school completers, dropouts (both overall and White dropouts) and African-American students. This study also confirmed the contribution of school environmental factors (i.e., size, diversity of economic and ethnic status among students) and family resources (i.e., availability of learning resources in the home and parent educational level) to students' educational engagement. Based on these findings, school social workers will need to be more attentive to utilizing macro-level interventions (i.e., community organization, interagency coordination) to achieve the organizational restructuring needed to address future challenges. The support found for the Participation-Identification model supports a shift in school social workers' attention from reactive attempts to improve the affective-interpersonal lives of students to proactive attention to their academic lives. The model concentrates school social work practices on the central mission of schools, which is educational engagement. School social workers guided by this model would be encouraged to seek changes in school policies and organization that would facilitate educational engagement. ^