941 resultados para Land use planning and zoning


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Streamwater is affected by several processes in the watershed including anthropogenic activities that result in changes in water quality as well as in the functioning of these stream ecosystems. Therefore, this work aims to evaluate the concentration of major ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, NH4+, NO3-, NO2-, Cl-, SO4(2-), PO4(3-), HCO3-) in streams in the state of São Paulo (southeast Brazil). The sampling sites are located at undisturbed (ombrophilus dense forest, semideciduous forest and savanna - cerrado) and disturbed areas (pasture, urbanization and sugar cane crops). Streamwater chemistry varied according to land use change and, in general, was higher in disturbed sites. Streams located in undisturbed sites at Ribeira de Iguape/Alto Paranapanema watershed (streams 1, 2 and 3) seem to be regulated by soil characteristics, as the disturbed streams located at the same watershed covered by pasture (stream 7) showed high concentration for the most of the variables. Exception to streams located at Pontal do Paranapanema watershed where both disturbed (stream 8) and undisturbed streams (stream 4 and 5) presented similar patterns for almost all variables measured.


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Elevated nitrate in groundwater is common is agricultural areas where fertilizer has been added at high rates for decades. Within the Judith River Wastershed, high native soil fertility allowed for dryland wheat production without N fertilization until the 1980s, yet elevated nitrate levels were frequently observed in shallow aquifers. Dr. Stephanie Ewing presents results for soil, groundwater and surface water analyses from a hydrologically isolated strath terrace near Moccasin, MT. In context of this uniquely well constrained field setting, these observed data, along with land use history and a simple mass balance model, revel the long term development and perturbation of native soil fertility with cultivation.


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Semi-natural grasslands, biodiversity hotspots in Central-Europe, suffer from the cessation of traditional land-use. Amount and intensity of these changes challenge current monitoring frameworks typically based on classic indicators such as selected target species or diversity indices. Indicators based on plant functional traits provide an interesting extension since they reflect ecological strategies at individual and ecological processes at community levels. They typically show convergent responses to gradients of land-use intensity over scales and regions, are more directly related to environmental drivers than diversity components themselves and enable detecting directional changes in whole community dynamics. However, probably due to their labor- and cost intensive assessment in the field, they have been rarely applied as indicators so far. Here we suggest overcoming these limitations by calculating indicators with plant traits derived from online accessible databases. Aiming to provide a minimal trait set to monitor effects of land-use intensification on plant diversity we investigated relationships between 12 community mean traits, 2 diversity indices and 6 predictors of land-use intensity within grassland communities of 3 different regions in Germany (part of the German ‘Biodiversity Exploratory’ research network). By standardization of traits and diversity measures, use of null models and linear mixed models we confirmed (i) strong links between functional community composition and plant diversity, (ii) that traits are closely related to land-use intensity, and (iii) that functional indicators are equally, or even more sensitive to land-use intensity than traditional diversity indices. The deduced trait set consisted of 5 traits, i.e., specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), seed release height, leaf distribution, and onset of flowering. These database derived traits enable the early detection of changes in community structure indicative for future diversity loss. As an addition to current monitoring measures they allow to better link environmental drivers to processes controlling community dynamics.


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There is increasing evidence that species can evolve rapidly in response to environmental change. However, although land use is one of the key drivers of current environmental change, studies of its evolutionary consequences are still fairly scarce, in particular studies that examine land-use effects across large numbers of populations, and discriminate between different aspects of land use. Here, we investigated genetic differentiation in relation to land use in the annual grass Bromus hordeaceus. A common garden study with offspring from 51 populations from three regions and a broad range of land-use types and intensities showed that there was indeed systematic population differentiation of ecologically important plant traits in relation to land use, in particular due to increasing mowing and grazing intensities. We also found strong land-use-related genetic differentiation in plant phenology, where the onset of flowering consistently shifted away from the typical time of management. In addition, increased grazing intensity significantly increased the genetic variability within populations. Our study suggests that land use can cause considerable genetic differentiation among plant populations, and that the timing of land use may select for phenological escape strategies, particularly in monocarpic plant species.


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Mapping ecosystem services (ES) and their trade-offs is a key requirement for informed decision making for land use planning and management of natural resources that aim to move towards increasing the sustainability of landscapes. The negotiations of the purposes of landscapes and the services they should provide are difficult as there is an increasing number of stakeholders active at different levels with a variety of interests present on one particular landscape.Traditionally, land cover data is at the basis for mapping and spatial monitoring of ecosystem services. In light of complex landscapes it is however questionable whether land cover per se and as a spatial base unit is suitable for monitoring and management at the meso-scale. Often the characteristics of a landscape are defined by prevalence, composition and specific spatial and temporal patterns of different land cover types. The spatial delineation of shifting cultivation agriculture represents a prominent example of a land use system with its different land use intensities that requires alternative methodologies that go beyond the common remote sensing approaches of pixel-based land cover analysis due to the spatial and temporal dynamics of rotating cultivated and fallow fields.Against this background we advocate that adopting a landscape perspective to spatial planning and decision making offers new space for negotiation and collaboration, taking into account the needs of local resource users, and of the global community. For this purpose we introduce landscape mosaicsdefined as new spatial unit describing generalized land use types. Landscape mosaics have allowed us to chart different land use systems and land use intensities and permitted us to delineate changes in these land use systems based on changes of external claims on these landscapes. The underlying idea behindthe landscape mosaics is to use land cover data typically derived from remote sensing data and to analyse and classify spatial patterns of this land cover data using a moving window approach. We developed the landscape mosaics approach in tropical, forest dominated landscapesparticularly shifting cultivation areas and present examples ofour work from northern Laos, eastern Madagascarand Yunnan Province in China.


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Phylogenetic diversity (PD) has been successfully used as a complement to classical measures of biological diversity such as species richness or functional diversity. By considering the phylogenetic history of species, PD broadly summarizes the trait space within a community. This covers amongst others complex physiological or biochemical traits that are often not considered in estimates of functional diversity, but may be important for the understanding of community assembly and the relationship between diversity and ecosystem functions. In this study we analyzed the relationship between PD of plant communities and land-use intensification in 150 local grassland plots in three regions in Germany. Specifically we asked whether PD decreases with land-use intensification and if so, whether the relationship is robust across different regions. Overall, we found that species richness decreased along land-use gradients the results however differed for common and rare species assemblages. PD only weakly decreased with increasing land-use intensity. The strength of the relationship thereby varied among regions and PD metrics used. From our results we suggest that there is no general relationship between PD and land-use intensification probably due to lack of phylogenetic conservatism in land- use sensitive traits. Nevertheless, we suggest that depending on specific regional idiosyncrasies the consideration of PD as a complement to other measures of diversity can be useful.


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The quantification of CO2 emissions from anthropogenic land use and land use change (eLUC) is essential to understand the drivers of the atmospheric CO2 increase and to inform climate change mitigation policy. Reported values in synthesis reports are commonly derived from different approaches (observation-driven bookkeeping and process-modelling) but recent work has emphasized that inconsistencies between methods may imply substantial differences in eLUC estimates. However, a consistent quantification is lacking and no concise modelling protocol for the separation of primary and secondary components of eLUC has been established. Here, we review differences of eLUC quantification methods and apply an Earth System Model (ESM) of Intermediate Complexity to quantify them. We find that the magnitude of effects due to merely conceptual differences between ESM and offline vegetation model-based quantifications is ~ 20 % for today. Under a future business-as-usual scenario, differences tend to increase further due to slowing land conversion rates and an increasing impact of altered environmental conditions on land-atmosphere fluxes. We establish how coupled Earth System Models may be applied to separate secondary component fluxes of eLUC arising from the replacement of potential C sinks/sources and the land use feedback and show that secondary fluxes derived from offline vegetation models are conceptually and quantitatively not identical to either, nor their sum. Therefore, we argue that synthesis studies should resort to the "least common denominator" of different methods, following the bookkeeping approach where only primary land use emissions are quantified under the assumption of constant environmental boundary conditions.


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Mucho ofthe towns of Mendoza have been working for years with a methodology built with traditional zoningand code of permitted uses,not permitted or conditional. With these instrument sexpectthe presentation of private enter prisesto assess whether it complies with these regulationsto authorize the works.These agencies have a plan with zoning and code application shave already considered planning. This form of work, shows clearly the lack of actions to drive urban developmentsin the department, initiatives on the issue only limited to astatic situation, waiting for proposal sand external actions,not being able to see the advantagesand /or contribution saccom panying the Land Use Plan. Une of the important elements to considerin the Plan process, is the incorporation of participatory stage allows, consensus and guidanceto policy makers, community in territorial actions. For this way are designed and constructed public works, to address concerns of the population and in some cases,works that will produce community supportat election time. A look at the performance of Cities hall suchas Granada City Council, Churriana de la Vega and Jun, you can observe that the planning can be done other wise, as articulated action from the same organism. In principle determining zoning and uses of spaceis integral to the Land Use Planand that it further comprises the development proposals,the lines of action and prioritization of programs and projects. These local governants, which manage a municipality, working withdy namic planning councilasit implements the proposed urban development, agricultural, commercial and industrialin its territory and build public work saccording to plan. Since 2009,the province has a Law of Zoningand Land Use demanded Municipal Land Management Plans, but three years after the enactmentof the 18 only has aplan.Thisis due to two reasons:the policy makersdo not understand the multiplicity of elements and facets of a plan covering the other,the plans are perceived as a limitation on their actions , a fact not willing to accept. The dissemination of know ledge and the, new ways toaddress the Land Use Planning and management of conflicts generated by the unprecedented growthwith incompatible usesin these cities that the component swhich will requirel and manager stoimplement aplanning Plans. Tusa dinámica risión Fromm te municipalitos in thais contexto de can tal abur innovación and a newway of governing


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Brownfield rehabilitation is an essential step for sustainable land-use planning and management in the European Union. In brownfield regeneration processes, the legacy contamination plays a significant role, firstly because of the persistent contaminants in soil or groundwater which extends the existing hazards and risks well into the future; and secondly, problems from historical contamination are often more difficult to manage than contamination caused by new activities. Due to the complexity associated with the management of brownfield site rehabilitation, Decision Support Systems (DSSs) have been developed to support problem holders and stakeholders in the decision-making process encompassing all phases of the rehabilitation. This paper presents a comparative study between two DSSs, namely SADA (Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance) and DESYRE (Decision Support System for the Requalification of Contaminated Sites), with the main objective of showing the benefits of using DSSs to introduce and process data and then to disseminate results to different stakeholders involved in the decision-making process. For this purpose, a former car manufacturing plant located in the Brasov area, Central Romania, contaminated chiefly by heavy metals and total petroleum hydrocarbons, has been selected as a case study to apply the two examined DSSs. Major results presented here concern the analysis of the functionalities of the two DSSs in order to identify similarities, differences and complementarities and, thus, to provide an indication of the most suitable integration options.


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Mucho ofthe towns of Mendoza have been working for years with a methodology built with traditional zoningand code of permitted uses,not permitted or conditional. With these instrument sexpectthe presentation of private enter prisesto assess whether it complies with these regulationsto authorize the works.These agencies have a plan with zoning and code application shave already considered planning. This form of work, shows clearly the lack of actions to drive urban developmentsin the department, initiatives on the issue only limited to astatic situation, waiting for proposal sand external actions,not being able to see the advantagesand /or contribution saccom panying the Land Use Plan. Une of the important elements to considerin the Plan process, is the incorporation of participatory stage allows, consensus and guidanceto policy makers, community in territorial actions. For this way are designed and constructed public works, to address concerns of the population and in some cases,works that will produce community supportat election time. A look at the performance of Cities hall suchas Granada City Council, Churriana de la Vega and Jun, you can observe that the planning can be done other wise, as articulated action from the same organism. In principle determining zoning and uses of spaceis integral to the Land Use Planand that it further comprises the development proposals,the lines of action and prioritization of programs and projects. These local governants, which manage a municipality, working withdy namic planning councilasit implements the proposed urban development, agricultural, commercial and industrialin its territory and build public work saccording to plan. Since 2009,the province has a Law of Zoningand Land Use demanded Municipal Land Management Plans, but three years after the enactmentof the 18 only has aplan.Thisis due to two reasons:the policy makersdo not understand the multiplicity of elements and facets of a plan covering the other,the plans are perceived as a limitation on their actions , a fact not willing to accept. The dissemination of know ledge and the, new ways toaddress the Land Use Planning and management of conflicts generated by the unprecedented growthwith incompatible usesin these cities that the component swhich will requirel and manager stoimplement aplanning Plans. Tusa dinámica risión Fromm te municipalitos in thais contexto de can tal abur innovación and a newway of governing


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Mucho ofthe towns of Mendoza have been working for years with a methodology built with traditional zoningand code of permitted uses,not permitted or conditional. With these instrument sexpectthe presentation of private enter prisesto assess whether it complies with these regulationsto authorize the works.These agencies have a plan with zoning and code application shave already considered planning. This form of work, shows clearly the lack of actions to drive urban developmentsin the department, initiatives on the issue only limited to astatic situation, waiting for proposal sand external actions,not being able to see the advantagesand /or contribution saccom panying the Land Use Plan. Une of the important elements to considerin the Plan process, is the incorporation of participatory stage allows, consensus and guidanceto policy makers, community in territorial actions. For this way are designed and constructed public works, to address concerns of the population and in some cases,works that will produce community supportat election time. A look at the performance of Cities hall suchas Granada City Council, Churriana de la Vega and Jun, you can observe that the planning can be done other wise, as articulated action from the same organism. In principle determining zoning and uses of spaceis integral to the Land Use Planand that it further comprises the development proposals,the lines of action and prioritization of programs and projects. These local governants, which manage a municipality, working withdy namic planning councilasit implements the proposed urban development, agricultural, commercial and industrialin its territory and build public work saccording to plan. Since 2009,the province has a Law of Zoningand Land Use demanded Municipal Land Management Plans, but three years after the enactmentof the 18 only has aplan.Thisis due to two reasons:the policy makersdo not understand the multiplicity of elements and facets of a plan covering the other,the plans are perceived as a limitation on their actions , a fact not willing to accept. The dissemination of know ledge and the, new ways toaddress the Land Use Planning and management of conflicts generated by the unprecedented growthwith incompatible usesin these cities that the component swhich will requirel and manager stoimplement aplanning Plans. Tusa dinámica risión Fromm te municipalitos in thais contexto de can tal abur innovación and a newway of governing


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The issues involved in planning for pedal cyclists are examined with reference to the West Midlands County. Working with a local cycling campaign group, the researcher uses action research methods to investigate and influence the campaign. Development of cycle planning is traced through the literature, focusing on bicycle ownership, bicycle use and cycling policy. UK practice is contrasted with the integrated approach of other countries. An extensive bibliography is provided. Local authority cycle planning through the TPP process is systematically assessed over three years. This provides a context for the information regarding cycling in the West Midlands. Existing data is presented from the 1981 Census and local police road accident and bicycle theft records. The developing relationship between the local authority and the cycle campaign group is narrated in detail, explaining the problems that can beset efforts to improve conditions for cyclists. The researcher was closely involved in this interaction, particularly with policy and a major public inquiry. A survey of the Cycle Campaign Network indicates that the local group was not atypical. To provide information relevant to the local campaign and for effective local planning, a survey of 3,500 West Midlands residents was conducted using a novel combination of questionnaires and interviews. It shows that 1) Bicycle ownership and use is considerably higher than indicated by the 1978/9 National Travel Survey 2) Cycling is most import to certain disadvantaged sections of the community, particularly the young, those without access to a car and in the lower SEGs. The broader issues of transport policy are discussed, concluding that cycling is regarded as a marginal activity and that changes in general transport policy, land use planning and fiscal arrangements are necessary conditions for cycle planning to succeed. An integrated package of cycling measures involving engineering, education, enforcement and encouragement is also required. Recommendations are made concerning central government, local authorities and cycle campaign groups. Subjects for further research are identified.


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We explore bioregional management in the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) in Australia through the institutional design characteristics of the MDB River Basin Organization (RBO), the actors and organizations who supported and resisted the establishment of the RBO, and the effectiveness of the RBO. During the last 25 years, there has been a major structural reform in the MDB RBO, which has changed from an interstate coordinating body to an Australian government agency. Responsibility for basin management has been centralized under the leadership of the Australian government, and a comprehensive integrated Basin plan has been adopted. The driving forces for this centralization include national policy to restore river basins to sustainable levels of extraction, state government difficulties in reversing overallocation of water entitlements, the millennium drought and its effects, political expediency on the part of the Australian government and state governments, and a major injection of Australian government funding. The increasing hierarchy and centralization of the MDB RBO does not follow a general trend toward multilevel participative governance of RBOs, but decentralization should not be overstated because of the special circumstances at the time of the centralization and the continuing existence of some decentralized elements, such as catchment water plans, land use planning, and water quality. Further swings in the centralization–decentralization pendulum could occur. The MDB reform has succeeded in rebalancing Basin water allocations, including an allocation for the environment and reduced diversion limits. There are some longer term risks to the implementation of reform, including lack of cooperation by state governments, vertical coordination difficulties, and perceived reductions in the accountability and legitimacy of reform at the local level. If implementation of the Basin plan is diverted or delayed, a new institution, the Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder, can play a major role in securing and coordinating environmental water supplies.


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The fluctuation in water demand in the Redland community of Miami-Dade County was examined using land use data from 2001 and 2011 and water estimation techniques provided by local and state agencies. The data was converted to 30 m mosaicked raster grids that indicated land use change, and associated water demand measured in gallons per day per acre. The results indicate that, first, despite an increase in population, water demand decreased overall in Redland from 2001 to 2011. Second, conversion of agricultural lands to residential lands actually caused a decrease in water demand in most cases while acquisition of farmland by public agencies also caused a sharp decline. Third, conversion of row crops and groves to nurseries was substantial and resulted in a significant increase in water demand in all such areas converted. Finally, estimating water demand based on land use, rather than population, is a more accurate approach.