137 resultados para Lacunae infill
Se investiga la compleja mineralogía del Yacimiento de Pallancata (6º productor de plata del mundo) y se establecen las condiciones de formación (P.T) basadas en la petrología de las menas comparada con los datos de mineralogía experimental y en la petrografía y microtermometría de inclusiones fluídas en la ganga silicatada, resultando un depósito típicamente caracterizado como epitermal de sulfuración intermedia.ABSTRACT:Pallancata is a world-class intermediate-sulfidation epithermal deposit, hosted by upper Miocene volcanics of the south-central Peruvian Andes in a sinuous N70ºW, ∼75º SW strike-slip structure, with wide (up to 35 m) pull-apart dilation zones related to bends of the vein strike. The structural evolution of the vein from earlier brecciation to later open space infill resembles the Shila Paula district (Chauvet et al. 2006). Fluid inclusion petrography and microthermometry show that ore deposition is related to protracted boiling of very diluted, mainly meteoric fluids, starting at 250–260 ºC, under ∼300 m hydrostatic head. The mineralogical-petrological study reveals a complex sequence of mineralization (eight stages) and mineral reactions consistent with Ag2S enrichment or Sb2S3 depletion, or both, during cooling over the temperature range 250–200 ºC: pyrite, sphalerite, galena, miargyrite, pyrargyrite-proustite, chalcopyrite, polybasite-pearceite, argentite (now acanthite), and Au–Ag alloy (“electrum”). This Ag2S enrichment and Sb2S3depletion during cooling may be explained by decay of a Ag-rich galena precursor at deeper levels (Pb2S2–AgSbS2 solid solution), which rapidly becomes unstable with decreasing temperature, producing residual (stoichiometric) PbS and more mobile Ag and Sb sulfide phases, which migrated upward and laterally away from the thermal core of the system. The core is still undisclosed by mining works, but the available geochemical evidence (logAg/log Pb ratios decreasing at depth) is consistent with this interpretation, implying a deeper potential resource. Data from sulfide geothermometry, based on mineral equilibria, document the thermal evolution of the system below 200 ºC (stephanite, uytenbogaardtite, jalpaite, stromeyerite, mckinstryite, among others). The end of the most productive stages (3, 4, and 5) is marked by the precipitation of stephanite at temperatures below 197 ± 5 ºC, but precipitation of residual silver continues through the waning stages of the hydrothermal system down to <93.3 ºC (stromeyerite) or in a supergene redistribution (stage 8, acanthite II).
El progresivo adelgazamiento del Estado del Bienestar y la privatización de bienes y servicios públicos han propiciado la aparición de discursos que reclaman la recuperación de los comunes y su autogestión colectiva. En ese contexto las tierras y derechos comunales de la Inglaterra pre-capitalista han dejado de ser un asunto académico, reapareciendo intensamente en los imaginarios socioespaciales del activismo global. Aunque esa reapropiación del pasado parece legítima, dichas narrativas ignoran a menudo la complejidad implícita en la gestión, planificación y evolución de los comunes históricos. Para subsanar estas lagunas estudiamos las instituciones y modos de gobierno que sustentaban el régimen comunal de la tierra en este período, enfatizando su condición de planificación autogestionada de los usos del suelo y las prácticas asociadas al mismo. Este régimen fue sustituido por las leyes de cercamiento, dando paso a una lógica de planificación centralizada e insolidaria: una lógica en la que estaba implícita no sólo la extinción del control comunal y la privatización de la tierra, sino también la desposesión de los trabajadores rurales y su progresiva proletarización. Palabras clave: comunes, derecho comunal, planificación socioespacial, leyes de cercamiento, autogestión. ....................................................... The ongoing eclipse of the Welfare State and the privatisation of public goods and services have triggered the appearance of discourses that claim the recovery of the commons and their collective self-management. In this context historical common lands and rights in pre-capitalist England are no longer a mere academic issue, as they reappear intensely in the sociospatial imaginaries of global activism. This reappropriation of the past seems legitimate, but such narratives often ignore the complexity of the management, planning and evolution of the historical commons. To fill these lacunae I study the institutions and modes of government that underpinned the communal regime in this period, emphasizing its condition of self-managed land use planning. Enclosure acts destroyed this regime, introducing a new logic of centralized, iniquitous planning: a logic which included not only the extinction of communal institutions and privatisation of land, but also the dispossession of rural labourers and their progressive proletarianisation.
The city of Lorca (Spain) was hit on May 11th, 2011, by two consecutive earth-quakes of magnitudes 4.6 and 5.2 Mw, causing casualties and important damage in buildings. Many of the damaged structures were reinforced concrete frames with wide beams. This study quantifies the expected level of damage on this structural type in the case of the Lorca earth-quake by means of a seismic index Iv that compares the energy input by the earthquake with the energy absorption/dissipation capacity of the structure. The prototype frames investigated represent structures designed in two time periods (1994–2002 and 2003–2008), in which the applicable codes were different. The influence of the masonry infill walls and the proneness of the frames to concentrate damage in a given story were further investigated through nonlinear dynamic response analyses. It is found that (1) the seismic index method predicts levels of damage that range from moderate/severe to complete collapse; this prediction is consistent with the observed damage; (2) the presence of masonry infill walls makes the structure very prone to damage concentration and reduces the overall seismic capacity of the building; and (3) a proper hierarchy of strength between beams and columns that guarantees the formation of a strong column-weak beam mechanism (as prescribed by seismic codes), as well as the adoption of counter-measures to avoid the negative interaction between non-structural infill walls and the main frame, would have reduced the level of damage from Iv=1 (collapse) to about Iv=0.5 (moderate/severe damage)
El vidrio se trata de un material muy apreciado en la arquitectura debido a la transparencia, característica que pocos materiales tienen. Pero, también es un material frágil, con una rotura inmediata cuando alcanza su límite elástico, sin disponer de un período plástico, que advierta de su futura rotura y permita un margen de seguridad. Por ambas razones, el vidrio se ha utilizado en arquitectura como elemento de plementería o relleno, desde tiempos antiguos, pero no como elemento estructural o portante, pese a que es un material interesante para los arquitectos para ese uso, por su característica de transparencia, ya que conseguiría la desmaterialización visual de la estructura, logrando espacios más ligeros y livianos. En cambio, si se tienen en cuenta las propiedades mecánicas del material se puede comprobar que dispone de unas características apropiadas para su uso estructural, ya que su Módulo elástico es similar al del aluminio, elemento muy utilizado en la arquitectura principalmente en las fachadas desde los últimos años, y su resistencia a compresión es muy superior incluso al hormigón armado; aunque su principal problema es su resistencia a tracción que es muy inferior a su resistencia a compresión, lo que penaliza su resistencia a flexión. En la actualidad se empieza a utilizar el vidrio como elemento portante o estructural, pero debido a su peor resistencia a flexión, se utilizan con grandes dimensiones que, a pesar de su transparencia, tienen una gran presencia. Por ello, la presente investigación pretende conseguir una reducción de las secciones de estos elementos estructurales de vidrio. Entonces, para el desarrollo de la investigación es necesario responder a una serie de preguntas fundamentales, cuyas respuestas serán el cuerpo de la investigación: 1. ¿Cuál es la finalidad de la investigación? El objetivo de esta investigación es la optimización de elementos estructurales de vidrio para su utilización en arquitectura. 2. ¿Cómo se va a realizar esa optimización? ¿Qué sistemas se van a utilizar? El sistema para realizar la optimización será la pretensión de los elementos estructurales de vidrio 3. ¿Por qué se va a utilizar la precompresión? Porque el vidrio tiene un buen comportamiento a compresión y un mal comportamiento a tracción lo que penaliza su utilización a flexión. Por medio de la precompresión se puede incrementar esta resistencia a tracción, ya que los primeros esfuerzos reducirán la compresión inicial hasta comenzar a funcionar a tracción, y por tanto aumentará su capacidad de carga. 4. ¿Con qué medios se va a comprobar y justificar ese comportamiento? Mediante simulaciones informáticas con programas de elementos finitos. 5. ¿Por qué se utilizará este método? Porque es una herramienta que arroja ventajas sobre otros métodos como los experimentales, debido a su fiabilidad, economía, rapidez y facilidad para establecer distintos casos. 6. ¿Cómo se garantiza su fiabilidad? Mediante el contraste de resultados obtenidos con ensayos físicos realizados, garantizando de ésta manera el buen comportamiento de los programas utilizados. El presente estudio tratará de responder a todas estas preguntas, para concluir y conseguir elementos estructurales de vidrio con secciones más reducidas gracias a la introducción de la precompresión, todo ello a través de las simulaciones informáticas por medio de elementos finitos. Dentro de estas simulaciones, también se realizarán comprobaciones y comparaciones entre distintas tipologías de programas para comprobar y contrastar los resultados obtenidos, intentando analizar cuál de ellos es el más idóneo para la simulación de elementos estructurales de vidrio. ABSTRACT Glass is a material very appreciated in architecture due to its transparency, feature that just a few materials share. But it is also a brittle material with an immediate breakage when it reaches its elastic limit, without having a plastic period that provides warning of future breakage allowing a safety period. For both reasons, glass has been used in architecture as infill panels, from old times. However, it has never been used as a structural or load‐bearing element, although it is an interesting material for architects for that use: because of its transparency, structural glass makes possible the visual dematerialization of the structure, achieving lighter spaces. However, taking into account the mechanical properties of the material, it is possible to check that it has appropriate conditions for structural use: its elastic modulus is similar to that of aluminium, element widely used in architecture, especially in facades from recent years; and its compressive strength is much higher than even the one of concrete. However, its main problem consists in its tensile strength that is much lower than its compressive strength, penalizing its resistance to bending. Nowadays glass is starting to be used as a bearing or structural element, but due to its worse bending strength, elements with large dimensions must be used, with a large presence despite its transparency. Therefore this research aims to get smaller sections of these structural glass elements. For the development of this thesis, it is necessary to answer a number of fundamental questions. The answers will be the core of this work: 1. What is the purpose of the investigation? The objective of this research is the optimization of structural glass elements for its use in architecture. 2. How are you going to perform this optimization? What systems will be implemented? The system for optimization is the pre‐stress of the structural elements of glass 3. Why are you going to use the pre‐compression? Because glass has a good resistance to compression and a poor tensile behaviour, which penalizes its use in bending elements. Through the pre‐compression it is possible to increase this tensile strength, due to the initial tensile efforts reducing the pre‐stress and increasing its load capacity. 4. What are the means that you will use in order to verify and justify this behaviour? The means are based on computer simulations with finite element programs (FEM) 5. Why do you use this method? Because it is a tool which gives advantages over other methods such as experimental: its reliability, economy, quick and easy to set different cases. 6. How the reliability is guaranteed? It’s guaranteed comparing the results of the simulation with the performed physical tests, ensuring the good performance of the software. This thesis will attempt to answer all these questions, to obtain glass structural elements with smaller sections thanks to the introduction of the pre‐compression, all through computer simulations using finite elements methods. In these simulations, tests and comparisons between different types of programs will also be implemented, in order to test and compare the obtained results, trying to analyse which one is the most suitable for the simulation of structural glass elements.
This work focuses on a Messinian shallow-marine terrigenous unit, termed the La Virgen Formation, which forms part of the sedimentary infill of the Bajo Segura Basin (Betic margin of the western Mediterranean). This formation was deposited during a high sea level phase prior to the onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Stratigraphically, it comprises a prograding stack of sandstone lithosomes alternating with marly intervals (1st-order cyclicity). These lithosomes are characterized by a homoclinal geometry that tapers distally, and interfinger with pelagic sediments rich in planktonic and benthic microfauna (Torremendo Formation). An analysis of sedimentary facies of each lithosome reveals a repetitive succession of sandy storm beds (tempestites), occasionally amalgamated, which are separated by thin marly layers (2nd-order cyclicity). Each storm bed contains internal erosional surfaces (3rd-order cyclicity) that delimit sets of laminae. Two categories of storm beds have been differentiated. The first one includes layers formed below storm wave base (SWB), characterized by traction structures associated to unidirectional flows (scoured base, planar lamination, and parting lineation). The second category consists of layers deposited above the SWB which display typical high regime oscillatory flow structures (swaley and hummocky cross lamination). In both cases, the ichnological record is characterized by an oligotypic association of Ophiomorpha nodosa, which can be interpreted as the result of allochthonous tracemakers (crustaceans) transported during storm events together with the sediment. The benthic microfauna in the marly intervals that separate the sandstone lithosomes (1st-order cyclicity) indicates that the storm ebb surges were deposited at depths ranging from those of inner shelf settings (with Elphidium spp. and Cibicides lobatulus) to those of outer shelf (with Valvulineria complanata and Uvigerina cylindrica). At the distal end of the sandstone lithosomes, the planktonic microfauna is characterized by a high content of taxa indicative of warm-oligotrophic waters (Globigerinoides obliquus and Globigerinoides bulloideus). In contrast, in the marly intervals, the microfauna is dominated by species typical of cold-eutrophic waters (Globigerina and Neogloboquadrina). This alternation of planktic foraminiferal assemblages is interpreted as being the expression of climatic cycles, in which every episode of progradation of tempestite-dominated lithosomes corresponds to maximum insolation and warm waters, whereas episodes of marly deposition correspond to minimal insolation and cold waters. The 1st-order cyclicity recorded in the La Virgen Formation, in a context of terrigenous storm-dominated shelf, corresponds to sapropel/homogeneous marl cycles formed in a pelagic basin (Torremendo Fm). These cycles in pelagic sediments are commonplace throughout the Mediterranean during the Messinian and reflect precession orbital changes: repeated periods of maximum insolation – minimum precession (sapropels) and minimal insolation – maximum precession (homogeneous marls). The fact that the example of terrigenous unit studied herein is coetaneous with the well-developed reef complexes in the Mediterranean basins points out the importance of sediment supply in the formation of large-scale sandy lithosomes. This is a crucial aspect to understanding reservoir genesis as well as lateral stratigraphic relationships with potential seal and/or source rocks.
We carry out a seismic noise study based on array measurements at three sites in the Málaga basin, South Spain, for the further estimation of shear wave velocity profiles. For this purpose, we use both the H/V method and the f–k technique in order to characterize the different materials present in the zone, i.e., Quaternary sediments and Pliocene sedimentary rocks above the bedrock. The H/V analysis shows frequency peaks going from 1 Hz, in areas close to the border of the basin, to 0.3 Hz in places located toward the center of the formation. The f–k analysis allows obtaining the dispersion curves associated with each site and subsequently, estimating the Vs profiles by inversion of the respective group velocities. In this way, the basin basement can be characterized by S-wave velocities greater than 2000 m/s. Regarding the basin fill, it is divided into three layers defined by different wave velocity intervals. The shallowest one is featured by velocities ranging from 150 to 400 m/s and comprises the Quaternary sediments, while velocities going from 550–700 to1200–1600 m/s characterize the two underlying layers composed by Pliocene sediments. Finally, the information provided by the three Vs profiles is integrated in a 2D cross-section of the basin to have a spatial view of its sedimentary structure. The results obtained here, in addition to providing useful information about the infill of the basin near the metropolitan area of Málaga, will be very helpful for future seismic zonation studies in the region.
This study is in the frame of the cooperative line that several Spanish Universities and other foreign partners started with the Haitian government in 2010. According to our studies (Benito et al. in An evaluation of seismic hazard in La Hispaniola, after the 2010 Haiti earthquake, 33rd General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Moscow, Russia, 2012) and recent scientific literature, the earthquake hazard in Haiti remains high (Calais et al. in Nat Geosci 3:794–799, 2010). In view of this, we wonder whether the country is currently ready to face another earthquake. In this sense, we estimated several damage scenarios in Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitien associated to realistic possible major earthquakes. Our findings show that almost 50 % of the building stock of both cities would result uninhabitable due to structural damage. Around 80 % of the buildings in both cities have reinforced concrete structure with concrete block infill; however, the presence of masonry buildings becomes significant (between 25 and 45 % of the reinforced concrete buildings) in rural areas and informal settlements on the outskirts, where the estimated damage is higher. The influence of the soil effect on the damage spatial distribution is evident in both cities. We have found that the percentage of uninhabitable buildings in soft soil areas may be double the percentage obtained in nearby districts located in hard soil. These results reveal that a new seismic catastrophe of similar or even greater consequences than the 2010 Haiti earthquake might happen if the earthquake resilience is not improved in the country. Nowadays, the design of prevention actions and mitigation policies is the best instrument the society has to face seismic risk. In this sense, the results of this research might contribute to define measures oriented to earthquake risk reduction in Haiti, which should be a real priority for national and international institutions.
Analogue modelling experiments using brittle materials are performed to study the inversion of extensional structures. Asymmetric grabens of two different orientations are first created during a phase of extension and progressively filled. They are subsequently shortened in the same direction. The aim of our experiments is to determine factors affecting the style of deformation during inversion. We specifically investigate variations in thickness and distribution of strong and weak layers constituting the graben fill and in initial basin orientation. The main advantage of our experimental set-up is that we have a complete control on graben location, width, infill and orientation before inversion. The experiments show that shortening results only in limited reactivation of pre-existing normal faults. In general, forward thrusts and backthrusts cut across normal faults into the footwall of the graben. The forward thrusts either propagate parallel to the enveloping surface of faulted blocks or they cut across basin-limiting normal faults at various angles. The graben fill is mechanically extruded by displacement along forward thrusts that accommodate most of the shortening. Both pre-existing faults and weak graben fill act as zones of weakness during inversion and determine the orientation and location of both backthrusts and forward thrusts. The results of our experiments conform well to natural examples of inverted graben structures.
Grain size and description on gravity core samples from ANT-IV/2 expedition to the Bransfield Strait
From the above and the grafical results it can be concluded that cores in the research area are locally dominated by turbiditic sequences, which can be observed by a strong increase in coarser sediment (>35 µm). These coarser intercalations are lacking in the vicinity of basaltic seamounts, probably due to a shadowing effect of the seamounts. The infill of the King George Basin might be dominated by a north eastern current. Sedimentary structures as observed in the cores are often lacking or vague due to hydrothermal effects (Suess, L, 1986).
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The Post-Fordist welfare state thesis locates contemporary social welfare change within a wider analysis of the transformation of capitalist accumulation regimes. Whilst this analysis is useful in directing attention to macro socio-economic change, it has for the most part contained three shortcomings. First, the Post-Fordist thesis has overemphasized the role of historical 'breaks' in the development of social welfare as it purportedly passes from Fordism to Post-Fordism. Second, the thesis has assumed a degree of convergence between welfare states as a result of global economic forces. In doing so, it has underemphasized the mediating impact of existing institutional arrangements within nations. Third, the thesis has assumed, rather than demonstrated, the specific changes which are alleged to be taking place in various fields of social welfare. As a consequence, aspects of continuity in social welfare have been neglected. These three lacunae are addressed through a comparative analysis of developments in the personal social services in Australia and Britain. Services to older people are employed as the specific context of comparison in relation to three dimensions of measuring transformation along a Post-Fordist trajectory: a shift from a unitary economy to a mixed economy of service provision; changes in the model of service delivery and consumption; and strengthening the governance function of the central state. This comparative analysis suggests the need for refinement of the Post-Fordist welfare state thesis concerning the restructuring of social welfare and its impact on the personal social services.
Heat sinks are widely used for cooling electronic devices and systems. Their thermal performance is usually determined by the material, shape, and size of the heat sink. With the assistance of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and surrogate-based optimization, heat sinks can be designed and optimized to achieve a high level of performance. In this paper, the design and optimization of a plate-fin-type heat sink cooled by impingement jet is presented. The flow and thermal fields are simulated using the CFD simulation; the thermal resistance of the heat sink is then estimated. A Kriging surrogate model is developed to approximate the objective function (thermal resistance) as a function of design variables. Surrogate-based optimization is implemented by adaptively adding infill points based on an integrated strategy of the minimum value, the maximum mean square error approach, and the expected improvement approaches. The results show the influence of design variables on the thermal resistance and give the optimal heat sink with lowest thermal resistance for given jet impingement conditions.
This paper analyzes the knowledge about Latin America that is present in the newly required 9th grade World History Course in Dade County Public Schools. Nine recommended World History textbooks are examined in terms of their Latin American content. Also, the results of a survey questionnaire dealing with knowledge and perceptions of Latin America, which was distributed to various World History and general teachers, are discussed. The findings of this research effort while tentative, seem to indicate that there is a definite need to upgrade the Latin American knowledge base both in textbook content and among teachers. Few of the texts are considered adequate in their treatment of Latin America. Some, especially those for below average readers, present a slanted, even distorted picture of Latin American reality. While World History teachers appear to be more knowledgeable about Latin America than teachers in general, lack of knowledge and stereotyping are clearly manifested in certain persisting beliefs about the region. While this is a narrow research effort, it explores the intriguing notion that what is often considered legitimate knowledge in our classrooms can in fact be quite inadequate. The concluding section of the paper focuses on whether academic excellence is possible when there are distortions and lacunae in our classroom knowledge base.
Frederick Douglas was a reader of and writer on the nineteenth-century political and social texts and contexts of oppression, which he experienced at home and witnesed while in Ireland and Britain, 1845-47. This thesis is unique in its identification of several surprising lacunae in the research and critical evaluation of Frederick Douglass’ activities of reading and writing and the texts and contexts that supported these activities. This thesis takes Douglass’ relationship with Ireland and the Irish as its starting point, and offers several moments in the transnational space engendered by Douglass’ readerly and writerly experience of the transatlantic axes of Ireland, Britain and America. This thesis draws upon archival research to recover information regarding Douglass’ trip and subjects his reading and writing on Ireland and the Irish to the critical rigours of narratolgical, cultural and discourse analysis. One lacuna is Douglass’ favourite and neglected school primer, the Columbian Orator, which Douglass signified upon across his autobiographical project. The speech by the Irish patriot and exile, Arthur O’Connor, included in the Orator, is crucial to Douglass’ understanding and expression of justice and equality. Genette’s narratological analysis gives theoretical traction to the ways in which, in his autobiographical representations of his British trip, Douglass recalibrates his autobiographies to reflect his changing perspectives on his life and work. Contrary to popular assumptions, Douglass did, in two letters to Garrison address and comment on Irish poverty. This thesis interrogates the strategic anglophilia of these letters. While the World’s Temperance Convention (WTC) refused to discuss African- American slavery, analysis of Douglass’ speech in Covent Garden and of the paratextual apparatus of the published proceedings of the WTC demonstrates the impossibility of separating these closely interrelated reform causes. When a newly discovered poem from Waterford that admonished the city for its disregard for Douglass’ message is juxtaposed with an uncomfortable moment in Cork, we understand that Douglass became a pawn to bolster sectarian rivalries between nationalist and establishment factions. Though Douglass believed imperial politics was the best vehicle for modernity, he recognised that it had failed Ireland: consequently, in Thoughts and Recollections of a Trip to Ireland (1886), he advocates for Home Rule for Ireland.