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We demonstrate a bi-metal coating (platinum and gold or silver) localised surface plasmon resonance fibre device that produces an index spectral sensitivity of over 11,000 nm/RIU, yielding an index resolution of 5×10-6in the aqueous index regime, consisting of a structured multi-layered thin film on D-shaped fibre. © 2014 SPIE.


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We demonstrate the use of gratings to assist in the generation of surface plasmon resonances resulting in a device having a high index resolution of 3×10-5 in the aqueous index regime.


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We investigate the modification of the optical properties of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) resulting from a chemical reaction triggered by the presence of a specific compound (gaseous carbon dioxide (CO2)) and show this mechanism has important consequences for chemical sensing. CNTs have attracted significant research interest because they can be functionalized for a particular chemical, yielding a specific physical response which suggests many potential applications in the fields of nanotechnology and sensing. So far, however, utilizing their optical properties for this purpose has proven to be challenging. We demonstrate the use of localized surface plasmons generated on a nanostructured thin film, resembling a large array of nano-wires, to detect changes in the optical properties of the CNTs. Chemical selectivity is demonstrated using CO2 in gaseous form at room temperature. The demonstrated methodology results additionally in a new, electrically passive, optical sensing configuration that opens up the possibilities of using CNTs as sensors in hazardous/explosive environments.


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In recent years, surface plasmon-induced photocatalytic materials with tunable mesoporous framework have attracted considerable attention in energy conversion and environmental remediation. Herein we report a novel Au nanoparticles decorated mesoporous graphitic carbon nitride (Au/mp-g-C3N4) nanosheets via a template-free and green in situ photo-reduction method. The synthesized Au/mp-g-C3N4 nanosheets exhibit a strong absorption edge in visible and near-IR region owing to the surface plasmon resonance effect of Au nanoparticles. More attractively, Au/mp-g-C3N4 exhibited much higher photocatalytic activity than that of pure mesoporous and bulk g-C3N4 for the degradation of rhodamine B under sunlight irradiation. Furthermore, the photocurrent and photoluminescence studies demonstrated that the deposition of Au nanoparticles on the surface of mesoporous g-C3N4 could effectively inhibit the recombination of photogenerated charge carriers leading to the enhanced photocatalytic activity. More importantly, the synthesized Au/mp-g-C3N4 nanosheets possess high reusability. Hence, Au/mp-g-C3N4 could be promising photoactive material for energy and environmental applications.


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We explored the potential of a carbon nanotube (CNT) coating working in conjunction with a recently developed localized surface plasmon (LSP) device (based upon a nanostructured thin film consisting of of nano-wires of platinum) with ultra-high sensitivity to changes in the surrounding index. The uncoated LSP sensor’s transmission resonances exhibited a refractive index sensitivity of Δλ/Δn ~ -6200nm/RIU and ΔΙ/Δn ~5900dB/RIU, which is the highest reported spectral sensitivity of a fiber optic sensor to bulk index changes within the gas regime. The complete device provides the first demonstration of the chemically specific gas sensing capabilities of CNTs utilizing their optical characteristics. This is proven by investigating the spectral response of the sensor before and after the adhesion of CNTs to alkane gases along with carbon dioxide. The device shows a distinctive spectral response in the presence of gaseous CO2 over and above what is expected from general changes in the bulk refractive index. This fiber device yielded a limit of detection of 150ppm for CO2 at a pressure of one atmosphere. Additionally the adhered CNTs actually reduce sensitivity of the device to changes in bulk refractive index of the surrounding medium. The polarization properties of the LSP sensor resonances are also investigated and it is shown that there is a reduction in the overall azimuthal polarization after the CNTs are applied. These optical devices offer a way of exploiting optically the chemical selectivity of carbon nanotubes, thus providing the potential for real-world applications in gas sensing in many inflammable and explosive environments. © (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.


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Bio-molecular interactions exist ubiquitously in all biological systems. This dissertation project was to construct a powerful surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor. The SPR system is used to study bio-molecular interactions in real time and without labeling. Surface plasmon is the oscillation of free electrons in metals coupled with surface electromagnetic waves. These surface electromagnetic waves provide a sensitive probe to study bio-molecular interactions on metal surfaces. This project resulted in the successful construction and optimization of a homemade SPR sensor and the development of several new powerful protocols to study bio-molecular interactions. It was discovered through this project that the limitations of earlier SPR sensors are related not only to the instrumentation design and operating procedures, but also to the complex behaviors of bio-molecules on sensor surfaces that were very different from that in solution. Based on these discoveries the instrumentation design and operating procedures were fully optimized. A set of existing sensor surface treatment protocols were tested and evaluated and new protocols were developed in this project. The new protocols have demonstrated excellent performance to study biomolecular interactions. The optimized home-made SPR sensor was used to study protein-surface interactions. These protein-surface interactions are responsible for many complex organic cell activities. The co-existence of different driving forces and their correlation with the structure of the protein and the surface make the understanding of the fundamental mechanism of protein-surface interactions a very challenging task. Using the improved SPR sensor, the electrostatic interaction and hydrophobic interaction were studied separately. The results of this project directly confirmed the theoretical predictions for electrostatic force between the protein and surface. In addition, this project demonstrated that the strength of the protein-surface hydrophobic interaction does not solely depend on the hydrophobicity as reported earlier. Surface structure also plays a significant role.


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Research in biosensing approaches as alternative techniques for food diagnostics for the detection of chemical contaminants and foodborne pathogens has increased over the last twenty years. The key component of such tests is the biorecognition element whereby polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies still dominate the market. Traditionally the screening of sera or cell culture media for the selection of polyclonal or monoclonal candidate antibodies respectively has been performed by enzyme immunoassays. For niche toxin compounds, enzyme immunoassays can be expensive and/or prohibitive methodologies for antibody production due to limitations in toxin supply for conjugate production. Automated, self-regenerating, chip-based biosensors proven in food diagnostics may be utilised as rapid screening tools for antibody candidate selection. This work describes the use of both single channel and multi-channel surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors for the selection and characterisation of antibodies, and their evaluation in shellfish tissue as standard techniques for the detection of domoic acid, as a model toxin compound. The key advantages in the use of these biosensor techniques for screening hybridomas in monoclonal antibody production were the real time observation of molecular interaction and rapid turnaround time in analysis compared to enzyme immunoassays. The multichannel prototype instrument was superior with 96 analyses completed in 2h compared to 12h for the single channel and over 24h for the ELISA immunoassay. Antibodies of high sensitivity, IC50's ranging from 4.8 to 6.9ng/mL for monoclonal and 2.3-6.0ng/mL for polyclonal, for the detection of domoic acid in a 1min analysis time were selected. Although there is a progression for biosensor technology towards low cost, multiplexed portable diagnostics for the food industry, there remains a place for laboratory-based SPR instrumentation for antibody development for food diagnostics as shown herein.


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Over the past decade Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) techniques have been applied to the measurement of numerous analytes. In this article, an SPR biosensor system deployed from an oceanographic vessel was used to measure dissolved domoic acid (DA), a common and harmful phycotoxin produced by certain microalgae species belonging to the genus Pseudo-nitzschia. During the biosensor deployment, concentrations of Pseudo-nitzschia cells were very low over the study area and measured DA concentrations were below detection. However, the in situ operational detection limit of the system was established using calibrated seawater solutions spiked with DA. The system could detect the toxin at concentrations as low as 0.1 ng mL−1 and presented a linear dynamic range from 0.1 ng mL−1 to 2.0 ng mL−1. This sensor showed promise for in situ detection of DA.


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Two-photon initiated photo-isomerization of an azobenzene moiety adsorbed on silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) is demonstrated. The azobenzene is linked to a materials-binding peptide that brings it into intimate contact with the Ag NP surface, producing a dramatic enhancement of its two-photon absorbance. An integrated modeling approach, combining advanced conformational sampling with Quantum Mechanics/Capacitance Molecular Mechanics and response theory, shows that charge transfer and image charges in the Ag NP generate local fields that enhance two-photon absorption of the cis isomer, but not the trans isomer, of adsorbed molecules. Moreover, dramatic local field enhancement is expected near the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) wavelength, and the LSPR band of the Ag NPs overlaps the azobenzene absorbance that triggers cis to trans switching. As a result, the Ag NPs enable two-photon initiated cis to trans isomerization, but not trans to cis isomerization. Confocal anti-Stokes fluorescence imaging shows that this effect is not due to local heating, while the quadratic dependence of switching rate on laser intensity is consistent with a two-photon process. Highly localized two-photon initiated switching could allow local manipulation near the focal point of a laser within a 3D nanoparticle assembly, which cannot be achieved using linear optical processes.


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We recently developed a binding assay format by incorporating native transmembrane receptors into artificial phospholipid bilayers on biosensor devices for surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. By extending the method to surface plasmon-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS), sensitive recording of the association of even very small ligands is enabled. Herewith, we monitored binding of synthetic mono- and oligomeric RGD-based peptides and peptidomimetics to integrins alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5, after having confirmed correct orientation and functionality of membrane-embedded integrins. We evaluated integrin binding of RGD multimers linked together via aminohexanoic acid (Ahx) spacers and showed that the dimer revealed higher binding activity than the tetramer, followed by the RGD monomers. The peptidomimetic was also found to be highly active with a slightly higher selectivity toward alphavbeta3. The different compounds were also evaluated in in vitro cell adhesion tests for their capacity to interfere with alphavbeta3-mediated cell attachment to vitronectin. We hereby demonstrated that the different RGD monomers were similarly effective; the RGD dimer and tetramer showed comparable IC50 values, which were, however, significantly higher than those of the monomers. Best cell detachment from vitronectin was achieved by the peptidomimetic. The novel SPFS-binding assay platform proves to be a suitable, reliable, and sensitive method to monitor the binding capacity of small ligands to native transmembrane receptors, here demonstrated for integrins.


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We report on the utilization of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of Ag nanoparticles to tailor the optical properties Of VO2 thin film. Interaction of nano-Ag with incident light yields a salient absorption band in the visible-near IR region and modifies the spectrum Of VO2 locally. The wavelength of modification occurs in a limited spectral region rather than affects the full spectrum. The wavelength of modification shows a strong dependence on the metal nanoparticle size and shifts toward the red as the particle size or the mass thickness of nano-Ag increases. Also, we found that the wavelength can be shifted into the IR further by introducing a thin layer of TiO2 onto the nano-Ag. Interestingly, with the help of LSPR effects the VO2 film exhibits an anomalous thermochromic behavior in the modification wavelength region, which may be useful in optical switching applications.


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Surface plasmon resonances of arrays of parallel copper nanowires, embedded in ion track-etched polycarbonate membranes, were investigated by systematic changes of nanowires’ topology and arrays area density. The extinction spectra exhibit two peaks which are attributed to interband transitions of Cu bulk metal and to a dipolar surface plasmon resonance, respectively. The resonances were investigated as a function of wire diameter and length, mean distance between adjacent wires, and angle of incidence of the light field with respect to the long wire axis. The dipolar peak shifts to larger wavelengths with increasing diameter and length, and diminishing mean distance between adjacent wires. Additionally, the shape effect on the dipolar peak is investigated.


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A sandwich structure consisting of Ag nanoparticles (NPs), p-aminothiophenol (p-ATP) self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), and Ag NPs was fabricated on glass and characterized by surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). The SERS spectrum of a p-ATP SAM in such sandwich structure shows that the electromagnetic enhancement is greater than that on Ag NPs assembled on glass. The obtained enhancement factors (EF) on solely one sandwich structure were as large as 6.0 +/- 0.62x10(4) and 1.2 +/- 0.62x10(7) for the 7a and 3b(b(2)) vibration modes, respectively. The large enhancement effect of p-ATP SAMs is likely a result of plasmon coupling between the two layers of Ag NP (localized surface plasmon) resonance, creating a large localized electromagnetic field at their interface, where p-ATP resides. Moreover, the fact that large EF values (similar to 1.9 +/- 0.7x10(4) and 9.4 +/- 0.7x10(6) for the 7a- and b(2)-type vibration modes, respectively) were also obtained on a single sandwich structure of Au NPs/p-ATP SAMs/Ag NPs in the visible demonstrates that the electromagnetic coupling does not exist only between Ag NPs but also between Au and Ag NPs.


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The kinetic analysis of the interaction between tumor necrosis factor(TNF) and its monoclonal antibody was performed by surface plasmon resonance(SPR) technique. The monoclonal antibody was immobilized to the surface of CM5 sensor chip by amine coupling. TNF at different concentrations was injected across the mAb immobilized surface. The interaction was recorded in real time and could be seen on the sensorgram. One cycle, including association, dissociation and regeneration, lasted no more than 15 min. The interaction results was evaluated using 1 : 1 Langmuir binding model. The kinetic rate constants were calculated to be: k =1.68 X 10(3) L (.) mol(-1) (.) s(-1), k(d) = 1.73 X 10(-4) s(-1), and the affinity constants K-A = 9. 7 X 10(3) L (.) mol(-1), K-r)= 1. 03 X 10(-7) Mol (.) L-1. The X-2 was 3.47, which showed that the interaction is consistent with the 1 : I model. We can see from the results that although there are two binding sites in one mAb molecule, TNF reacts with each site in an independent and noncooperative manner.


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Thin, oxidised Al films grown an one face of fused silica prisms are exposed. tinder ambient conditions, to single shots from an excimer laser operating at wavelength 248 nm. Preliminary characterisation of the films using attenuated total reflection yields optical and thickness data for the Al and Al oxide layers; this step facilitates the subsequent, accurate tuning of the excimer laser pulse to the: surface plasmon resonance at the Al/(oxide)/air interface and the calculation of the fluence actually absorbed by the thin film system. Ablation damage is characterised using scanning electron, and atomic force microscopy. When the laser pulse is incident, through the prism on the sample at less than critical angle, the damage features are molten in nature with small islands of sub-micrometer dimension much in evidence, a mechanism of film melt-through and subsegment blow-off due to the build up of vapour pressure at the substrate/film interface is appropriate. By contrast, when the optical input is surface plasmon mediated, predominately mechanical damage results with the film fragmenting into large flakes of dimensions on the order of 10 mu m. It is suggested that the ability of surface plasmons to transport energy leads to enhanced, preferential absorption of energy at defect sites causing stress throughout the film which exceeds the ultimate tensile stress for the film: this in turn leads to film break-up before melting can onset. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.