998 resultados para Kyoto Protocol, 1997
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Includes bibliography
This report analyses the agriculture, health and tourism sectors in Jamaica to assess the potential economic impacts of climate change on the sectors. The fundamental aim of this report is to assist with the development of strategies to deal with the potential impact of climate change on Jamaica. It also has the potential to provide essential input for identifying and preparing policies and strategies to help move the Region closer to solving problems associated with climate change and attaining individual and regional sustainable development goals. Some of the key anticipated manifestations of climate change for the Caribbean include elevated air and sea-surface temperatures, sea-level rise, possible changes in extreme events and a reduction in freshwater resources. The economic impact of climate change on the three sectors was estimated for the A2 and B2 IPCC scenarios until 2050. An evaluation of various adaptation strategies was also undertaken for each sector using standard evaluation techniques. The outcomes from investigating the agriculture sector indicate that for the sugar-cane subsector the harvests under both the A2 and B2 scenarios decrease at first and then increase as the mid-century mark is approached. With respect to the yam subsector the results indicate that the yield of yam will increase from 17.4 to 23.1 tonnes per hectare (33%) under the A2 scenario, and 18.4 to 23.9 (30%) tonnes per hectare under the B2 scenario over the period 2011 to 2050. Similar to the forecasts for yam, the results for escallion suggest that yields will continue to increase to mid-century. Adaptation in the sugar cane sub-sector could involve replanting and irrigation that appear to generate net benefits at the three selected discount rates for the A2 scenario, but only at a discount rate of 1% for the B2 scenario. For yam and escallion, investment in irrigation will earn significant net benefits for both the A2 and B2 scenarios at the three selected rates of discount. It is recommended that if adaptation strategies are part of a package of strategies for improving efficiency and hence enhancing competitiveness, then the yields of each crop can be raised sufficiently to warrant investment in adaptation to climate change. The analysis of the health sector demonstrates the potential for climate change to add a substantial burden to the future health systems in Jamaica, something that that will only compound the country’s vulnerability to other anticipated impacts of climate change. The results clearly show that the incidence of dengue fever will increase if climate change continues unabated, with more cases projected for the A2 scenario than the B2. The models predicted a decrease in the incidence of gastroenteritis and leptospirosis with climate change, indicating that Jamaica will benefit from climate change with a reduction in the number of cases of gastroenteritis and leptospirosis. Due to the long time horizon anticipated for climate change, Jamaica should start implementing adaptation strategies focused on the health sector by promoting an enabling environment, strengthening communities, strengthening the monitoring, surveillance and response systems and integrating adaptation into development plans and actions. Small-island developing states like Jamaica must be proactive in implementing adaptation strategies, which will reduce the risk of climate change. On the global stage the country must continue to agitate for the implementation of the mitigation strategies for developed countries as outlined in the Kyoto protocol. The results regarding the tourism sector suggest that the sector is likely to incur losses due to climate change, the most significant of which is under the A2 scenario. Climatic features, such as temperature and precipitation, will affect the demand for tourism in Jamaica. By 2050 the industry is expected to lose US$ 132.2 million and 106.1 million under the A2 and B2 scenarios, respectively. In addition to changes in the climatic suitability for tourism, climate change is also likely to have important supply-side effects from extreme events and acidification of the ocean. The expected loss from extreme events is projected to be approximately US$ 5.48 billion (A2) and US$ 4.71 billion (B2). Even more devastating is the effect of ocean acidification on the tourism sector. The analysis shows that US$ 7.95 billion (A2) and US$ 7.04 billion is expected to be lost by mid-century. The benefit-cost analysis indicates that most of the adaptation strategies are expected to produce negative net benefits, and it is highly likely that the cost burden would have to be carried by the state. The options that generated positive ratios were: redesigning and retrofitting all relevant tourism facilities, restoring corals and educating the public and developing rescue and evacuation plans. Given the relative importance of tourism to the macroeconomy one possible option is to seek assistance from multilateral funding agencies. It is recommended that the government first undertake a detailed analysis of the vulnerability of each sector and, in particular tourism, to climate change. Further, more realistic socio-economic scenarios should be developed so as to inform future benefit-cost analysis.
The energy sector is a dominant one in Trinidad and Tobago and it plays an important role in the twin-island republic‟s economy. In 2008, the share of the energy sector in gross domestic product (GDP) amounted to approximately 48% while contributing 57% to total Government revenue. In that same year, the sector‟s share of merchandise exports was 88%, made up mainly of refined oil products including petroleum, liquefied natural gas (LNG), and natural gas liquids (Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago, 2009). Trinidad and Tobago is the main exporter of oil in the Caribbean region and the main producer of liquefied natural gas in Latin America and the Caribbean. The role of the country‟s energy sector is, therefore, not limited to serving as the engine of growth for the national economy but also includes providing energy security for the small island developing States of the Caribbean. However, with its hydrocarbon-based economy, Trinidad and Tobago is ranked seventh in the world in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per capita, producing an estimated 40 million tonnes of CO2 annually. Almost 90% of these CO2 emissions are attributed directly to the energy sector through petrochemical production (56%), power generation (30%) and flaring (3%). Trinidad and Tobago is a ratified signatory to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol. Although, as a non-Annex 1 country, Trinidad and Tobago is not required to cut its greenhouse gas emissions under the Protocol, it is currently finalizing a climate change policy document as well as a national energy policy with specific strategies to address climate change. The present study complements the climate change policy document by providing an economic analysis of the impact that climate change could have on the energy sector in Trinidad and Tobago under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change alternative climate scenarios (A2 and B2) as compared to a baseline situation of no climate change. Results of analyses indicate that, in the short-run, climate change, represented by change in temperature, is not a significant determinant of domestic consumption of energy, electricity in particular, in Trinidad and Tobago. With energy prices subsidized domestically and fixed for years at a time, energy price does not play a role in determining electricity demand. Economic growth, as indicated by Gross Domestic Product (GDP), is the single major determinant of electricity consumption in the short-run. In the long-run, temperature, GDP, and patterns of electricity use, jointly determine electricity consumption. Variations in average annual temperature due to climate change for the A2 scenario are expected to lead to an increase in electricity consumption per capita, equivalent to an annual increase of 1.07% over the 2011 baseline value of electricity consumption per capita. Under the B2 scenario, the average annual increase in electricity consumption per capita over the 2011 baseline value is expected to be 1.01%. The estimated economic impact of climate change on electricity consumption for the period 2011-2050 is valued at US$ 142.88 million under the A2 scenario and US$ 134.83million under the B2 scenario. These economic impact estimates are equivalent to a loss of 0.737% of 2009 GDP under the A2 climate scenario and a loss of 0.695% of 2009 GDP under the B2 scenario. On the energy supply side, sea level rise and storm surges present significant risks to oil installations and infrastructure at the Petroleum Company of Trinidad and Tobago (PETROTRIN) Pointe-a-Pierre facilities (Singh and El Fouladi, 2006). However, data limitations do not permit the conduct of an economic analysis of the impact of projected sea level rise on oil and gas production.
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean, in collaboration with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat through the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC), convened a meeting of technical experts working in the field of economics and climate change. The main objective of the meeting was to present the results of studies that were conducted under the project, “Understanding the Potential Economic Impact of Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean”. These presentations were expected to sensitize the experts to the costs of the impacts of climate change in different development scenarios and also present the costs of adaptative and mitigative strategies to 2100. It was expected that discussions of the presentation would inform the preparation of a subregional climate change policy through an examination of the existing Regional Climate Change Framework for Building Resilience. Discussions were also intended to focus on updating participants on the upcoming negotiations for the new Kyoto Protocol that would take place in Mexico in November 2010. The meeting took the form of presentations by relevant experts followed by discussions. Each discussion segment resulted in recommendations that would inform development of the policy. The meeting was held at the ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, on 30 June 2010.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
While the Kyoto Protocol provided a framework for reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of industrialized nations, current climate change negotiations envisage future commitments for major co2 emitters among developing countries. This document uses an updated version of the gtap-e general equilibrium model to analyse the economic implications of reducing carbon emissions under different carbon trading scenarios. The participation of developing countries such as China and India would reduce emissions trading costs. Impacts in Latin America would depend on whether a country is an energy exporter or importer and whether the United States reduces emissions. Welfare impacts might be negative depending on the carbon trading scheme adopted and a country’s trading partners.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
O mecanismo de desenvolvimento limpo como mitigador do aquecimento global e a participação do Brasil
Este estudo, de relevância econômico-ambiental, parte do problema do aquecimento global para analisar o Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL) como uma ferramenta capaz de contribuir para a mitigação dos gases de efeito estufa (GEE) por meio do cumprimento de metas de redução de emissões pré estabelecidas pelo Protocolo de Quioto. Examina-se e participação do Brasil como país hospedeiro dos projetos do MDL. Conclui-se que, embora a implementação do MDL diminua o custo global de redução de emissões de gases estufa pelos países desenvolvidos e apóie iniciativas que promovam o desenvolvimento sustentável, a falta de maior especificidade nas regras do mecanismo pode abrir precedentes ao direito de poluir. Entende-se que o mecanismo não deve restringir-se somente ao cumprimento de meta, mas é fundamental que atue como desestimulante da poluição em sua origem, conforme a proposta de sustentabilidade, norte da política ambiental climática.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo identificar a forma como foi gerado o paradigma das políticas públicas sobre mudança climáticas no Brasil. Para alcançar este objetivo faz-se necessário um percurso analítico do que de mais relevante foi produzido nesse período, partindo da realidade Global em direção à realidade nacional. Considera-se que tais políticas públicas assentam-se em duas categorias básicas: globalização e governança. Os estudos sobre a globalização abordado neste trabalho, e sua dimensão ambiental, a partir do momento em que têm influenciado a agenda política dos Estados nacionais, resulta na contribuição da construção de uma governança contemporânea, especialmente o conceito de governança global climática, baseada na intersecção da governança global com as questões ambientais que dizem respeito aos efeitos negativos gerados pela mudança do clima. Entre as características dessa categoria estão a presença de novos atores, novos temas e nova correlação de forças, o que exige uma nova reorientação dos Estados nacionais, para o entendimento e o reconhecimento de novos padrões, inclusive os informais, não captados pelas instituições governamentais, ou seja, um sistema de governança exigido pela nova realidade impactada pela globalização, que apresenta desafios à ordem constituída, como a problemática das mudanças climáticas, evidenciado na instituição da Convenção Quadro sobre Mudança Climática e no Protocolo de Quioto das Nações Unidas. Finalizamos, mostrando como esse paradigma influenciou a construção das políticas nacionais e subnacionais sobre mudanças climáticas no Brasil.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper deals with the homologation process for obtaining carbon credits through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), that regulates the greenhouse gases reductions under the rules of the Kyoto Protocol. The CDM evaluates projects through a project cycle, which begins with the preparation of the Project Design Document (PDD) until the project certification to receive Certified Emission Reductions (CERs), popularly known as carbon credits. This study analyzed the implementation of the system Burner Recorder System for Low Flows of Biogas (QRBBV), developed by Marcelino Junior & Godoy (2009), in an eco-friendly wastewater treatment mini-plant (miniEETERA), built at the site of UNESP - Guaratinguetá SP. The QRBBV system is low cost and high reliability, developed to burn the methane generated at sites of low and variable production of biogas, which is not economically justified their energy recovery. Currently, almost all wastewater generated at the site of the campus is being treated by miniEETERA and, as a result, the biogas originated by this activity is being released into the atmosphere. Therefore, the project activity aims to capture and burn the biogas generated by miniEETERA, reducing the negative effects caused by the methane emissions into the atmosphere and, thus, claim to receive carbon credits. This work aimed to demonstrate the project applicability under CDM through the study and preparation of the PDD, as well as an analysis of the entire project cycle required for homologation. The result of the work obtained an estimate of only 20 CERs per year and proved to be economically unviable for approval through the CDM, since the spending with the approval process would not be compensated with the sale of CERs, mainly due the low carbon price in the world market. From an environmental standpoint, the project is perfectly... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This paper deals with the homologation process for obtaining carbon credits through the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), that regulates the greenhouse gases reductions under the rules of the Kyoto Protocol. The CDM evaluates projects through a project cycle, which begins with the preparation of the Project Design Document (PDD) until the project certification to receive Certified Emission Reductions (CERs), popularly known as carbon credits. This study analyzed the implementation of the system Burner Recorder System for Low Flows of Biogas (QRBBV), developed by Marcelino Junior & Godoy (2009), in an eco-friendly wastewater treatment mini-plant (miniEETERA), built at the site of UNESP - Guaratinguetá SP. The QRBBV system is low cost and high reliability, developed to burn the methane generated at sites of low and variable production of biogas, which is not economically justified their energy recovery. Currently, almost all wastewater generated at the site of the campus is being treated by miniEETERA and, as a result, the biogas originated by this activity is being released into the atmosphere. Therefore, the project activity aims to capture and burn the biogas generated by miniEETERA, reducing the negative effects caused by the methane emissions into the atmosphere and, thus, claim to receive carbon credits. This work aimed to demonstrate the project applicability under CDM through the study and preparation of the PDD, as well as an analysis of the entire project cycle required for homologation. The result of the work obtained an estimate of only 20 CERs per year and proved to be economically unviable for approval through the CDM, since the spending with the approval process would not be compensated with the sale of CERs, mainly due the low carbon price in the world market. From an environmental standpoint, the project is perfectly... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)