898 resultados para Knowledge -- Economic aspects -- Australia


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Innovation is understood as the combination of existing ideas or the generation of new ideas into new processes, products and services, and widely viewed as the main driver of growth in contemporary economies. In the age of the knowledge economy, successful economic development is intimately linked to a country’s capacity to generate, acquire, absorb, disseminate, and apply innovation towards advanced technology products and services. This development approach is labelled as knowledge-based economic development and highly associated with a capacity embodied in a country’s national innovation ecosystem. The research reported in this paper aims to critically review the Australian innovation ecosystem in order to provide a better understanding on the potential impacts of policy and support mechanisms on the innovation and knowledge generation capacity. The investigation places Australia’s innovation system and national-level innovation support mechanisms under the microscope. The methodology of the study is twofold. Firstly, it undertakes a critical review of the literature and government policy documents to better understand the innovation policy and support mechanisms in the country. It, then, conducts a survey to capture Australian innovation companies’ perceptions on the role and effectiveness of the existing innovation incentive programs. The paper concludes with a discussion on the key insights and findings and potential policy and support directions of the country to achieve a flourishing knowledge economy.


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A large and growing body of literature has explored corporate environmental sustainability initiatives and their impacts locally, regionally and internationally. While the initiatives provide examples of environmental stewardship and cleaner production, a large proportion of the organisations considered in this literature have ‘sustainable practice’, ‘environmental stewardship’ or similar goals as add-ons to their core business strategy. Furthermore, there is limited evidence of organizations embracing and internalising sustainability principles throughout their activities, products or services. Many challenges and barriers impede outcomes as whole system design or holistic approach to address environmental issues, with some evidence to suggest that targeted initiatives could be useful in making progress. ‘Lean management’ and other lean thinking strategies are often put forward as part of such targeted approaches. Within this context, the authors have drawn on current literature to undertake a review of lean thinking practices and how these influence sustainable business practice, considering the balance of environmental and economic aspects of triple bottom line in sustainability. The review methodology comprised firstly identifying theoretical constructs to be studied, developing criteria for categorising the literature, evaluating the findings within each category and considering the implications of the findings for areas for future research. The evaluation revealed two main areas of consideration: - a) lean manufacturing tools and environmental performance, and; - b) integrated lean and green models and approaches. However the review highlighted the ad hoc use of lean thinking within corporate sustainability initiatives, and established a knowledge gap in the form of a system for being able to consider different categories of environmental impacts in different industries and choose best lean tools or models for a particular problem in a way to ensure holistic exploration. The findings included a specific typology of lean tools for different environmental impacts, drawing from multiple case studies. Within this research context, this paper presents the findings of the review; namely the emerging consensus on the relationships between lean thinking and sustainable business practice. The paper begins with an overview of the current literature regarding lean thinking and its documented role in sustainable business practice. The paper then includes an analysis of lean and green paradigms in different industries; and describes the typology of lean tools used to reduce specific environmental impacts and, integrated lean and green models and approaches. The paper intends to encourage industrial practitioners to consider the merits and potential risks with using specific lean tools to reduce context-specific environmental impacts. It also aims to highlight the potential for further investigation with regard to comparing different industries and conceptualising a generalizable system for ensuring lean thinking initiatives build towards sustainable business practice.


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Recruitment and commercial catches of European eel have been in decline since the late 1970s. So far, the reasons are not well understood. A range of potential natural and anthropogenic reasons have been discussed, but the relative importance of the factors is unknown. As a consequence of the decline in recruitment an urgent need for protective management measures was concluded. The main approach is to restrict the fishery on eel, in particular with reference to the precautionary approach. However, in view of the lack of knowledge on the factors responsible for the recruitment decline and by considering that many yellow and silver eel stocks in freshwaters depend on restocking by the fishery, such simplified conclusions are critically discussed. A concept for the sustainable management of eel has to include 1) research on the factors determining the population dynamics, in particular during the oceanic stages, 2) a stronger consideration of socio-economic aspects, and 3) intensified research on artificial reproduction and rearing of eel.


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A detailed review of the status of the world nuclear industry with particular emphasis on economic aspects.


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A crescente preocupação que envolve as questões ambientais a nível mundial, cada vez mais agravadas pelo comportamento irresponsável do Homem, conduziu à criação de métodos de avaliação dos impactes ambientais provocados por produtos e sistemas. Sendo o sector da construção responsável por grande parte desses impactes, é evidente a necessidade de aplicação de medidas que visem mitigar ou, no mínimo, reduzir até valores aceitáveis, essas agressões ao meio ambiente. Nesse âmbito, é natural que tenha surgido a ideia de aplicar uma metodologia tão precisa e rigorosa como a LCA ao sector da construção. No entanto, nos dias de hoje, as preocupações alargaram-se às vertentes social e económica que, juntamente com a vertente ambiental, formam o triângulo de equilíbrio do desenvolvimento sustentável. É precisamente essa avaliação tripartida que esta Dissertação pretende abordar, tentando aprofundar conhecimentos e fornecer alternativas, através da análise crítica, que possam contribuir para a melhoria contínua desta metodologia.


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Os sistemas de monitorização de estruturas fornecem diversas vantagens, não só no que diz respeito à durabilidade da obra, ao aumento da segurança e do conhecimento relativamente ao comportamento das estruturas ao longo do tempo, à otimização do aspeto estrutural, bem como aos aspetos económicos do processo de construção e manutenção. A monitorização deve realizar-se durante a fase de construção e/ou de exploração da obra para permitir o registo integral do seu comportamento no meio externo. Deve efetuar-se de forma contínua e automática, executando intervenções de rotina para que se possa detetar precocemente sinais de alterações, respetivamente à segurança, integridade e desempenho funcional. Assim se poderá manter a estrutura dentro de parâmetros aceitáveis de segurança. Assim, na presente dissertação será concebido um demonstrador experimental, para ser estudado em laboratório, no qual será implementado um sistema de monitorização contínuo e automático. Sobre este demonstrador será feita uma análise de diferentes grandezas em medição, tais como: deslocamentos, extensões, temperatura, rotações e acelerações. Com carácter inovador, pretende-se ainda incluir neste modelo em sintonia de medição de coordenadas GNSS com o qual se torna possível medir deslocamentos absolutos. Os resultados experimentais alcançados serão analisados e comparados com modelos numéricos. Conferem-se os resultados experimentais de natureza estática e dinâmica, com os resultados numéricos de dois modelos de elementos finitos: um de barras e outro de casca. Realizaram-se diferentes abordagens tendo em conta as características identificadas por via experimental e calculadas nos modelos numéricos para melhor ajuste e calibração dos modelos numéricos Por fim, recorre-se a algoritmos de processamento e tratamento do respetivo sinal com aplicação de filtros, que revelam melhorar com rigor o sinal, de forma a potenciar as técnicas de fusão multisensor. Pretende-se integrar o sinal GNSS com os demais sensores presentes no sistema de monitorização. As técnicas de fusão multisensor visam melhor o desempenho deste potencial sistema de medição, demonstrando as suas valências no domínio da monitorização estrutural.


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The thesis presents a comparison of the national energy policies of the Federal Republic of Germany and Canada from 1973 until the late 1980s. The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether economic and/or environmental concerns were responsible for changes in the· West-German and Canadian national energy policies. Furthermore, the feasibility of implementing a soft energy path in West-Germany and Canada is examined. For better comprehension of the policy-making process and implemented changes in the national energy policies of the two states, the West-German and Canadian parliamentary systems and the political cultures were compared. For the analysis, several events with international impact were taken as guidelines. Furthermore, based on statistical data, the West-German and Canadian energy production and consumption were analyzed. With reference to these results the degree of the de facto changes in the national energy policies were analyzed. In addition, the thesis discusses the possibilities which a soft energy path offers to both national governments to renounce themselves from the dependencies on a few energy resources. The thesis reveals that changes in the West-German and Canadian national energy policies, in their energy production and consumption are correlated to various world events. In particular, governmental reponses security of energy supply by the two international oil crises of 1973 and 1979/1980 demonstrate that changes in the West-German and Canadian national energy policies were implemented in reaction to economic concerns than environmental ones. With the policies "away from oil" and "off oil", the West-German and Canadian government implemented the i i substitution of oil through various diverse energy supply resources. However, energy savings concepts and policies were initiated through the first oil crisis in 1973. The world recessions in 1975 and 1982 had no 'profound impacts on the agenda of West-German and Canadian energy policies. As a consequence of the stagnation or the negative growth of the world economic market, changes in their energy production and consumption can be perceived. However, the West-German and Canadian energy production and consumption intensified with the augmentation of the world economy. During the period of study, environmental concerns were taken into account in the energy policy agendas of the Federal Republic of Germany and Canada but they were not of primary concern. wi thin the decade of. the 1980s notably more environmental considerations were taken into account in the energy policies of the two states. The two nuclear reactor accidents in 1979 and 1986 sharpened to various degrees West-German and Canadian public discourse of present energy supply mix and attitude towards energy production and consumption. The statistical data reflects yet no changes in the energy policies in regard to the position of nuclear power. However, in the next several years possible changes can be observed through statistical data, because the planning, the construction and possible phase out of nuclear power requires several years. Finally, the thesis reveals that the implementation of a soft energy path requires profound changes in the consumer behaviour. As several studies indicate, a soft energy path is technological and economically feasible for the Federal Republic of Germany and Canada, its implementation remains to be a political decision.


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Film sequels are a pervasive part of film consumption practices and have become an important part of the decision making process for Hollywood studios and producers. This thesis indicates that sequels are not homogenous groups of films, as they are often considered, but offer a variety of story construction and utilize a variety of production methods. Three types of blockbuster sequel sets are identified and discussed in this thesis. The Traditional Blockbuster Sequel Set, as exemplified by Back to the Future (1985, 1989, 1990) films, is the most conventional type of sequel set and capitalizes on the winning formula of the first film in the franchise. The MultiMedia Sequel Set, such as The Matrix (1999,2003) trilogy, allows the user/viewer to experience and consume the story as well as the world of the film through many different media. The Lord a/ the Rings (2001, 2002, 2003) set of films is an illustration of The Saga Sequel Set where plot lines are continuous over the entire franchise thus allowing the viewer to see the entire set as a unified work. The thesis also demonstrates how the blockbuster sequel sets, such as the Pirates a/ the Caribbean (2003, 2006, 2007) franchise, restructure the production process of the Hollywood film industry.


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This study followed a qualitative research approach to investigate how welleducated professionals see the role of formal education in building human capital. Individuals need to understand the relationship between education and their human capital to justify the time and money they invested to get their education. Colleges and universities need to know the value of their output, to better value and promote the process of knowledge production and transmission and help the general public appreciate their work more. While the importance of a good education is a key factor in the success of learners, this study revealed the power of social capital in making this success a reality. It may not be enough for an individual to acquire good education to guarantee a better future. The power of social connections can be the main determinant in one’s wellbeing. This study shows that it is important to address students’ life outside school beside the importance of a classroom education.


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Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999 P65 D53 2007


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Depuis les années 90, les Projets Intégrés de Conservation et Développement ont été présentés comme des modèles fonctionnels de développement durable pour un site spécifique dans une perspective de réalisation. Le but est d’intégrer les objectifs biologiques de la conservation aux objectifs sociaux et économiques du développement. Ces projets, qui répondent à de multiples dénominations et stratégies, sont implantés dans des contextes naturellement hétérogènes et dynamiques, où l’aménagement du territoire ne doit pas être un outil de planification étatique, désigné et imposé dans une logique conservationniste. Les aires protégées représentent une certaine vision du rapport entre l’être humain et la nature, apparue dans le contexte nord-américain avec la création des premiers grands parcs nationaux en 1870. Aujourd'hui, la forte volonté d'impliquer la population se heurte avec la difficulté de concilier la gestion de ces espaces avec les pratiques, les nécessités et les intérêts locaux. Le parc naturel Obô, qui occupe 30% du territoire de São Tomé et Principe, doit affronter la difficile intégration entre les représentations de la nature et les usages locaux avec les objectifs globaux des politiques conservationnistes, ainsi qu’avec les intérêts touristiques et économiques des investisseurs locaux et étrangers. Les représentations sociales de la nature, établissant une forme de connaissance pratique, déterminent la vision du monde et la relation qu'un certain groupe social peut avoir avec le territoire. Ainsi, chaque communauté possède ses propres mécanismes d'adaptation au milieu basés sur ce système représentationnel. Dans le cas des communautés sãotoméennes, la nature présente un caractère spirituel (associé à des croyances, des rites et des pratiques médicales traditionnelles) et utilitaire (la nature, à travers l'agriculture, la récolte ou la chasse, répond au besoin de subsistance). L’objectif de ce projet de thèse est donc de mieux comprendre la synergie existante entre savoir endogène et gestion de la biodiversité pour adapter l’aménagement du territoire à la réalité des populations qui y vivent.


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Aujourd’hui, nous savons qu’environ 75 à 80% des impacts environnementaux des produits sont déterminés lors de la conception. Le rôle du designer industriel est donc crucial pour arriver à une forme de développement plus viable. Cette recherche tente de cibler les champs de connaissances qui devraient faire partie de la formation des professionnels du développement de produits pour y intégrer les aspects environnementaux. Après une recension de la littérature en design industriel, en pédagogie et en environnement, l’étude de terrain a été conduite en deux temps. Selon des critères prédéfinis, des programmes universitaires « spécialisés » en environnement/développement durable, au Québec, ainsi que des formations en éco-conception, offerts en France, ont été analysés. L’étude de terrain a été complétée par un entretien en profondeur semi-dirigé avec un consultant, qui aide des entreprises québécoises à intégrer l’environnement en développement de produits. L’analyse des informations recueillies met en évidence la nécessité de transformer rapidement les formations universitaires en conception de produits. Le nouveau cursus de design industriel devrait; 1. Intégrer les connaissances relatives aux impacts environnementaux; 2. Encourager le travail en équipes multidisciplinaires pour enrichir la collecte d’informations relative aux projets de développement; 3. Établir une collaboration étroite entre les établissements d’enseignement et les industries, ce qui est essentiel à la compréhension des enjeux de développement de produits et services (culture de l’entreprise, coût, délais, logistique, réglementation, etc.).


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The present scenario of industrial fishing in India is that most of large trawlers are based at Visakhapatnam and congregate in the potential shrimp ground in the upper East coast of India commonly known as the Sandheads. These are outriggcr vessels operating two or four trawl nets along with a testing trawl called try net. In the early Seventies these vessels were operating on a very high economic return which was evident from the steady increase in number of outriggers over a period of twenty years. Since the total allowable catch has to be shared by all vessels including the increasing fleet, reduction per vessel output is bound to happen. Therefore some of them could not survive the competition and withdrew from the scene. The number of outriggers did not increase subsequently. However, there arose a doubt whether the existing fleet of about 180 vessels are fishing economically or whether there is any scope for further introduction of industrial vessels in the region. This study is focussing to the techno economic aspects of industrial fishing in the upper East coast of India


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This paper reports the proceedings of a conference held at Reading University in 1993 which addressed the issues of new technological developments at the regional and sub-regional levels in Britain and France. These new technological clusters - the `Technopoles' - are investigated in a series of papers in both English and French which examines their spatial, sectoral and economic aspects to determine what lessons can be learned from their development and what their future economic significance is likely to be. Two recurring themes are of particular significance in the papers - the link between R& D and regional development, and the different forms which innovation assumes within the various technopoles under scrutiny.