688 resultados para Kd


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Estudou-se a adsorção do herbicida tebuthiuron em três solos de Ribeirão Preto (SP): Latossolo Vermelho distrófico (LVd), Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico (LVdf) e Neossolo Quartzarênico (RQ). Ajustaram-se isotermas de adsorção por meio de quatro modelos: linear, Freundlich, Lambert e Langmuir, para duas profundidades: 0-10 cm e 10-20 cm. Nos três tipos de solo, o melhor ajuste foi obtido com o modelo de Freundlich, escolhido com base nos seguintes critérios estatísticos: quadrado do coeficiente de correlação entre valores observados e preditos (R²), quadrado médio do erro (QME), dispersão de resíduos padronizados e gráficos de probabilidade normal. Os coeficientes de partição do herbicida calculados com base em todo o solo (Kd) ou com base no seu teor de carbono orgânico (K OC) ou de matéria orgânica (K OM) variaram de 0,723 a 2,573; de 135,4 a 374,3 e de 78,4 a 218,3 L kg-1, respectivamente, tendo ocorrido correlação significativa entre os valores de Kd e teor de carbono orgânico dos solos e teor de argila. Efetuou-se um teste de lixiviação em colunas, no qual se observou movimento do herbicida até à profundidade de 60 cm no RQ, 20 cm no LVd e 10 cm no LVdf, verificando-se uma relação inversa entre a profundidade alcançada pelo produto e o valor de Kf de Freundlich utilizado como estimador de Kd.


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The distribution of three nuclear scaffold proteins (of which one is a component of a particular class of nuclear bodies) has been studied in intact K562 human erythroleukemia cells, isolated nuclei, and nuclear scaffolds. Nuclear scaffolds were obtained by extraction with the ionic detergent lithium diidosalicylate (LIS), using nuclei prepared in the absence of divalent cations (metal-depleted nuclei) and stabilized either by a brief heat exposure (20 min at 37C or 42C) or by Cu++ ions at 0C. Proteins were visualized by in situ immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy. Only a 160-kD nuclear scaffold protein was unaffected by all the stabilization procedures performed on isolated nuclei. However, LIS extraction and scaffold preparation procedures markedly modified the distribution of the polypeptide seen in intact cells, unless stabilization had been performed by Cu++. In isolated nuclei, only Cu++ treatment preserved the original distribution of the two other antigens (M(r), 125 and 126 kD), whereas in heat-stabilized nuclei we detected dramatic changes. In nuclear scaffolds reacted with antibodies to 125 and 126-kD proteins, the fluorescent pattern was always disarranged regardless of the stabilization procedure. These results, obtained with nuclei prepared in the absence of Mg+2 ions, indicate that heat treatment per se can induce changes in the distribution of nuclear proteins, at variance with previous suggestions. Nevertheless, each of the proteins we have studied behaves in a different way, possibly because of its specific association with the nuclear scaffold.


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A acumulação de herbicidas no ambiente em virtude de sua larga utilização em sistemas agrícolas, associada à alta persistência, é extremamente preocupante, considerando os efeitos maléficos que alguns destes compostos causam à flora e à fauna. A atrazina (2-cloro-4-etilamino-6-isopropilamino-s-triazina) é um dos herbicidas mais utilizados na atualidade e tem sido detectada em teores consideráveis em mananciais e solos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o comportamento sortivo da atrazina comercial em Cambissolo Húmico em condições naturais e em ausência de matéria orgânica. Foram determinadas isotermas de sorção de atrazina comercial em amostras do horizonte A na sua forma natural e na forma oxidada. A quantidade máxima de herbicida sorvido variou de 8 % (amostra oxidada) a 49 % (amostra natural) da quantidade adicionada. A aplicação do modelo de Freundlich na forma linear aos dados experimentais forneceu altos coeficientes de correlação para a sorção em amostra natural (r = 0,960, P < 0,01) e na amostra oxidada (r = 0,937, P < 0,01). O coeficiente n f (modelo de Freundlich) obtido na amostra natural (1,40) indica que a afinidade do sorbato pelo sorvente aumentou com o progresso da sorção, enquanto, na amostra oxidada, o comportamento foi inverso (n f = 0,78). O valor do coeficiente Kf foi de 1,10 L kg-1 na amostra natural e de 0,84 L kg-1 na amostra oxidada, enquanto o coeficiente de distribuição da atrazina (Kd) foi de 4,64 e 0,33 L kg-1, respectivamente. Estes resultados mostram que a matéria orgânica foi o sorvente determinante na retenção de atrazina no Cambissolo húmico. Adicionalmente, o valor de Koc de 103 L kg-1 obtido classifica a atrazina comercial como de alta mobilidade para o sistema atrazina-solo estudado.


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Cytotoxic T cell (CTL) activation by antigen requires the specific detection of peptide-major histocompatibility class I (pMHC) molecules on the target-cell surface by the T cell receptor (TCR). We examined the effect of mutations in the antigen-binding site of a Kb-restricted TCR on T cell activation, antigen binding and dissociation from antigen.These parameters were also examined for variants derived from a Kd-restricted peptide that was recognized by a CTL clone. Using these two independent systems, we show that T cell activation can be impaired by mutations that either decrease or increase the binding half-life of the TCR-pMHC interaction. Our data indicate that efficient T cell activation occurs within an optimal dwell-time range of TCR-pMHC interaction. This restricted dwell-time range is consistent with the exclusion of either extremely low or high affinity T cells from the expanded population during immune responses.


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OBJECTIVE: Fibrotic changes are initiated early in acute respiratory distress syndrome. This may involve overproliferation of alveolar type II cells. In an animal model of acute respiratory distress syndrome, we have shown that the administration of an adenoviral vector overexpressing the 70-kd heat shock protein (AdHSP) limited pathophysiological changes. We hypothesized that this improvement may be modulated, in part, by an early AdHSP-induced attenuation of alveolar type II cell proliferation. DESIGN: Laboratory investigation. SETTING: Hadassah-Hebrew University and University of Pennsylvania animal laboratories. SUBJECTS: Sprague-Dawley Rats (250 g). INTERVENTIONS: Lung injury was induced in male Sprague-Dawley rats via cecal ligation and double puncture. At the time of cecal ligation and double puncture, we injected phosphate-buffered saline, AdHSP, or AdGFP (an adenoviral vector expressing the marker green fluorescent protein) into the trachea. Rats then received subcutaneous bromodeoxyuridine. In separate experiments, A549 cells were incubated with medium, AdHSP, or AdGFP. Some cells were also stimulated with tumor necrosis factor-alpha. After 48 hrs, cytosolic and nuclear proteins from rat lungs or cell cultures were isolated. These were subjected to immunoblotting, immunoprecipitation, electrophoretic mobility shift assay, fluorescent immunohistochemistry, and Northern blot analysis. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Alveolar type I cells were lost within 48 hrs of inducing acute respiratory distress syndrome. This was accompanied by alveolar type II cell proliferation. Treatment with AdHSP preserved alveolar type I cells and limited alveolar type II cell proliferation. Heat shock protein 70 prevented overexuberant cell division, in part, by inhibiting hyperphosphorylation of the regulatory retinoblastoma protein. This prevented retinoblastoma protein ubiquitination and degradation and, thus, stabilized the interaction of retinoblastoma protein with E2F1, a key cell division transcription factor. CONCLUSIONS: : Heat shock protein 70-induced attenuation of cell proliferation may be a useful strategy for limiting lung injury when treating acute respiratory distress syndrome if consistent in later time points.


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Liming is a common practice to raise soil pH and increase phosphorus (P) bioavailability in tropical regions. However, reports on the effect of liming on P sorption and bioavailability are controversial. The process of phosphorus desorption is more important than P sorption for defining P bioavailability. However few studies on the relationship between soil pH and P desorption are available, and even fewer in the tropical soils. The effects of soil pH on P sorption and desorption in an Ultisol from Bahia, Brazil, were investigated in this study. Phosphorus sorption decreased by up to 21 and 34 % with pH increases from 4.7 to 5.9 and 7.0, respectively. Decreasing Langmuir K parameter and decreasing partition coefficients (Kd) with increasing pH supported this trend. Phosphorus desorption was positively affected by increased soil pH by both the total amount of P desorbed and the ratio of desorbed P to initially sorbed P. A decreased K parameter and increased Kd value, particularly at the highest pH value and highest P-addition level, endorsed this phenomenon. Liming the soil had the double effect of reducing P sorption (up to 4.5 kg ha-1 of remaining P in solution) and enhancing P desorption (up to 2.7 kg ha-1 of additionally released P into solution).


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A sorção de herbicidas no solo é um dos processos determinantes na sua dinâmica no ambiente. Para compostos fracamente polares, como é caso do acetochlor, a matéria orgânica do solo constitui o principal sorvente. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a sorção de acetochlor em amostras de solo, de ácidos húmicos e de huminas de um Argissolo Vermelho distrófico (PVd) submetido à semeadura direta e ao preparo convencional. Isotermas de sorção foram obtidas em temperatura ambiente e a concentração do herbicida foi determinada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. As amostras de solo foram caracterizadas pelos teores de C orgânico e de substâncias húmicas; os ácidos húmicos e huminas foram caracterizados por análise elementar. A capacidade de sorção de acetochlor foi superior no solo de semeadura direta (Kd = 1,22 ± 0,11 L kg-1, K OC = 116 ± 10 L kg-1 C) em relação ao preparo convencional (Kd = 0,76 ± 0,08 L kg-1, K OC = 86 ± 8 L kg-1 C). Este comportamento foi relacionado, em parte, com o maior teor de C no solo tratado com semeadura direta. Nos ácidos húmicos de preparo convencional, a sorção (Kd = 178 ± 18,9 L kg-1, K OC = 352 ± 37 L kg-1C) foi similar à verificada nos ácidos húmicos de semeadura direta (Kd = 158 ± 14,6 L kg-1, K OC = 321 ± 30 L kg-1 C); situação semelhante foi observada com as huminas. Dentre as frações húmicas avaliadas, as huminas apresentaram maior capacidade de sorção (Kd = 1.028 e 1.183 L kg-1, K OC = 2.691 e 2.892 L kg-1 C).


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A monoclonal antibody CC92 (IgM), raised against a fraction of rat liver enriched in Golgi membranes, recognizes a novel Endo H-resistant 74-kD membrane glycoprotein (gp74). The bulk of gp74 is confined to the cis-Golgi network (CGN). Outside the Golgi gp74 is found in tubulovesicular structures and ER foci. In cells incubated at 37 degrees C the majority of gp74 is segregated from the intermediate compartment (IC) marker p58. However, in cells treated with organelle perturbants such as low temperature, BFA, and [AIF4]- the patterns of the two proteins become indistinguishable. Both proteins are retained in the Golgi complex at 20 degrees C and in the IC at 15 degrees C. Incubation of cells with BFA results in relocation of gp74 to p58 positive IC elements. [AIF4]- induces the redistribution of gp74 from the Golgi to p58-positive vesicles and does not retard the translocation of gp74 to IC elements in cells treated with BFA. Disruption of microtubules by nocodazol results in the rapid disappearance of the Golgi elements stained by gp74 and redistribution of the protein into vesicle-like structures. The responses of gp74 to cell perturbants are in sharp contrast with those of cis/middle and trans-Golgi resident proteins whose location is not affected by low temperatures or [AIF4]-, are translocated to the ER upon addition of BFA, and stay in slow disintegrating Golgi elements in cells treated with nocodazol. The results suggest that gp74 is an itinerant protein that resides most of the time in the CGN and cycles through the ER/IC following the pathway used by p58.


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Membrane organization into condensed domains or rafts provides molecular platforms for selective recruitment of proteins. Cell migration is a general process that requires spatiotemporal targeting of Rac1 to membrane rafts. The protein machinery responsible for making rafts competent to recruit Rac1 remains elusive. Some members of the MAL family of proteins are involved in specialized processes dependent on this type of membrane. Because condensed membrane domains are a general feature of the plasma membrane of all mammalian cells, we hypothesized that MAL family members with ubiquitous expression and plasma membrane distribution could be involved in the organization of membranes for cell migration. We show that myeloid-associated differentiation marker (MYADM), a protein with unique features within the MAL family, colocalizes with Rac1 in membrane protrusions at the cell surface and distributes in condensed membranes. MYADM knockdown (KD) cells had altered membrane condensation and showed deficient incorporation of Rac1 to membrane raft fractions and, similar to Rac1 KD cells, exhibited reduced cell spreading and migration. Results of rescue-of-function experiments by expression of MYADM or active Rac1L61 in cells knocked down for Rac1 or MYADM, respectively, are consistent with the idea that MYADM and Rac1 act on parallel pathways that lead to similar functional outcomes.


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Two different monoclonal antibodies (MAb), called L-D1 and L-C5, were produced after immunization with either intact cells or the methanol phase of glycolipid extracts, respectively, from the same human colon carcinoma line, LoVo. As determined by an antibody-binding radioimmunoassay (RIA) on intact cells, MAb L-D1 and MAb L-C5 were highly reactive with all five colon carcinoma lines tested and with only one out of the 21 cell lines of various tissue origin tested. No reactivity of either MAb was observed with peripheral blood lymphocytes, granulocytes, or erythrocytes from healthy donors of various blood groups. Both MAb were tested in competitive binding experiments with an anti-CEA MAb from our laboratory (CEA 35) and with two previously described anti-colon carcinoma MAb from the Wistar Institute called 1083-17-1A (17-1A) and NS-19.9. In competitive binding experiments, MAb L-D1 was inhibited by MAb 17-1A and reciprocally, whereas MAb L-C5 was not inhibited by any of the other MAb tested. MAb L-D1 precipitated a major protein band with an apparent molecular weight (MW) of 41 kilodaltons (kD); interestingly, MAb 17-1A, which was reported to react with an uncharacterized antigen, precipitated the same protein band of 41 kD. This was confirmed with immunodepletion experiments. Furthermore, after treatment of the colon carcinoma cell line with tunicamycin, both MAb L-D1 and 17-1A precipitated a protein band of 35 kD. This shift of 6 kD suggests that the glycoprotein recognized by these 2 MAb contains two to three N-linked carbohydrate side chains. MAb L-C5 precipitated a group of three to four protein bands ranging from 43 to 53 kD that were not modified by tunicamycin treatment. A preliminary study conducted by using immunoperoxidase labeling on frozen sections of primary colon carcinoma showed that the two new MAb react strongly with these tumors, but also weakly with the normal adjacent mucosa, as did the other anti-colon carcinoma MAb tested.


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No Brasil, os produtos de manga fazem uso intenso do paclobutrazol como regulador de crescimento. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre seu potencial de transporte em condições de solo e clima brasileiros. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a sorção e a mobilidade do paclobutrazol (PBZ), um fitorregulador de crescimento do grupo químico triazol, em um solo franco-arenoso da região submédia no vale do rio São Francisco, onde é intenso o cultivo de manga. O estudo de sorção foi realizado por meio de isotermas, em cinco concentrações (1,24; 2,48; 5,08; 10,22; e 20,52 mg L-1), utilizando o produto radioativo (14C-PBZ) como traçador. A dessorção foi avaliada após o descarte do sobrenadante e subseqüente adição de solução de CaCl2 0,01 mol L-1, etapa esta que foi repetida quatro vezes. Já a mobilidade do PBZ foi avaliada em colunas empacotadas com solo, com a simulação de 300 mm de chuva, uniformemente distribuída durante 72 h. O PBZ apresentou baixo potencial de sorção no solo estudado (Kf = 1,06 mg1-N L N kg-1; Kd (médio) = 0,83 L kg-1; e K OC (médio) = 165,7 L kg-1), o que correspondeu à sorção, em média, de 24,7 % da quantidade aplicada. No processo de dessorção, apenas 5,3 % do PBZ aplicado ficou retido às partículas do solo, e 19,4 % foi dessorvido à solução do solo. Portanto, em média, 75,3 % do PBZ aplicado não foi sorvido e 19,4 % foi dessorvido, totalizando 94,7 % do produto disponível na solução do solo. Apesar disso, apenas 0,83 % do PBZ aplicado foi lixiviado da coluna de solo, e 43,7 % da quantidade aplicada foi transportada para além dos primeiros 10 cm de profundidade do solo. Portanto, a mobilidade do PBZ foi menor do que aquela esperada, por se tratar de um solo com elevado teor de areia (77,5 %) e baixo teor de C orgânico (5 g dm-3) e em razão da grande quantidade de chuva simulada (300 mm). Mesmo assim, não se pode descartar, pelo menos totalmente, a possibilidade de que possa ocorrer lixiviação do PBZ, uma vez que ele mostrou mobilidade no perfil da coluna.


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The human melanoma-associated antigen identified by the monoclonal antibody (mAb) Me14-D12 is a cell surface protein whose expression is induced by interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). We have recently reported the molecular cloning of a genomic probe specific for the gene and mRNA of this protein. By screening with the genomic probe, we have now isolated a full length 3.0 kb cDNA from a Raji cell line-derived lambda-gt10 library. Sequence analysis of this cDNA showed a 99.8% homology with the intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1). Mouse Ltk- cells stably transfected with the human cDNA clone were found to express the ICAM-1 antigenic determinants detected by mAb Me14-D12 and a reference anti-ICAM-1 mAb, as judged by surface immunofluorescence. Immunoprecipitation of surface-iodinated proteins with mAb Me14-D12 revealed the presence of a 90 kD molecule with identical mobility to ICAM-1. In addition, mAb Me14-D12 could inhibit the phorbolester-stimulated aggregation of U937 cells. The findings show that the human melanoma-associated Me14-D12 antigen is the adhesion molecule ICAM-1.


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The enantiomeric siderophores pyochelin and enantiopyochelin of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas protegens promote growth under iron limitation and activate transcription of their biosynthesis and uptake genes via the AraC-type regulator PchR. Here we investigated siderophore binding to PchR in vitro using fluorescence spectroscopy. A fusion of the N-terminal domain of P. aeruginosa PchR with maltose binding protein (MBP-PchR'PAO) bound iron-loaded (ferri-) pyochelin with an affinity (Kd) of 41 ± 5 μM. By contrast, no binding occurred with ferri-enantiopyochelin. Stereospecificity of a similar fusion protein of the P. protegens PchR (MBP-PchR'CHA0) was less pronounced. The Kd's of MBP-PchR'CHA0 for ferri-enantiopyochelin and ferri-pyochelin were 24 ± 5 and 40 ± 7 μM, respectively. None of the proteins interacted with the iron-free siderophore enantiomers, suggesting that transcriptional activation by PchR occurs only when the respective siderophore actively procures iron to the cell.


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The TRAF-interacting protein (TRIP/TRAIP) is a RING-type E3 ubiquitin ligase inhibiting tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)-mediated NF-κB activation. TRIP ablation results in early embryonic lethality in mice. To investigate TRIP function in epidermis, we examined its expression and the effect of TRIP knockdown (KD) in keratinocytes. TRIP mRNA expression was strongly downregulated in primary human keratinocytes undergoing differentiation triggered by high cell density or high calcium. Short-term phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (TPA) treatment or inhibition of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase signaling in proliferative keratinocytes suppressed TRIP transcription. Inhibition by TPA was protein kinase C dependent. Keratinocytes undergoing KD of TRIP expression by lentiviral short-hairpin RNA (shRNA; T4 and T5) had strongly reduced proliferation rates compared with control shRNA. Cell cycle analysis demonstrated that TRIP-KD caused growth arrest in the G1/S phase. Keratinocytes with TRIP-KD resembled differentiated cells consistent with the augmented expression of differentiation markers keratin 1 and filaggrin. Luciferase-based reporter assays showed no increase in NF-κB activity in TRIP-KD keratinocytes, indicating that NF-κB activity in keratinocytes is not regulated by TRIP. TRIP expression was increased by ∼2-fold in basal cell carcinomas compared with normal skin. These results underline the important role of TRIP in the regulation of cell cycle progression and the tight linkage of its expression to keratinocyte proliferation.


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O estudo da distribuição de Se em solos é de extremo interesse devido à estreita faixa entre níveis de deficiência e toxidez. A espécie química de Se com maior potencial toxicológico é o ânion selenato, em razão de sua alta mobilidade em solos, sendo assim de grande importância a compreensão de seu comportamento em solos tropicais. Foi realizado um experimento de adsorção, utilizando-se 2 g de solo em 20 mL de solução, contendo dez diferentes concentrações de Se na forma de Na2SeO4, com tempo de agitação de 24 h, em solução eletrolítica de NaNO3 0,03 mol L-1. Para estudar o efeito do tempo na adsorção, realizou-se um experimento nas mesmas condições das do ensaio de adsorção, porém foi utilizada somente a concentração de 1 mg L-1 Se, variando o tempo de agitação de 15 min a 72 h. A isoterma de adsorção de Freundlich foi a de melhor ajuste aos dados experimentais. Para o estudo cinético, o melhor modelo foi o de pseudossegunda ordem, e o tempo necessário para a adsorção do Se atingir o equilíbrio foi de aproximadamente 4 h. De modo geral, os valores obtidos para Kd foram baixos; assim, conclui-se que o Se tende a ficar mais em solução do que retido nas partículas do solo. Portanto, os solos mais intemperizados, gibbsíticos e goethíticos e com maior conteúdo de argila foram os que tiveram maior afinidade pelo selênio. Nos solos com textura média ou arenosa, esse elemento tende a ser menos retido, razão pela qual pode ser absorvido pelas plantas ou ser facilmente lixiviado, podendo causar malefícios ao ecossistema.