990 resultados para Kafka, Franz, 1883-1924.
Os autores redescrevem as espécies E. erraticum, E. exile, E. microrchis, E. neglectum, E. nephrocystis e E. parcespinosum, criadas por Lutz em 1924, apresentando figuras e quadros de medidas.
Os autores redescrevem e apresentam figuras originais do exemplar tipo de Stephanoprora singularis (Lutz, 1924) propondo uma nova combinação: Equinoparyphium singularis (Lutz, 1924) comb. n.
Two samples of Sparganum, the larval form of Lueheella Baer, 1924 (= Spirometra Mueller, 1937) were recovered from Philander opossum (L. 1758) captured in Salobra, Mato Grosso State, Brazil, by Dr. Lauro Travassos in may, 1942. This is the first report of the presence of this larval form in P. opossum. Dealing with helminths recovered from Brazilian Marsupialia, deposited in Oswaldo Cruz Institute Helminthological Collection, we examined in two samples of the preserved material collected in Salobra. Mato Grosso State, nine larval forms (Sparganum) of Lueheella sp. One of the samples, with six specimens, tissue. It is the first report of philander opossum harbouring this larval stage. The studied preserved wet material was stained and whole mounts were deposited in the Oswaldo Cruz institute Helminthological collection ns. 31.470 and 31.471. Measurements are in mm.
El trabajo Espejo, cuerpo e identidad en Ifigenia (Teresa de la Parra, Caracas, 1924) plantea el tema del espejo como afianzador de la identidad del personaje principal de la novela Ifigenia, María Eugenia Alonso. A través del espejo la autora configura a su personaje principal y todo el entramado de acontecimientos en la novela. El espejo permite a la heroína darse un cuerpo y construirse a su antojo a través del ritual del arreglo. Cada mirada al espejo se convierte en el despliegue de una puerta o umbral que atrae y que a su entrada le permitirá al personaje conectar con una nueva identidad.
The validity of Biomphalaria kuhniana (Clessin, 1883) is confirmed through morphological study of specimens from Surinam (type locality) and the area of Tucurui (Tocantins river, state of Pará, Brazil) in comparison with B. straminea (Dunker, 1848), and throught crossing experiments which revealed complete reproductive isolation between the two species. The full-grown shell of kuhniana is smaller (about 7.5 mm) than that of straminea (11 mm to 16.5 mm). Anatomically they differ in the degree of corrugation of the vaginal wall (little developed in kuhniana, conspicuous in straminea), number and shape of prostatic diverticula (kuhniana 4 to 9, shorter and less branched; straminea 9 to 18, longer and more branched),number of muscle layers at the middle of the penis (two in kuhniana, three in straminea), distal segment of the spermiduct usually straight or slightly wavy in kuhniana, more or less curly in straminea. Differences between B. kuhniana and B. intermedia (paraense & Deslandes, 1962) are less marked. The latter has a shell up to about 12 mm in diameter, 7 to 15 prostatic diverticula, two muscle layers at the middle of the penis, and a vaginal wall with a combination of a more or less developed corrugation (or sometimes a mere swelling) on the left of the spermathecal duct and a rudimentary pouch on the right of the duct. A Biomphalaria straminea complex is proposed to include that species as well as B. kuhniana and B. intermedia.
En 1923, Ramón Plá i Armengol (1880-1958) fundó el Instituto Ravetllat-Pla para la comercialización y producción de dos productos antituberculosos (Hemo-Antitoxina y Suero Ravetllat-Pla) fundamentados en una teoría heterodoxa postulada por el veterinario Joaquim Ravetllat i Estech (1871-1923). A través del instituto creó una gran red internacional científico-comercial principalmente en Latinoamérica. Plá i Armengol fue doctor en medicina y participó activamente en la lucha antituberculosa en Cataluña sin dejar de lado su militancia socialista. A través de estos dos productos, logró crear un mercado que se sustentaba en una teoría heterodoxa que integraban sus principios e ideología.
The aim of the present research was to evaluate the potential of Nectomys rattus, the "water rat", to develop Schistosoma mansoni infection. Comparison with N. squamipes was carried out. Both species of rodents were submitted to transcutaneous infection using different infective cercariae loads: 50, 100 or 500. N. rattus showed high susceptibility to S. mansoni, with an infection rate of 71%. Rodents were able to excrete viable eggs of S. mansoni in the feaces during all infection period. For both species, the small intestine, followed by the liver and the large intestine, presented the highest concentration of eggs among the surveyed organs. Infection caused no animal death. Moreover, N. rattus accomplished the parasite's life cycle, by infecting the snails Biomphalaria glabrata and later Mus musculus. These evidences indicate that both N. rattus, as for N. squamipes are potential reservoirs for schistosomiasis in Brazil. Considering the fact that N. rattus and N. squamipes exist in the same natural ecosystems of S. mansoni, we suggest that these rodents must be regarded as influential factors in epidemiology surveys.
A description is presented of the shell and anatomic characters of the planorbid mollusk Plesiophysa guadeloupensis ("Fischer" Mazé, 1883), based on topotypic specimens from a pond in Borricaud (Grande Terre, Guadeloupe). Comparison with previous descriptions of nominal species of Plesiophysa points to its identity with P. ornata (Haas, 1938), of which it is a senior synonym.