Introduction. Posttransplant thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA)/hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) can occur as a recurrent or de novo disease. Methods. A retrospective single-center observational study was applied in order to examine the incidence and outcomes of de novo TMA/HUS among transplantations performed between 2000 and 2010. Recurrent HUS or antibody-mediated rejections were excluded. Results. Seventeen (1.1%) among 1549 kidney transplant recipients fulfilled criteria for de novo TMA. The mean follow-up was 572 days (range, 69-1769). Maintenance immunosuppression was prednisone, tacrolimus (TAC), and mycophenolic acid in 14 (82%) patients. Mean age at onset was 40 +/- 15 years, and serum creatinine was 6.1 +/- 4.1 mg/dL. TMA occurred at a median of 25 days (range, 1-1755) after transplantation. Nine (53%) patients developed TMA within 1 month of transplantation and only 12% after 1 year. Clinical features were anemia (hemoglobin < 10 g/dL) in 9 (53%) patients, thrombocytopenia in 7 (41%), and increased lactate dehydrogenase in 12 (70%). Decreased haptoglobin was observed in 64% and schistocytes in 35%. Calcineurin inhibitor (CM) withdrawal or reduction was the first step in the management of 10/15 (66%) patients, and 6 (35%) received fresh frozen plasma (FFP) and/or plasmapheresis. TAC was successfully reintroduced in six patients after a median of 17 days. Eight (47%) patients needed dialytic support after TMA diagnosis and 75% remained on dialysis. At 4 years of follow-up, death-censored graft survival was worse for TMA group (43.0% versus 85.6%, log-rank = 0.001; hazard ratio = 3.74) and there was no difference in patient survival (53.1% versus 82.2%, log-rank = 0.24). Conclusion. De novo TMA after kidney transplantation is a rare but severe condition with poor graft outcomes. This syndrome may not be fully manifested, and clinical suspicion is essential for early diagnosis and treatment, based mainly in CM withdrawal and FFP infusions and/or plasmapheresis.
OBJECTIVE: Poor sleep quality is one of the factors that adversely affects patient quality of life after kidney transplantation, and sleep disorders represent a significant cardiovascular risk factor. The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of changes in sleep quality and their outcomes in kidney transplant recipients and analyze the variables affecting sleep quality in the first years after renal transplantation. METHODS: Kidney transplant recipients were evaluated at two time points after a successful transplantation: between three and six months (Phase 1) and between 12 and 15 months (Phase 2). The following tools were used for assessment: the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; the quality of life questionnaire Short-Form-36; the Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale; the Karnofsky scale; and assessments of social and demographic data. The prevalence of poor sleep was 36.7% in Phase 1 and 38.3% in Phase 2 of the study. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between patients with and without changes in sleep quality between the two phases. We found no changes in sleep patterns throughout the study. Both the physical and mental health scores worsened from Phase 1 to Phase 2. CONCLUSION: Sleep quality in kidney transplant recipients did not change during the first year after a successful renal transplantation.
Purpose: To analyze the outcome of deceased donor recipients given priority in allocation due to lack of access for dialysis and compare this data to the one obtained from non-prioritized deceased donor kidney transplant recipients. Materials and Methods: we reviewed electronic charts of 31 patients submitted to kidney transplantation that were given priority in transplantation program due to lack of access for dialysis from January 2005 to December 2008. Immunological and surgical complications rates, and grafts and patients survival rates were analyzed. These data were compared to those obtained from 100 regular patients who underwent kidney transplantation without allocation priority during the same period. Results: Overall surgical complication rate was 25.8% and 27% in the patients with priority in allocation and in the non-prioritized patients, respectively. There was no statistical significant difference for surgical complications (p = 1.0), immunological complications (p = 0.21) and graft survival (p = 0.19) rates between the groups. However, patient survival rate was statistically significant worse in prioritized patients (p = 0.05). Conclusions: patients given priority in allocation owing to lack of access for dialysis have higher mortality rate when compared to those non-prioritized.
The usefulness of stress myocardial perfusion scintigraphy for cardiovascular (CV) risk stratification in chronic kidney disease remains controversial. We tested the hypothesis that different clinical risk profiles influence the test. We assessed the prognostic value of myocardial scintigraphy in 892 consecutive renal transplant candidates classified into four risk groups: very high (aged epsilon 50 years, diabetes and CV disease), high (two factors), intermediate (one factor) and low (no factor). The incidence of CV events and death was 20 and 18, respectively (median follow-up 22 months). Altered stress testing was associated with an increased probability of cardiovascular events only in intermediate-risk (one risk factor) patients [30.3 versus 10, hazard ratio (HR) 2.37, confidence interval (CI) 1.693.33, P 0.0001]. Low-risk patients did well regardless of scan results. In patients with two or three risk factors, an altered stress test did not add to the already increased CV risk. Myocardial scintigraphy was related to overall mortality only in intermediate-risk patients (HR 2.8, CI 1.55.1, P 0.007). CV risk stratification based on myocardial stress testing is useful only in patients with just one risk factor. Screening may avoid unnecessary testing in 60 of patients, help stratifying for risk of events and provide an explanation for the inconsistent performance of myocardial scintigraphy.
Early and long-term use of cyclosporine A (CsA) leads to increased risks of renal toxicity. We hypothesized that administration of daclizumab in combination with mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) allows a relevant reduction in the dose of CsA.
Marfan's syndrome is caused by mutations in the extracellular matrix protein fibrillin-1 with aortic aneurysm and dissection being its most life-threatening manifestations. Kidney transplantation from donors with Marfan's syndrome has never been reported in the literature, possibly because of reticences due to the underlying connective tissue disease. Here, we report two patients with end-stage renal disease, transplanted with the kidneys from a donor with Marfan's syndrome who died of aortic dissection and cerebral hemorrhage. After delayed graft function in both recipients, renal function normalized with no renovascular complications and negative proteinuria for 6 years in one patient and 2 years in the other patient, who died from an ischemic cerebrovascular insult. Kidneys from organ donors with Marfan's syndrome might be suitable for transplantation.
Chronic allograft nephropathy, including chronic rejection, remains one of the major causes of renal allograft failure. Amongst other mediators, metzincins, such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), direct extracellular matrix metabolism and cell proliferation. Thus, we hypothesized, that these proteolytic enzymes are differentially regulated in chronic renal transplant rejection in rats and in human renal allograft nephropathy. Our studies demonstrated on the experimental level and in humans an overall up-regulation of MMP, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP) and related enzymes as a result of rejection processes. Thus, metzincins may represent novel markers and therapeutic targets with respect to renal allograft rejection.
AIM: This study was conducted to delineate partnership-relation functioning over time and specifically matched to various organs such as heart, liver, and kidney. METHOD: Prospective, paralleled case-control-study including patients and their respective partners before and one year after organ transplantation in 23 heart-transplant recipients, 19 liver-transplant patients, and 16 kidney-transplant recipients. To assess partnership functioning, the FB-Z (family assessment measure) of Cierpka and Frevert was used. Statistics included descriptive methods, correlations, and analysis of variance including the items "organ" and "time". RESULTS: Heart-transplant recipients and their partners show significant better overall measures in their partnership ratings (sum-value) in comparison to liver or kidney patients and their partners. In all patient and partner groups, except in kidney-transplant recipients a significant deterioration over time is discernible in the subscales role performance and emotionality. In respect to the item "organ" significant differences were found in overall functioning and the subscale communication where heart-transplant recipients and their partners have significant better functioning compared to kidney or liver transplant patients. In kidney patients and their partners only communication changes to the better in the time course. CONCLUSION: In any organ transplantation the two sides of the coin are important to bear in mind, the one is the live-saving act of transplantation as such, the other is the important distress in the phase before but equally after the operation, mainly in the first year where patients and their respective partners have to be followed and treated even in respect to psychosocial and marital functioning.
AIM: Establish a list of first year medical students' attitudes, doubts, and knowledge in the fields of organ transplantation and donation. METHOD: Anonymized questionnaire handed out to students during class lectures. RESULTS: 183 questionnaires were distributed and 117 returned (participation: 64%). The average age of the students was 21.6 +/- 2.7 years (range 18 to 38 years); the sample included 71 women (60.7%) and 48 men (39.3%). Only 2 students (2%) were not interested in the subject of organ donation. The students knew very little of the legal aspects of organ donation and 1/4 of them thought there was even a Federal law regarding organ transplantation. When asked if they knew whether a law existed in the Canton of Berne, 44% replied yes, but only 24 (20%) knew that this is contradictory. There was no gender difference in the answers to these question. From 57 students (48%) 246 individual comments on doubts and concerns were analyzed. In this respect, the students mainly questioned whether the donor was truly dead when donation took place (n = 48), if illegal transplantation could be eliminated (n = 44) and if transplantation was truly necessary (n = 43). Some also mentioned religious/ethical doubts (n = 42). In regard to organ donation by a living individual, 27 students were concerned about the health of this donor. 20 students had doubts regarding the pressure possibly applied by family members and friends and as many voiced doubts in regard to premature diagnosis of brain death of potential donors. Only 2 students were concerned about the post-mortem presentation. 45 students (48%) indicated discomfort with the donation of certain organs. They ranked the kidney as the first organ to donate, followed by the pancreas, heart, cornea, intestine, lung and liver. CONCLUSION: The interest in organ donation and transplantation is already strong in fist year medical students in the pre-clinical stage. However, differences from lay public are not readably detectable at this stage of medical training. Adequate information could influence future physicians in their mediatory role.
Prednisone is a major factor of bone loss after kidney transplantation. The role of hyperparathyroidism and immunosuppressors is less clear.
BACKGROUND: While previous studies suggest advantages of minimally invasive surgery in living donor nephrectomy, similar data are lacking for kidney transplant recipients. Our aim was to prospectively evaluate short- and long-term outcome for kidney transplant recipients, comparing a short transverse (ST) to a classical hockey-stick (HS) incision. METHODS: Sixty-six patients were randomized into two groups: ST vs. HS from January 2008 to May 2010. ST was defined as incision length ≤9 cm and HS as >14 cm. Perioperative data were collected, with evaluation of intra- and postoperative complications and quality of recovery (QoR) score. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in patient demographics, early or long-term postoperative pain. There were no significant differences in QoR scores between the ST and HS group. Predictive for a worse QoR was persisting incisional pain at the 30-month follow-up. Thirty-days mortality, morbidity, and long-term kidney function did not differ between the two groups (p = 1.00, p = 0.62 and p = 0.66, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Patient satisfaction as well as graft function and patient mortality was not influenced by incision length. With patient and graft safety being paramount, especially in times of organ shortage, incision length should reflect the requirement for a successful transplantation and not be a measure of feasibility.
Transition from pediatric to adult care in renal transplantation has emerged as a critical step in the life of a young kidney recipient. During this phase, young patients are faced with the physiological and psychological changes associated with adolescence that can lead to non-compliance and potentially graft loss. To date, there is not a unique accepted model of transition, however it has been proved that the presence of a multidisciplinary team including specialists in adolescent management and in the transition from pediatric to adult transplant care is beneficial during this at-risk phase. The goal of this team is to ensure a progressive transition of the patients according to a precise plan and time line.
BACKGROUND Racial disparities in kidney transplantation in children have been found in the United States, but have not been studied before in Europe. STUDY DESIGN Cohort study. SETTING & PARTICIPANTS Data were derived from the ESPN/ERA-EDTA Registry, an international pediatric renal registry collecting data from 36 European countries. This analysis included 1,134 young patients (aged ≤19 years) from 8 medium- to high-income countries who initiated renal replacement therapy (RRT) in 2006 to 2012. FACTOR Racial background. OUTCOMES & MEASUREMENTS Differences between racial groups in access to kidney transplantation, transplant survival, and overall survival on RRT were examined using Cox regression analysis while adjusting for age at RRT initiation, sex, and country of residence. RESULTS 868 (76.5%) patients were white; 59 (5.2%), black; 116 (10.2%), Asian; and 91 (8.0%), from other racial groups. After a median follow-up of 2.8 (range, 0.1-3.0) years, we found that black (HR, 0.49; 95% CI, 0.34-0.72) and Asian (HR, 0.54; 95% CI, 0.41-0.71) patients were less likely to receive a kidney transplant than white patients. These disparities persisted after adjustment for primary renal disease. Transplant survival rates were similar across racial groups. Asian patients had higher overall mortality risk on RRT compared with white patients (HR, 2.50; 95% CI, 1.14-5.49). Adjustment for primary kidney disease reduced the effect of Asian background, suggesting that part of the association may be explained by differences in the underlying kidney disease between racial groups. LIMITATIONS No data for socioeconomic status, blood group, and HLA profile. CONCLUSIONS We believe this is the first study examining racial differences in access to and outcomes of kidney transplantation in a large European population. We found important differences with less favorable outcomes for black and Asian patients. Further research is required to address the barriers to optimal treatment among racial minority groups.