995 resultados para KERMADEC ISLAND-ARC


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The discussions on the orogenic evolution during Earth's history converge to the question of a different thermal structure in the Archean compared to the Phanerozoic and the applicability of the plate tectonic paradigm. However, geothermal structures are transient in orogens and are difficult to translate into large-scale tectonics and exhumation rates. Therefore, we propose depth–time data in the Archean Skjoldungen Orogen (SE Greenland, North Atlantic Craton) that allow for reconstruction of an exhumation rate independent of geothermal gradients. The resulting exhumation rate of ca. 0.4 km/Ma is similar to exhumation rates during erosion-controlled processes in modern orogens. These exhumation rates can only be established by erosion time constants similar to modern orogens. The occurrence of erosion-controlled exhumation is best explained by a stiff foreland promoting localized deformation in the orogen. Therefore, a switch from magmatic-dominated processes to localized deformation is proposed in the Skjoldungen Orogen area. This is supported by a change in magma composition and volume, from widespread granodiorite to localized alkaline intrusions. In addition, the involved metasedimentary rocks include detrital zircons of the only 50 Ma older foreland, which also correspond to erosion and tectonics as in modern orogens, i.e. flysh-type sediments. Relatively fast exhumation rates and the structural-magmatic evolution of the Neoarchean Skjoldungen Orogen thus indicate modern-style tectonic processes where stiff Mesoarchean continental crust forms a foreland to a collisional orogen instead of typical accretionary tectonics of weak island arc-like terranes in granite-greenstone terranes.


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The western Pacific includes many volcanic island arc and backarc complexes, yet multi-isotopic studies of them are rare. Basement rocks of the Sea of Japan backarc basin were encountered at Sites 794,795, and 797, and consisted of basaltic sills and lava flows. These rocks exhibit a broad range in isotopic composition, broader than that seen in any other western Pacific arc or backarc system: 87Sr/86Sr = 0.70369 to 0.70499, 143Nd/144Nd = 0.51267 to 0.51317, 206Pb/204Pb = 17.64 to 18.36. The samples form highly correlated arrays between very depleted mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) and the Pacific pelagic sediment fields on Pb-Pb plots. Similarly, on plots of Sr-Pb and Nd-Pb, the Sea of Japan samples lie on mixing curves between depleted mantle and enriched mantle ("EM II"), which is interpreted to be of average crustal or pelagic sediment composition. The source of these backarc rocks appears to be a MORB-like mantle source, contaminated by pelagic sediments. Unlike the Mariana and Izu arc/backarc systems, Japanese arc and backarc rocks are indistinguishable from each other in a Sr-Nd isotope plot, and have similar trends in Pb-Pb plots. Thus, sediment contamination of the mantle wedge appears to control the isotopic compositions of both the arc and backarc magmas. Two-component mixing calculations suggest that the percentage of sediments in the magma source varies from 0.5% to 2.5%.


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We document the first-known Mesoproterozoic ophiolite from the southwestern part of the Amazon craton, corresponding to the Trincheira Complex of Calymmian age, and propose a tectonic model that explains many previously enigmatic features of the Precambrian history of this key craton, and discuss its role in the reconstruction of the Columbia supercontinent. The complex comprises extrusive rocks (fine-grained amphibolites derived from massive and pillowed basalts), mafic-ultramafic intrusive rocks, chert, banded iron formation (BIFs), pelites, psammitic and a smaller proportion of calc-silicate rocks. This sequence was deformed, metasomatized and metamorphosed during the development of the Alto Guaporé Belt, a Mesoproterozoic accretionary orogen. The rocks were deformed by a single tectonic event, which included isoclinal folding and metamorphism of the granulite-amphibolite facies. Layered magmatic structures were preserved in areas of low strain, including amygdaloidal and cumulate structures. Metamorphism was pervasive and reached temperatures of 780-853°C in mafic granulites and 680-720°C in amphibolites under an overall pressure of 6.8 kbar. The geochemical composition of the extrusive and intrusive rocks indicates that all noncumulus mafic-ultramafic rocks are tholeiitic basalts. The mafic-ultramafic rocks display moderately to strongly fractionation of light rare earth elements (LREE), near-flat heavy rare earth elements (HREE) patterns and moderate to strong negative high field strength elements (HFSE) anomalies (especially Nb), a geochemical signature typical of subduction zones. The lowest units of mafic granulites and porphyroblastic amphibolites in the Trincheira ophiolite are similar to the modern mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB), although they locally display small Ta, Ti and Nb negative anomalies, indicating a small subduction influence. This behavior changes to an island arc tholeiites (IAT) signature in the upper units of fine-grained amphibolites and amphibole rich-amphibolites, characterized by progressive depletion in the incompatible elements and more pronounced negative Ta and Nb anomalies, as well as common Ti and Zr negative anomalies. Tectono-magmatic variation diagrams and chondrite-normalized REE and primitive mantle normalized patterns suggest a back-arc to intra-oceanic island arc tectonic regime for the eruption of these rocks. Therefore, the Trincheira ophiolite appears to have originated in an intraoceanic supra-subduction setting composed of an arc-back-arc system. Accordingly, the Trincheira Complex is a record of oceanic crust relics obducted during the collision of the Amazon craton and the Paraguá block during the Middle Mesoproterozoic. Thus, the recognition of the Trincheira ophiolite and suture significantly changes views on the evolution of the southern margin of the Amazon craton, and how it can influence the global tectonics and the reconstruction of the continents.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134 was located in the central part of the New Hebrides Island Arc, in the Southwest Pacific. Here the d'Entrecasteaux Zone of ridges, the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge and South d'Entrecasteaux Chain, is colliding with the arc. The region has a Neogene history of subduction polarity reversal, ridge-arc collision, and back-arc spreading. The reasons for drilling in this region included the following: (1) to determine the differences in the style and time scale of deformation associated with the two ridge-like features (a fairly continuous ridge and an irregularly topographic seamount chain) that are colliding with the central New Hebrides Island Arc; (2) to document the evolution of the magmatic arc in relation to the collision process and possible Neogene reversal of subduction; and (3) to understand the process of dewatering of a small accretionary wedge associated with ridge collision and subduction. Seven sites were occupied during the leg, five (Sites 827-831) were located in the d'Entrecasteaux Zone where collision is active. Three sites (Sites 827, 828, and 829) were located where the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge is colliding, whereas two sites (Sites 830 and 831) were located in the South d'Entrecasteaux Chain collision zone. Sites 828 (on North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge) and 831 (on Bougainville Guyot) were located on the Pacific Plate, whereas all other sites were located on a microplate of the North Fiji Basin. Two sites (Sites 832 and 831) were located in the intra-arc North Aoba Basin. Results of Leg 134 drilling showed that forearc deformation associated with the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge and South d'Entrecasteaux Chain collision is distinct and different. The d'Entrecasteaux Zone is an Eocene subduction/obduction complex with a distinct submerged island arc. Collision and subduction of the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge results in off scraping of ridge material and plating of the forearc with thrust sheets (flakes) as well as distinct forearc uplift. Some offscraped sedimentary rocks and surficial volcanic basement rocks of the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge are being underplated to the New Hebrides Island forearc. In contrast, the South d'Entrecasteaux Chain is a serrated feature resulting in intermittent collision and subduction of seamounts. The collision of the Bougainville Guyot has indented the forearc and appears to be causing shortening through thrust faulting. In addition, we found that the Quaternary relative convergence rate between the New Hebrides Island Arc at the latitude of Espiritu Santo Island is as high as 14 to 16 cm/yr. The northward migration rate of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone was found the be ~2 to 4 cm/yr based on the newly determined Quaternary relative convergence rate. Using these rates we established the timing of initial d'Entrecasteaux Zone collision with the arc at ~3 Ma at the latitude of Epi Island and fixed the impact of the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge upon Espiritu Santo Island at early Pleistocene (between 1.89 and 1.58 Ma). Dewatering is occurring in the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge accretionary wedge, and the wedge is dryer than other previously studied accretionary wedges, such as Barbados. This could be the result of less sediment being subducted at the New Hebrides compared to the Barbados.


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Clasts of metamorphosed mafic igneous rock of diverse composition were recovered in two drill sites on a serpentine mud volcano in the outer Mariana forearc during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 125. These clasts are xenolithic fragments that have been entrained in the rising serpentine mud, and make up less that 9% of the total rock recovered at Sites 778 and 779. Most samples are metabasalt or metadiabase, although one clast of possible boninite and one cumulate gabbro were recovered. On the basis of trace element signatures, samples are interpreted to represent both arc-derived and mid-ocean ridge-derived compositions. Rocks with extremely low TiO2 (<0.3 wt%) and Zr (<30 ppm) are similar to boninite series rocks. Samples with low TiO2 (<0.9 wt%) and Zr (<50 ppm) and extreme potassium enrichment (K2O/Na2O >3.9) may represent island arc rocks similar to shoshonites. However, the K2O/Na2O ratios are much higher than those reported for shoshonites from modem or ancient arcs and may be the result of metamorphism. Samples with moderate TiO2 (1.4 to 1.5 wt%) and Zr (72 to 85 ppm) are similar to rocks from mid-ocean ridges. A few samples have TiO2 and Zr intermediate between island arc and mid-ocean ridge basalt-like rocks. Two samples have high iron (Fe2O3* = >12.8 to 18.5 wt%) (Fe2O3* = total iron calculated as Fe2O3) and TiO2 (>2.3 wt%) and resemble FeTi basalt recovered from mid-ocean ridges. Metamorphism in most samples ranges from low-temperature zeolite, typical of ocean floor weathering, to prehnite-pumpellyite facies and perhaps lower greenschist. Blue amphibole and lawsonite minerals are present in several samples. One diabase clast (Sample 9) exhibits Ca enrichment, similar to rodingite metamorphism, typical of mafic blocks in serpentinized masses. The presence of both low-grade (clays and zeolites) and higher grade (lawsonite) metamorphism indicates retrograde processes in these clasts. These clasts are fragments of the forearc crust and possibly of the subducting plate that have been entrained in the rising serpentine and may represent the deepest mafic rocks ever recovered from the Mariana forearc. The variable compositions and degree of metamorphism of these clasts requires at least two tectonic origins. The recovery of clasts with mid-ocean ridge and arc chemical affinities in a single drill hole requires these clasts to have been "mixed" on a small scale either (1) in the forearc crustal sequence, or (2) after inclusion in the rising serpentine mud. The source of the MORB-like samples and an explanation for the presence of both MORB-like and arc-like rocks in close proximity is critical to any model of the evolution of the Mariana forearc. The source of the MORB-like samples likely will be one (or more) of the following: (1) accretion of Pacific plate lithosphere, (2) remnants of original forearc crust (trapped plate), (3) volcanism in the supra-subduction zone (arc or forearc) environment, or (4) derivation from the subducting slab by faulting along the dÈcollement.


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During Leg 195 of the Ocean Drilling Program, Site 1202 was drilled in the subtropical northwestern Pacific Ocean beneath the Kuroshio (Black Current) between northern Taiwan and the Ryukyu Island Arc on the northern flank of the I-Lan Ridge at 1274 m water depth. The upper 110 m of the Site 1202 section, composed of dark grey calcareous silty clay, provide an expanded record of environmental changes during the last 28 kyr. The sediments were deposited at high sedimentation rates between 3.0 and 5.0 m/kyr and peak values of 9.0 m/kyr between 15.1 and 11.2 ka BP. Variations in the modes and sources of detrital sediment input, as inferred from sediment granulometry, mineralogy, and elemental XRF-scanner data, reflect changes in environmental boundary conditions related to sea-level changes, Kuroshio variability, and the climate-driven modes of fluvial runoff. The provenance data point to increased sediment supply from northwestern Taiwan between 28 and 19.5 ka BP and from East China sources between 19.5 and 11.2 ka BP. The change in provenance at 19.5 ka BP reflects increased fluvial runoff from the Yangtze River and strong sediment reworking from the East China Sea shelf in the course of increased humidity and postglacial sea-level rise, particularly after 15.1 ka BP. The Holocene was dominated by sediments that originated from rivers in northeastern Taiwan. For the pre-Holocene period prior to 11.2 ka BP, low portions of sortable silt (63-10 ?m) show that the Kuroshio did not enter the Okinawa Trough, because of low sea-level. In turn, high proportions of sortable silt and sediment provenance from northeastern Taiwan point to strong ocean circulation under the direct and persistent influence of the Kuroshio during the Holocene. The reentrance of the Kuroshio to the Okinawa Trough was heralded by two pulses in relative current strengthening at 11.2 and 9.5 ka BP, as documented by stepwise increases in sortable silt in the lower Holocene section. From a global perspective, environmental changes in the southern Okinawa Trough show affinities to climate change in the western Pacific warm pool with little influence of climate teleconnections from the North Atlantic realm, otherwise seen in many other marine and terrestrial palaeoclimate records from southeastern Asia.


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