198 resultados para KAMCHATKA


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A comparative analysis of benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the last glacial sediments obtained by gravity cores from the southern Kamchatka slope (Vulk-34-98) and from the eastern slope of the Akademii Nauk Rise in the central Sea of Okhotsk (Vulk-34-90) revealed, along with their undoubted similarity, substantial differences caused by hydrological regime in these areas during the considered period. It is shown that during the last glacial period bottom waters near the northern Kuril Islands were warmer and less aerated than those in the Akademii Nauk Rise area. As is evident from low-amplitude variations in proportions of dominant species, hydrological parameters in the bottom layer of the latter area at that time were relatively more stable than in the former area.


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Studies were carried out in the northeastern Sea of Okhotsk, in the zone of interaction of the West Kamchatka and Compensating Currents at the beginning of spring seasonal succession from March 23 to April 14,1998. Samples for analysis of pigmentary and species compositions of phytoplankton were taken from the sea surface layer, depth 0.5 m. To reduce influence of micropatchiness on phytoplankon distribution at each station subsamples 0.7-1 l were collected every 50-100 m. These subsamples were used to make integral samples 4.5-8.0 l. Phytoplankton biomass and concentration of chlorophyll a varied from 18.7 to 490.9 mg/m**3 and from 0.129 to 2.422 mg/m**3, respectively. Total concentration of phytoplankton pigments varied from 0.622 to 6.679 mg/m**3. In samples studied 51 species of microalgae from 5 orders were found. In terms of the number of species, Bacillariophyta (31 species) and Dinophyta (15 species) prevailed. Diatomaceous algae make up more than 80% of the total phytoplankton biomass in waters of the Compensating Current, from 50 to 80% in intermediate waters, and less than 50% in waters of the West Kamchatka Current. Phytoplankton populations consisting primarily of diatoms were characterized by very low chlorophyll a to biomass ratio (0.1 %). It is three times lower than the ratio observed in phytoplankton populations that were close by species composition and size composition in this area in the late April-early May 1996.


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Particular features of tectonic structure and anomalous distribution of geothermal, geomagnetic, and gravity fields in the region of the Sea of Okhotsk are considered. On the basis of heat flow data, ages of large-scale structures in the Sea of Okhotsk are estimated at 65 Ma for the Central Okhotsk Rise and 36 Ma for the South Okhotsk Basin. Age of the South Okhotsk Basin is confirmed by data on kinematics and corresponds to 50 km thickness of the lithosphere. This is in accordance with thickness value obtained by magnetotelluric soundings. Comparative analysis of model geothermal background and measured heat flow values on the Akademii Nauk Rise is performed. Analysis points to abnormally high (~20%) measured heat flow agrees with high negative gradient of gravity anomalies. Estimates of deep heat flow and basement age of riftogenic basins in the Sea of Okhotsk were carried out in the following areas: Deryugin Basin (18 Ma, Early Miocene), TINRO Basin (12 Ma, Middle Miocene), and West Kamchatka Basin (23 Ma, Late Oligocene). Temperatures at boundaries of the main lithological complexes of the sedimentary cover are calculated and zones of oil and gas generation are defined. On the basis of geothermal, magnetic, structural, and other geological-geophysical data a kinematic model of the region of the Sea of Okhotsk for period of 36 Ma was calculated and constructed.


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The present investigation was targeted at diatom composition studies in the surface sediments (0-1 cm) sampled in the Sea of Okhotsk and the northwest Pacific in the depth range from 130 to 6110 m. The taxonomic analysis, as well as the quantitative (the diatom cell abundance per sediment dry weight unit) content and ecological group definition, was applied. Ten diatom taxa are the main body (80-100%) of the diatom assemblages: Bacterosira bathyomphala, Chaetoceros spp. (spores), Actinocyclus curvatulus, Thalassiosira latimarginata (group), T. antarctica (spores), Neodenticula seminae, Rhizosolenia hebetata f. hiemalis, Thalassiothrix longissima, Coscinodiscus marginatus, Coscinodiscus oculus iridis. The relative content of these species reflects the sedimentation conditions for different parts of the sea: the shelf, the continental slope, the open sea, and the ocean. The highest diatom content (45.6.3-60.0 mln per g of dry weight) was found for the surface sediments in the central part of the Sea of Okhotsk and the continental slope of western Kamchatka.


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Eocene diatom and silicoflagellate complexes from deposits of the Kronotsky Bay are presented. Pro tempore they are the most ancient finds of fossil phytoplankton with silica skeletons in the Northwest Pacific. More than 130 diatom species belonging to 59 genera and 24 silicoflagellate species belonging to 5 genera have been determined. Three Middle Eocene complexes (of the Lisitzinia kanayai, Lisitzinia inconspicua var. trilobata, and Praecymatosira monomembranaceae zones) and one presumably Middle-Late Eocene complex (of the zone with Rylandsia conniventa) of diatoms have been identified. For the first time a large silicoflagellate complex attributable to the Dictyocha hexacantha zone is presented. It is assumed that the complexes formed mainly in bathyal conditions at relatively high (close to sub-tropical) temperatures of surface waters.


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The paper reports the first data on geochemistry and U-Pb SHRIMP geochronology of zircons from garnet amphibolites whose fragments are hosted by the sole of the ophiolite complex of the Kamchatsky Cape, eastern Kamchatka. The zircons compose homogeneous sampling, have relatively small sizes, are anhedral, have no oscillatory zoning, and possess practically no inclusions. Chemical and photoluminescent characteristics of the zircons testify to their metamorphic genesis. U-Pb SHRIMP dates of the zircons (81.4+/-9.6 Ma) indicate that metamorphism of the amphibolite complex took place in Campanian, Late Cretaceous. These dates seem to correspond to the peak of high-pressure metamorphism, which is thought to be related to origin of an ophiolite complex of the suprasubduction type and its uplift within the Kronotsky Island arc.


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A study was made of isotopic composition of carbon in lipids found in three samples of separate particulates and in eight bottom sediment samples collected in a from the Simushir Island towards the open Pacific Ocean. Average d13C of lipids from particulates was 2.3 per mil lower than one of sediments. Humic acids from sediments are the most isotopically heavy fraction (d13C = -21.2 per mil). Isotopic composition of carbon in lipids depended on their total content in samples and on composition of sediments. Formation of isotopically heavy lipids in the surface layer of sediments may be associated with biogeochemical resynthesis of humic acids.


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