968 resultados para Jornada


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Esse artigo faz uma releitura da evolução da produtividade nas últimas três décadas no Brasil e apresenta uma análise distinta da usualmente reportada na literatura. Em particular, mostramos que parte importante da perda da produtividade do trabalho ocorrida entre os anos de 1982 e 1992 pode ser explicada pela redução da jornada de trabalho média da economia brasileira. Nesse período, a produtividade por trabalhador caiu (-0,6%) enquanto que a produtividade por hora do trabalho ficou estagnada (+0,1%) devido a redução da jornada de trabalho (-0,7%). Com base nos dados de 1982 a 2011 da PNAD, do IBGE, construímos uma série anual de horas trabalhadas para a economia brasileira ajustada pelas modificações metodológicas da PNAD e, em seguida, utilizamos a PME para construir uma serie em frequência mensal que leva em conta os ciclos econômicos, permitindo uma análise mais precisa da evolução da produtividade do trabalho e da produtividade total de fatores (PTF) no período. Nossos resultados indicam que, no período 1982-2011, tanto a produtividade do trabalho (32,3%) quanto a PTF (14,5%) apresentaram uma elevação superior à sugerida por boa parte da literatura sobre o tema.


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The reduction of standard weekly working hours from the curreilt leveI of 44 hours to 40 hours has recently been proposed by the main central unions as a way to create jobs and reduce unemployment in Brazil. The idea, known as work-sharing, is that the reduction in average hours per worker allows the same tasks to be performed bymore employees. However, the notion ofwork-sharing has been challenged by the theoretical and the empirical literature. Theory says that, in general, a reduction in the duration ofthe workweek tends to decrease employment. Work-sharing is even less likely in the case of no wage restraint, when monthly wages are not proportionally reduced. Recent cautious econometric evidence also conflict with the notion of work -sharing (Hunt, 1999, and Crépon and Kramarz, 2000). The objective ofthis paper is to study the effects ofthe workweek length reduction from 48 to 44 hours, prescribed by the 1988 Constitutional change, on the Brazilian labor market. We find that: i) the reduction of standard working hours was followed by a significant decrease in actual working hours: 60,7% ofthe employees that worked between 45 and 48 weekly hours in 1988 (the affected group) and that remained employed in 1989 switched to a 40-44 hours workweek; ii) belonging to the affected group in 1988 had no statistical effect on the probability ofbecoming unemployed, exiting the labor market, or switching to an informal job in 1989; iii) the reduction in working hours implied a 8,8% increase in hourly real wages with respect to those that remained employed at 40-44 hours a week. In sum, the reduction of standard working hours in 1988 reduced actual working hours, did not affect the probability ofa typical worker to lose hisjob in 1989, and implied a relative increase in hourly real wages.


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O Coordenador de Pesquisas da FGV-DAPP, Rafael Martins de Souza, participa a partir de hoje da 8ª edição da Jornada de Estudos de Regulação, um fórum que reúne representantes da academia, do poder público e dos entes regulados. O evento será realizado no Palácio Itamaraty, no Rio de Janeiro, entre os dias 26 a 28, e discutirá os "Desafios de Governança Diante das Demandas Sociais".


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Este livro reúne todas as apresentações e debates realizados no evento de lançamento do FIBA, ocorrido no dia 15 de agosto de 2008 no auditório da Escola de Administração da UFBA, e que reuniu cerca de 200 pessoas, entre pesquisadores, líderes de instituições governamentais e do terceiro setor com afinidade ao tema, executivos de várias empresas e estudantes.


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Existe também um jogo relacionado a esta animação. Você pode jogar clicando aqui: http://audiovisual.uab.ufscar.br/em/paulo_montanaro/jg2_paulo_em/index.html


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The worker of the public service is loosing your acquisitive power by means of the politics of fiscal settlement. The ways out that were found in the health sector, especially in nursing, is being the increasing workday for beyond 40 or 20 hours established in the link of the work with the state. This survey has the object to identify the possible repercussion of the increasing workday in daily life workers from nursing in the public service of Rio Grande do Norte. The theory reference used was the work of Marx (1982) and Antunes (2000,2001) and the daily living in Heller (1991,1992). The methodology used was a qualitative survey in the exploration kind. The informations were gathered through interviews with open questions almost structured with workers of nursing, managers and representatives of entity. The analysis of informations were made through general categories, work, and daily life, using elements from dialetics-hermeneutics according to Minayo (1992,2002). In the analysis, it was identified that the ways that were found for the overcoming of the loss of acquisitive power were the many-employment; the extra scale of shift; the subletting of work posts and the substitution of friends in scales of work, and all of them being changed in increase. Other aspect realized was the move of rights, like vacation and medical license for the workers that act in extra scale. The tiredness, stress, and bad humor are influents factors in the development of work.. The reduction of free time makes in the workers ahguish because of the familiarity decreasement just as time to dedicate themselves to the technical-scientific improvement and for the cultivation of other aspects of subjectivity, as leisure, care and culture. The low salary and the non reajustment are the reasons for the adoption of part workers for the increasing workday, and government has been responsible for this situation. The conclusion was that the increasing workday has strong repercussions in the professional and personal daily life workers that made part of the survey


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Information Age has been providing accelerated development of technologies in teaching, which is making the increase in distance courses and flexibility in the tutors everyday work. In this context, it was aimed to study the influence of flexible work in the development of activities and personal life of the tutors in Distance Education at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. More specifically, they have been sought to compare the types of flexibility detected, identifying the extent of the day's work in mentoring; investigating the relationship between flexible working time and productivity; evaluating the Quality of Working Life (QWL) and for Work and Family Relationship of the tutors. Thus, work is justified by the importance of academic and organizational achievement. To meet the goals, it was obtained a sample of 75 respondents (45.73% of the population). The data collection instrument was comprised of 48 variables mainly based by Walton (1975) and Paschoal, Tamayo and Barham (2002). The statistical techniques used were: analysis of frequency, ratio test, factor analysis and regression. The results collected have shown that the presence and distance tutors experience similar realities, but have different profiles; the day of their work is on average three hours daily; in view of the tutors, flexibility has a relation with the production, QWL work-family balance were evaluated in a satisfactory manner and the statistical techniques used have shown significant influence between the QWL and flexible working day. It is therefore concluded that flexibility at work can influence the development of activities and personal life of the tutors. Thus, the flexible working day may be used in a strategy way of routine in many organizations


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB


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O presente trabalho é um estudo sobre as travestis que vivem da prostituição nas ruas de Belém, estado do Pará. A atividade venal que lhes garante o sustento é reconhecidamente praticada nas avenidas Almirante Barroso e Assis de Vasconcelos, localizadas respectivamente nos bairros do Marco e da Campina. Essas vias públicas funcionam como dois importantes corredores de tráfego de veículos da cidade, sendo por isso ideais para o trottoir. Os dados empíricos coletados através de entrevistas e as notas de campo serviram ao propósito de conhecer a realidade em que vivem essas profissionais do sexo, o que consolida como hipótese a idéia de que seu gênero andrógino as tornam sujeitos sócio-desvalorizados com implicações diretas na sua cidadania.Uma evidência nesse sentido é a carência de políticas públicas concernentes a esse segmento social que se enquadra no conceito de homossexualidade, enquanto categoria mais genérica para aplicar o desejo e o amor entre os do mesmo sexo. Tanto ao nóvel local quanto nacional, verificam-se algumas tentativas de implementação de políticas públicas na forma de leis antidiscriminatórias que objetivam beneficiar não só aos gays, como também às lésbicas e às travestis, porém estas têm sido alvo de resistências de parlamentares contrários ao avanço da cidadania desses sujeitos. Entre outras coisas, constatou-se nessa direção que a construção da cidadania para as travestis na cidade está dependendo da atuação do Movimento Homossexual de Belém (MHB) na mobilização política por direitos, uma vez que elas não se encontram organizadas tal como ocorre em outras capitais brasileiras. Por conseguinte, entende-se que há muito a avançar nas garantias sociais e civis para que esses sujeitos andróginos, popularmente chamados de "bonecas", possam tornar-se cidadãos de direito e de fato.


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The ecology and sustainability have never been in question as they are today, this is because the planet has reached a situation in which problems related to consumption and waste production can not be ignored. Cities have become unhealthy and quality of life of urban man is increasingly impaired. As a form of escapism from the major centers, a significant number of people are looking for isolated communities and ecological order that there, in those isolated places, they are able to rescue the idea of community. The journalistic product The Village of the Mountain shows the daily life in an ecovillage and describes the challenges and ideologies of these people trying to build a more suitable place to live


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The changes in the world of work that, in turn, directly affect the teaching work, have expanded the processes of precariousness and intensification, contributing for deteriorating conditions which teachers use to labor. Considering that the time designated for teaching activities is an important part of work conditions, we look for, in this article, to analyze the work shift of teachers in São Paulo state educational public system. Regarding that teachers are a very heterogeneous group, we have chosen to discuss the workday those professionals who dedicate themselves in the last years of elementary and high school. Through a literature review and a research about the legislation related to the topic, in Brazil and São Paulo state, we have highlighted that the teachers’ work shifts should include not only the time for classroom activities, but also for other extra activities. Moreover, we emphasize that the state of São Paulo government has promoted, since 2012, a reformulation of the teachers’ work shift that has not properly include the appropriate length of time for extra educational activities, contrasting the parameters founded in the national legislation. Besides the legal non-compliance, that fact has accentuated the process of intensification of teaching work, contributing for the embrittlement of the collective activities.


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This study aims to address the significance of co-creation and its importance in the process for competitive advantage among the processes and social changes that have impact on the interests and market needs. For this, was made a case study of the project Jornada Ekos, of Natura, an open network of people who identify with the essence and purpose of the company, through a literature search in the works and records of the Jornada Ekos, such as sites about the study, social networks and search of testimonials. Was analyzed the strategies of the co-creation process used by the company on social networks in 2014. The elements analyzed were content, content generation, multimedia content, multiple platforms, interaction, building bond and innovation. The analysis identified a communication which sought to build strong bonds with those involved on the Jornada Ekos, once the company sought to innovate through co-creation and strengthen the relationship with the public, in addition to strengthening the institutional image of the organization through the dissemination of Jornadas Ekos project on the media


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A tutoria, na modalidade mentoring, tem sido adotada nas escolas médicas como estratégia para oferecer suporte pessoal e estimular o desenvolvimento profissional do futuro médico. O tutor, com papel de mentor, elemento crucial desta relação arquetípica, é pouco estudado em seu desenvolvimento pessoal. Este estudo buscou compreender as motivações de um grupo de tutores e identificar as possíveis transformações ocorridas ao longo do tempo. A investigação consistiu em um estudo qualitativo em que foram entrevistados 14 tutores de um Programa de Tutoria de uma Faculdade de Medicina. Há, entre os tutores, um desejo de restabelecer a antiga, significativa e próxima relação do mestre com o seu discípulo. Simbolicamente, buscam estar em contato com o seu "aluno interno ferido", e dele cuidar. Nessa jornada, podem - mas não necessariamente isso acontece a todos - transformar e ser transformados pelo outro.