987 resultados para Joint Angular Velocity


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Este trabalho apresenta uma bancada para testes em geradores elétricos, utilizados em aerogeradores de pequeno porte. O sistema é composto basicamente por um motor de indução trifásico, que simula um rotor eólico, acoplado mecanicamente ao gerador elétrico submetido ao ensaio; um inversor de frequência, usado para variação da velocidade do motor; transdutores de grandezas elétricas, que efetuam a medição dos parâmetros de interesse (tensões e correntes instantâneas) na saída do gerador; um sensor de velocidade angular, para medição da rotação que é fornecida ao eixo do motor; um microcomputador, para monitoração e armazenamento dos parâmetros medidos, e controle do inversor de frequência, por meio de um programa computacional desenvolvido; e uma placa de aquisição de dados, que serve como interface entre os transdutores/sensores e o microcomputador. A velocidade angular fornecida ao gerador em ensaio pode ser variada conforme valores fornecidos de velocidades de vento, as quais são associadas a valores correspondentes de rotação, a fim de simular o comportamento de um rotor eólico. Dessa forma, é possível traçar a curva de potência (potência versus velocidade de vento) do gerador ensaiado e analisar seu desempenho. Apresenta-se também neste trabalho os resultados de medições realizadas na bancada, referentes aos ensaios de um gerador comercial de pequena potência (1 kW) e de outro desenvolvido em projeto de pesquisa, ambos do tipo de imã permanente com fluxo axial.


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Este trabalho investiga uma estratégia de controle fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno aplicada ao controle de velocidade do motor de indução. A estratégia implementa uma interpolação ponderada entre um conjunto de controladores locais previamente projetados. Ao ocorrer variações nas condições operacionais do motor de indução, os ganhos da lei de controle são ajustados automaticamente, de modo a manter satisfatório o desempenho do sistema de controle. Para o projeto do controlador fuzzy a representação em espaço de estados da planta foi considerada sob a forma de um sistema aumentado, incluindo-se uma nova variável de estado que, nesse caso, foi selecionada como sendo a integral do erro de velocidade. Tal formulação permitiu o projeto de controladores locais com a estrutura PI, através de realimentação completa de estados, com posicionamento de pólos. Como variáveis de operação para o chaveamento fuzzy dos controladores locais, foram selecionados as variáveis velocidade angular do rotor e a componente da corrente de estator responsável pelo torque elétrico do motor. Em seguida, a estabilidade do controlador fuzzy Takagi- Sugeno projetado foi comprovada através do critério de Lyapunov, para isso o problema de estabilidade foi escrito na forma de LMIs. O desempenho do controlador fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno foi avaliado através de estudos de simulação, e seus resultados comparados ao desempenho de um controlador PI convencional, para a regulação da velocidade do rotor. Os resultados obtidos nas simulações mostram que o emprego da estratégia proposta torna o sistema mais robusto a variações paramétricas no sistema de acionamento.


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We analyze the scalar radiation emitted by a source in uniform circular motion in Minkowski spacetime interacting with a massive Klein-Gordon field. We assume the source rotating around a central object due to a Newtonian force. By considering the canonical quantization of this field, we use perturbation theory to compute the radiation emitted at the tree level. Regarding the initial state of the field as being the Minkowski vacuum, we compute the emission amplitude for the rotating source, assuming it as being minimally coupled to the massive Klein-Gordon field. We then compute the power emitted by the swirling source as a function of its angular velocity, as measured by asymptotic static observers.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of previous active static stretch on the peak torque (PT) and rate of force development (TDF) during isokinetic concentric contractions at 60 and 180.s-1 in active individuals. Twelve active subjects with ages between 18 and 30 years participated of this study. The individuals were submitted in different days to the following tests: 1) Familiarization session to the isokinetic dynamometer; 2) Five maximal isokinetic concentric contractions for knee extensors at each angular velocity (60 and 180.s-1) to determine PT and TDF (Control), and; 3) Two active static stretching exercises for the dominant leg extensors (10 x 30 s for each exercise, with 20 s of rest). After the stretching, the isokinetic test was repeated (Post-Stretching). The conditions 2 and 3 were performed in random order. There was no significant modification after the stretch exercises on the PT, angle and time at which the PT was attained, at 60 and 180º.s-1. In the same way, there was no significant modification on the TDF and angle at which the maximal TDF was attained in both angular speeds. In other way, the time to attain maximal TDF (TTDF) at 180º.s-1 was significantly lower after the stretching (Pre - 98.3 ± 27.5 ms and Post - 86.6 ± 30.2 ms). There was significant modification on the torque (60 and 180º.s-1) and time (60º.s-1) at different delta of angle variations, obtained at 60º.s-1 at Control and Post-Stretching conditions. However, there was significant reduction of time after the stretching exercises on delta of angle variations of 90-88º (Pre - 46.6 ± 6.5 ms and Post - 44.1 ± 5.1 ms), 88-85º (Pre - 65.8 ± 7.9 ms and Post - 63.3 ± 4.9 ms) and 85-80º (Pre - 93.3 ± 7.7 ms and Post - 90.0 ± 4.2 ms) at 180º.s-1. With base on these data, it is possible to conclude that PT and TDF do not modify after static stretching, irrespectively on the speed...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Considering the importance of muscle strength to functional capacity in the elderly, the study investigated the effects of age on isokinetic performance and torque production as a function of muscle length. Eleven younger (24.2±2.9years) and seventeen older men (62.7±2.5years) were subjected to concentric and eccentric isokinetic knee extension/flexion at 60°.s-1 and 120°.s-1 through a functional range of motion. The older group presented lower peak torque (Nm) than the young group for both isokinetic contraction types (age effect, p<0.001). Peak torque deficits in the older group were near 30% and 29% for concentric and eccentric contraction, respectively. Concentric peak torque was lower at 120.s-1 than at 60.s-1 for both groups (angular velocity effect, p<0.001). Eccentric knee extension torque was the only exercise tested that showed an interaction effect between age and muscle length (p<0.001), which suggested different torque responses to the muscle length between groups. Compared with the young group, the eccentric knee extension torque was 22% to 56% lower in the older group, with the deficits being lower in the shortened muscle length (22-27%) and higher (33-56%) in stretched muscle length. In older men, the production of eccentric knee strength seems to be muscle length-dependent. At more stretched positions, older subjects lose the capacity to generate eccentric knee extension torque. More studies are needed to assess the mechanisms involved in eccentric strength preservation with aging and its relationship with muscle length.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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In martial arts there are several ways to perform the turning kick . Following the martial arts or different learning models many types of kicks take shape. Mawashi geri is the karate turning kick. At the moment there are two models of mawashi geri, one comes from the traditional karate (OLD), and the other newer (NEW), who agrees to the change of the rules of W.K.F. (World Karate Federation) happened in 2000 (Macan J. et all 2006) . In this study we are focus on the differences about two models the mawashi geri jodan of karate. The purpose of this study is to analyse cinematic and kinetic parameters of mawashi geri jodan. Timing of the striking and supporting leg actions were also evaluated A Vicon system 460 IR with 6 cameras at sample frequency of 200 Hz was used. 37 reflective markers have been set on the skin of the subjects following the “PlugInGait-total body model”. The participants performed five repetitions of mawashi geri jodan at maximum rapidity with their dominant leg against a ball suspended in front of them placed at ear height. Fourteen skilled subjects (mean level black belt 1,7 dan; age 20,9±4,8 yrs; height 171,4±7,3 cm; weight 60,9±10,2 Kg) practicing karate have been split in two group through the hierarchical cluster analysis following their technical characteristics. By means of the Mann Whitney-U test (Spss-package) the differences between the two groups were verified in preparatory and execution phase. Kicking knee at start, kicking hip and knee at take-off were different between the two groups (p < 0,05). Striking hip flexion during the spin of the supporting foot was different between the two groups (p < 0,05). Peak angular velocity of hip flexion were different between the two groups (p < 0,05). Groups showed differences also in timing of the supporting spin movement. While Old group spin the supporting foot at 30% of the trial, instead New start spinning at 44% of the trial. Old group showed a greater supporting foot spin than New (Old 110° Vs New 82°). Abduction values didn’t show any differences between the two groups. At the hit has been evaluated a 120° of double hips abduction, for the entire sample. Striking knee extension happened for everybody after the kicking hip flexion and confirm the proximal-distal action of the striking leg (Sorensen H. 1996). In contrast with Pearson J.N. 1997 and Landeo R 2007, peak velocity of the striking foot is not useful to describe kick performance because affected by the stature. Two groups are different either in preparatory phase or in execution phase. The body is set in difference manner already before the take-off of the kicking foot. The groups differ for the timing of the supporting foot action Trainer should pay attention to starting posture and on abduction capacities of the athletes.


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In this thesis I concentrate on the angular correlations in top quark decays and their next--to--leading order (NLO) QCD corrections. I also discuss the leading--order (LO) angular correlations in unpolarized and polarized hyperon decays. In the first part of the thesis I calculate the angular correlation between the top quark spin and the momentum of decay products in the rest frame decay of a polarized top quark into a charged Higgs boson and a bottom quark in Two-Higgs-Doublet-Models: $t(uparrow)rightarrow b+H^{+}$. The decay rate in this process is split into an angular independent part (unpolarized) and an angular dependent part (polar correlation). I provide closed form formulae for the ${mathcal O}(alpha_{s})$ radiative corrections to the unpolarized and the polar correlation functions for $m_{b}neq 0$ and $m_{b}=0$. The results for the unpolarized rate agree with the existing results in the literature. The results for the polarized correlations are new. I found that, for certain values of $tanbeta$, the ${mathcal O}(alpha_s)$ radiative corrections to the unpolarized, polarized rates, and the asymmetry parameter can become quite large. In the second part I concentrate on the semileptonic rest frame decay of a polarized top quark into a bottom quark and a lepton pair: $t(uparrow) to X_b + ell^+ + nu_ell$. I analyze the angular correlations between the top quark spin and the momenta of the decay products in two different helicity coordinate systems: system 1a with the $z$--axis along the charged lepton momentum, and system 3a with the $z$--axis along the neutrino momentum. The decay rate then splits into an angular independent part (unpolarized), a polar angle dependent part (polar correlation) and an azimuthal angle dependent part (azimuthal correlation). I present closed form expressions for the ${mathcal O}(alpha_{s})$ radiative corrections to the unpolarized part and the polar and azimuthal correlations in system 1a and 3a for $m_{b}neq 0$ and $m_{b}=0$. For the unpolarized part and the polar correlation I agree with existing results. My results for the azimuthal correlations are new. In system 1a I found that the azimuthal correlation vanishes in the leading order as a consequence of the $(V-A)$ nature of the Standard Model current. The ${mathcal O}(alpha_{s})$ radiative corrections to the azimuthal correlation in system 1a are very small (around 0.24% relative to the unpolarized LO rate). In system 3a the azimuthal correlation does not vanish at LO. The ${mathcal O}(alpha_{s})$ radiative corrections decreases the LO azimuthal asymmetry by around 1%. In the last part I turn to the angular distribution in semileptonic hyperon decays. Using the helicity method I derive complete formulas for the leading order joint angular decay distributions occurring in semileptonic hyperon decays including lepton mass and polarization effects. Compared to the traditional covariant calculation the helicity method allows one to organize the calculation of the angular decay distributions in a very compact and efficient way. This is demonstrated by the specific example of the polarized hyperon decay $Xi^0(uparrow) to Sigma^+ + l^- + bar{nu}_l$ ,($l^-=e^-, mu^-$) followed by the nonleptonic decay $Sigma^+ to p + pi^0$, which is described by a five--fold angular decay distribution.


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A highly dangerous situations for tractor driver is the lateral rollover in operating conditions. Several accidents, involving tractor rollover, have indeed been encountered, requiring the design of a robust Roll-Over Protective Structure (ROPS). The aim of the thesis was to evaluate tractor behaviour in the rollover phase so as to calculate the energy absorbed by the ROPS to ensure driver safety. A Mathematical Model representing the behaviour of a generic tractor during a lateral rollover, with the possibility of modifying the geometry, the inertia of the tractor and the environmental boundary conditions, is proposed. The purpose is to define a method allowing the prediction of the elasto-plastic behaviour of the subsequent impacts occurring in the rollover phase. A tyre impact model capable of analysing the influence of the wheels on the energy to be absorbed by the ROPS has been also developed. Different tractor design parameters affecting the rollover behaviour, such as mass and dimensions, have been considered. This permitted the evaluation of their influence on the amount of energy to be absorbed by the ROPS. The mathematical model was designed and calibrated with respect to the results of actual lateral upset tests carried out on a narrow-track tractor. The dynamic behaviour of the tractor and the energy absorbed by the ROPS, obtained from the actual tests, showed to match the results of the model developed. The proposed approach represents a valuable tool in understanding the dynamics (kinetic energy) and kinematics (position, velocity, angular velocity, etc.) of the tractor in the phases of lateral rollover and the factors mainly affecting the event. The prediction of the amount of energy to be absorbed in some cases of accident is possible with good accuracy. It can then help in designing protective structures or active security devices.


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Modern control systems are becoming more and more complex and control algorithms more and more sophisticated. Consequently, Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) and Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) have gained central importance over the past decades, due to the increasing requirements of availability, cost efficiency, reliability and operating safety. This thesis deals with the FDD and FTC problems in a spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS). Firstly, the detailed nonlinear models of the spacecraft attitude dynamics and kinematics are described, along with the dynamic models of the actuators and main external disturbance sources. The considered ADCS is composed of an array of four redundant reaction wheels. A set of sensors provides satellite angular velocity, attitude and flywheel spin rate information. Then, general overviews of the Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI), Fault Estimation (FE) and Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) problems are presented, and the design and implementation of a novel diagnosis system is described. The system consists of a FDI module composed of properly organized model-based residual filters, exploiting the available input and output information for the detection and localization of an occurred fault. A proper fault mapping procedure and the nonlinear geometric approach are exploited to design residual filters explicitly decoupled from the external aerodynamic disturbance and sensitive to specific sets of faults. The subsequent use of suitable adaptive FE algorithms, based on the exploitation of radial basis function neural networks, allows to obtain accurate fault estimations. Finally, this estimation is actively exploited in a FTC scheme to achieve a suitable fault accommodation and guarantee the desired control performances. A standard sliding mode controller is implemented for attitude stabilization and control. Several simulation results are given to highlight the performances of the overall designed system in case of different types of faults affecting the ADCS actuators and sensors.


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Though 3D computer graphics has seen tremendous advancement in the past two decades, most available mechanisms for computer interaction in 3D are high cost and targeted for industry and virtual reality applications. Recent advances in Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System (MEMS) devices have brought forth a variety of new low-cost, low-power, miniature sensors with high accuracy, which are well suited for hand-held devices. In this work a novel design for a 3D computer game controller using inertial sensors is proposed, and a prototype device based on this design is implemented. The design incorporates MEMS accelerometers and gyroscopes from Analog Devices to measure the three components of the acceleration and angular velocity. From these sensor readings, the position and orientation of the hand-held compartment can be calculated using numerical methods. The implemented prototype is utilizes a USB 2.0 compliant interface for power and communication with the host system. A Microchip dsPIC microcontroller is used in the design. This microcontroller integrates the analog to digital converters, the program memory flash, as well as the core processor, on a single integrated circuit. A PC running Microsoft Windows operating system is used as the host machine. Prototype firmware for the microcontroller is developed and tested to establish the communication between the design and the host, and perform the data acquisition and initial filtering of the sensor data. A PC front-end application with a graphical interface is developed to communicate with the device, and allow real-time visualization of the acquired data.


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Hydrodynamics can be consistently formulated on surfaces of arbitrary co-dimension in a background space-time, providing the effective theory describing long-wavelength perturbations of black branes. When the co-dimension is non-zero, the system acquires fluid-elastic properties and constitutes what is called a fluid brane. Applying an effective action approach, the most general form of the free energy quadratic in the extrinsic curvature and extrinsic twist potential of stationary fluid brane configurations is constructed to second order in a derivative expansion. This construction generalizes the Helfrich-Canham bending energy for fluid membranes studied in theoretical biology to the case in which the fluid is rotating. It is found that stationary fluid brane configurations are characterized by a set of 3 elastic response coefficients, 3 hydrodynamic response coefficients and 1 spin response coefficient for co-dimension greater than one. Moreover, the elastic degrees of freedom present in the system are coupled to the hydrodynamic degrees of freedom. For co-dimension-1 surfaces we find a 8 independent parameter family of stationary fluid branes. It is further shown that elastic and spin corrections to (non)-extremal brane effective actions can be accounted for by a multipole expansion of the stress-energy tensor, therefore establishing a relation between the different formalisms of Carter, Capovilla-Guven and Vasilic-Vojinovic and between gravity and the effective description of stationary fluid branes. Finally, it is shown that the Young modulus found in the literature for black branes falls into the class predicted by this approach - a relation which is then used to make a proposal for the second order effective action of stationary blackfolds and to find the corrected horizon angular velocity of thin black rings.


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The population of space debris increased drastically during the last years. Collisions involving massive objects may produce large number of fragments leading to significantly growth of the space debris population. An effective remediation measure in order to stabilize the population in LEO, is therefore the removal of large, massive space debris. To remove these objects, not only precise orbits, but also more detailed information about their attitude states will be required. One important property of an object targeted for removal is its spin period and spin axis orientation. If we observe a rotating object, the observer sees different surface areas of the object which leads to changes in the measured intensity. Rotating objects will produce periodic brightness vari ations with frequencies which are related to the spin periods. Photometric monitoring is the real tool for remote diagnostics of the satellite rotation around its center of mass. This information is also useful, for example, in case of contingency. Moreover, it is also important to take into account the orientation of non-spherical body (e.g. space debris) in the numerical integration of its motion when a close approach with the another spacecr aft is predicted. We introduce the two databases of light curves: the AIUB data base, which contains about a thousand light curves of LEO, MEO and high-altitude debris objects (including a few functional objects) obtained over more than seven years, and the data base of the Astronomical Observatory of Odessa University (Ukraine), which contains the results of more than 10 years of photometric monitoring of functioning satellites and large space debris objects in low Earth orbit. AIUB used its 1m ZIMLAT telescope for all light curves. For tracking low-orbit satellites, the Astronomical Observatory of Odessa used the KT-50 telescope, which has an alt-azimuth mount and allows tracking objects moving at a high angular velocity. The diameter of the KT-50 main mirror is 0.5 m, and the focal length is 3 m. The Odessa's Atlas of light curves includes almost 5,5 thousand light curves for ~500 correlated objects from a time period of 2005-2014. The processing of light curves and the determination of the rotation period in the inertial frame is challenging. Extracted frequencies and reconstructed phases for some interesting targets, e.g. GLONASS satellites, for which also SLR data were available for confirmation, will be presented. The rotation of the Envisat satellite after its sudden failure will be analyzed. The deceleration of its rotation rate within 3 years is studied together with the attempt to determine the orientation of the rotation axis.


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We study the evolution of a viscous fluid drop rotating about a fixed axis at constant angular velocity $Omega$ or constant angular momentum L surrounded by another viscous fluid. The problem is considered in the limit of large Ekman number and small Reynolds number. The analysis is carried out by combining asymptotic analysis and full numerical simulation by means of the boundary element method. We pay special attention to the stability/instability of equilibrium shapes and the possible formation of singularities representing a change in the topology of the fluid domain. When the evolution is at constant $Omega$, depending on its value, drops can take the form of a flat film whose thickness goes to zero in finite time or an elongated filament that extends indefinitely. When evolution takes place at constant L and axial symmetry is imposed, thin films surrounded by a toroidal rim can develop, but the film thickness does not vanish in finite time. When axial symmetry is not imposed and L is sufficiently large, drops break axial symmetry and, depending on the value of L, reach an equilibrium configuration with a 2-fold symmetry or break up into several drops with a 2- or 3-fold symmetry. The mechanism of breakup is also described


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In this contribution we simulate numerically the evolution of a viscous fluid drop rotating about a fixed axis at constant angular velocity ? or constant angular momentum L, surrounded by another viscous fluid. The problem is considered in the limit of large Ekman number and small Reynolds number. In the lecture we will describe the numerical method we have used to solve the PDE system that describes the evolution of the drop (3D boundary element method). We will also present the results we have obtained, paying special attention to the stability/instability of the equilibrium shapes.