995 resultados para Johannes Kolb Site (S.C.)


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The accuracy of pairing of the anticodon of the initiator tRNA (tRNA(fMet)) and the initiation codon of an mRNA, in the ribosomal P-site, is crucial for determining the translational reading frame. However, a direct role of any ribosomal element(s) in scrutinizing this pairing is unknown. The P-site elements, m(2)G966 (methylated by RsmD), m(5)C967 (methylated by RsmB) and the C-terminal tail of the protein S9 lie in the vicinity of tRNA(fMet). We investigated the role of these elements in initiation from various codons, namely, AUG, GUG, UUG, CUG, AUA, AUU, AUC and ACG with tRNA(CAU)(fmet) (tRNA(fMet) with CAU anticodon); CAC and CAU with tRNA(GUG)(fme); UAG with tRNA(GAU)(fMet) using in vivo and computational methods. Although RsmB deficiency did not impact initiation from most codons, RsmD deficiency increased initiation from AUA, CAC and CAU (2- to 3.6-fold). Deletion of the S9 C-terminal tail resulted in poorer initiation from UUG, GUG and CUG, but in increased initiation from CAC, CAU and UAC codons (up to 4-fold). Also, the S9 tail suppressed initiation with tRNA(CAU)(fMet)lacking the 3GC base pairs in the anticodon stem. These observations suggest distinctive roles of 966/967 methylations and the S9 tail in initiation.


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The ribosomal P-site hosts the peptidyl-tRNAs during translation elongation. Which P-site elements support these tRNA species to maintain codon-anticodon interactions has remained unclear. We investigated the effects of P-site features of methylations of G966, C967, and the conserved C-terminal tail sequence of Ser, Lys, and Arg (SKR) of the S9 ribosomal protein in maintenance of the translational reading frame of an mRNA. We generated Escherichia coli strains deleted for the SKR sequence in S9 ribosomal protein, RsmB (which methylates C967), and RsmD (which methylates G966) and used them to translate LacZ from its +1 and -1 out-of-frame constructs. We show that the S9 SKR tail prevents both the +1 and -1 frameshifts and plays a general role in holding the P-site tRNA/peptidyl-tRNA in place. In contrast, the G966 and C967 methylations did not make a direct contribution to the maintenance of the translational frame of an mRNA. However, deletion of rsmB in the S9 Delta 3 background caused significantly increased -1 frameshifting at 37 degrees C. Interestingly, the effects of the deficiency of C967 methylation were annulled when the E. coli strain was grown at 30 degrees C, supporting its context-dependent role.


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Synthesis of 3-(indol-2-yl)succinimide derivatives is presented using a directing group strategy. Selective functionalization of C-2 in the presence of highly reactive C-3 in indole derivatives has been achieved. A conjugate addition product instead of Heck-type product has been brought about by careful selection of the alkene partner (maleimides and maleate esters) such that a beta-hydride elimination is avoided.


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Mycobacterium tuberculosis elicits the stringent response under unfavorable growth conditions, such as those encountered by the pathogen inside the host. The hallmark of this response is production of guanosine tetra-and pentaphosphates, collectively termed (p)ppGpp, which have pleiotropic effects on the bacterial physiology. As the stringent response is connected to survival under stress, it is now being targeted for developing inhibitors against bacterial persistence. The Rel enzyme in mycobacteria has two catalytic domains at its N-terminus that are involved in the synthesis and hydrolysis of (p)ppGpp, respectively. However, the function of the C-terminal region of the protein remained unknown. Here, we have identified a binding site for pppGpp in the C-terminal region of Rel. The binding affinity of pppGpp was quantified by isothermal titration calorimetry. The binding site was determined by crosslinking using the nucleotide analog azido-pppGpp, and examining the crosslink product by mass spectrometry. Additionally, mutations in the Rel protein were created to confirm the site of pppGpp binding by isothermal titration calorimetry. These mutants showed increased pppGpp synthesis and reduced hydrolytic activity. We believe that binding of pppGpp to Rel provides a feedback mechanism that allows the protein to detect and adjust the (p)ppGpp level in the cell. Our work suggests that such sites should also be considered while designing inhibitors to target the stringent response.


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HSP70 chaperones mediate protein folding by ATP-dependent interaction with short linear peptide segments that are exposed on unfolded proteins. The mode of action of the Escherichia coli homolog DnaK is representative of all HSP70 chaperones, including the endoplasmic reticulum variant BiP/GRP78. DnaK has been shown to be effective in assisting refolding of a wide variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic proteins, including the -helical homodimeric secretory cytokine interferon- (IFN-). We screened solid-phase peptide libraries from human and mouse IFN- to identify DnaK-binding sites. Conserved DnaK-binding sites were identified in the N-terminal half of helix B and in the C-terminal half of helix C, both of which are located at the IFN- dimer interface. Soluble peptides derived from helices B and C bound DnaK with high affinity in competition assays. No DnaK-binding sites were found in the loops connecting the -helices. The helix C DnaK-binding site appears to be conserved in most members of the superfamily of interleukin (IL)-10-related cytokines that comprises, apart from IL-10 and IFN-, a series of recently discovered small secretory proteins, including IL-19, IL-20, IL-22/IL-TIF, IL-24/MDA-7 (melanoma differentiation-associated gene), IL-26/AK155, and a number of viral IL-10 homologs. These cytokines belong to a relatively small group of homodimeric proteins with highly interdigitated interfaces that exhibit the strongly hydrophobic character of the interior core of a single-chain folded domain. We propose that binding of DnaK to helix C in the superfamily of IL-10-related cytokines may constitute the hallmark of a novel conserved regulatory mechanism in which HSP70-like chaperones assist in the formation of a hydrophobic dimeric "folding" interface.


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We designed a straightforward biotinylated probe using the N-terminal substrate-like region of the inhibitory site of human cystatin C as a scaffold, linked to the thiol-specific reagent diazomethylketone group as a covalent warhead (i.e. Biot-(PEG)2-Ahx-LeuValGly-DMK). The irreversible activity-based probe bound readily to cysteine cathepsins B, L, S and K. Moreover affinity labeling is sensitive since active cathepsins were detected in the nM range using an ExtrAvidin®-peroxidase conjugate for disclosure. Biot-(PEG)2-Ahx-LeuValGly-DMK allowed a slightly more pronounced labeling for cathepsin S with a compelling second-order rate constant for association (kass = 2,320,000 M−1 s−1). Labeling of the active site is dose-dependent as observed using 6-cyclohexylamine-4-piperazinyl-1,3,5-triazine-2-carbonitrile, as competitive inhibitor of cathepsins. Finally we showed that Biot-(PEG)2-Ahx-LeuValGly-DMK may be a simple and convenient tool to label secreted and intracellular active cathepsins using a myelomonocytic cell line (THP-1 cells) as model.


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Biochemistry, 2004, 43 (46), pp 14566–14576 DOI: 10.1021/bi0485833


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Using automated and manual radio-telemetry and resightings of individual colour-ringed birds, we assessed the daily use of space of red knots Calidris canutus canutus at a tropical wintering area along the Sahara coast, the Banc d Arguin in Mauritania. Confirming earlier suggestions, we found that birds were very faithful to their roosts and that the daily foraging range was small; in the course of several winter months birds used an area of only 2 16 km2 of intertidal area. We found no differences between their movements in daylight and at night. Additionally, individuals seem to return to exactly the same locations in subsequent winters. This pattern is very different from red knots wintering in the temperate Wadden Sea. Here, they readily change roost sites and easily cover areas of about 800 km2 in the course of weeks but, just as in Mauritania, no differences between day and night are apparent. In northern Patagonia and north-western Australia, red knots have range sizes closer to those on the Banc d Arguin, but here they do show differences in space use between day and night. Ecological explanations for these contrasting patterns require further comparative data based on in-depth studies on the predictability of the food base and the presence of diurnal and nocturnal predators.


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Echicetin, a heterodimeric snake C-type lectin from Echis carinatus, is known to bind specifically to platelet glycoprotein (GP)Ib. We now show that, in addition, it agglutinates platelets in plasma and induces platelet signal transduction. The agglutination is caused by binding to a specific protein in plasma. The protein was isolated from plasma and shown to cause platelet agglutination when added to washed platelets in the presence of echicetin. It was identified as immunoglobulin Mkappa (IgMkappa) by peptide sequencing and dot blotting with specific heavy and light chain anti-immunoglobulin reagents. Platelet agglutination by clustering echicetin with IgMkappa induced P-selectin expression and activation of GPIIb/IIIa as well as tyrosine phosphorylation of several signal transduction molecules, including p53/56(LYN), p64, p72(SYK), p70 to p90, and p120. However, neither ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid nor specific inhibition of GPIIb/IIIa affected platelet agglutination or activation by echicetin. Platelet agglutination and induction of signal transduction could also be produced by cross-linking biotinylated echicetin with avidin. These data indicate that clustering of GPIb alone is sufficient to activate platelets. In vivo, echicetin probably activates platelets rather than inhibits platelet activation, as previously proposed, accounting for the observed induction of thrombocytopenia.


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Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the initial and rate limiting enzyme in the catecholaminergic biosynthetic pathway, is phosphorylated on multiple serine residues by multiple protein kinases. Although it has been demonstrated that many protein kinases are capable of phosphorylating and activating TH in vitro, it is less clear which protein kinases participate in the physiological regulation of catecholamine synthesis in situ. These studies were designed to determine if protein kinase C (PK-C) plays such a regulatory role.^ Stimulation of intact bovine adrenal chromaffin cells with phorbol esters results in stimulation of catecholamine synthesis, tyrosine hydroxylase phosphorylation and activation. These responses are both time and concentration dependent, and are specific for those phorbol ester analogues which activate PK-C. RP-HPLC analysis of TH tryptic phosphopeptides indicate that PK-C phosphorylates TH on three putative sites. One of these (pepetide 6) is the same as that phosphorylated by both cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PK-A) and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaM-K). However, two of these sites (peptides 4 and 7) are unique, and, to date, have not been shown to be phosphorylated by any other protein kinase. These peptides correspond to those which are phosphorylated with a slow time course in response to stimulation of chromaffin cells with the natural agonist acetylcholine. The activation of TH produced by PK-C is most closely correlated with the phosphorylation of peptide 6. But, as evident from pH profiles of tyrosine hydroxylase activity, phosphorylation of peptides 4 and 7 affect the expression of the activation produced by phosphorylation of peptide 6.^ These data support a role for PK-C in the control of TH activity, and suggest a two stage model for the physiological regulation of catecholamine synthesis by phosphorylation in response to cholinergic stimulation. An initial fast response, which appears to be mediated by CaM-K, and a slower, sustained response which appears to be mediated by PK-C. In addition, the multiple site phosphorylation of TH provides a mechanism whereby the regulation of catecholamine synthesis appears to be under the control of multiple protein kinases, and allows for the convergence of multiple, diverse physiological and biochemical signals. ^