930 resultados para Jobotabek (Indonesia) -- Social conditions


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Personal and political action on climate change is traditionally thought to be motivated by people accepting its reality and importance. However, convincing the public that climate change is real faces powerful ideological obstacles1, 2, 3, 4, and climate change is slipping in public importance in many countries5, 6. Here we investigate a different approach, identifying whether potential co-benefits of addressing climate change7 could motivate pro-environmental behaviour around the world for both those convinced and unconvinced that climate change is real. We describe an integrated framework for assessing beliefs about co-benefits8, distinguishing social conditions (for example, economic development, reduced pollution or disease) and community character (for example, benevolence, competence). Data from all inhabited continents (24 countries; 6,196 participants) showed that two co-benefit types, Development (economic and scientific advancement) and Benevolence (a more moral and caring community), motivated public, private and financial actions to address climate change to a similar degree as believing climate change is important. Critically, relationships were similar for both convinced and unconvinced participants, showing that co-benefits can motivate action across ideological divides. These relationships were also independent of perceived climate change importance, and could not be explained by political ideology, age, or gender. Communicating co-benefits could motivate action on climate change where traditional approaches have stalled.


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The authors explore the legal and social undercurrents in Australia and Japan which are encouraging corporations to embrace broader social responsibilities. They consider a case study of sexual harassment and its regulation within Australian corporations, uncovering the legal and social conditions that have led to the adoption of sexual harassment policies. The authors propose a model for determining when corporate governance of sexual harassment is likely to be effective and test the model by reference to the experience of sexual harassment in Japan. They draw some conclusions about what the experience of corporate implementation of management of sexual harassment might mean for other areas of human rights.


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This dissertation reports on research on the contradictions between “right-aged” motherhood accordant with normative life-course and the motherhood of a woman who lives her life according to her own choices and options. The focus of this study is to analyse and interpret the motherhood of women who have become mothers for the first time both at a very young age (under 20) and at an older age (in their 40s), from the viewpoint of life-course, age and social class. The study discusses motherhood both as an experience and as a socially-constructed phenomenon. Research questions are the following: How do mothers at different ages talk about pregnancy and motherhood as a part of their life-course? What meanings do mothers at different ages give to age, growing up and adulthood? How is social class constructed in the speech of different-aged mothers? This dissertation includes five articles and a summary chapter. The theoretical starting points for the study are Finnish critical family studies, Finnish feminist social policy studies and Anglo-American feminist motherhood studies. Additionally, this study draws on sociological age studies and new sociological social class studies. The methodological approach is discursive-materialistic. This approach recognises issues related to language, cultural representation and subjectivity, but it also aims to locate them in their social and historical context. The data is drawn from twenty-four interviews of different-aged mothers and articles collected from popular magazines on babies and parenting. In the interview data, different issues related to motherhood are constructed due not only to the women’s age, but also their social background. Social class becomes visible in the relationship between the interviewed women and nuclear family, expert knowledge or money and livelihood. In this study, social class and age are intertwined. It is almost impossible to analytically distinguish which of the mothers’ experiences are related to class and which are related to age. In this study, young motherhood is shown as quite positive. Even though the interviewed young women did not usually plan to have a child, it was not a great shock either. In the young mothers’ speech, motherhood appears as a natural part of the life-course and growing up. The conditions young mothers suggested as necessary to good motherhood do not depend on standard of living, education or social background. A young age is seen as a resource, not as an obstacle to good motherhood. Postponing one’s motherhood is associated with materialism and a career-oriented lifestyle. The older mothers in this study rarely reported having postponed their motherhood on purpose. Some of them explained the delay with extended studies or financial insecurity caused by part-time unemployment. Others recounted they had been insecure about their abilities to cope with a child or lacked a suitable partner. Some of them may have wanted a child much earlier in life, given the right circumstances. In the older mothers’ speech, motherhood is strongly associated with adult life, permanent employment and a (heterosexual) nuclear family.


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Is the early childhood day care facility possible? The research considering communal development of the early education. In Finland mothers and fathers look after 400 000 pre-school children. Half of these attend day care facilities, in which 50 000 staff are employed. The aim of this research is to develop co-operation practices within the day care centre. This research refines and expands my own interest in and knowledge of day care management and content development. The basis of the research draws upon ethnographic material covering the period 1999–2005. The day care centre chosen as a central informant was the first suburban centre founded in 1963, and it provided a rich local and welfare state research perspective. It became clear that the day care facility’s co-operation practices formed the basis of bringing up children and at the same time produced a new multi-operational and multi-layered community for child participation. Adult day care centre workers bringing up the children as a professional work and solutions defining the conditions for the work are expressed in a child’s upbringing. This obviously has an impact in where as the development of communities. From the human and community scientific point of view, the group of youngest children will take up a future position as key players in communities as essential actors and reformers. The research was carried out as multiphase and multiscientific practical research and iterative data formation. The results verified that the co-operation between parents and day care staff produces important benefits for all the stakeholders. However, the day care staff has difficulties in implementing the benefits. During the research process, it became clear that conceptually day care staff saw the practices as ”very important, but not easily realised in practice”. As a result this demanded further research to address this issue and to extend this to the carefacility’s co-operation practises and their communal and social conditions. The research looks at the carefacility’s co-operation with key stakeholders. At the same time it undertakes an analytical and historical examination of carefacilitys’s with an experimental focus as two day care centres chosen as experimental objects. The results of the research showed that the benefits gained by children were determined by the day care centre’s socio-political structure and the parent’s resources. The research framework categorised early childhood education as generational and gender based structures. As part of the research, the strains endemic to these formations have been examined. The system for bringing up children was created as part of a so called welfare state project by implemented by the Day Care Act in year 1973. The law secured the subjective right for every pre-school child to have access to day care facilities. The law also introduced a labour and sosiopolitical phase and the refinement of the day care facility’s education-care concept. The latest phase that started during the early 1990´s was called the market-based social services strategy. As a result of this phase, state support was limited and the screening function of the law was relaxed. This new strategy resulted in a divisive and bureaucratic social welfare system, that individualised and segregated children and their parents, leaving some families outside the communal and welfare state benefit net. The modern day care centre is a hybrid of different aims. Children spend longer and more irregular time in day care. The families are multicultural and that requires more training for the staff. The work in day care has been enhanced, for example he level of education for the staff has been lowered and productivity has been improved. However, administrative work and different kinds of support and net work functions together with the continuous change have taken over from the work done face to face with children. Staff experiences more pressure as the management and the work load has increased. Consequently the long-term planning and daily implementation of the nuclear task of the day care facility is difficult to control. This will have an effect on both motivation and manageability of the work. Overall quality of the early childhood upbringing has been weakened. The possibilities for the near future were tested in the two day care centres chosen as an experi-ment objects. The analysis of these experiments showed that generative interaction work will benefit everyone: children, parents and employees. The main results of the research are new concepts of an early support day care centre, which can be empirically and theoretically possi-ble for development the near future. Key words: Day care facility’s co-operation practises, early childhood education as generational structure, child’s multi-operational and multi-layered community, multi-subjective operator, generative interaction work, communal composition.


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Contains printed copies of the 1860 constitution and by-laws, copies of proceedings and annual reports, 1859-1877, of the Board of Delegates; report on Jews in Roumania, an 1874 annual report of the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society, manuscript minute books and minutes of meetings, 1859-1876, resolutions, executive, financial, ritual slaughtering and other special committee reports, newspaper clippings and correspondence with synagogues and organizations in the U.S. who constitute the membership of the Board of Delegates, with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations with whom they later merged, the Union's Board of Delegates of Civil and Religious Rights, and with individuals and organizations in foreign countries including the Alliance Israelite Universelle, the Anglo-Jewish Association, the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Committee for the Roumanian Jews (Berlin), the Koenigsberg Committee, and the London Roumanian Committee.


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The philosophical problem of self-deception focuses the relation between desire, advantage, evidence and harm. A self-deceptive person is irrational because he or she belives or wants to belive contrary to the available evidence. The study focuses on different forms of self-deception that come out in certain classical Western dramas. The first self-deception forms are: "S knows that ~p but still belives that p because he wants that ~p", "S wants that p and therefore belives that p.", "S belives that p against evidence t because he wants to belive that p.", "S belives that p if t but S would belive that p even if ~t because S wants to belive that p.", "S belives that p (even if there is t that ~p) because S is ignorant of it." and "S belives that p (even if there is t that ~p) because of ignorant of t due to an internal deception." The main sources on self-deception are the views of contemporary researchers of the subject, such as Robert Audi, Marcia Baron, Bas C. van Fraassen, Mark Johnston, Mike W. Martin, Brian MaLaughlin, Alfred Mele, Amélie Oksenberg Rorty, William Ruddick and Stephen L. White. In this study it is claimed that Shakespeare´s Othello presents self-deception as a tragic phenomenom from witch it follows deceptions and murders. Moliére´s Tartuffe deals with a phony hypocrite´s attempts at cheating. Ibsen´s Wild Duck defends the necessity of vital lies. Beckett´s Waiting for Godot deals with the self-deception witch is related to the waiting of the supernatural rescuer. Miller´s The Death of a Salesman tells about a man who, while pursuing the American myth of success, winds both himself and his family into the skeins of self-deception. They are studied with a Barthesian method that emphasizes the autonomy of literary work and its interpretation independently of the author´s personal history and social conditions. Self-deception has been regarded as an immoral way of thinking or way of action. However, vital lies show the necessity or necessity of the self-deception when it brings joy and optimism to the human being and supports his or her self-esteem and does not cause a suffering or damage, either to self or others. In the study, the processual character of self-deception is brought out.


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Closure and negotiation constructing professional position in working life The aim of the thesis is to analyse how professional positions are constructed in working life. A professional position refers to a formal professional membership, but also to a position at a work site. Formal jurisdiction provides resources for supporting a position, but the relations, practices and processes at the work site strongly shape it as well. Professional membership includes two gates: obtaining a professional diploma and access to a professional post. The concept of a professional position is based on two sub-concepts: legitimation and authority. Legitimation is society-level jurisdiction over professioning. Legitimation can be claimed in legislation, in the public space and the media, and at the work site. Authority requires constructing professional work territories and practicing authority in work-related decision making processes. The thesis is based on five articles which deal with the following topics: gendered professional careers; organising professional work; the impact of the social and cultural backgrounds when striving for professional positions; and models of research work. The articles represent two types of sociological research: the structural approach with quantitative methodology and the approach of micro-social analysis with qualitative methodology. The first approach was suitable for analyzing professional career formation and its social and ethnic conditions. The second approach has been applied in the articles dealing with the organization of professional work and models of research work. I have combined and analysed the results of these studies under the theoretical frame of the professional position in working life. Legislation is the most powerful form of legitimation. Professional membership is strongly regulated in disciplines where a degree requirement is defined by law. In addition, closures related to social conditions still affect professional positions, but their character is loose and changing. The closures related to social conditions are based on many mutually overlapping principles: social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds and gender. Despite the closures, professional experts have to negotiate their positions, particularly when the situation in the work sites and society changes. Professional authority is reinforced at the organizational level by legislation; when the institutional status of a public sector professional organization is defined by law, it reinforces the professional position of the employees. In the business line of new media, the employees need to negotiate with the management, other professional groups and clients when striving for reinforce their professional position.


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Inspired by the demonstration that tool-use variants among wild chimpanzees and orangutans qualify as traditions (or cultures), we developed a formal model to predict the incidence of these acquired specializations among wild primates and to examine the evolution of their underlying abilities. We assumed that the acquisition of the skill by an individual in a social unit is crucially controlled by three main factors, namely probability of innovation, probability of socially biased learning, and the prevailing social conditions (sociability, or number of potential experts at close proximity). The model reconfirms the restriction of customary tool use in wild primates to the most intelligent radiation, great apes; the greater incidence of tool use in more sociable populations of orangutans and chimpanzees; and tendencies toward tool manufacture among the most sociable monkeys. However, it also indicates that sociable gregariousness is far more likely to produce the maintenance of invented skills in a population than solitary life, where the mother is the only accessible expert. We therefore used the model to explore the evolution of the three key parameters. The most likely evolutionary scenario is that where complex skills contribute to fitness, sociability and/or the capacity for socially biased learning increase, whereas innovative abilities (i.e., intelligence) follow indirectly. We suggest that the evolution of high intelligence will often be a byproduct of selection on abilities for socially biased learning that are needed to acquire important skills, and hence that high intelligence should be most common in sociable rather than solitary organisms. Evidence for increased sociability during hominin evolution is consistent with this new hypothesis. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Resumen: Durante la Edad Media hizo su aparición la heráldica como forma de identificar ciertos aspectos de las personas, ya sea por su condición social o por su actividad específica. El uso de blasones y escudos de armas desde el siglo XI generó una importante cantidad de signos, colores y símbolos que edificaron todo un “patrón de lectura” del “rostro social” de la persona que portaba tal insignia, sin importar o no la veracidad de su rostro al confeccionarse un retrato pintado o esculpido. Paralelo a esto, la retratística que hubo durante todo el período medieval de personas reales, sagradas o ideales avanzó hacia un progresivo naturalismo que finalizó en el siglo XV con la reproducción del retratado tal cual era su fisonomía y abandonando el canon estereotipado que durante los siglos precedentes habían proliferado. Finalmente, con el creciente Humanismo, la aparición de la perspectiva y el progresivo abandono de la identificación de determinado personaje con sólo su escudo de armas, sirvió para que el retratado mirase a los ojos del observador y “dialogase”, develando aspectos espirituales antes ocultos. El objetivo de este trabajo es acercarse con una visión antropológica a la cuestión del retrato tardomedieval y renacentista en conjunción con los cambios operados en la heráldica y la iconografía, comprobando que la mirada tiene marcada intencionalidad, los rostros se frontalizan progresivamente y la heráldica pierde el espesor que tuvo en siglos precedentes


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Resumen: El clima emocional no es la simple suma de las emociones individuales sino un afecto colectivo generado por cómo los individuos interactúan unos con otros como respuestas colectivas a sus condiciones económicas, políticas y sociales (de Rivera, 2014). Por su parte, en el contexto argentino la inseguridad es el principal problema social percibido en los últimos años. Sobre este marco, se realizó un estudio con el objetivo de analizar el clima emocional, la percepción de inseguridad y el miedo al delito junto a otros factores psicosociales asociados, y de explorar los perfiles perceptivos diferenciales según el auto-posicionamiento ideológico. La muestra, intencional, estuvo compuesta por 516 estudiantes universitarios. Los resultados dan cuenta de un clima emocional negativo (enfado y desesperanza), baja confianza institucional, frustración anómica y alta percepción de inseguridad. Se observan diferencias al comparar a los participantes en función de su autoposicionamiento ideológico. La percepción del clima emocional es más positivo cuánto más a la izquierda se ubican los participantes, manifestando mayor seguridad, menor desesperanza y enfado. Exhiben además menos miedo al delito, menor preocupación por la inseguridad y menor probabilidad de victimización. Sin embargo, quienes se posicionan ideológicamente hacia la derecha muestran mayores niveles de frustración anómica, y la confianza (o desconfianza) institucional varía por el posicionamiento ideológico en función de la institución. Finalmente, la heteropercepción de inseguridad es mayor que la autopercepción, surgiendo de este modo mecanismos defensivos como la ilusión de invulnerabilidad, que conllevan mayor riesgo.


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As more people discover coastal and marine protected areas as destinations for leisure-time pursuits, the task of managing coastal resources while providing opportunities for high quality visitor experiences becomes more challenging. Many human impacts occur at these sites; some are caused by recreation and leisure activities on-site, and others by activities such as agriculture, aquaculture, or residential and economic development in surrounding areas. Coastal management professionals are continually looking for effective ways to prevent or mitigate negative impacts of visitor use. (PDF contains 8 pages) Most coastal and marine protected area managers are challenged with balancing two competing goals—protection of natural and cultural resources and provision of opportunities for public use. In most cases, some level of compromise between the goals is necessary, where one goal constrains or “outweighs” the other. Often there is a lack of clear agreement about the priority of these competing goals. Consequently, while natural resource decisions should ultimately be science-based and objective, such decisions are frequently made under uncertainty, relying heavily upon professional judgment. These decisions are subject to a complex array of formal and informal drivers and constraints—data availability, timing, legal mandate, political will, diverse public opinion, and physical, human, and social capital. This paper highlights assessment, monitoring, and planning approaches useful to gauge existing resource and social conditions, determine feasibility of management actions, and record decision process steps to enhance defensibility. Examples are presented from pilot efforts conducted at the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) and Ten Thousand Islands National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in South Florida.


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A Atenção Primária à Saúde - APS é reconhecida como o nível fundamental e porta de entrada do sistema de atenção à saúde, sendo o lugar adequado onde pode ser atendida e resolvida a maior parte dos problemas de saúde. É considerada pela OMS como a principal proposta de modelo assistencial. Essa importância da APS leva a necessidade de pesquisas avaliativas dos seus resultados para adequação e melhoria de políticas e planos de ação delineados em relação à mesma. Pesquisas internacionais e nacionais são realizadas, nas quais indicadores relativos às atividades hospitalares estão sendo empregados com o objetivo de medir resultados como efetividade e acesso da APS. Um desses indicadores, desenvolvido por John Billings da Universidade de Nova York, na década de 90, consiste nas condições pelas quais as internações hospitalares por Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Ambulatorial (CSAA) deveriam ser evitadas caso os serviços da APS fossem efetivos e acessíveis. Utilizando-se o SIH-AIH/2008 e a lista brasileira de Internações por Condições Sensíveis a Atenção Primária, publicada em 2008, a proposta do presente trabalho é a de estudar os cuidados primários à saúde baseando-se nas ICSAA, na área urbana da cidade de Juiz de Fora-MG. Buscou-se responder sobre os efeitos que ocorrem nessas internações a partir das características individuais dos pacientes, das características das Unidades Básicas de Saúde-UBS (infraestrutura, produção e modelos assistenciais) e das condições sócio-econômicas/ambientais das áreas cobertas por UAPS e descobertas (sem UAPS), com a utilização de modelos multiníveis logísticos com intercepto aleatório. Buscou-se conhecer, também, a distribuição espacial das taxas padronizadas por idade das ICSAA nessas áreas e suas associações com as variáveis contextuais, utilizando-se ferramentas da análise espacial. Os resultados do presente trabalho mostraram que a porcentagem de internações por CSAA, foi de 4,1%. Os modelos assistenciais ESF e o Modelo Tradicional, base da organização da atenção primária no Brasil, não apresentaram no município, impacto significativo nas ICSAA, somente na forma de áreas descobertas tendo como referência as áreas cobertas. Também não foram significativas as variáveis de infraestrutura e produção das UAPS. Os efeitos individuais (idade e sexo) nas ICSAA foram significativos, apresentando probabilidades de significância menores que 1%, o mesmo acontecendo com o Índice de Desenvolvimento Social-IDS, que contempla as condições sociais, econômicas e ambientais das áreas analisadas. A distribuição espacial das taxas padronizadas por idade apresentou padrão aleatório e os testes dos Multiplicadores de Lagrange não foram significativos indicando o modelo de regressão clássico (MQO) como adequado para explicar as taxas em função das variáveis contextuais. Para a análise conjunta das áreas cobertas e descobertas foram fatores de risco: a variável econômica (% dos domicílios com renda até 2 SM), áreas descobertas tendo como referência as áreas cobertas e a região nordeste do município. Para as áreas cobertas as variáveis de produção das UAPS, econômica e a região nordeste apresentaram como fator de risco para as taxas de internação por CSAA.


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Dar nitidez aos sentimentos e razões que emergem das experiências dos vestibulandos de Vitória-ES, entre 2009-2010, e que os movem em direção a seus projetos profissionais é objetivo deste trabalho. A noção de projeto aqui utilizada (VELHO, 1999) afasta-se da clássica compreensão liberal do ser humano, autônomo, livre e único, responsável por seus sucessos e fracassos, subjacente a estudos sobre escolha profissional. A ideia proposta é que campo de experiências dos sujeitos marca seus projetos profissionais, mas que suas condutas deliberadas, não necessariamente racionais, expõem certas expectativas de vida, quaisquer que sejam as posições sociais desses sujeitos. Para o exame dessas expectativas, esses sujeitos foram vistos em suas relações sociais - nas interseções de classes, gênero, de cor da pele, de gerações, etc. Reconheceu-se, ainda, que razões e sentimentos (WILLIAMS, 1969), também forjam projetos profissionais de sujeitos sob diversas condições sociais e apesar delas. Por considerar que esses projetos portam manifestações humanas, nem sempre perceptíveis e tantas vezes encobertas, a metáfora do rizoma (DELEUZE; GUATTARI, 2004), foi de utilidade metodológica. Alguns indícios (GINZBURG, 2007), sugeriram caminhos de pesquisa e alguns dos significados aos sujeitos para que esses projetos pudessem ser detectados. A perspectiva da longa duração histórica e dos tempos múltiplos presidiu o exame de trajetórias selecionadas de um conjunto de sujeitos pesquisados entre os anos 2009-2010, o que favoreceu a percepção de continuidades históricas, mas também a ocorrência de mudanças de certas tendências sociais. Dois cursos de pré-vestibular, um público e um privado, em Vitória, ES, nessa conjuntura, mostraram um pouco da pluralidade de expectativas de diferentes jovens - pobres, de classes média e alta, homens e mulheres, brancos, negros e pardos, mais novos e mais velhos em relação ao ensino superior presente em seus projetos profissionais. Razões e sentimentos que os movem e que se movem, nem sempre examinados em estudos sobre a matéria, foram expostos. Contribuições de Elias (1990), de R. Williams (1969), de Bourdieu (2003, 2009), de E. P. Thompson (2002), de Löwy (1990), entre outros, apoiaram evidências de que as relações indivíduo e sociedade, sempre plurais e complexas, expressam apenas partes de seus sentidos civilizadores. Para reduzir incertezas, recorreu-se a dados macrossociais e microssociais (REVEL, 1998). Entrevistas com tais jovens e coordenadores de seus cursos, observações advindas de dinâmica de grupo e, também, exame de publicações oficiais, de periódicos de divulgação de matéria sobre vestibular, entre 2009-2010, situaram um trato de escalas analíticas de difícil exercício. Para além das relações de classes, gênero, cor da pele, geração etc., pode-se concluir que esses sujeitos, por razões e sentimentos variados, com seus projetos profissionais, tanto se deslocam de suas posições sociais de origem como as mantêm, mas todos, em suas novas experiências e de diferentes modos, também se preparam para atuar sobre os sentidos civilizadores de seu tempo.


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Fisher families had been investigated by the Department of Commerce and Industries in earlier economic surveys conducted in 1935, 1938 and 1939 (Das Gupta, 1937 a & b; 1944 a & b). These surveys were directed at the general economic conditions of the urban and rural sectors of the population and therefore did not provide much information in particular on the life of the fisherman or his environment. The Department of Fisheries in 1954 conducted a rapid enquiry into the living conditions of fishermen to obtain some data on their income, indebtedness and general social conditions, at the request of the Canadian Co-operative Consultant for incorporation in his report on the "Status and Possibilities of Co-operative Development of the Fisheries of Ceylon” (MacDonald, 1954). The present survey was undertaken to provide more definite socio-economic information on the fishermen of Ceylon, covering such aspects as income, expenditure, indebtedness and living conditions. The survey was started in June, 1958, but was interrupted by the unsettled conditions of the Island at the time, taking therefore a little over a year for completion. Some of the data collected was used as a basis for a report on the living conditions of fishermen, incorporated in the “Guide to the Fisheries of Ceylon", a hand book published by the Department of Fisheries (Anon. 1958).