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durch Anthonium Margaritham Hebreischen Leser, der löblichen Vniuersitet vnd Fürstlichen Stadt Leiptzig, beschrieben vnd an tag gegeben
Übers. d. Hauptsacht.: Gebräuche
[Isaak aus Tyrnau]
[Isaak aus Tyrnau]
durch Ḥ. J. Buchbinder
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Kritische Kommentierung der Verfassungsarbeit der Preußischen Nationalversammlung sowie der Absicht der Deputierten, nur noch zweimal pro Woche zusammentreten zu wollen. Absage an die Pläne zur Schaffung einer zweiten parlamentarischen Kammer. In Form eines Leserbriefes der Hebamme Püseke (fiktiv)
This is a magazine article that explores the rising problem of mental health in college students, focusing on Connecticut. It explores the experiences of three college students dealing with depression and bipolar disorder, a family who lost a child to suicide, and the measures taken by colleges in Connecticut to curb the problem.
Conventional tort law does not allow victims of exposure to a toxic substance to seek compensation until they develop actual symptoms of illness. This may effectively bar recovery because at the time the illness arises, injurers may be judgment proof. One possible response is to allow a tort for risk that allows victims to seek expected damages at the time of exposure. However, critics charge that this could create a 'race to file' wherein victims rush to file suit to ensure that they will get a share of the injurer's limited assets. We show that such a race may or may not occur in equilibrium, and that when it does occur, not all victims choose to file at exposure if bankruptcy is an inevitable result. If bankruptcy is not inevitable, it is possible that a tort for risk will trigger bankruptcy, although a no-bankruptcy equilibrium always exists and Paretodominates the bankruptcy equilibrium. We examine the consequences of the various tort-for-risk equilibria on the compensation of exposure victims, litigation costs, and injurer care.
Ill. handkoloriert
Balthasar Jennichen
... Alexander Mair Augustanus sculptor se humiliter commendat
Bibliograph. Nachweis: Paas P-21