997 resultados para Jörgensen
In the Arctic, under-ice primary production is limited to summer months and is not only restricted by ice thickness and snow cover but also by the stratification of the water column, which constrains nutrient supply for algal growth. RV Polarstern visited the ice-covered Eastern Central basins between 82 to 89°N and 30 to 130°E in summer 2012 when Arctic sea ice declined to a record minimum. During this cruise, we observed a widespread deposition of ice algal biomass of on average 9 g C per m**2 to the deep-sea floor of the Central Arctic basins. Data from this cruise will contribute to assessing the impact of current climate change on Arctic productivity, biodiversity, and ecological function.
The deep Black Sea is known to be depleted in electron-acceptors for sulphide oxidation. This study on depth distributions of sulphur species (S(II), S(0),S(n)**2-,S2O3**2-,SO3**2-,SO4**2-) in the Dvurechenskii mud volcano, a cold seep situated in the permanently anoxic eastern Black Sea basin (Sorokin Trough, 2060 m water depth), showed remarkable concentrations of sulphide oxidation products. Sulphite concentrations of up to 11 µmol L**1-, thiosulphate concentrations of up to 22 µmol L**1-, zero-valent sulphur concentrations of up to 150 µmol L**1- and up to five polysulphide species were measured in the upper 20 cm of the sediment. Electron-acceptors found to be available in the Dvurechenskii mud volcano (DMV) for the oxidation of hydrogen sulphide to sulphide oxidation intermediates are iron-minerals, and probably also reactive manganese phases. Up to 60 µmol g**1- of reactive iron-minerals and up to 170 µmol L**1- dissolved iron was present in the central summit with the highest fluid upflow and fresh mud outflow. Thus, the source for the oxidative power in the DMV are reactive iron phases extruded with the mud from an ancient source in the deeply buried sediments, leading to the formation of various sulphur intermediates in comparably high concentrations. Another possible source of sulphide oxidation intermediates in DMV sediments could be the formation of zero-valent sulphur by sulphate dependent anaerobic microbial oxidation of methane followed by disproportionation of zero-valent sulphur. Sulphide oxidation intermediates, which are produced by these processes, do not reach thermodynamic equilibrium with rhombic sulphur, especially close to the active center of the DMV due to a short equilibration time. Thus, mud volcano sediments, such as in the DMV, can provide oxidizing niches even in a highly reduced environment like the abyssal part of the Black Sea.
Membrane fatty acids were extracted from a sediment core above marine gas hydrates at Hydrate Ridge, NE Pacific. Anaerobic sediments from this environment are characterized by high sulfate reduction rates driven by the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM). The assimilation of methane carbon into bacterial biomass is indicated by carbon isotope values of specific fatty acids as low as -103 per mill. Specific fatty acids released from bacterial membranes include C 16:1 omega 5c , C 17:1 omega 6c , and cyC 17:0 omega 5,6 , all of which have been fully characterized by mass spectrometry. These unusual fatty acids continuously display the lowest d13 C values in all sediment horizons and two of them are detected in high abundance (i.e., C 16:1 omega 5c and cyC 17:0 omega 5,6 ). Combined with microscopic examination by fluorescence in situ hybridization specifically targeting sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) of the Desulfosarcina/Desulfococcus group, which are present in the aggregates of AOM consortia in extremely high numbers, these specific fatty acids appear to provide a phenotypic fingerprint indicative for SRB of this group. Correlating depth profiles of specific fatty acid content and aggregate number in combination with pore water sulfate data provide further evidence of this finding. Using mass balance calculations we present a cell-specific fatty acid pattern most likely displaying a very close resemblance to the still uncultured Desulfosarcina/Desulfococcus species involved in AOM.
Shipboard investigation of magnetostratigraphy and shore-based investigation of diatoms and calcareous nannofossils were used to identify datum events in sedimentary successions collected at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 201 Site 1225. The goal was to extend the magnetic record previously studied at the same site, ODP Leg 138 Site 851, and provide a comprehensive age model for Site 1225. Two high-magnetic intensity zones at 0-70 and 200-255 meters below seafloor (mbsf) were correlated with lithologic Subunits IA and IC in Hole 1225A. Subunit IA (0-70 mbsf) contains the magnetic reversal record until the Cochiti Subchronozone (3.8 Ma) and has a sedimentation rate of 1.7 cm/k.y. This agrees with previous work done at Site 851. Subunit IC (200-255 mbsf) was not sampled at Site 851. Diatom and nannofossil biostratigraphy constrained this subunit, and we found it to contain the magnetic reversal record between Subchrons C4n.2r and C5n.2n (8.6-9.7 Ma), yielding a sedimentation rate of 2.7 cm/k.y. Biostratigraphy was used to establish the sedimentation rates within Subunits IB and ID (70-200 mbsf and 255-300 mbsf, respectively). These subunits had higher sedimentation rates (~3.4 cm/k.y.) and coincide with the late Miocene-early Pliocene biogenic bloom event (4.5-7 Ma) and the Miocene global cooling trend (10-15 Ma). High biogenic productivity associated with these subunits resulted in the pyritization of the magnetic signal. In lithologic Subunit ID, basement flow is another factor that may be altering the magnetic signal; however, the good correlation between the biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy indicates that the magnetic record was locked-in near the seafloor and suggests the age model is robust.