109 resultados para Isozyme


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Using ionspray tandem mass spectrometry the glutathione conjugate SMG was identified as a biliary metabolite of DMF in rats (0.003% of a dose of 5OOmg/kg DMF i.p.). Formation of this metabolite was increased five fold after induction of CYP2E1 by acetone, and was inhibited to 20% of control values following pretreatment with disulfrram. Generation of SMG from DMF in vivo was shown to exhibit a large kinetic deuterium isotope effect (KWKD=10.1 ± 1.3), which most likely represents the product of 2 discrete isotope effects on N-demethylation and formyl oxidation reactions.The industrial solvent N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and the investigational anti-tumour agent N-methylformamide (NMF) cause liver damage in rodents and humans. The hepatotoxicity of N-alkylformamides is linked to their metabolism to N-alkylcarbamic acid thioesters. The enzymatic details of this pathway were investigated. Hepatocytes isolated from BALB/c mice which had been pretreated with acetone, an inducer of the cytochrome P-450 isozyme CYP2E1, were incubated with NMF (10mM). NMF caused extensive toxicity (> 90% ) as determined by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release, compared to cells from untreated animals. Incubation of liver cells with NMF for 6 hrs caused 60±17% LDH release whilst in the presence of DMSO (10mM), an alternative substrate for CYP2E1, LDH release was reduced to 20±10% . The metabolism of NMF to S-(N-methylcarbamoyl)glutathione (SMG) was measured in incubates with liver microsomes from mice, rats or humans. Metabolism of NMF was elevated in microsomes isolated from rats and mice pretreated with acetone, by 339% and 183% respectively. Pretreatment of animals with 4-methylpyrazole induced the metabolism of NMF to 280% by rat microsomes, but was without effect on NMF metabolism by mouse microsomes. The CYP2E1 inhibitors or alternative substrates diethyl dithiocarbamate (DEDTC), p-nitrophenol (PNP) and dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) strongly inhibited the metabolism of NMF in suspensions of rat liver microsomes, at concentrations which did not effect aminopyrine N-demethylation. The rate of metabolism of NMF to SMG in human microsomes correlated (r> 0.8) with the rate of metabolism of chlorzoxazone, a CYP2E1 probe. A polyclonal antibody against rat CYP2E1 (10mg/nmol P-450) inhibited NMF metabolism in microsomes from rats and humans by 75% and 80% , respectively. The amount of immunoblottable enzyme in human microsomes, determined using an anti-rat CYP2E1 antibody, correlated with the rate of NMF metabolism (r> 0.8). Purified rat CYP2E1 catalysed the generation of SMG from NMF. Formation of the DMF metabolite N-hydroxymethyl-N-methylformamide (HMMF) in incubations with rat liver microsomes was elevated by 200% following pretreatment of animals with acetone. Co-incubation with DEDTC (100μM) inhibited HMMF generation from DMF by 88% . Co-incubation of DMF (10mM) with NMF (1mM) inhibited the formation of SMG by 95% . A polyclonal antibody against rat CYP2E1 (10mg/nmol P-450) inhibited generation of HMMF in incubates with rat and human liver microsomes by 68.4% and 67.5% , respectively. Purified rat CYP2E1 catalysed the generation of HMMF from DMF. Using ionspray tandem mass spectrometry the glutathione conjugate SMG was identified as a biliary metabolite of DMF in rats (0.003% of a dose of 5OOmg/kg DMF i.p.). Formation of this metabolite was increased five fold after induction of CYP2E1 by acetone, and was inhibited to 20% of control values following pretreatment with disulfrram. Generation of SMG from DMF in vivo was shown to exhibit a large kinetic deuterium isotope effect (KHKD=10.1 ± 1.3), which most likely represents the product of 2 discrete isotope effects on N-demethylation and formyl oxidation reactions.


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Enzyme variation among three adjacent Typha populations was analyzed by means of disc electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, and enzyme assays. Esterase isozyme analysis of seedlings of Typha latifolia L.,T . x glauca Godr., and T. angustifolia L. indicated that there was little or no variation within each population. Additional analyses of esterase, malate dehydrogenase, glutamate dehydrogenase, and alcohol dehydrogenase of pooled samples of pollen and seedlings indicated that the Typha x glauca population was the product of hybridization between the adjacent parent populations. The hybrid population had more isozymes, but lower specific activities, than the parents.


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In this study, 123 almond (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb) trees identified among traditional orchards in the Algarve region and 53 trees of the local field collection managed by the regional office of the Portuguese Ministry of Agriculture (DRAALG) were assessed using isozyme, inter- single sequence repeat and simple sequence repeat or microsatellite techniques for the evaluation of genetic diversity and genetic relatedness and identification of new accessions for the field collection. The isozyme analysis allowed the distribution of the 176 plants into 13 different classes of enzyme similarity, while the use of DNA markers increased the distribution of the analysed trees among 140 discriminating DNA patterns. Multiple cases of homonymy and synonymy were identified in the local germplasm. Some traditional varieties, such as Lourencinha, appeared to be relatively homogeneous, while other local denominations, e.g. Galamba, included diverse genotypes. Of the 13 commercial varieties analysed in this study, 11 assembled in one major cluster clearly differentiated from the majority of the local genotypes. These results reinforced the perception that the Algarve traditional germplasm constitutes an important repository of genetic diversity, eventually carrying alleles of high agricultural interest such as the recently identified Phomopsis resistance in the traditional variety Barrinho Grado.


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In this study, 123 almond (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D. A. Webb) trees identified among traditional orchards in the Algarve region and 53 trees of the local field collection managed by the regional office of the Portuguese Ministry of Agriculture (DRAALG) were assessed using isozyme, inter- single sequence repeat and simple sequence repeat or microsatellite techniques for the evaluation of genetic diversity and genetic relatedness and identification of new accessions for the field collection. The isozyme analysis allowed the distribution of the 176 plants into 13 different classes of enzyme similarity, while the use of DNA markers increased the distribution of the analysed trees among 140 discriminating DNA patterns. Multiple cases of homonymy and synonymy were identified in the local germplasm. Some traditional varieties, such as Lourencinha, appeared to be relatively homogeneous, while other local denominations, e.g. Galamba, included diverse genotypes. Of the 13 commercial varieties analysed in this study, 11 assembled in one major cluster clearly differentiated from the majority of the local genotypes. These results reinforced the perception that the Algarve traditional germplasm constitutes an important repository of genetic diversity, eventually carrying alleles of high agricultural interest such as the recently identified Phomopsis resistance in the traditional variety Barrinho Grado.