966 resultados para Isolation of NTM


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Numerous FMRF amide-related peptides (FaRPs) have been isolated and sequenced from extracts of free-living and parasitic nematodes. The most abundant FaRP identified in ethanolic/methanolic extracts of the parasitic forms, Ascaris suum and Haemonchus contortus and from the free-living nematode, Panagrellus redivivus, was KHEYLRF amide (AF2). Analysis of the nucleotide sequences of cloned FaRP-precursor genes from C. elegans and, more recently, Caenorhabditis vulgaris identified a series of related FaRPs which did not include AF2. An acid-ethanol extract of Caenorhabditis elegans was screened radioimmunometrically for the presence of FaRPs using a C-terminally directed FaRP antiserum. Approximately 300 pmols of the most abundant immunoreactive peptide was purified to homogeneity and 30 pmols was subjected to Edman degradation analysis and gas-phase sequencing. The unequivocal primary structure of the heptapeptide, Lys-His-Glu-Tyr-Leu-Arg-Phe-NH2 (AF2) was determined following a single gas-phase sequencing run. The molecular mass of the peptide was determined using a time-of-flight mass spectrometer and was found to be 920 (MH(+))(-), which was consistent with the theoretical mass of C-terminally amidated AF2. These results indicate that C. elegans possesses more than one FaRP gene. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.


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A specimen of emollient cream, which was observed to be contaminated peripherally with a filamentous fungus was examined for the presence of fungi and the resulting fungal colonies were examined phenotypically and genotypically. Subsequent DNA extraction and PCR amplification of the large internal transcribed spacer region [ITS1-5.8S-ITS2] yielded an amplicon of 512 bp. Sequence analysis identified this as Alternaria alternata at the 100% homology level with all 512/512 bases called. This organism has been previously reported as a cause of opportunistic infections involving skin and immunocompromised patients. This is the first report of an emollient cream as a source of this organism. It highlights the need for proper management of such preparations in order to minimize the potential spread of fungi to susceptible patient populations.


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Transplantation of hepatocytes or hepatocyte-like cells of extrahepatic origin is a promising strategy for treatment of acute and chronic liver failure. We examined possible utility of hepatocyte-like cells induced from bone marrow cells for such a purpose. Clonal cell lines were established from the bone marrow of two different rat strains. One of these cell lines, rBM25/S3 cells, grew rapidly (doubling time, approximately 24 hours) without any appreciable changes in cell properties for at least 300 population doubling levels over a period of 300 days, keeping normal diploid karyotype. The cells expressed CD29, CD44, CD49b, CD90, vimentin, and fibronectin but not CD45, indicating that they are of mesenchymal cell origin. When plated on Matrigel with hepatocyte growth factor and fibroblast growth factor-4, the cells efficiently differentiated into hepatocyte-like cells that expressed albumin, cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A1, CYP1A2, glucose 6-phosphatase, tryptophane-2,3-dioxygenase, tyrosine aminotransferase, hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)1 alpha, and HNF4alpha. Intrasplenic transplantation of the differentiated cells prevented fatal liver failure in 90%-hepatectomized rats. In conclusion, a clonal stem cell line derived from adult rat bone marrow could differentiate into hepatocyte-like cells, and transplantation of the differentiated cells could prevent fatal liver failure in 90%-hepatectomized rats. The present results indicate a promising strategy for treating human fatal liver diseases.


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Skin is a representative self-renewing tissue containing stem cells. Although many attempts have been made to define and isolate skin-derived stem cells, establishment of a simple and reliable isolation procedure remains a goal to be achieved. Here, we report the isolation of cells having stem cell properties from mouse embryonic skin using a simple selection method based on an assumption that stem cells may grow in an anchorage-independent manner. We inoculated single cell suspensions prepared from mouse embryonic dermis into a temperature-sensitive gel and propagated the resulting colonies in a monolayer culture. The cells named dermis-derived epithelial progenitor-1 (DEEP) showed epithelial morphology and grew rapidly to a more than 200 population doubling level over a period of 250 days. When the cells were kept confluent, they spontaneously formed spheroids and continuously grew even in spheroids. Immunostaining revealed that all of the clones were positive for the expression of cytokeratin-8, -18, -19, and E-cadherin and negative for the expression of cytokeratin-1, -5, -6, -14, -20, vimentin, nestin, a ckit. Furthermore, they expressed epithelial stem cell markers such as p63, integrin beta1, and S100A6. On exposure to TGFbeta in culture, some of DEEP-1 cells expressed alpha-smooth muscle actin. When the cells were transplanted into various organs of adult SCID mice, a part of the inoculated cell population acquired neural, hepatic, and renal cell properties. These results indicate that the cells we isolated were of epithelial stem cell origin and that our new approach is useful for isolation of multipotent stem cells from skin tissues.


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Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) targeting shikonin, a potent antioxidant and wound healing agent, have been prepared using methacrylic acid (MAA) and 2-diethylaminoethyl methacrylate (DEAEMA) as functional monomers. An investigation of solution association between shikonin and both acidic and basic functional monomers by UV-Vis titrations, suggested stronger affinity towards the basic functionality. Strong inhibition of the co-polymerisation reaction of such basic monomers was observed, but was overcome by reduction of the amount of template used during polymer synthesis. Polymer morphology was severely impacted by the template’s radical scavenging behaviour as demonstrated by solid state NMR spectroscopy measurements. HPLC evaluation of the final materials in polar conditions revealed limited imprinting effects and selectivity, with the MAA polymers exhibiting marginally better performance. During application of the polymers as MI-SPE sorbents in non-polar solvents it was found that the DEAEMA based polymer was more selective towards shikonin compared to the MAA counterpart, while shikonin recoveries of up to 72% were achieved from hexane solutions of a commercial sample of shikonin, hexane extract of Alkanna tinctoria roots and a commercial pharmaceutical ointment.


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Cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) releases arachidonic acid from membrane phospholipids and is believed to be the rate-limiting enzyme in the arachidonic acid pathway. We report herein the isolation of a 3 kb fragment of rodent genomic DNA containing part of the first intron, the first exon and 5'-flanking sequence. The start site of transcription was mapped by 5'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends and corroborated by ribonuclease protection assay. The gene has a TATAless promoter with no classical Sp1 binding sites or initiator element. A microsatellite series of CA repeats was noted in the 5'-flanking region of both the rodent and human promoters. Deletion constructs have been analysed for luciferase activity and confirmed promoter activity.


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The production of Alentejano breed pig started a recovery two decades ago due to increasing demand for gourmet products. These pigs are raised in rotational semi-extensive or extensive outdoor production systems in the “Montado” (green and cork oak forest), grazing and feeding acorns and other associated food resources. Bacteria of the genus Aeromonas are considered as emerging pathogens of importance for man and animals, but its involvement in swine is not well documented. In the context of a study made at the University of Évora to assess the specific diseases of Alentejano swine, diseased piglets from two farms were submitted for pathological and bacteriological examinations. Pathological examinations revealed changes characteristic of septicemia, and Aeromonas hydrophila was isolated in pure culture from multiple organs of piglets from both farms. Antibiotic sensitivity tests showed that the isolates from one of the farms were susceptible to gentamicin, oxitetracycline, neomycin, enrofloxacin, colistin sulfate, trimethoprim, ceftiofur, and amoxicillin plus clavulanic acid. In contrast, the A. hydrophila isolated in the other farm was resistant to all drugs tested but enrofloxacin. This is the first report in the world showing the relationship between septicemia and A. hydrophila infection in piglets. The importance of this finding is further reinforced by the fact that these bacteria can be highly resistant to antimicrobial agents.


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The neuropeptide Th1RFamide with the sequence Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-amide was originally isolated in the clam Macrocallista nimbosa (price and Greenberg, 1977). Since its discovery, a large family ofFl\1RFamide-related peptides termed FaRPs have been found to be present in all major animal phyla with functions ranging from modulation of neuronal activity to alteration of muscular contractions. However, little is known about the genetics encoding these peptides, especially in invertebrates. As FaRP-encoding genes have yet to be investigated in the invertebrate Malacostracean subphylum, the isolation and characterization ofFaRP-encoding DNA and mRNA was pursued in this project. The immediate aims of this thesis were: (1) to amplify mRNA sequences of Procambarus clarkii using a degenerate oligonucleotide primer deduced from the common amino acid sequence ofisolated Procambarus FaRPS, (2) to determine if these amplification products encode FaRP gene sequences, and (3) to create a selective cDNA library of sequences recognized by the degenerate oligonucleotide primer. The polymerase chain reaction - rapid amplification of cDNA ends (PCR-RACE) is a procedure in which a single gene-specific primer is used in conjunction with a generalized 3' or 5' primer to amplify copies ofthe region between a single point in the transcript and the 3' or 5' end of cDNA of interest (Frohman et aI., 1988). PCRRACE reactions were optimized with respect to primers used, buffer composition, cycle number, nature ofgenetic substrate to be amplified, annealing, extension and denaturation temperatures and times, and use of reamplification procedures. Amplification products were cloned into plasmid vectors and recombinant products were isolated, as were the recombinant plaques formed in the selective cDNA library. Labeled amplification products were hybridized to recombinant bacteriophage to determine ligated amplification product presence. When sequenced, the five isolated PCR-RACE amplification products were determined not to possess FaRP-encoding sequences. The 200bp, 450bp, and 1500bp sequences showed homology to the Caenorhabditis elegans cosmid K09A11, which encodes for cytochrome P450; transfer-RNA; transposase; and tRNA-Tyr, while the 500bp and 750bp sequences showed homology with the complete genome of the Vaccinia virus. Under the employed amplification conditions the degenerate oligonucleotide primer was observed to bind to and to amplify sequences with either 9 or 10bp of 17bp identity. The selective cDNA library was obselVed to be of extremely low titre. When library titre was increased, white. plaques were isolated. Amplification analysis of eight isolated Agt11 sequences from these plaques indicated an absence of an insertion sequence. The degenerate 17 base oligonucleotide primer synthesized from the common amino acid sequence ofisolated Procambarus FaRPs was thus determined to be non-specific in its binding under the conditions required for its use, and to be insufficient for the isolation and identification ofFaRP-encoding sequences. A more specific primer oflonger sequence, lower degeneracy, and higher melting temperature (TJ is recommended for further investigation into the FaRP-encoding genes of Procambarlls clarkii.


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