968 resultados para Ion Channels


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What do epilepsy, migraine headache, deafness, episodic ataxia, periodic paralysis, malignant hyperthermia, and generalized myotonia have in common? These human neurological disorders can be caused by mutations in genes for ion channels. Many of the channel diseases are “paroxysmal disorders” whose principal symptoms occur intermittently in individuals who otherwise may be healthy and active. Some of the ion channels that cause human neurological disease are old acquaintances previously cloned and extensively studied by channel specialists. In other cases, however, disease-gene hunts have led the way to the identification of new channel genes. Progress in the study of ion channels has made it possible to analyze the effects of human neurological disease-causing channel mutations at the level of the single channel, the subcellular domain, the neuronal network, and the behaving organism.


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The pores of voltage-gated ion channels are lined by protein loops that determine selectivity and conductance. The relative orientations of these "P" loops remain uncertain, as do the distances between them. Using site-directed mutagenesis, we introduced pairs of cysteines into the P loops of micro1 rat skeletal muscle sodium channels and sought functional evidence of proximity between the substituted residues. Only cysteinyl residues that are in close proximity can form disulfide bonds or metal-chelating sites. The mutant Y401C (domain I) spontaneously formed a disulfide bond when paired with E758C in the P loop of domain II; the same residue, when coupled with G1530C in domain IV, created a high-affinity binding site for Cd2+ ions. The results provide the first specific constraints for intramolecular dimensions of the sodium channel pore.


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ATP has recently been identified as a fast neurotransmitter in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. Several studies have suggested that ATP can also affect the release of classical neurotransmitters, including acetylcholine with which it is co-released. We have searched for ATP receptors on a cholinergic presynaptic nerve terminal using the calyx-type synapse of the chicken ciliary ganglion. ATP was pulsed onto the terminals under voltage clamp and induced a short latency cation current that exhibited inward rectification and marked desensitization. This current was not seen with adenosine but was mimicked by several sterically restricted ATP analogs and was blocked by suramin. ATP-activated single ion channels exhibited prominent flickering and had a conductance of approximately 17 pS. Our results demonstrate a ligand-gated P2X-like purinergic receptor on a cholinergic presynaptic nerve terminal.


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A small (96-aa) protein, virus protein R (Vpr), of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 contains one hydrophobic segment that could form a membrane-spanning helix. Recombinant Vpr, expressed in Escherichia coli and purified by affinity chromatography, formed ion channels in planar lipid bilayers when it was added to the cis chamber and when the trans chamber was held at a negative potential. The channels were more permeable to Na+ than to Cl- ions and were inhibited when the trans potential was made positive. Similar channel activity was caused by Vpr that had a truncated C terminus, but the potential dependence of channel activity was no longer seen. Antibody raised to a peptide mimicking part of the C terminus of Vpr (AbC) inhibited channel activity when added to the trans chamber but had no effect when added to the cis chamber. Antibody to the N terminus of Vpr (AbN) increased channel activity when added to the cis chamber but had no effect when added to the trans chamber. The effects of potential and antibodies on channel activity are consistent with a model in which the positive C-terminal end of dipolar Vpr is induced to traverse the bilayer membrane when the opposite (trans) side of the membrane is at a negative potential. The C terminus of Vpr would then be available for interaction with AbC in the trans chamber, and the N terminus would be available for interaction with AbN in the cis chamber. The ability of Vpr to form ion channels in vitro suggests that channel formation by Vpr in vivo is possible and may be important in the life cycle of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and/or may cause changes in cells that contribute to AIDS-related pathologies.


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Abscisic acid (ABA) modulates the activities of three major classes of ion channels--inward- and outward-rectifying K+ channels (IK,in and IK,out, respectively) and anion channels--at the guard-cell plasma membrane to achieve a net efflux of osmotica and stomatal closure. Disruption of ABA sensitivity in wilty abi1-1 mutants of Arabidopsis and evidence that this gene encodes a protein phosphatase suggest that protein (de)-phosphorylation contributes to guard-cell transport control by ABA. To pinpoint the role of ABI1, the abi1-1 dominant mutant allele was stably transformed into Nicotiana benthamiana and its influence on IK,in, IK,out, and the anion channels was monitored in guard cells under voltage clamp. Compared with guard cells from wild-type and vector-transformed control plants, expression of the abi1-1 gene was associated with 2- to 6-fold reductions in IK,out and an insensitivity of both IK,in and IK,out to 20 microM ABA. In contrast, no differences between control and abi1-1 transgenic plants were observed in the anion current or its response to ABA. Parallel measurements of intracellular pH (pHi) using the fluorescent dye 2',7'-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5-(and -6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF) in every case showed a 0.15- to 0.2-pH-unit alkalinization in ABA, demonstrating that the transgene was without effect on the pHi signal that mediates in ABA-evoked K+ channel control. In guard cells from the abi1-1 transformants, normal sensitivity of both K+ channels to and stomatal closure in ABA was recovered in the presence of 100 microM H7 and 0.5 microM staurosporine, both broad-range protein kinase antagonists. These results demonstrate an aberrant K+ channel behavior--including channel insensitivity to ABA-dependent alkalinization of pHi--as a major consequence of abi1-1 action and implicate AB11 as part of a phosphatase/kinase pathway that modulates the sensitivity of guard-cell K+ channels to ABA-evoked signal cascades.


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Nedd4 and Nedd4-2 are ubiquitin-protein ligases known to regulate a number of membrane proteins including receptors and ion transporters. Regulation of the epithelial Na+ channel by Nedd4 and Nedd4-2 is mediated via interactions between the PY motifs of the epithelial sodium channel subunits and the Nedd4/Nedd4-2 WW domains. This example serves as a model for the regulation of other PY motif-containing ion channels by Nedd4 and Nedd4-2. We found that the carboxyl termini of the six voltage-gated Na+ (Na-v) channels contain typical PY motifs (PPXY), and a further Na-v contains a PY motif variant (LPXY). Not only did we demonstrate by Far-Western analysis that Nedd4 and Nedd4-2 interact with the PY motif-containing Na-v channels, but we also showed that these channels have conserved WW domain binding specificity. We further showed that the carboxyl termini fusion proteins of one central nervous system and one peripheral nervous system-derived Na+ channel (Na(v)1.2 and Na(v)1.7, respectively) are readily ubiquitinated by Nedd4-2. In Xenopus oocytes, Nedd4-2 strongly inhibited the activities of all three Na(v)s (Na(v)1.2, Na(v)1.7, and Na(v)1.8) tested. Interestingly, Nedd4 suppressed the activity of Na(v)1.2 and Na(v)1.7 but was a poor inhibitor of Na(v)1.8. Our results provide evidence that Nedd4 and Nedd4-2 are likely to be key regulators of specific neuronal Na-v channels in vivo.


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K+ Channels and Membrane Potential in Endothelial Cells. The endothelium plays a vital role in the control of vascular functions, including modulation of tone; permeability and barrier properties; platelet adhesion and aggregation; and secretion of paracrine factors. Critical signaling events in many of these functions involve an increase in intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+](i)). This rise in [Ca2+](i) occurs via an interplay between several mechanisms, including release from intracellular stores, entry from the extracellular space through store depletion and second messenger-mediated processes, and the establishment of a favorable electrochemical gradient. The focus of this review centers on the role of potassium channels and membrane potential in the creation of a favorable electrochemical gradient for Ca2+ entry. In addition, evidence is examined for the existence of various classes of potassium channels and the possible influence of regional variation in expression and experimental conditions.


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Ligand-gated ion channels (LGICs) are fast-responding channels in which the receptor, which binds the activating molecule (the ligand), and the ion channel are part of the same nanomolecular protein complex. This paper will describe the properties and functions of the nicotinic acetylcholine LGIC superfamily, which plays a critical role in the fast chemical transmission of electrical signals between nerve cells and between nerve and muscle cells. The superfamily will mainly be exemplified by the excitatory nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) and the inhibitory glycine receptor (GlyR) channels.


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Gating of the mechanosensitive channel MscS involves cooperative action of glycine and alanine residues along the pore-lining transmembrane helix. Opening of the channel is facilitated by an iris-like rotation and tilt of the pore-lining helices. Site-directed mutagenesis indicates that substantial structural plasticity can be tolerated by MscS without impairing its function.


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Insects have a much smaller repertoire of voltage-gated calcium (Ca-v) channels than vertebrates. Drosophila melanogaster harbors only a single ortholog of each of the vertebrate Ca(v)1, Ca(v)2, and Ca(v)3 subtypes, although its basal inventory is expanded by alternative splicing and editing of Ca-v channel transcripts. Nevertheless, there appears to be little functional plasticity within this limited panel of insect Ca-v channels, since severe loss-of-function mutations in genes encoding the pore-forming a, subunits in Drosophila are embryonic lethal. Since the primary role of spider venom is to paralyze or kill insect prey, it is not surprising that most, if not all, spider venoms contain peptides that potently modify the activity of these functionally critical insect Ca-v channels. Unfortunately, it has proven difficult to determine the precise ion channel subtypes recognized by these peptide toxins since insect Ca-v channels have significantly different pharmacology to their vertebrate counterparts, and cloned insect Ca-v channels are not available for electrophysiological studies. However, biochemical and genetic studies indicate that some of these spider toxins might ultimately become the defining pharmacology for certain subtypes of insect Ca-v channels. This review focuses on peptidic spider toxins that specifically target insect Ca-v channels. In addition to providing novel molecular tools for ion channel characterization, some of these toxins are being used as leads to develop new methods for controlling insect pests. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An increasing number of mechano-sensitive ion channels in endothelial cells have been identified in response to blood flow and hydrostatic pressure. However, how these channels respond to flow under different physiological and pathological conditions remains unknown. Our results show that epithelial Na+ channels (ENaCs) colocalize with hemeoxygenase-1 (HO-1) and hemeoxygenase-2 (HO-2) within the caveolae on the apical membrane of endothelial cells and are sensitive to stretch pressure and shear stress. ENaCs exhibited low levels of activity until their physiological environment was changed; in this case, the upregulation of HO-1, which in turn facilitated heme degradation and hence increased the carbon monoxide (CO) generation. CO potently increased the bioactivity of ENaCs, releasing the channel from inhibition. Endothelial cells responded to shear stress by increasing the Na+ influx rate. Elevation of intracellular Na+ concentration hampered the transportation of l-arginine, resulting in impaired nitric oxide (NO) generation. Our data suggest that ENaCs that are endogenous to human endothelial cells are mechano-sensitive. Persistent activation of ENaCs could inevitably lead to endothelium dysfunction and even vascular diseases such as atherosclerosis.


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TRPV4 ion channels function in epidermal keratinocytes and in innervating sensory neurons; however, the contribution of the channel in either cell to neurosensory function remains to be elucidated. We recently reported TRPV4 as a critical component of the keratinocyte machinery that responds to ultraviolet B (UVB) and functions critically to convert the keratinocyte into a pain-generator cell after excess UVB exposure. One key mechanism in keratinocytes was increased expression and secretion of endothelin-1, which is also a known pruritogen. Here we address the question of whether TRPV4 in skin keratinocytes functions in itch, as a particular form of "forefront" signaling in non-neural cells. Our results support this novel concept based on attenuated scratching behavior in response to histaminergic (histamine, compound 48/80, endothelin-1), not non-histaminergic (chloroquine) pruritogens in Trpv4 keratinocyte-specific and inducible knock-out mice. We demonstrate that keratinocytes rely on TRPV4 for calcium influx in response to histaminergic pruritogens. TRPV4 activation in keratinocytes evokes phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase, ERK, for histaminergic pruritogens. This finding is relevant because we observed robust anti-pruritic effects with topical applications of selective inhibitors for TRPV4 and also for MEK, the kinase upstream of ERK, suggesting that calcium influx via TRPV4 in keratinocytes leads to ERK-phosphorylation, which in turn rapidly converts the keratinocyte into an organismal itch-generator cell. In support of this concept we found that scratching behavior, evoked by direct intradermal activation of TRPV4, was critically dependent on TRPV4 expression in keratinocytes. Thus, TRPV4 functions as a pruriceptor-TRP in skin keratinocytes in histaminergic itch, a novel basic concept with translational-medical relevance.


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Diarthrodial joints are essential for load bearing and locomotion. Physiologically, articular cartilage sustains millions of cycles of mechanical loading. Chondrocytes, the cells in cartilage, regulate their metabolic activities in response to mechanical loading. Pathological mechanical stress can lead to maladaptive cellular responses and subsequent cartilage degeneration. We sought to deconstruct chondrocyte mechanotransduction by identifying mechanosensitive ion channels functioning at injurious levels of strain. We detected robust expression of the recently identified mechanosensitive channels, PIEZO1 and PIEZO2. Combined directed expression of Piezo1 and -2 sustained potentiated mechanically induced Ca(2+) signals and electrical currents compared with single-Piezo expression. In primary articular chondrocytes, mechanically evoked Ca(2+) transients produced by atomic force microscopy were inhibited by GsMTx4, a PIEZO-blocking peptide, and by Piezo1- or Piezo2-specific siRNA. We complemented the cellular approach with an explant-cartilage injury model. GsMTx4 reduced chondrocyte death after mechanical injury, suggesting a possible therapy for reducing cartilage injury and posttraumatic osteoarthritis by attenuating Piezo-mediated cartilage mechanotransduction of injurious strains.


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The importance of ion channels in the hallmarks of many cancers is increasingly recognised. This article reviews current knowledge of the expression of members of the voltage-gated calcium channel family (CaV) in cancer at the gene and protein level and discusses their potential functional roles. The ten members of the CaV channel family are classified according to expression of their pore-forming α-subunit; moreover, co-expression of accessory α2δ, β and γ confers a spectrum of biophysical characteristics including voltage dependence of activation and inactivation, current amplitude and activation/inactivation kinetics. CaV channels have traditionally been studied in excitable cells including neurones, smooth muscle, skeletal muscle and cardiac cells, and drugs targeting the channels are used in the treatment of hypertension and epilepsy. There is emerging evidence that several CaV channels are differentially expressed in cancer cells compared to their normal counterparts. Interestingly, a number of CaV channels also have non-canonical functions and are involved in transcriptional regulation of the expression of other proteins including potassium channels. Pharmacological studies show that CaV canonical function contributes to the fundamental biology of proliferation, cell-cycle progression and apoptosis. This raises the intriguing possibility that calcium channel blockers, approved for the treatment of other conditions, could be repurposed to treat particular cancers. Further research will reveal the full extent of both the canonical and non-canonical functions of CaV channels in cancer and whether calcium channel blockers are beneficial in cancer treatment.


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Ion channels are a large class of integral membrane proteins that allow for the diffusion of ions across a cellular membrane and are found in all forms of life. Pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs) comprise a large family of proteins that include the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) and the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor. These ion channels are responsible for the fast synaptic transmission that occurs in humans and as a result are of fundamental biological importance. pLGICs bind ligands (neurotransmitters), and upon ligand-binding undergo activation. The activation event causes an ion channel to enter a new physical state that is able to conduct ions. Ion channels allow for the flux of ions across the membrane through a pore that is formed upon ion channel activation. For pLGICs to function properly both ligand-binding and ion channel activation must occur. The ligand-binding event has been studied extensively over the past few decades, and a detailed mechanism of binding has emerged. During activation the ion channel must undergo structural rearrangements that allow the protein to enter a conformation in which ions can flow through. Despite this great and ubiquitous importance, a fundamental understanding of the ion channel activation mechanism and kinetics, as well as concomitant structural arrangements, remains elusive.

This dissertation describes efforts that have been made to temporally control the activation of ligand-gated ion channels. Temporal control of ion channel activation provides a means by which to activate ion channels when desired. The majority of this work examines the use of light to activate ion channels. Several photocages were examined in this thesis; photocages are molecules that release a ligand under irradiation, and, for the work described here, the released ligand then activates the ion channel. First, a new water-soluble photoacid was developed for the activation of proton-sensitive ion channels. Activation of acid-sensing ion channels, ASIC2a and GLIC, was observed only upon irradiation. Next, a variety of Ru2+ photocages were also developed for the release of amine ligands. The Ru2+ systems interacted in a deleterious manner with a representative subset of biologically essential ion channels. The rapid mixing of ion channels with agonist was also examined. A detection system was built to monitor ion channels activation in the rapid mixing experiments. I have shown that liposomes, and functionally-reconstituted ELIC, are not destroyed during the mixing process. The work presented here provides the means to deliver agonist to ligand-gated ion channels in a controlled fashion.